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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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Man, this is getting hard!!! I really need to keep up with this board at work! Its taken me 45 minutes to read all I missed!!!!

First Diva!! I sooooooo wanted to meet you at Philly!!!!!!! Where were you???? Hope your back is feeling better!

God there are a lot of interesting, intelligent and most of the time sane women on this board!!!!

I love this place!!! :wub:

Sad thing is, I have nothing to add. I would click the little "quote" button but then I would read a few more posts and see someone had already said what I wanted to say!

Oh well, at least it will help keep my post count under control! :cryingwlaughter:

ONE WEEK FROM TOMORROW I FLY TO CALIFORNIA! I CANNOT WAIT!! Although I am a little sad muski won't be with me the whole time. I am still holding out hope she'll make it at least for some of it!

Love all the jeans analysis. It definitely seem to require a lot of study.

As for the man's ass..... Never really been an ass person before but as asses go - especially in those jeans - its a mighty fine ass!!

Hmmmm. Look how my iPhoto saved this picture......


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Mr. Party All Night has worn me out...


THIS....is why I don't care about that sweet little ass all that much. Give me those THIGHS any damn day.

Stick a fork in me, I'm cooked.

CG, I think I need to become a Mac person....

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Posted this part in the Houston thread even though I haven't written a recap yet, but I wanted to give long-overdue kudos to our party people. A whole lot of people put in a whole lot of work, for which I'm grateful...because if it had been left up to me and my organizational skills, all those hungry guests would have been fighting over one pan of brownies and putting quarters in the restaurant gumball machines for door prizes. You are super hostesses...the party was great...and you're pretty darn fun to know, too.

I was so happy to hug some of you very sweet folks and very sorry to have made it only half-way around the dining room...so I missed meeting a whole bunch of other people I wanted to meet. Next time...next time. :)

Anyway, the concert was a whole lot of fun. I really do look forward one day to going to more than ONE concert per series! heh Because I had my friend and three teenagers with me, I was trying to behave myself. Pay no attention to the drool stains on the shirt I was wearing. The dry cleaners did that, I swear! What.

I agree the musicians and the singers were out of balance in Houston, but I had such a wonderful time! More later. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I had an interesting conversation with my hubby this morning. He was talking about how the fiancee of his good friend (former co-worker) doesn't seem to understand their enduring friendship. It's like, "how can they be such good friends and be in competing companies"? I suggested perhaps she had never had such a "real" friendship herself, so perhaps didn't know how to react to seeing that kind of warmth and support. "Maybe you should introduce her to Clay Aiken." Really, maybe he should. Because the friends I've made through this fandom are real friends...of that I have no doubt. Thanks, y'all.

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AWWW 00lsee!!! thanks for posting...you should to it more often!!!

gah thanks for those pictures!!!!

oops...my bad...waves to Diva...we were wondering where you were.

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Mr. Party All Night has worn me out...


OMG!!!! That is one SSSSEEEEEXXXAAAYYY picture. I do like some Clay ass, but this pic takes them all. However, unlike ldyjocelyn, I'm not really thinking about the thighs. At all. Heh.


Wow, the sound in the SH videos is fantastic! I'm always on the lookout for great audio from concerts to either put on my treo or burn to CD so I can listen to concert stuff in my van. I'm gonna be watching for more SH video to go up!

ETA: Some good news from ClayIzzaQT:

