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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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You know what I truly, truly hope?

I hope that when I'm an old woman and my kids are grown with families/lives of their own---I hope they will WANT to visit with me. I hope that the idea of going to see me, spend time with me, talk with me, listen to me...won't be something they have to work themselves up to do, something they feel obligated to do, something that they wish they could skip.

That's what I truly, truly hope.

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Let me clarify something and then I won't talk about it again. I wasn't crying over Clay as in, "oh my God, the poor guy, whatever will he do". I was so wrapped up in the hate that was being posted it hurt my heart and made me cry. I don't think that's unusual, but maybe it is. *shrug* I found out rather quickly that there are pukes lower than scum and they post on the internet. Someone, me, who cries at Hallmark commercials took a pretty big kick in the guts when reading some of that trash.

Clay doesn't make me cry, unless he cries, then all bets are off.

JJ My post wasn't in any way "aimed" at you. I've read tons of posts of people who have said something about the fandom made them cry. I was just really thinking out loud as to why I'm never affected that way when clearly, so many others are, and questioning if I'm just hard hearted. I hope not.

I didn't put my kids art work on the fridge either. :cryingwlaughter: I'm a real bitch!

eta: and "yeah" = if he does, all bets are certainly off. :)

Edited by canuck2010
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You know what I truly, truly hope?

I hope that when I'm an old woman and my kids are grown with families/lives of their own---I hope they will WANT to visit with me. I hope that the idea of going to see me, spend time with me, talk with me, listen to me...won't be something they have to work themselves up to do, something they feel obligated to do, something that they wish they could skip.

That's what I truly, truly hope.

And I'll bet they will want to spend time with you because you sound like such a fun and caring mother. As couchie says, you have great kids! No higher compliment than that one. Maybe they'll share their clack with you!!

Are you having a bad mother day? :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I didn't put my kids art work on the fridge either. :cryingwlaughter: I'm a real bitch!

eta: and "yeah" = if he does, all bets are certainly off. :)

So you may cry if Clay comes over and puts your kids artwork on your fridge?

I understand.


I would cry! :cryingwlaughter: They are incredibly wonderful, talented guys - Michaelangelo's - they ain't!!


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But a board that is so afraid and so paranoid that you need references to join - well, that is just not mature........ Boards where stuff is sooper sekret - well, I think it is like boys with the playhouse keeping out girls and having secret meetings - sooo 12 year old.

I agree. Anything that can't be said out in the open is probably best left unsaid. When I was in CA for the 3-fer this summer, a very dear friend of mind told me about a board she belongs to and it sounded nice. Since I admire her views on a lot of other stuff, I thought the board might be a good fit for me, too. But it was a super-sekrit board that required approval, it was set to private. Apparently the feelings weren't mutual, because I wasn't approved for membership. But boy am I glad now! If I'd been accepted (ewww ick - reminds me of sorority rush) over there I probably wouldn't have joined up here, because keeping up with two boards wouldn't have been do-able for me. And I love it here! :F_05BL17blowkiss: It kinda makes me wonder, though, what are they talking about over there that they don't want me to see? Me???

I have never been a fan of being a fan of a fan.

I just don't get the 'fan of a fan' thing, either. Is this a Clayland phenomenon, or does it happen elsewhere? There are fans that I definitely appreciate for their many and varied talents (**waves to Scarlett, farouche, xxx**), but I can't say I'm a fan of theirs to the point that being buddies with them would make me one of the 'cool' kids.

Is the weather wreaking havoc with anyone else's sinuses? My head is so stopped up it's affecting my equilibrium.

Does that mean you can't sing today?

Nope, not today. Note yesterday. Not any day. When my son was 1 year old I sang Happy Birthday to him and he cried and said, "Mommy, stop!". :( I think it's safe to say that singing isn't among my talents.

but I've never been able to understand why he hasn't come back to St. Louis. It's right smack dab in the middle of the country.

I hear ya, atinal. I'm in Kansas City and have been longing for an Omaha/KC/St. Louis 3-fer. It's makes such perfect sense, geographically. And may I just add that it would have been a perfect route for a "Christmas in the Heartland" Tour? Since it is, well....THE heartland.

I was banned from the Chexxxy board because I went against the admin.

I don't understand spending more than a fleeting second on something that I have no control over nor have the ability to change. What's the point except a lot of wasted time.

Guess what. No one wins and Clay loses. I doubt the thought has ever crossed their minds.

JJ]/b], I think many of these misguided souls think they do have some control and that they do have the ability to change things. I think they believe that when they finally convince the world that they're right and provide all the 'proof' to support their theories (delusions) that they'll be heroes in the fandom. They're legends in their own minds. And nothing we say or do is going to stop them, so the best thing we can do is to just ignore them.

