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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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Oh, I'm here - just generally filled with self pity because this is my week for the dentist. Crown today, root canal Friday...and I'm a horrible, babyish dental patient.


Ugh, ouch and ouch. Good luck with all of that. Sometimes the most painful thing is the fucking bill they love to present for putting you in misery. Did I help? :cry4:

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Oh, I'm here - just generally filled with self pity because this is my week for the dentist. Crown today, root canal Friday...and I'm a horrible, babyish dental patient.


heeee..snap out of it you big baby. I had a dental appointment today. Had to endure the floss lecture but my teeth are great condition. Of course I won't tell you how I switched dentists 3 times cuz they kept telling me needed to have my wisdom teeth pulled and then they showed me the video about how I could die so I refued to do it for years and years and then my new dentist that I love to peices finally convnced me to do it and I got all four pulled and all I needed was one tylenol to get through it. Did I win the big baby award? heh.

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Toots, you are right. Normally, we don't get much rain... except for those rare years when it rains and rains and rains and floods and mudslides and... you get the picture. What happens is that we get the fires, which burns off all our greenery, then it rains and with nothing to hold the soil, we get mudslides. Watch, this year will be one of our big rain years and everyone who survived the fire will get washed away in the mud. (makes sign of the cross to ward off excessive rain)

I love living here, but I wouldn't live in the hills/canyons for any amount of money. It's beautiful, but... I have one daughter who lives at the top of a hill, but the place has been there for over 40 years, so I think she's safe. (crosses fingers)

I just re-watched the Philly reading of the fat letter and the pulling tight of the shirt... SAAWOOON! Those shoulders... :Thud: That chest... :Thud: :Thud: I'll take a bit of a little fat pad under the chin and a bit of a soft tummy anyday if it is accompanied by those shoulders and that chest! :hubbahubba:

Couchie... congrats on the new job! Let me know how you like it... sounds interesting!

KAndre... been there, done that... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hee, my best ever, now retired, dentist convinced me I needed to keep my wisdom teeth and the latest dentest has convinced me I will get an abcess from the one I have left now because the in between dentist screwed up the cap next to it and I can't keep food out of it.

I am a few months late for my extraction appointment.

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You big baby amateur...considering I've been seeing Dr. Snow for the last seven years - mainly because he treats me like I have no self control whatsoever...I start hyperventilating the moment I step into the office - if they can get me into the office - if I break a nail, that's usually reason enough for me to cancel my appointment. And yes, he actually speaks to me like a three year old with a boo-boo...and I need that. He has finally weaned me from taking a mild sedative before my appointments. I have prepaid all my dental work for this year and still will manage not to go. Because I sort of should have have the root canal done back in August - but I had a Clay concert to go to! It was vital that I go! Just because I only chewed using one quarter of my mouth, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Sort of forever. When I first took my son to his first pediatric dental appointment, the dentist took one look at me and would not let me in the dental suite because he didn't want my totally out of propotional fear to rub off. As for the wisdom teeth, they put me under general anesthestic and I was so freakin' grateful...

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You big baby amateur...considering I've been seeing Dr. Snow for the last seven years - mainly because he treats me like I have no self control whatsoever...I start hyperventilating the moment I step into the office - if they can get me into the office - if I break a nail, that's usually reason enough for me to cancel my appointment. And yes, he actually speaks to me like a three year old with a boo-boo...and I need that. He has finally weaned me from taking a mild sedative before my appointments. I have prepaid all my dental work for this year and still will manage not to go. Because I sort of should have have the root canal done back in August - but I had a Clay concert to go to! It was vital that I go! Just because I only chewed using one quarter of my mouth, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Sort of forever. When I first took my son to his first pediatric dental appointment, the dentist took one look at me and would not let me in the dental suite because he didn't want my totally out of propotional fear to rub off. As for the wisdom teeth, they put me under general anesthestic and I was so freakin' grateful...

Now that's what I'm talkin about girl! I love your stories :clap: Hope it's not too bad but that kind of stuff just doesn't wait too long.

jumpingjacks, that's wonderful. My stepfather never had a cavity nor did he ever lose a tooth and he died when he was in his 70's. Ate garlic like it was candy and never ate candy. He could chew on bones. Unfortunately he was my step father not my real one and I didn't get those good genes.

Latest is 500,000 forced to evacuate from their homes. Sure hope this isn't a big rain year for you...this is just so not good!

couchie, ansa, ban that jumpingjack girl from the board. Never had a cavity Pfffft!