I think I did capture some of the moments that have been requested here. My seat was right next to HF so it's going to be similar, but I happened to be zoomed out and caught Clay's hand swatting Angela on the tush during BGB. And in the Classics Medley when he's doing that wave move his tush is protruding out past Angela's and he wiggles it like Donald Duck on steroids or something. Too cute! Also have a great shot of him swinging the jacket and tossing it. I have complete songs from the 2 times he was strolling through the crowd and singing. My "Listen" has extra banter at the beginning and runs a bit linger at the end. Got a complete TV Medley with a great view of his George Jefferson dance. Complete "Because You Loved Me" and "Lover All Alone". PMS banter. Sandusky spa day banter. Can't think of the rest at the moment but there are nine clips in all. But just want to say that some of it suffers from burnout from the stage lighting.l I'm new at video with this camera and I can't for the life of me figure out how to make the corrections needed to prevent this. If any of our experienced Clack gatherers could share some tips on the Canon S2 I would love that. I have 8 shows left and I'd really like to to have better quality clips to share. Educlayte me somebody!
Edited by Gibby
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As Playbiller said, I do refer to myself as a pod person because of my long standing belief that someone is out to imped Clay's road to success. I don't usually post about it or even worry about it, it's just one of my weird thoughts.

The one thing that did get me worked up and active was when BAF was attacked for reasons that were not correct just to get rid of it's director. With the help of Playbiller we posted the correct analysis of it's published and audited financial statements at many boards. However the information I sent to my local tv station went unanswered and uncorrected. A really sad time in my opinion. I am so glad to see BAF's growth despite this attempt to defame it.

I only saw the DCAT once in Philly. I thought it was fantastic. I'm pretty easy when it comes to Clay: Just sit back and enjoy. His voice is molten lava and I could hardly stop laughing at his conversation. I just can't criticize him because I know he is not just performing for his long time fans, he's out to get new fans and for that I'm greatful.

Love all your recaps, its a really good show. I think Clay came up with the idea for this tour. I'm so impressed.

Edited by FearofH2O
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But you are not a pod person because you don't dwell on it forever in every.single.post and you do not expect everyone to agree with you and you don't go around calling us idiots because we don't agree with you - you are still you - an annoyingly free thinking sister that I am used to dealing with. You have not changed and no pod has taken over your body - sheesh.

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But you are not a pod person because you don't dwell on it forever in every.single.post and you do not expect everyone to agree with you and you don't go around calling us idiots because we don't agree with you - you are still you - an annoyingly free thinking sister that I am used to dealing with. You have not changed and no pod has taken over your body - sheesh.

YUP amen to this statement. as I said before...we are not out to tell people what to think. We are just opinionated and want to have a safe place to vent so that we can go on to the important things of enjoying the heck out of Clay Aiken.

We are not the hive...we reject the hive.

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OMG It's all of him that does it. That long, lanky body and the perfectly tight jeans and sexy shirt ... yeah, he's too sexy for it ... and the line of that whole picture. Just GAH and GAH, and then I'll raise myself another GAH! I'm also looking at those smooth, sleek arms. I like the furry arms, but these aren't bad at all. Very nice to look at this very well put together firecracker.

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You know, there was a time last night where I noticed that the mic stand was at an angle, but Clay's hands weren't on it. I'm not sure if he had his foot on the base to keep it propped up, or if it was leaned against his thigh. It was momentary, mysterious, and kinda hot.
:Thud: Mer-cy!!

Ass, hips, all verrrrrrry good but I'm saving myself for those Aiken thighs . . .

^5's Gibby!


:da_best:Hugs to many - because of that there - I'm here :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by PuddinsJoy
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I must go to bed, but....

Imagine this is you will......

Clay, in THOSE jeans, shirt tucked in, singing IYDKMBN!!!!!! :hubbahubba::Thud:

And with that little vision in my head, I am off to dream naughty little dreams....

ETA: I just had to snag Mr. Long (heh..), Lanky and Hot as my avatar!! At least until the next concert's pictures come in!

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I'm finally home - apparently the Astros won - somebody hit a grand slam or something.

Clay doing SexyBack actually sexily? I personally can't see him doing it, because I think even Justin's version is as much a joke as "I'm Too Sexy" - I can't that those lyrics and the way it's sung seriously.

Long lean Clay is mine. Period.

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I'm going to remove my post as I don't want to say anything that might attract an unwanted element here.

FearofH20 - I don't think that makes you a pod person, just intuitive. We all know there are some antifans out there who are quite obsessed. They are nobodies and only have power when fans give it to them.

