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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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KAndre :clap:

for those standing around me, if you have no goddam singing talent and Clay has never encouraged some sort of sing along to Because You Loved Me, SHUT THE FUCK UP. If I have to tell your asses THREE FRICKIN' TIMES I don't want to hear your singing, and I tell you you sound bad, SHUT UP. Save your freakin' lowing for when you give birth, you cow.

Again, everybody and their brother is cruising on Hollywood Blvd., Scarlett insists we have the top down, and at one point we are competing with some dude in an Escalade belting out Chamillionaire vs. us in the Miata and Clay getting down and dirty with "Here You Come Again". Clay needs to pump up the bass for these kinds of street battles.

(btw, I'd pick that ^^^ as a thread title...lol.)


Thank you for that recap! However, after having lived in So. CA for a few years, and subsequently gone back to visit friends, I can't tell you the stress it was causing me to read about the traffic again. OMG. I don't think I could deal with that crap anymore...of course having that sweet little Miata convertible to tool around in probably eased the pain. Nice.

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Hilarious recap, KAndre! Having witnessed this in person:

Couchie goes, Ansa, you take it. Ansa goes, no, you take it. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you.

I gotta say, you captured it all beautifully. And thanks again for the tickets. Considering my original seats were in Section C (I always panic and stupidly grab up lousy seats on the first day), the ones you gave us were heaven.

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Well I just got back from getting my hair cut. I colored it myself this morning. I should of listened to my inner self when the hairdresser, who was going to cut my hair, started approaching me. She was shy by about 20 years, of being 90 years old, with severely dyed red hair and still back in the giving permanants and doing finger waves days. But I am desperate and go ahead and take a chance. *Whaaaaaaa* Still sobbing. Fortunately my hair grows fast. I need to go iron, hee Karen Eh here I am ironing again. Special occasions coming up.

KAndre your recap is so funny. Seems the eHP has trouble getting organized. Of course running late and being disorganized is half the fun, isn't it? :cryingwlaughter:

Jenna I am glad you had a great time and got to meet some FCAers.

Thanks Scarlett for sharing the fan pictures. You guys are sexy wenches. Hee

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I was going to whine about missing my flight this morning since l the damn roads were closed, but the flights were on time and now I am waiting to get on two over booked flights that are each delayed 3 hours and booked on the 8 pm flight which means I will get out of here at 11PM, but heyl what is 12 hours between friends?

Now that I read the KAndre recap, I realize why it was worth paying for a day pass for the internet. I think I am done recapping, I got nothing to surpass that.

Well, I am tossed about the delays - I am tired and want to be in NC already and prepare for the concerts, but it is dakmned hot down there!!!!! Everyone going please take care. I think I am very glad I have a reserved seat this year seat and sad that I left my shorts at home. Then I think - Poor Clay! How in the world will he survive te heat AND humidity and bugs!!!

Nothing like :Tour3: an over used exclaimation point!!

Edited by playbiller
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O.M.F.G..... *gasps for air*

my shirt sleeve is wet from wiping my eyes from laughing so fucking hard! And of course, the two bits I copied to laugh most heartily at are the same ones that killed everyone else.


Couchie goes, Ansa, you take it. Ansa goes, no, you take it. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you. Couchie, no, you. Ansa, no, you. Eventually feeling they have shown enough modesty, Ansa finally takes the damn ticket.

Again, everybody and their brother is cruising on Hollywood Blvd., Scarlett insists we have the top down, and at one point we are competing with some dude in an Escalade belting out Chamillionaire vs. us in the Miata and Clay getting down and dirty with "Here You Come Again". Clay needs to pump up the bass for these kinds of street battles.


Hmm... sounds a little familiar, what with experience blasting Christmas tunes out some random Canadian rest stop in the middle of August and Chain of Fools through downtown Albany at midnight and all. LOL!! I think I missed going to SoCal more than I even realized.

Man, good luck in that heat, everyone! Eep! Drink LOTS of water!!

