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#14 We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"


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    • I'm easy....I will take Clay any way he wants to give it to me!
    • Clay's instrument is full and especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes.
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    • Clay Aiken: You are a Man of Character
    • Clay Aiken... bringing brainy back!!!
    • the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature
    • We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!" (redux)

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Recap over in spoiler thread

Kellie Pickler. Sweet sweet Kellie. What can I say. I think the editors will make her look awesome.

You know what I bet they end up doing? They'll edit Clay's segment down 35 min. and then slice & dice KP down to 8 min. Throw in 17 min. of ad time and there's your.... ugh...."Idol Show".

But I can still dream of a whole hour of Clay can't I?! :DoClay: Gawd, a smart man is all kinds a hawt!

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Thanks for the recap. I just love me a smart man!

And Merrieeee... was that you. Not liking the snowflake hair is cause for banning..in fact, may be our only cause?

Pheww that means I'll never be on the "let's make her a mod list". Saved again!!!!

Sorry couchie of all of his myriad hairstyles that is my least favourite....yes I even like the fauxhawk better. I think it's an English thing!

As I depart I leave my collection of witty bon mots to...........oh wait I've never made any witty bon mots.....*g*

By the way is is good MB etiquette to bold one's own name? It kind of feels like bragging!

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Good Morning All,

Thanks for the recap Couchie; can't wait to see this in November...now that he has conquered the game show format; how about Celebrity Jeopardy?

Day 3 of shelving books; I think I discovered muscles I didn't know I had. Even with all the work the last few days, the library still isn't going to be ready to open next week. I just hope I can find all my stuff...Lord knows were they packed it all away. Only good thing is I can dress like a slob and apparently the workmen are big Dunkin Donuts fans, so we can take a donut break in the middle of the morning...sorry no Krispy Kremes, but then I am not really a fan anyway.

Everyone have a great day!


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Good morning, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: What a great morning! Read couchie's recap first thing. :)

I don't even remember Snowflake hair. My attention is usually captured farther down. Shoes, people! The shoes! I'm obsessed with Clay's shoes. Ok, I'm obsessed with anyone's shoes. Shoewhore would have been my other choice for username.

There was a picture of Clay sitting in front of a Christmas tree with this awesome pair of brown shoes. I've lost it, does anyone know which one I'm talking about? I don't remember anything else...he had on pants, I think, and he had hair, and a sweater. The shoes were brown slip-ons and they were loooong and sexay!

Oops, I see keepingfaith just posted reminders of Snowflake hair. I'll keep my mouth shut.

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Umm, have we ever thought about having a board mascot?

Uh huh...Do you have one of those that says I want to see them?

This is going to get me in trouble, but I'll bet those are the words Sen. Craig used when he went to pee.

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OK keepingfaith I will concede the side view of SF hair is alright but I still don't like the front view! Sorry!

I thought the Fauxhawk was fun and quirky and besides I had seen quite a few styles like that in England so it was not that strange to me.

However my favourite hair is Tyra followed by AI5. Sexay!!!

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This is for Shoe BookWhore:



And I know what picture you're talking about, it's from the 2004 Christmas program. I just don't have it loaded into my photobucket account. Sowwy.

Did I get myself involved in a three-some with merrieee and keepingfaith? I kinda like it.

merrieee....listen, you're still on possible mod status. I didn't like the snowflake hair all that much either, especially from the front. And yet, couchie made me an admin. Maybe she didn't know that about me though...

Don't hurt me :lilredani:

The fauxhawk picture makes me laugh, just becuase I think Clay's in on the joke. "This is my hair, I do it this way sometimes...deal with it." He's got that twinkle in his eye there. (Unfortunately, that phrase was ruined for me in the past year....)

Best hair? Hands down, AMA 2006. Gah.

Aw man, I don't have an AMA 2006 picture in my photobucket. Must rectify that tonight when I get home.

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This is for Shoe BookWhore:



And I know what picture you're talking about, it's from the 2004 Christmas program. I just don't have it loaded into my photobucket account. Sowwy.

Did I get myself involved in a three-some with merrieee and keepingfaith? I kinda like it.

merrieee....listen, you're still on possible mod status. I didn't like the snowflake hair all that much either, especially from the front. And yet, couchie made me an admin. Maybe she didn't know that about me though...

Don't hurt me :lilredani:

The fauxhawk picture makes me laugh, just becuase I think Clay's in on the joke. "This is my hair, I do it this way sometimes...deal with it." He's got that twinkle in his eye there. (Unfortunately, that phrase was ruined for me in the past year....)

Best hair? Hands down, AMA 2006. Gah.

Aw man, I don't have an AMA 2006 picture in my photobucket. Must rectify that tonight when I get home.

How's this one?


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You know what I bet they end up doing? They'll edit Clay's segment down 35 min. and then slice & dice KP down to 8 min. Throw in 17 min. of ad time and there's your.... ugh...."Idol Show".

But I can still dream of a whole hour of Clay can't I?! :DoClay: Gawd, a smart man is all kinds a hawt!

hee but no I'm serious. They have enough Pickler material there to make her look good enough....if they edit the stupid and keep the funny..and she was funny. I think everyone would be very happy with her segment. I think will turn in to a "YOU HAD TO BE THERE" type thing.

hubba hubba..thanks keepingfaith. I swear until snowflake day I didn't even notice the longer hair. heh

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merrieee....listen, you're still on possible mod status. I didn't like the snowflake hair all that much either, especially from the front. And yet, couchie made me an admin. Maybe she didn't know that about me though...