Edited by sheiladownunder
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Sweetie, unlike SOME places, we can deal with "unwanted" elements. Post what you like. We will either agree or disagree, perhaps mock a little, allow you to mock back, and then move on.

I have FINALLY got a chance to listen to Clay's and Quiana's "Listen". And I'll be damned if it isn't speaking to me tonight.


I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home

And I've tried and tried

To say whats on my mind

You should have known

Now I'm done believing you

You don't know what I'm feeling

I'm more than what

You've made of me

I followed the voice, you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened

I don't know where I belong

But I'll be moving on

If you don't, if you won't

Somebody's telling me something...and I'm listening.

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I'm going to remove my post as I don't want to say anything that might attract an unwanted element here.

FearofH20 - I don't think that makes you a pod person, just intuitive. We all know there are some antifans out there who are quite obsessed. They are nobodies and only have power when fans give it to them.

Sheiladownunder..I didn't see what you wrote but you are free to express yourself here.

I agree with what you said to Fear. The entire tabloidy mess is a concerted efford by someone - and let's see who are the winners in this and you'll have your answer. Spending time lurking, giving hits to, or even spending words on them gives the PH's of the world something they don't deserve, our attention. I don't need or want to know their every move. They are pond scum and that's all I need to know. I have your same belief. Listen to your sister Fear. She is a wise woman.

Everybody who brought the pretty and distractions today --thank you.

Bwah - KAndre -- a grandslam! heee.. Glad you enjoyed your self. heee

I've only seen one and a half classic medleys so have no opinion!!

have FINALLY got a chance to listen to Clay's and Quiana's "Listen". And I'll be damned if it isn't speaking to me tonight.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: I changed something in my profile two days ago and although it's a minor thing it was really meaningful to me

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You know, there was a time last night where I noticed that the mic stand was at an angle, but Clay's hands weren't on it. I'm not sure if he had his foot on the base to keep it propped up, or if it was leaned against his thigh. It was momentary, mysterious, and kinda hot.
:Thud: Mer-cy!!

Ass, hips, all verrrrrrry good but I'm saving myself for those Aiken thighs . . .

^5's Gibby!


:da_best:Hugs to many - because of that there - I'm here :F_05BL17blowkiss:

This bears repeating AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! :clap::clap::clap:

Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!

Check out the orchestra lady (or ladies... the one on the left is watching out of the corner of her eye!) behind him, she looks like she don't know what hit 'er!! (maybe a little tingle in the nether regions she forgot she had??) :cryingwlaughter:


I am really behind, and I don't think I'll ever catch up, so I'll just have to skip! this Friday I am going to Maine to visit a long-time friend I havent' seen for ages. I have also never been to Maine!! So I'll be even more behind when I get back on Monday!!

UPDATE on those wacky bear trackers in Ecuador: Still having a good time, still no luggage! Phone calls cost 25¢ a minute! And the computer is still a half-hour bus ride away, and sometimes they have to either stand or sit on top of the bus!! Their camera was stolen along with a lot of pix already taken on the memory card. :( Fortunately it was a cheap camera, but it's the photos I mourn most! About 3 more weeks till they are home!

Meanwhile - I'm going to Cary, Asheville, and Knoxville ~~ the NC/TN 3-fer!!

This post brought to you by the symbol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by cha cha trusty
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Yay for the bear trackers!

Yay for couchie's profile! Excellent move.

And technically, I didn't actually see the grand slam thingie, just the people cheering which got them from between me and the bar tender, I just know before my drink it was 3-3, and when I looked again it was 3-7. Since Carrie wasn't pitchin', I wasn't that interested.