I don't play with anyone. I stopped that about the same time I left the "private" area of CV.

CV has a private area??!!!?? :lmaosmiley-1: See? This is how much I don't know.

ETA: Loved the press release.... who watched last year. Sounds like Clay will narrate the audition episodes only. Am I reading that correctly.

Oh shoot. I hadn't thought of it that way until you brought it up. On going back for a second read, it sounds like you might be right. Nothing personal, but I sure hope you're wrong.



Curses! Oh joy! Top of page. I get to look down on all the little people

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You know what I truly, truly hope?

I hope that when I'm an old woman and my kids are grown with families/lives of their own---I hope they will WANT to visit with me. I hope that the idea of going to see me, spend time with me, talk with me, listen to me...won't be something they have to work themselves up to do, something they feel obligated to do, something that they wish they could skip.

That's what I truly, truly hope.

Muski... As long as you are as young at heart and as much fun as you are now, you will have your kids in your life forever. If you're fun and interesting, why wouldn't they want to keep coming around?

And, if you have grandkids... I guarantee they will want you in their lives... as a babysitter! :cryingwlaughter: With your kids, it was Do this... with your grandkids, it's Let's do this... You'll love it! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Nope, not today. Note yesterday. Not any day. When my son was 1 year old I sang Happy Birthday to him and he cried and said, "Mommy, stop!". I think it's safe to say that singing isn't among my talents.

I used to sing in choirs and can pretty much stay on tune but I wouldn't call it even close to being talented.

When I was 5 I had a piece of artwork exhibited at the Royal Academy of Art in London. The teachers all though my use of colour was amazing. Truth was, I was literally blind as a bat and didn't know it. When I got glasses and could actually see clearly...well poof went any ability I had to paint. In fact I had an art teacher tell me "Your light shines in other directions". The problem was she never told me which direction.....and now many, many, many years later I am still looking*g*


Tomorrow I get to hear and see(?) Clay on my teevee.

Oh and couchie I have to tell you I lurve the "View New Posts" button.

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note to self, never tell BW about all the public boards with invisible private areas. I don't think she could take it

I think Clay will be on the day after tomorrow, but in a couple of hours it will be Clay is on tomorrow.

From what I heard though, some people have it on Saturday, some on Sunday - I have J&K on Sat on 2 channels and then C&R on SUnday - I would have it more days, but I have to come home again, so I will only have it on Sunday and again on Saturday when they repeat. See, the constant repeats makes me think that Clay will be pulling in some nice residuals.

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Does anyone here know how to hook up a wireless router? I want to use it for my wireless laptop...

Do I plug the router into the modem and this computer (Mac) into the router? My laptop is my work computer and I would love to be able to bring it home to work sometimes...it's a PC.

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In Houston the AI2 Rewind will be shown twice this weekend ...

Saturday at Noon on KHCW (Comcast 5) and on Sunday at 7PM on WGN (Comcast 54).

I can't wait ... and I can't really understand why I'm so excited just to hear Clay's voice on tape ... but he'll be saying things I haven't heard before and ... I am pumped.

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Does anyone here know how to hook up a wireless router? I want to use it for my wireless laptop...

Do I plug the router into the modem and this computer (Mac) into the router? My laptop is my work computer and I would love to be able to bring it home to work sometimes...it's a PC.

Hmmm...I think it depends on what kind of service you have. My house is wireless. We have cable internet service through comcast. Comcast provided the modem. The Linksys router is plugged into the back of the modem and into an electrical outlet. None of the laptops are plugged into anything, they just pick up the signal from the router antenna. The printer is also wireless and is only pllugged into the electrical outlet. I hooked it all up myself, but I have no idea how it works. :cryingwlaughter: Just one of life's great mysteries.

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Does anyone here know how to hook up a wireless router? I want to use it for my wireless laptop...

Do I plug the router into the modem and this computer (Mac) into the router? My laptop is my work computer and I would love to be able to bring it home to work sometimes...it's a PC.

You only have to plug it in if you don't have a wireless card. We have a PC desktop plugged in and a wireless MAC desktop as well as a wireless PC laptop and a wireless MAC laptop which are not plugged in. There is a code that you may have to use to set up the wireless computers. This is chosen when setting up the router software. Almost everyone I know has run into the problem with the code.

Good luck!

