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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

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70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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True confessions. My graduating class? 35 souls. Souls I'd known since kindergarten. Went to the 10 year and had a blast! Called it a reunion. Haven't done it since.

The thing I remember is being enthralled by the very people I ignored while in high school....not sure what that says about me....

frickenfrackenrazzlefrazzle Weeeeeeeeee! Twice! In a row!

Edited by jamar1700
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I lost y'all last night, and took it as a sign I was supposed to be in bed....

FromClaygary, wow those are gorgeous!!! I've never done quilts but there's going to be a big show here in Houston on the first weekend in November. I think I'll go swing by just in case there's something interesting. Also, Karen Eh? used to teach quilting techniques, I think. Wonder if she's going to take her equipment to Kazakhstan? (ps. the place where I work has an office in Moncton; maybe we'll meet over there sometime)

(my bolding) Now there's the understatement of the year! :cryingwlaughter: The International Quilt Festival is one of the largest quilt events in the world, and still I believe the largest conference event hosted by the city of Houston. You should definitely have a look-see! It's dedicated to all kinds of needlework, not just quilting, and you'll see all manner of delicious things. If you're art-inclined, or color-inclined, it's a must! Don't plan on going for just one day though...I warn ya! And take a camera...you'll be able to take pictures, as long as you don't use your flash. There are always dyestuff companies there as well...for sure Jacquard.

I've been to it many, many times but not since 2003...wonder what happened then? :RedGuy:

We have met, actually, but very briefly and casually so I'm sure you don't remember. I think it was Canandaigua, and probably jmh123 who introduced us...could have been goldarngirl...or maybe luckiest1? Hee...see what I mean? I'm not even sure! I'm the funny-looking one with the spiky hair which most people remember. ;)

FromClaygary, I met you and jmh123? I'm v. sorry. And here I was thinking how much I really want to meet both of you. :sorry: I can't blame anyone else for that. :( And still red-faced on the Quilt Festival! LOL! Everyone around here seems to think it's a big deal but I chalked it up to local pride. So you've been to Houston for the show? If they have dye stuff, I'm definitely there! How considerate of Clay to start the tour at the end of November.

Oh and I'm still trying to figure out Bookwhore's punishment. Whips aren't good enough. :cryingwlaughter:

How about getting Jerome involved? Better yet, get Jerome AND whips involved! (can I take the video? please?)

The board is getting greener by the minute for me. Yay, Ansa and couchie!!! Hugs and smooches to you both!

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As much as I hate to I to admit it the "View New Posts" Button has become my new bestest friend on the board! How did I ever do without it? I know someone mentioned it but for the life of me I can't remember whoooooo! :imgtongue:

yeah, wonder who. LOL

Ansa gets all the credit for the board changes... all I did was send PMs to technical support

I wasn't a nerd in high school..I guess I was part of 2 cliques.. I played high school sports and was in all the advanced placement classes....but I never thought of us as nerds cuz we were popular. I consider myself quite the square now but it's just who I am.

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The only reunion I went to was the 15th. I was 33, had 2 babies and still looked like I was 20. People kept saying, "OMG, you haven't changed a bit!", and I hadn't. But most of them looked like they were....33. :cryingwlaughter: But it was all soooo boring. I was sitting at a table with some other 'girls' when a couple of them gasped and ooooo'd and said, "T___, there's Danny" and giggled. Ok, so Danny was my HS bf. 15 years, upteen boyfriends, 1 husband and 2 babies ago. Why would anyone think his entrance would be of interest to me at that point was beyond me? I had nothing in common with any of them anymore.

My 35th reunion was this past weekend and I thought about going...for about 15 seconds. I opted to work at the library booth at the town festival instead. I can't imagine that I'll ever go to a reunion. Maybe my 50th. :)

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I would believe what Careless Whisper says. She's a long time Clay fan and member of the CH and like playbiller said lives in or near Raleigh. She was quite nice to me when I was a newbie.

