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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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GAh!!! Those last couple of pictures are awesome!! Thud much!!!

I believe he went to the reunion!

I won't let myself think that he wouldn't.

I hated when he talked about not being able to leave his hotel room in Raileigh.

He took his life back.

He went to that fucking reunion, and was the alpha man in the room, his classmates were tharilllled beyond words that he was there, and everyone lived happily ever after.


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THese pics are gorgeous, but dang! He looks ssooooooo young in them.... :unsure:

And spikesmom....that's interesting about your surprise re: my "Most Pessimistic" award...most people who've come to know me in my adult life (at least from say my mid-20s) might share your surprise there. But I can look back and understand why my high school 'friends' could have voted that way. God, that was sooooo many years ago...so much life has happened since then....I'm sooooo not that person anymore...

And y'all DO know, don't you, that I wasn't REALLY soliciting applause for my Well Preserved Award, right? :blush: I still laugh about it when I think about it. It CMSU! "Well Preserved?" Hell, I was only 28! I'd better damned WELL be well-preserved, know what I'm sayin'?

Now getting an award like that NOW...THAT would warrant some serious applause! :preachit::cryingwlaughter:

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GAh!!! Those last couple of pictures are awesome!! Thud much!!!

I believe he went to the reunion!

I won't let myself think that he wouldn't.

I hated when he talked about not being able to leave his hotel room in Raileigh.

He took his life back.

He went to that fucking reunion, and was the alpha man in the room, his classmates were tharilllled beyond words that he was there, and everyone lived happily ever after.


:lmaosmiley-1: w/canuck.

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GAh!!! Those last couple of pictures are awesome!! Thud much!!!

I believe he went to the reunion!

I won't let myself think that he wouldn't.

I hated when he talked about not being able to leave his hotel room in Raileigh.

He took his life back.

He went to that fucking reunion, and was the alpha man in the room, his classmates were tharilllled beyond words that he was there, and everyone lived happily ever after.


:lmaosmiley-1: w/canuck.

BWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Especially the bolded part (bolding mine!) Hee hee! Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall, or maybe the gal on his arm? (Oh, I can see other locations being requested downthread!!) :lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter::whistling-1:

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I feel like crap, but this is getting my attention in spite of the mind-numbing meds. Some hot screencaps from Walmart Soundcheck were posted at OFC today, and this one kills me. I wish it would kill my cold.


O.M.F.G.!!!!!!11!!!!! Hot,_hot,_hot.gif


High School Reunion? I went to my 20th. Our school was small - only 75 grads. The reunion was only about 40 people. I saw a guy I had a crush on and he looked damn good. But of course, so did my husband. I was declared the one who had changed the least! There was one really nerdy girl with braces and no confidence, and she showed up with blonde hair, perfect teeth, and she had finally learned to stand up straight!! She was a knockout! There was also a guy who was one of the most promising brains who was in a wheelchair from a back injury gotten from diving into a shallow pool. Sad. One of my old neighbors, a good-looking guy I'd always had a crush on, turned out to be the friendliest. Never had time for me in HS. His mother was our mean bus driver tho!

Here's one of the things Bill Gates says to HS grads:

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

Thank you ansa! :woman:

Edited by cha cha trusty
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I feel like crap, but this is getting my attention in spite of the mind-numbing meds. Some hot screencaps from Walmart Soundcheck were posted at OFC today, and this one kills me. I wish it would kill my cold.


George Harrison lives!



and hotter!

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He took his life back.

He went to that fucking reunion, and was the alpha man in the room, his classmates were tharilllled beyond words that he was there, and everyone lived happily ever after.


I bet he didn't serve punch either!!! Wonder what kind of helicopter he hired? :cryingwlaughter:

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It's the quiet ones you have to watch.

I *am* a founding member of the eHP -- more specifically, I'm the eHP member who can answer questions like "Is there a camera in there?" by opening eyes real wide and twirling a lock of hair around one finger. (technically, took 4 of them into the Hard Rock venue in Orlando)

Scarlett - I've been working on rating my songs from the TV Medley. Two of my songs are 'Charles in Charge' and 'Who's the Boss.' You were somehow hoodwinked assigned to Roseanne, which is between these two songs. Since Roseanne is rather short and doesn't have a whole lotta singing (to put it mildly), would you like me to just include Roseanne in my recommendations? I have listen to it every time I'm rating my songs, anyway.

Yes please, THANK YOU!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks a bunch, Ansa! Feels like home already!

ETA: Yikes! This would end up at the top of the page.

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Hey everybody. Just saying hello. Been busy with a job application and with that other thing I do. All I've got to say is Tom Cruise owes me one. Wish I could collect, then I wouldn't need a job. :cryingwlaughter:

EEP - forgot the main thing I was going to say!! I've been watching all the board changes off and on all day, and it's shaping up really nicely!! Thanks couchie and ansa!!!

Edited by jmh123
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Good Morning All,

31 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

42 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

62 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

88 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

91 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

Everyone have a great day!


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Mornin' FCA!

I'm soooo happy that the "jump to another page" drop down thingy works. Yea!!!

Other than that ... I haven't been able to play much on this new format.

But thanks to those who have spent a lot of time getting it all set up for us.

luckiest - I never met anyone from my skating board except for one lady, and guess where I met her? Nope, not a skating event but at a ClayAiken concert!! :cryingwlaughter:

I do hope that Clay went to his reunion. I bet he had a wonderful time just being himself ... of course now that includes having success as a hawrtrockgod tucked inside. :eusa_whistle: I went to my 10 yr reunion and had a great time.