Edited by YSRN
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QUICK! HELP! I need to know what stpteach's board name stands for! Every time I see it, I read it as


And that brings back a very naughty dream I had one time when I was a high school English teacher....




BWAH!!!!! Oh, Lord have mercy! (Where's that 'fanning yourself so you don't faint' emoticon when ya need it?!) Not for nothin' Muski, but most people usually associate my screen name with the oil treatment - nevah as... - Oh, my, gawd! :cryingwlaughter: But to put you out of your misery, the STP are representative of my initials...though I like *your* idea a whole lot better; I mean, who knows when a certain gawgious long drink of water singing sensation might need a StripTeach! I'll volunteer; really, I will. :27:

And KAndre, much like I am always breathless while listening to you on the cellcert, I found myself totally out of breath after reading your recap! Girlfriend, tell the truth; you typed that whole thing without coming up for air once, didn't ya? Fabulous, dahling! Absolutely fabulous! :worthy:

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OMFG KAndre - your recaps should be engraved in stone somewhere for all eternity!

:clap: Bravo to all, but here are a few of my special spittin' moments - I do love me some Scarlett stories - but am having trouble reconciling these with the calm, cool, and collected sweetheart I met in Tulsa *g*

Just so everyone knows - this is all total snark on my part *g*

And that is after 7 panicked calls from an increasingly distressed Scarlett. However, the panic momentarily disappeared when she spied our totally kick ass ride and we got all her stuff in the trunk. All three cubic feet I left her. We hop in, she squeals "how cute", refuses to ride in it with a bucket hat on, sprays us with enough sunscreen to choke a horse and we take off.
:cryingwlaughter: So glad no animals were actually harmed during the filiming of, uh, during your trip - Hollywood would be all over your asses.

Scarlett sez, well, if the yellow light hasn't come on yet, we should be fine. I sorta sez, well, the little yellow light came on like maybe 20 miles ago. Y'all know what? Scarlett has a really loud, very piercing shriek. Just piercing.
Actually, it's not so difficult to picture this . . .

I, thinking she's being snarky, sez, "why the hell not?", take my eyes off the road to grin at her and realize she's pulling her shirt off. So I roll up the windows. No, they weren't tinted.
But were they electric? cause then you're still kewl - kind of a Thelma and Louise vibe . . .
Yes, the convertible top was still down. Scarlett is determined to good even if we do tumble off the mountain. Me, I'm going for the "Yes, I have been driving this goddam car for the last 6 hours in the traffic jam from hell and this is what you get and if you have anything to say about it, just bugger off. And stay downwind if you can."
Yikes! I'd have dropped that curling iron fast Scarlett cause KAndre' said the "b" word! - time to switch the tiara for a bowler K and channel Mr French for TV Themes!

btw - would anyone but me LOVE to hear audio of KAndre' reading her recaps?? I'd pay money, I tell ya! :funny: and I'm going along with the masses on this one -

. . .only one little blip on my radar screen - for those standing around me, if you have no goddam singing talent and Clay has never encouraged some sort of sing along to Because You Loved Me, SHUT THE FUCK UP. If I have to tell your asses THREE FRICKIN' TIMES I don't want to hear your singing, and I tell you you sound bad, SHUT UP. Save your freakin' lowing for when you give birth, you cow.
Yep, I'd realllyyyyy love to hear K's audio . . . I'm dying here :cryingwlaughter:

When we get to the restaurant, Scarlett, having been spoiled by the freedom of changing in a convertible going down a ravine, then changes shirts in the parking lot. When we see her wandering naked down the street, don't say I didn't warn you people. Me, I grab me stuff and head for the bathroom, where I realize I'm pulling a Britney. Happily I successful resolve that issue prior to the concert.
I'm going to just leave this one alone - the visuals are a little scary :hubbahubba:


Can't wait for more KAndre' - I bow down!

pssssst - remember! audio!!! we want audio!

Edited by PuddinsJoy
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I am so excited - since they moved the 8 pm plane to 9 (and will probably move it a few times more) I have a chance to get ont he 5 PM plane that will be leaving in a 1/2 hour (7). wish me luck!