I went back and looked at the one copy I found of Angela's Listen from Tulsa (which is amazingly good people). Angela does what Beyonce should have done - she sings the song with desperation and a touch of despair, and ends with determination. Beyonce does a lot of dramatic flailing about that you tend to forget as soon as it's over. It's not bad, but she is trying to out Whitney Whitney in her prime, and it ain't happening. Clay and Quiana - they did a singer's version of this because they are just great singers - this was just serendipity. I use that word a lot with Clay but it's so true. C & Q are not connecting with the story like Angela - but they are connecting with the song. Playing with the song, playing with each other - taking the edge of the slight roughness of the performance - and I don't say this ofter - I could hear this working it's ass off on most of the urban/R&B stations in the country...Angela's too, just in a different way.

I neeeeed good mp3s or wav of both Angela's and C&Q's!

Man, I love Clay concerts!

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Sweetie, unlike SOME places, we can deal with "unwanted" elements. Post what you like. We will either agree or disagree, perhaps mock a little, allow you to mock back, and then move on.

I have FINALLY got a chance to listen to Clay's and Quiana's "Listen". And I'll be damned if it isn't speaking to me tonight.


I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home

And I've tried and tried

To say whats on my mind

You should have known

Now I'm done believing you

You don't know what I'm feeling

I'm more than what

You've made of me

I followed the voice, you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened

I don't know where I belong

But I'll be moving on

If you don't, if you won't

Somebody's telling me something...and I'm listening.

Damned if you aren't right! Great post, every.single.word.


Heh, I really can't form a coherent sentence after staring at that for the last 15 minutes, so I just posted it to see it again. :hubbahubba:

playbiller, thanks for linking to Quiana's new slide show. There are some cute backstage group pictures there! I managed to do a print screen and save them to my computer as .jpg files, if anyone doesn't know how and wants them PM me.

I guess we'll all just have to agree to disagree on what's sexy and what's not - different things do it for different people. Just as I can't imagine saying that the classics is NOT sexy, I understand others can think in opposite terms. I really have always found goofy Clay to be extremely sexy, so the more he camps the medleys up, the sexier they are to me! :clap:

I am so glad to read that clayizzaqt has more Sterling Heights clack coming, but I am slightly concerned that I haven't seen any clack gatherer specifically mention having captured the best rendition of MOAM that there has ever been. I'm hoping it's just a given, and that it's one of the 9 files she mentioned. ::prays::

YAY!!!!! There is a cellcert tonight! :TourExcite: :Tour3: :DoClay:

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Sick of the Michigan pics yet? I hope not, because here we go:

Jacket Fling during the George Jefferson dance - love the expressions on the faces of the string section, including my Violin Dude


A light touch on the mic stand


Desperately Seeking Lickage :Thud:


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Sick of the Michigan pics yet? I hope not, because here we go:

Jacket Fling during the George Jefferson dance - love the expressions on the faces of the string section, including my Violin Dude


Hee, thank you for my new desktop pic! That violin dude is hilarious to watch in the clack.

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*blows kisses to 00lsee*

Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.

I modified this a bit....but this looks like a thread title to me.

Very cool! I love that family dynamic.

Clay doing SexyBack actually sexily? I personally can't see him doing it, because I think even Justin's version is as much a joke as "I'm Too Sexy" - I can't that those lyrics and the way it's sung seriously.

That's my take on that portion of the classics medley too. IMO the song is soooo totally lame....so Clay camping it up is the only way I can stomach that song. (Of course, I don't mind his "you can whip me if you misbehave," even if it is camp, at ALL.)

FearofH20 - I don't think that makes you a pod person, just intuitive. We all know there are some antifans out there who are quite obsessed. They are nobodies and only have power when fans give it to them.


I agree with what you said to Fear. The entire tabloidy mess is a concerted efford by someone - and let's see who are the winners in this and you'll have your answer. Spending time lurking, giving hits to, or even spending words on them gives the PH's of the world something they don't deserve, our attention. I don't need or want to know their every move. They are pond scum and that's all I need to know. I have your same belief. Listen to your sister Fear. She is a wise woman.