Edited by windstar2
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Well, I seem to be full of nothing new, so let me add this. I was under the immpression taht Clay was not unpopular in high school that he had a few groupies by then. Wasn't ti middle school that was the problem?

I didn't have any interest to go to my high school reunion, did anyone here go to theirs?

Yes, I was in the nerd group in highschool, all of them moved out of state for good after college. The popular kids ended up married young and clerking in liquor stores and such. Now, my college reunion, I have been to 3.

Your impression is right. He was popular in high school.

I have never gone to any high school reunion and really never had the desire to do so. I'm not much into brag fests and one upmanships. That is how I see reunions, anyway. However, my husband recently attended his 45th. Yikes. I told him to give them up already. Hee Funny story though. One of his teachers also attended. She was 104 years old. She was still driving and got a speeding ticket on the way to the reunion. She invited the cop. who pulled her over. to go and he escorted her to the reunion. Funniest damn reunion story I had ever heard. Husband said she was as sharp as a tack. He had a graduating class of about 65 students. Small town in Illinois. He is older than I am. My graduating class was approx 400. I attended at least 3 different high schools. My parents were divorcing and we moved several times. I didn't really get to know many kids I graduated with because I wasn't at that school long enough.

Isn't it funny how people think differently? Now see if I was Clay, I would ask myself why people were getting up and leaving when Quianna, or whoever, was singing. However, I bet he already knows and doesn't care, or intends to change the situation. So, if that is the case, it is sort of hard for me to feel sorry for him. It is his choice to stay on stage instead of cooling off. JMO

I feel like crap, but this is getting my attention in spite of the mind-numbing meds. Some hot screencaps from Walmart Soundcheck were posted at OFC today, and this one kills me. I wish it would kill my cold.


{{{keepingfaith}}} I hope you are feeling better today. Thanks for this wonderful picture of Clay. God those bedroom eyes of his are killer. I like the darker hair and the bangs too. I remember going out to my local Wal-Mart to watch him that night. He was on every TV in the store and all the overhead screens located throughout the store.

I hope Clay went to his reunion as well. Claygasm I agree with you about using a salt shaker. I think if more people used it more often, we wouldn't have had all the angst in the fandom. What surprises me is that we are not getting reports from the local Raleigh fans. I would of bet my life that at least half of them would of gone to the reunion, on the off chance of hoping for a Clay sighting. :cryingwlaughter:

Ansamcw, thank you for all the hard work you have been doing. I know of your talent and skills. I am loving all the upgrades.

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Clayzor, thanks for the reminder. I remember going to WalMart that night too, and standing in the electronics section being surrounded by Clays pretty face. I was trying to be cool, though, and had a shopping cart, pretending like I was buying stuff. I just left the full cart in the middle of the store when it was over and didn't buy a thing. :lol:

We're back on the hair again? Ok, I liked the dark hair with bangs. I also liked blonde spikes. And JBT hair. And JNT06 hair. There's only 2 I didn't like, but we don't wanna go there again.

Well, Good Morning FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hope y'all have a good day.

I sure do love our pretty board.


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Guest lilyshines

Hi, Honey I'm Home!

Well almost, I've been locked out of the board for the past two days and had to re-register (note the added "s") for all you detail-oriented people! {God, I hate that word.}

ldyj is checking on what happened to my old name.

I don't post much, but it's not nice not being able to post, or read my PMs, or use that handy new posts button.


I'll keep trying to get the old name back in working order.

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Good morning FCA!

I only went to one high school reunion, my 20th. Small class -- 80 kids, small town Illinois. (Clayzor, you'll have to tell me where your husband is from...) The main reason I really wanted to go was that I was the kid in high school who never had a date, so I wanted to show off my new husband! Of course, he was bored silly. The other thing that was cool though was they took us on a tour of the school. It was amazing how much the place had changed in 20 years. The band room was the best -- but that was my hangout in high school too.

Salt shakers are a good thing. I do think it interesting, though, that we tend to believe what we want to believe. I think this reunion thing is fairly innocuous, and like merrieee and canuckie (BWAH on your post), I kinda WANT to believe this one, because it makes me happy to think that he could get to go to this without the fans knowing about it. But, at the same time, I did apply salt to this one as well. *shrug*

Ah yes, Wal Mart night. I know a bunch of people had a bad evening....but I sure didn't. I was the only one in the TV section. Bookwhore, I too had a cart with me -- like I was really going to buy something. Heh. But it was so nice to see Clay all over the TVs!

{{{{{{keepingfaith}}}} Hope you feel better soon!

*off to see what's up with lilyshines*

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Going waaaaaay back but .....

I just want to tuck a pillow under his head in this one and.....um.....maybe toss a quilt over him, too....um.....eventually.....


Nighty-night, Clay.....and may the rest of you sleep just like this tonight, too.

Karen Eh - I keep forgetting to say how much I love this pic and how you made me see it as him laying down. :lipstick:

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Morning Ya'll

I didn't go to my HS reunion. Had moved out of state & had to work that week-end. I really wanted to go though because I'm just curious that way, wanted to see if the HAWT guys were still hot, & was hoping the HAWT stuck up chicks that wouldn't give me the time of day were all fat & ugly!! I did go to my college reunion ( 20 years) & was shocked at how many of us were DECEASED!!! Boy, what an unlucky bunch we are!! The interesting thing about the " departed" is that only 2 of the 15 died of natural causes!! Several had been killed in accidents, several commited suicide, 1 has been missing for 25 years, & 3 were murdered!! I was shocked I tell ya!! Clay content: Hope he looked HAWT & was the life of the party. He so deserves it!!

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