Well, that would work for me if SHE saw Clay at his high school reunion but its the old daughter of someone who knows someone kind of thing. I believe SHE isn't lying. I guess I just doubt her sources.

And again with all due respect, living near Raleigh, being a long time Clay fan and being a member of the CH does not in my book give you credibility. I know every one of those criterias were proven NOT to be synonmous with reliability or credibility during the whole ATDW crap.

And since.

I hope he did go. I bet he WOULD go. I am just always taking fan reports - especially 2nd and 3rd and 4th hand reports - with a HUGE grain of salt.

When Clay blogs ( :cryingwlaughter: ) about his reunion, then I will believe it. Until then, it is just a rumor in my book.

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I mean no disrespect to Careless Whisper but.... I am supposed to believe this is fact why???? This fandom has made me VERY cynical.

I tend to believe her, I don't recall her ever grandstanding. I don't put her in the same category as those who make claims of connections. This is closer to an NJU type of story.

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Oh and I'm still trying to figure out Bookwhore's punishment. Whips aren't good enough. :cryingwlaughter:

How about getting Jerome involved? Better yet, get Jerome AND whips involved! (can I take the video? please?)

Wow! :cry4: Has anyone noticed how Scarlett goes along acting all sweet and innocent and shit, then comes up with something as mean as this? I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm keeping my eye on this girl. It's the quiet ones you have to watch.

ETA: CG, I tend to agree with you. I'm sure that there are many lovely people from Raleigh and the CH, but simply being one or the other or both doesn't necessarily mean that they're a better source of information than someone else, unless it was first hand. Still, I hope he did get to go the his reunion. [

Edited by Bookwhore
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True confessions. My graduating class? 35 souls. Souls I'd known since kindergarten. Went to the 10 year and had a blast! Called it a reunion. Haven't done it since.

The thing I remember is being enthralled by the very people I ignored while in high school....not sure what that says about me....

frickenfrackenrazzlefrazzle Weeeeeeeeee! Twice! In a row!

Only 35???? I had about 735 in mine!!!!!!

And then I went to a college with only 750 in the entire school!

P.S. I find it funny how easily people believe people they are familiar with on the boards and not believe those that aren't so familiar with or who come from different boards. She may be the single most reliable person in the fandom, I have no reason to doubt that she is, but its still a 3rd hand report.

Like I said, I am cynical. I was just amused how quickly everyone believed it when usually stories like that are take with at least a little grain of salt.

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And again with all due respect, living near Raleigh, being a long time Clay fan and being a member of the CH does not in my book give you credibility. I know every one of those criterias were proven NOT to be synonmous with reliability or credibility during the whole ATDW crap.

And since.

Sing it Sistah! :bananaflip:


eta...yes.... 35!!!!! Kids I'd known since kindergarten for the most part. Love 'em all in a special way but don't necessarily want to share anymore lifespace w/'em...if you get my drift. Anywhoooo....my point was I DO know, there were hidden gems there. Wonderful people that I never knew because I was blinded by youth.

Edited by jamar1700
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I love the new reply box.

I love that I can move the side panel over.

I love that I can see the emoties when I want and not other times.

I love that Ansa is doing the work. :lol:

Wee! Pretty!

Testing pictures...


An oldie, but a goodie! LOL, remember when everyone thought he got braces and were trying to use this picture to prove it?


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Is NOBODY impressed with my "Most Well-Preserved Female" award? :lipstick:<_< (even though it was won mumblemumble years ago.... :whistling-1: )

Anybody? :unsure:

Beuller? :huh:


I still luv y'all :F_05BL17blowkiss:

The colors are sorta kalaidoscope-ish, aren't they? :lilredani:

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Is NOBODY impressed with my "Most Well-Preserved Female" award?



There was a male winner and a female winner. He and I told the rest of them that we'd rather our hair TURN WHITE THAN TURN LOOSE!!!


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Wonderful people that I never knew because I was blinded by youth.