Good luck! I hope you get on that plane!

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My Recap including Dummies Guide to Concert Etiquette

After reading Kandre's recap I don't know why I'm bothering…but I guess I'll do it anyway.

Most important thing about this trip is seeing Clay live on stage. I hadn't seen him since Kimmel and before that the Atlanta JNT05. But I was also going to get to meet FCAers for the very first time including Ansa, my partner at FCA who I have chatted with almost every day for the past 3 years. She probably knows more about me than anyone on earth. Plus, it was really the first concert series where FCA kind of stood on its own.

It started on Wednesday, the 1st, as my BIL picked up Ansa from her aunt's place in San Francisco. When I called to make sure he had picked her up safely, he gave me a heart attack by saying he had knocked on the door and nobody answered so he left. He also told her for some reason I can't fathom that we were from Virginia so that when Ansa talked to my mom she was all like - so, you're from Virginia. Funny boy – SLAP. Lots of family popped over that day which meant by the time I got home all of the fresh lumpia that Ansa had brought for me was GONE.

After work I went to the aiport to to pick up CG. Her plane had taken off 1 ½ hours late but arrived only 15 minutes behind schedule. We had met briefly at Kimmel so I had an idea of who I was looking for or so I thought. As I get out of my car and look around blankly this gorgeous curly haired woman walks toward me and I'm thinking no, you aren't Claygasm. She looked nothing like I remembered. After insisting that she was indeed Claygasm I let her into my car. Heee.

Claygasm may be only our second member to state that FCA is her FIRST home which made me all schmoopie cuz you know we always say it's second and third homes for everybody. But I was very well aware that she was suddenly sharing this entire Cali experience with us by default since Muskifest was doing mommy duties in New Mexico.

We met up with YSRN. Yes we were late but it wasn't our fault (editor note: hit copy because pasting of last sentence will be necessary all through the recap). Claygasm and YSRN really were twindy down to their cute little pizzas and girly girl cosmos. After dinner, we did something resembling a drug deal as YSRN pulled a rack of sweaters and jackets for CG out of the trunk of her car.

You already heard about our misadventures at the airport the next day. Yes we were late but it wasn't our fault. I mean who really listens to them when they say you have to be at the airport two hours early? Every time I do some such a thing like that I'm sitting at the gate for an hour and a half, drinking $4 cokes and eating $3 bagels. But they damn well meant it this time. But even after getting our bags checked, because there was no way Claygasm was going to throw all her liquidy shit items out, and making it to the front of a security line that curled around forever then snaked out the door and down the block by 7:55 – we still almost missed the plane because I got pulled out of the line to have my c-pap machined tested for explosives.

And they did it with all the urgency of someone working at the Department of Motor Vehicles. So I was waving at CG and Ansa to go on without me – to run for the gate but they wouldn't leave me. Ahhhh. By the smallest of margins did we make it to the gate and onto the plane before it took off. Waiting on the plane is one of my best lurker friends who shall be called BLF for the rest of this recap because well, she finds the whole internet fandom thing a bit crazy enthusiastic. That she was coming to 3 So Cal concerts was probably my powerful and disturbing influence. Ansa snagged a seat by her and by the time we landed they were fast friends.

Oh forgot to mention that baggage check guy was a late twenty something African American male who asked me WHO IS CLAY. I'm like huh…cuz surely I have on my DCAT shirt which is totally nondescript if you don't know what DCAT means right? But I had on the one that said I did Clay A Thousand Different Ways and gave him Everything I Have (BTW, it's very cute with the red baseball colored sleeves). Oh yeah, it does say Clay doesn't it. Heee. So he knew it was THAT Clay. Is there any other?