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I've never called anyone a bad fan. Those are loaded terms to this fandom. But I have no problem talking about what bothers me about this fandom. In some arenas that makes me a bad fan. Whatever, I am willing to take that heat. Hell I'll gladly take it. Because I belive it's better to say upfront, IF YOU THINK CLAY IS TALKING TO YOU AND HAVING BABIES ALL OVER THE PLACE AND YOU ARE HIS SPECIAL FRIEND AND NEEDS YOUR MONEY then you are are gullible and here are some lessons in scams on the internet - than letting things go on for years in back channels, growing unrecognizeale as they move from person to person, then turning into an investigation that goes on forever, then posting photos of Clay fans complete with personal information, then rehashing JP and his shit today so that it's readily available to maybe oh the 50 million people that never heard about it in the first place thereby giving him a bunch of new life. I don't support that and never will.

What I will say is that anyone who engages JP in any way is not helping Clay and some of the tactics used say more about a person's character than their fandom. And I'm no saint. I have my issues but whatever, I'll cast a stone or two and not feel a damn bit guilty about it. I feel strongly about this. I'm not saying if you don't agree with me you are a bad fan. This is just how "I" feel.

Toots, if you really think you want to know the details, just google. I'm done on the subject I reserve the right to change my mind.

Bwah.. Play love all your emoticons. We need to add Been Busy.

Atinal..Love your post earlier.

ETA: scammers are not some new fangled Clay thing..this is life on the internet and people need to understand that. And it's not just the internet it's just plain old life. Anybody read about the woman who has been living a life about being in one of the towers during 9/11? Has made an entire new paradigm for herself. There are sick, needy, fucked up people out there even in this fandom. If it wasn't him, it would be somebody or something else.

Couchie - one big fat WORD to you!

ust to say something quickly, let me know if I am off base here - but ...

I understand boards that go private because of bandwidth issues, money is money. I understand about registered users - spam bots are out there. But a board that is so afraid and so paranoid that you need references to join - well, that is just not mature. Boards where people are banned because a few member had issues with them years ago, not arguments but being on a different side of a disagreement - that is not right (people and arguments change, normal people re-evaluate their beleifs all the time as facts come to light). Boards where stuff is sooper sekret - well, I think it is like boys with the playhouse keeping out girls and having secret meetings - sooo 12 year old.

A lot of people think it has to do with protectng information/Clay/something. But I see it as developing a pecking order. I have never been a fan of being a fan of a fan. I think of us all as people with different skills and sources and all able to contribute to the whole. For example, I know that Aspie girl does not post much, but she is a montage maker. each of us has the ability to contribute something unique. But between agendas and accumulating kudos for their fans, some of this gets warped and some try and reinvent themselves into some one they are not. Some people lie to do acheive recognition, other exaggerate, some decide to take on jobs that should not be filled and that they are not particualrly good at - i.e. identifying bad fans. Maybe I am sensitive because of the accusation a few days ago that I do not have Clay's good interests at heart in my posts.

I post my opinion in the open, on this board without secret places and secret things and I do get flack from people who read here but do not post here, although they really can register and post here as well. I use the same name on Clay boards except the ez board where most people know who I am anyway, but there is that stalker issue. the EZboard name was not deliberate, but initially a registration error, and now I prefer to keep it that way - see above stalker issue.



I was banned from the Chexxxy board because I went against the admin.

Simple, really, with her it's do as I say or I'll ban your ass.

Never been a follower...always pretty much did and thought what was in my best interest. Being a Clay fan is no different, for me. I don't understand spending more than a fleeting second on something that I have no control over nor have the ability to change. What's the point except a lot of wasted time.

This latest round of crap has just about pushed me past the point of being a member of the online fandom.

There is no rationalizing with this crew who are spewing things left and right...it's all about them. If they were perfectly honest with themselves, they'd admit Clay fell out of the equation a long time ago. Now it's all about who is going to win.

Guess what. No one wins and Clay loses. I doubt the thought has ever crossed their minds.

:clap: Especially to the bolded part!

You know what I truly, truly hope?

I hope that when I'm an old woman and my kids are grown with families/lives of their own---I hope they will WANT to visit with me. I hope that the idea of going to see me, spend time with me, talk with me, listen to me...won't be something they have to work themselves up to do, something they feel obligated to do, something that they wish they could skip.

That's what I truly, truly hope.

Awww. They will muski cause they love you! You're a great mom. Your hubby is a great dad. That's why you have great kids. I don't normally like kids and I LOVED your kids!

And why wouldn't they come to visit? They'll come over, you'll play Clay or put on some clack and they will roll their eyes!

Some things may never change! :lol:

Favorite tour? Not sure, but I do admit to liking the JNT05 the least - easily.

Favorite concert moments? Well, there was my first time - front row at the Philly IT. Then there was the unforgettable Wilkes-Barre MOAM. And at the San Jose IT there was my one eyefuck - a nice, long, hard one!

Oh, and I met muski for the first time in person!