NO I DIDN'T. And it's too late now cuz you have proven yourself to work harder at this than me :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I only cared about faux mohawk because it ruined the merchandise for me.

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I might have an extra faux mohawk poster. I have to look through all the stuff that I bought on sale from Clique, or was it Giant.

Editing the episode. I would exect that Kelly will be editedto have an equal part with Clay, no underselling the body. many people are easy, they look for just the one thing. I expect things (clips of them singing) will be included on TV. I am a little curious about the 6 people for this charity thing, is it going to be crammed in 2 hours or will they extend it out for the week. Who was the third person who was to be on with them? Didn't everyone say there was a third person?

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I LOVED THE 2006 AMA hair, too. The whole outfit was to die for. YUMMMMMM! I loved the pic posted by ialreadyam. Here's another yummy one:


And now, I'm off to work. Won't see you gals much in the next few days - if I can post from work, it will be stealth posting.

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Our avies aren't twins anymore, cindi - but I lurve your new/old one!

ETA - Top of the page! Darn Yay! Does this mean I'm going to have a good day at work?? I sure hope so -

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Our avies aren't twins anymore, cindi - but I lurve your new/old one!

ETA - Top of the page! Darn Yay! Does this mean I'm going to have a good day at work?? I sure hope so -

Hee - I didn't want to hurt anybody, Gibby.

I reallly wanna use this one, but the board only allows up to 90x90. Poo!


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OK you post hooches. I am caught up to the beginning of page 20. How pathetic is that? And as punishment, you are going to have to endure my comments every few pages that I catch up. ::evil grin::

OK you know what song I really loved? Christmas Waltz ha. I love the way he sang that song. And of course I could listen to Good News all day every day. I know that isn't everyone's cuppa. And I would love to hear him sing Here, There, and Everywhere now... I think he would kill on it.

Ooooh, three of my favourites! But I think HTE is cursed. First, the lighting on AI2. Now, every time I burn it to a CD for the car, it skips. I kid you not. It's like I am not meant to hear the damned thing. I would kill for him to sing it in concert, just once.

I can't wait to find out what he sings for Christmas this year. Just reading some of your posts has put ideas in my head. I'd love him to revive Jingle Bells. God I loved that 'Elvis' leg shake. And the original Celebrate Me Home? (before he lost the growl) That would kick ass. Of course, I doubt he'll revive any of these, and instead he will give us new gems that we aren't even thinking about yet. He never ceases to have some trick up his sleeve to delight me!

Trying to nail down the a perfect Motown performance according to my criteria has been one of the best obsessions I've ever had.

So if there's a clack gathering goddess holding back any hot .avi Motown files :whistling-1: just saying .... I'm willing to pay.

Calling Scarlett.......she of all the unseen clack. I bet you have a few hidden away! And just for the record, I am pretty obsessed with the Motown performances, too. My obsession tends to be on clips that show the feet. Just ask goldarngirl. Heh.

I love me some green-eyed soul. I love IYDKMBN (and I loved the Simply Red version of it, too). Don't think I've ever hear the original, but now I am curious enough to search it out. Or, if someone has the mp3, can you pm me? I also love the 'cry' he can put in his voice. I didn't know how to describe it until I read it written here. So thanks for that.

(and as long as we are confessin', I would give my right arm to hear Clay do his Jim Morrison impression and sing Light My Fire!)

Holy shit! This has put a visual in my head that I will not get rid of for a long, long time. Can you imagine? :Thud:

Ok, back to catching up on the board work.

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Our avies aren't twins anymore, cindi - but I lurve your new/old one!

ETA - Top of the page! Darn Yay! Does this mean I'm going to have a good day at work?? I sure hope so -

Hee - I didn't want to hurt anybody, Gibby.

I reallly wanna use this one, but the board only allows up to 90x90. Poo!


Whoa. I know what picture those lips come from but DAYUM....all up close and....close and whatnot, they're so full and plump and full and swollen and...

whoa. me wanna do things with them lips, yes me do. :hubbahubba::Thud:

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Ummm.... did I not just say step away from the lips???


It's one of the Hees photos. I don't have the original in my PB, but this is the photo wallpaperized...


heheh, and I was so distracted by that beautiful mouth, I read 'I DON'T know what picture those lips are from...' Ooops! I'm leaving the biggie there anyway. Lordy, he's beautiful. You might hafta click twice for the full effect.

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First posts are kinda scary.

First posts? You obviously have not read all the posts of some of our more prolific posters*g*

Anyway welcome to the bestest board out there (I learned sucking up from above mentioned posters)

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I love me some green-eyed soul. I love IYDKMBN (and I loved the Simply Red version of it, too). Don't think I've ever hear the original, but now I am curious enough to search it out. Or, if someone has the mp3, can you pm me?

Well shoot...after all that I can't find the file. I have it in itunes but I don't think it will let you use that copy. I thought I had it somewhere on a CD. I see someone else offered ... in the meantime go here for something sorta cool. It should start playing automatically.


The group now performs as Harold Melvin's Blue Notes.

The guy talking is one of the guys who is in the group now. But the song plays toward the end with the line ... don't get so excited. I found it just the other day. I think it's rather cool. Harold is gone {RIP} and Teddy Pendergrass (the lead singer on that hit) left the group for a solo career. He was involved in an accident leaving him paralyzed from the waist down with a spinal cord injury.

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