I'd like to think that I have very few real regrets in my life but I'd sure love a do over or two back to the days that I know I was blinded by youth... I think my life could have been much fuller and more interesting... lost moments for sure...

And muskifest... the most negative tag was more interesting to me as I don't know that I've ever seen that in any post of yours that I can remember... of course, I'm blinded by your lovely smut most times... and please don't stop... :flirtysmile3:

eta: and just like that... ta da.... I'm a body guard...

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Faith, that's a HAWT screencap!! Wowza.

Congrats, Muski, on being the most well-preserved female! :nana:

Ansa, thanks for all of the work you're doing on the board! I'm happy to see that the green is gradually coming back!

Scarlett - I've been working on rating my songs from the TV Medley. Two of my songs are 'Charles in Charge' and 'Who's the Boss.' You were somehow hoodwinked assigned to Roseanne, which is between these two songs. Since Roseanne is rather short and doesn't have a whole lotta singing (to put it mildly), would you like me to just include Roseanne in my recommendations? I have listen to it every time I'm rating my songs, anyway.

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I feel like crap, but this is getting my attention in spite of the mind-numbing meds. Some hot screencaps from Walmart Soundcheck were posted at OFC today, and this one kills me. I wish it would kill my cold.


George Harrison lives!


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Heh...my HS class was like CG's...more than 700... kept one friend from there (the heifer had the nerve to graduate one place in front of me...

Wouldn't cross my mind to attend a reunion because for the life of me I know I would neither recognize anyone nor remember any of their names...it is so awkward when someone comes up to me and squeals, "KAndre! OMG! How have you been? It's been years" and wants to kiss on me and stuff and I'm wondering, "Who the fuck are you?" and my sister has to tell me that I dated him my senior year. And he proposed. And I dumped him. People, I am really bad at faces. And clearly he lacked other talents.

the slow greening of the board is entertaining.


Top o' the board, Ma! Top o' the board!

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P.S. I find it funny how easily people believe people they are familiar with on the boards and not believe those that aren't so familiar with or who come from different boards. She may be the single most reliable person in the fandom, I have no reason to doubt that she is, but its still a 3rd hand report.

Like I said, I am cynical. I was just amused how quickly everyone believed it when usually stories like that are take with at least a little grain of salt.

I guess I just have a little more faith in people that I have met. Even if someone was pulling her chain, it really doesn't hurt anyone to believe it. Sorry this fandom has made you cynical. Even I have about five people on my ignore list at the OFC. But generally I think most of what I read is harmless.

Hope this doesn't sound critical claygasm, I'm just trying to express my point of view and 99.9% of the time it doesn't come out right. That's why I usually lurk. :chair:

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I have been to quite a few HS reunions. I even go back to my HS in the north for reunions even though I did not graduate from there. It is a small town and at that time just one HS...... I left there in the 11th grade.......... to go to a huge HS in FL. I hated it as I was leaving friends I had known since kindergarten.

Anyway, I went to this HS in FL that was at least 3 x as big as my old one........ I was rather shy and quiet, so it was not easy. I joined the band and that was my salvation.

One of the guys in the band was just awful..... skinny, pimples, squeaky voice, bad teeth, effeminate, but played a mean clarinet. I think he kinda had a crush on me...... I was always nice to him...... just never had it in me to be mean to anyone......... still don’t. This guy was really picked on and others made fun of him.

When I went to my 45th year class reunion...... (yeah, I am old!!!), this rather nice looking man came up to me and gave me a huge hug. I had to look at the name tag to see who i was being squished by. Was I ever surprised!! It was the nerdy, skinny clarinet player!!!

He really looked good..... filled out, teeth fixed, more poise, and great clothes. (unfortunately his voice did not change much) He told me that he was living up north now as he loved the snow, and his SO had just died from cancer. He said that they had been together for 15 years, but never married.

It made my day!! I was so happy to see that he looked fairly successful and happy. He was such a mess in HS..... I had always wondered what happened to him.

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