After that, it all becomes a blur! And what a wonderful blur it is!

And now, today's sports report.....


On September 12th, they were 7 games behind the Mets. As on tonight its FIRST PLACE BABY!!!!! Woo the hell hoo!!!! :04:

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Yay Bookwhore was rejected from the super sekrit board and now she's mine, all mine. heh.

Most sekrit boards aren't really sekrit anyway..just nobody talks about them out loud cuz I guess that would be rude or something. Strange phenomenon. Bookwhore, it's their loss hon!!

Oh LOL.. when I get around to updating the links at FCA once a year ..ahem... if I can't tell if the board is still active then i'll try to email someone or join just to take a peak. Yahoo has a lot of groups..but many have been abandoned or really taken over by spammers. So if I can't tell I"ll apply for membership..... I did that for one group on Yahoo and I was rejected. I cracked up. I also have to decide..well if it's private and nobody can really get in...should I even list it.

YOu know there are some boards out there that have been going strong for years and they are "secret" or with a low membership and you have to be invited in. I was in one at one point but there was nothing nefarious going on. Just fans that wanted to be part of something smaller. That's ok in my book. I guess there's a lot of spinoff boards these days but that's always been the case. But one thing holds true - there's something out there for everyone.

I hope you survive long enough to enjoy your Phillies CG..cuz KAndre has some serious punishment waiting for us when the clock strikes mindnight on Oct 1. eek. Congrats!! The Mets are a trainwreck right now.

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I hope you survive long enough to enjoy your Phillies CG..cuz KAndre has some serious punishment waiting for us when the clock strikes mindnight on Oct 1. eek. Congrats!! The Mets are a trainwreck right now.

Oh shit!! In the excitement of the Phillies being in FIRST PLACE I totally forgot about my FCA duty!!!!

Do you think we can file for an extension????

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I once wanted to buy a pin from a board and somehow got announced as a new member. It was one of the email boards.

OMG, once they had my name everyone welcomed me and was so happy I was joining them, etc. It was so hard to actually tell them the truth...and that was I didn't intend to join but enjoyed their welcome so much. Since I was using my computer for business, the email operation was not something I could allow or participate with. But, never knew those kinds of boards existed before then. They were such nice people and seemed to be having a ball with their fandom.

Wish more fan boards had that kind of atmosphere. They knew each other, vacationed together outside Clayland, and seemed to be genuine friends. It was nice to see that.

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I hope you survive long enough to enjoy your Phillies CG..cuz KAndre has some serious punishment waiting for us when the clock strikes mindnight on Oct 1. eek. Congrats!! The Mets are a trainwreck right now.

Oh shit!! In the excitement of the Phillies being in FIRST PLACE I totally forgot about my FCA duty!!!!

Do you think we can file for an extension????

hmmm wonder if that would work. I mean Brittany, with no protools.. that's brutal. But even the IRS grants extension and they are the most feared agency in america. Surely KAndre has more mercy than the IRS!

yep clayzedover..there are lots of nice little corners in ClayNation.

Congrats Cub Fans!!

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Just wanted to say that I do not consider the many small private boards Clay boards in the universal sense. I consider it a bunch of friends posting together. Clayboards are ostensibly boards created in the purpose to support Clay - aw forget it...


I am waiting to figure out if I want to arrive at the beach at 3 am or not. I hate going down for just 24 hours. Stupid bank - Replaced the staff and took 3 hours to roll over a CD 2 days ago, then they called me to come back yesteday because there was a different place to sign my name on 4 forms and tonight they called back and asked me to come in tomorrow morning because they gave me the wrong forms. I need to find a new bank.

I have a cd burnt of the songs that are available for my analysis. I really seem to hear better in the car, not so easy in the house (with the dog barking, barking, barking) - so I will drive down with it on, but there are a couple with just a viedo and many with nothing at all. I need an extension for people to **coughScarlettamong others** to upload some more stuff!!! I have to look at my list and see what shows I am missing. I think Newark and 2 other cities.

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From CH

ETA a couple of screencaps from the AI2 Season Opener thanks to our generous Anonymous donor:



~~~heh, I wanted to see them.... /suparsekritmod weee!

I can't even begin to tell you how THRILLED I was to see this!

I'm a sick puppy.

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From what I can tell, my local station won't be showing the NY audition show until next weekend. I think we're getting the final show of the season from last year that some folks saw last week. Post finale. Some kind of survey of Idol thingamjig. But the supersekrit source presumably has the premiere, so I'll get to see it either way. I think it's diabolical to have Clay narrate. Raises my interest quotient, that's for sure.

Let me dust off my sack cloth and ashes, and settle down where it's warm and cozy.

I'm excited.

Long day.

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