The first few things we discover is that between the four of us there are 2 non drivers and CG and I had no sense of direction – me with night blindness – and she afraid to drive into LA because of a 20 year old trauma. We decide a GPS might come in handy. After preparing our stories because the car with the deeeeeeeep discount was in Muskifest's name and credit card, but then I was added as additional driver, but then we'd use CG's credit card cuz I debit everything these days and when you debit, rental car companys like to put a $500 hold on your money just in case you ride off to Mexico and never come back. We got all our stories straight and as we are about to launch into it the guy just goes..you can change the name, no problem. Alrighty then. We grab our car, take 15 minutes to program the GPS to drive 5 minutes. Well it took ten because it took us awhile to figure out what 200 feet and 400 feet felt like.

After checking into the Grand Hyatt, which was a beautiful hotel, we checked out the venue, BLF picked up her tickets, and we explored the area a bit. We went to the CH party at Joe's Crab Shack. Waves to everybody at CH. I ate horrible crab cakes ..just thought anything called a crab shack would be in the right ball park when it comes to, well, crab. But the beer was a $1.50 so all is well.

The concert was fabulous. I loved the venue – the views. There was a nice breeze blowing. The water was one side and the city was on the other. And he sang beautifully. My favorites in San Diego was "I Want to Know What Love Is" with Quiana, Measure of a Man, These Open Arms, Lover All Alone just cuz, and Because You Loved Me. I just love the ATDW stuff over the medleys. I love his voice and just can sit back and listen to him sing all night long. Him getting the spirit during the Jeffersons was very funny. He conjured up Weezy and Mother Jefferson (and if any of that paragraph sounds familiar is because I wrote it up that night and posted it after the concert! Hee). I do think he was a bit banter rusty due to having those days off but it was still good for me. I was sitting right in front of the jumbo tron and since our seats were all the way over to the left, albeit rather close up, I went back and forth between the jumbo tron and stage quite a bit. Trying to use binocs distracted me. Don't know how ya'll do it. So I put them down and just enjoyed. Jamar recognized us by our DCAT pins. It was great to meet you!!

And now for PART 1 of Dummies Guide to Concert Etiquette:

It's time for all of us to take a little look at ourselves. We are always talking about the "not just us" fan so when we are surrounded by them in a concert setting, we should do all we can to make it a positive experience. And forget the "not just us" fan. What about the majority of us who will only attending ONE show. This does not apply to 98% of the fans but perhaps the 2% of folk will recognize themselves and buy themselves a clue.

1. Concerts are first and foremost for those in attendance. I love a good cellstream as much as anyone but the people at home don't take precedent over the people that paid money to see and hear Clay. Whether you are broadcasting to hundreds or to just a friend, when Clay is singing and the concert is underway please SHUT the fuck UP. Give your commentary during intermission or after the show. And certainly stop braying into the phone over Clay singing. A cellcerter sat a couple of tables behind me in San Diego and she was LOUD. She drowned out Clay for those around her as she described his clothes and his hair. And she did it several times over the course of the evening. Clack is up five minutes after the show. We can see the hair and the clothes then.

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PuddinsJoy I thought the same thing you did. That sweet little Scarlett that I met in Tulsa was now driving down the highway, with the top down, and taking her top off. What a woman. WooHoo. I'd never of pictured that in a million years. :cryingwlaughter:

I really like playbiller and rcknrllmom 's new avatars. A lot................

Have a safe flight playbiller and anyone else who still has concerts left to attend.

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FCA fundraiser - KAndre reads her recaps!!! :RedGuy:

I really, really like this idea! Make it a downloadable podcast for $2.50 a pop. I'd love to hear the fantabulous KAndre read these in that fantabulous voice!

I am so excited - since they moved the 8 pm plane to 9 (and will probably move it a few times more) I have a chance to get ont he 5 PM plane that will be leaving in a 1/2 hour (7). wish me luck!

Good luck, I hope you made it!

couchie, your recap was great, and I can see that I'm going to like "the rules." I had a couple of not-just-us next me in Tulsa. Granted this was early in the tour, but I still felt like a bit of the show had to be ruined for them because people already knew what was going to happen next.