ITA with both ladies here. I know full well that there are many people out there who can't stand Clay Aiken. Thing is, I can't dwell on them -- when I do, it takes away MY fun. And since I'm a selfish one, I tend to just ignore. I've never seen you dwell on these people either Fear. *high fives*

I have FINALLY got a chance to listen to Clay's and Quiana's "Listen". And I'll be damned if it isn't speaking to me tonight.


I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home

And I've tried and tried

To say whats on my mind

You should have known

Now I'm done believing you

You don't know what I'm feeling

I'm more than what

You've made of me

I followed the voice, you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened

I don't know where I belong

But I'll be moving on

If you don't, if you won't

Somebody's telling me something...and I'm listening.

Wow. Just wow. Thank you for pointing that out.

cha cha trusty, glad you hear that your world travelers are safe, even if they are luggageless -- STILL!

Did I ever congratulate Carrie on her good playing? She rawks.

Check out the orchestra lady (or ladies... the one on the left is watching out of the corner of her eye!) behind him, she looks like she don't know what hit 'er!! (maybe a little tingle in the nether regions she forgot she had??) :cryingwlaughter:

After watching a piece of clack a few times to see and hear Clay, I usually try to watch again to catch what the rest of the people on stage are doing. Jesse has cracked me up more than a few times with some of his double takes, and it's always fun to watch the orchestra people and see how they are reacting. If they don't react, that's fine -- but the ones with the smiles always make me smile. And yes, bottlecap, cool violin dude is cute and funny and it's neat to see him reacting too.

I went back and looked at the one copy I found of Angela's Listen from Tulsa (which is amazingly good people). Angela does what Beyonce should have done - she sings the song with desperation and a touch of despair, and ends with determination. Beyonce does a lot of dramatic flailing about that you tend to forget as soon as it's over. It's not bad, but she is trying to out Whitney Whitney in her prime, and it ain't happening. Clay and Quiana - they did a singer's version of this because they are just great singers - this was just serendipity. I use that word a lot with Clay but it's so true. C & Q are not connecting with the story like Angela - but they are connecting with the song. Playing with the song, playing with each other - taking the edge of the slight roughness of the performance - and I don't say this ofter - I could hear this working it's ass off on most of the urban/R&B stations in the country...Angela's too, just in a different way.

Again, I agree 1000% here. Angela simply nails everything about the song, the passion and the determination. C&Q's version -- I did hear the roughness for a bit, but I also know that it was a jam session for them. AND -- I could sense the musicianship there, especially watching them play off each other. They really did a fantastic job in the end.

bottlecap, have fun today with the polar bears. I'm expecting tomorrow that she'll have a bunch of polar bear emoticons. *g*


Heh, I really can't form a coherent sentence after staring at that for the last 15 minutes, so I just posted it to see it again. :hubbahubba:

Totally bears repeating. Those thighs!

I guess we'll all just have to agree to disagree on what's sexy and what's not - different things do it for different people. Just as I can't imagine saying that the classics is NOT sexy, I understand others can think in opposite terms. I really have always found goofy Clay to be extremely sexy, so the more he camps the medleys up, the sexier they are to me! :clap:

I like the camp too, and find it incredibly sexy. And for the most part, I really don't mind the camp. But I am with keepingfaith on one thing -- I'd like to hear Clay do "Yeah" for real. Man, that song does it, and does it well, for me.

Sick of the Michigan pics yet?

Are you KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!

A light touch on the mic stand


Oh man, when I get home this evening, I'm going to crop this picture so that I've got the hand (and maybe a little more, heh) and make that my avatar. What beautiful fingers.

Everybody -- try to have a great day!

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If anyone wants a first-hand experience (LOL) from the bus line (and IMO, a great little refresher course in being a fangirl), get this clip from Clack Unlimited:

Bus Line at Sterling Heights shot by LuvTugs

Her reaction afterward is so sweet, so real...and priceless. :F_05BL17blowkiss: LuvTugs, wherever you are!

ETA: LauraQ's Listen banter from Sterling Heights -- fantabulous. KAndre, that for now seems to be the mp3 you need.

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