No thanks to couchie :lilredani: , I FINALLY got to talk to Ansa today on the phone! It was so very cool to actually put a voice to the pictures from earlier today and with the person I've spent a LOT of time chatting with. I told her that we all missed her greatly, and she told me that she misses us too! She MAY be able to be listening to the cellcert on Friday, but also needs to spend quality time with her daughters. She leaves California tomorrow!

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KAndre - your recap is hysterical!!!!! You are the queen of recaps - maybe because you ALWAYS have a good story to tell!

I thought you all might like to see the queen in the LOVELY tiara we gave her. We spared no expense! We bought her the best tiara money could buy in the grocery store!



Oh, I just want to make it clear I do too remember what wine I had! I had white, then red, then red, then red, then red then port! :voll:

Scarlett - those pictures are great! Looks like everyone was having a blast! I know I was! And thanks for the hugs, you sweet little exhibitionist you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Wonder how CG's dad is?

Thanks for asking muski. Preliminary results of the endiscope were that they saw nothing, but his doctor has to go over them. Now they think there could possibly be an obstruction in the small intestine, but they aren't sure. He sounds good, but he's tired of hospitals. I am keeping my fingers crossed this turns out to be nothing.

Sat last night with hubby to discuss $$$$$$.





And that's all I have to say about that.

YIKES!!! That's about as scary a topic as there is! :scream:

Great recap couchie! And I LOVE you for this....

As I get out of my car and look around blankly this gorgeous curly haired woman walks toward me and I'm thinking no, you aren't Claygasm.

I don't know about the gorgeous part - but it was funny. She kept asking me if I had curly hair back in September!

Claygasm may be only our second member to state that FCA is her FIRST home which made me all schmoopie cuz you know we always say it's second and third homes for everybody. But I was very well aware that she was suddenly sharing this entire Cali experience with us by default since Muskifest was doing mommy duties in New Mexico.

This IS my first and really only home in Clay Land and I couldn't be prouder or happier! And while I may have ended up with you guys by default, you made me feel right at home immediately. I so appreciated that. I will admit to being a little nervous.....

As for your first concert rule, BRAVO!! :clap: And as KAndre mentioned, there were loud people in Pala too. I even turned around and shushed them!! KAndre said she was proud of me!! That made me all tingly right down to my toes!! :D

I love reading all the recaps - especially the ones where I was there! Besides, by the time everyone else has posted their recaps, I won't have to!

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More from my favorite CB college fan thread:

I'm in senior year in my college and interestingly I feel a little old in Clay's fandom in Korea because at least 70% of them are teenagers and college students who are younger than me

In response to the Facebook post:

definitely.. I was surprised to find Claydawgs that go to my university through facebook. the clay fans are out there... they just haven't come forward online.

And here's a long one:

Yup, folks!! There's a big group of UW-Madison Clay fans! My oldest daughter, Sara, being one of them! They are all 21 years old now, and have been totally, completely IN LOVE with CLAY since they first saw him at the IT in St. Paul in '04. Walking to the car afterwards, while all of us were in the Aiken Fog, their comments were just a scream. My fav being "Hey, guys, wouldn't it be fantastic if we could take our college tuition money and just follow Clay's tours??!!!" (we did see him two more times that wonderful summer in A ppleton and Milwaukee!)

They've also seen all of the Christmas Tours and we are seeing him again in Waukegan the day before his birthday!

Clay's appeal stretches far and wide ~~ I know of many, many college age kids (male and female) in various colleges in the Big Ten schools that love him, his music and the person that he is! They listen to all kinds of other music as well, but are only really passionate about Clay.

Oh yeah, another favorite memory (of which there are many!) was the finale of AI5. These girls were all gathered at Sara's condo watching and when CLAY walked out on stage, OMG!!! I think all of the roofs were blown off from their screams that went on forever!!!! I live about 40 miles away, and my windows shook!! They kept calling me and calling..."DID YOU SEE HIM.......GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH..."... then they'd call me and ask why I wasn't calling them in between their calls to me!! Just priceless!

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