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Ahem, not to rub it in or anything but I'm 48 years old and have never had a cavity.

Now, that's just totally wrong! :clap:

I cannot count the number of cavities and root canals I have had done, starting when I was eight... gum surgery, and a bridge, too. Only thing I have refused to do is an implant... and I have an empty space for one. :cryingwlaughter:

I used to be so afraid of the dentist, but I found one I trust and have no problem with him. I had to go to a different dentist for my last root canal (a back tooth with only 3 roots instead of 4) and I had a panic attack in the chair. Man, I don't ever want to do that again! I am taking SUCH good care of my teeth! :cryingwlaughter:

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You big baby amateur...considering I've been seeing Dr. Snow for the last seven years - mainly because he treats me like I have no self control whatsoever...I start hyperventilating the moment I step into the office - if they can get me into the office - if I break a nail, that's usually reason enough for me to cancel my appointment. And yes, he actually speaks to me like a three year old with a boo-boo...and I need that. He has finally weaned me from taking a mild sedative before my appointments. I have prepaid all my dental work for this year and still will manage not to go. Because I sort of should have have the root canal done back in August - but I had a Clay concert to go to! It was vital that I go! Just because I only chewed using one quarter of my mouth, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Sort of forever. When I first took my son to his first pediatric dental appointment, the dentist took one look at me and would not let me in the dental suite because he didn't want my totally out of propotional fear to rub off. As for the wisdom teeth, they put me under general anesthestic and I was so freakin' grateful...

you win :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Aaahhh, the influences of FCA. Some good. Some not so good.

Good: Keepingfaith and Ldyjocelyn raving about how good Honey Crisp apples are caused me to go looking for some. I found them, went back to buy more. I'm not even an apple lover but those things are great.

The Bad: Okay, who was it that posted about deep cleaning their living room and dining room the other day???? I read that post and thought, that's what I need to do, some deeeeeeeep cleaning. So, I started on my family room, OMG! someone please come and slap me out of it, the room looks worse than ever. I started on the cross beams they are up about 10 feet I'd say, I had some baskets sitting up there with greenery in them. I pulled them all down threw away the greenery. One of them had a pair of rolled up socks in it. How did that happen???? I'd better get back to work.

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Dentists? Hate 'em. Spent most of my childhood in the chair getting cavities filled and teeth pulled. When I turned 18, I cancelled my next appointment and didn't end up in the chair until about 10 years ago when I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled. They knocked me out for that. I haven't been back since. Yes, I am a bad patient.

BWAH! This is really out there, but I was surfing YouTube for more Spamalot clips, and came up with

that combines the songs Not Dead Yet & I'm All Alone from the original cast soundtrack with clips from the TV show House. Hee!
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Dentists? Hate 'em. Spent most of my childhood in the chair getting cavities filled and teeth pulled. When I turned 18, I cancelled my next appointment and didn't end up in the chair until about 10 years ago when I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled. They knocked me out for that. I haven't been back since. Yes, I am a bad patient.

BWAH! This is really out there, but I was surfing YouTube for more Spamalot clips, and came up with

that combines the songs Not Dead Yet & I'm All Alone from the original cast soundtrack with clips from the TV show House. Hee!

OMG that is just the funniest thing...as a regular house viewer that is hilarious. Great editing too.

I love the soundtracjk...can;t help but laugh all through out. This is one time you have to pay attention to the lyrics.

Aww the dentists stories...My dentist is pretty cute...and such a great guy and dentist. He was very god with Caitlin on her first cavity filling...no problem at all.

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Couchie Congratulations on the job! My youngest Sarah just came home and told me she got promoted to full time at work...she works for a car dealer and has only been working there a couple of months. She is very excited!

Having my teeth worked on...I rather go through labor and delivery... I am the worst dental patient ever!

Many prayers going out to those in California.


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I take it muski is having a bad day???

Here, Honey.



Good Lord. The coverage of the fires is sobering.

340,000 evacuated.

My Sis's house burned when her DD was 6. (She's 37 now.)

I'll never forget that call from Mama. It was like her calling to tell me someone had died.

Sis lost everything. Baby pictures. Tablecloth our Nannie crocheted. (Sadly, my tablecloth was at her house, too, so we both lost them.)

He silverchest was found, but the firemen said the fire had been so hot the silver flatware evaporated! Nothing left of it. Don't know how the wood survived. Weird, huh?

It's horrific. She was talking to me about the fires yesterday. She didn't mention her experience, but I'm sure it brings it all back and she empathizes with the folks in CA.

So sad.

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KAndre, did you get a sucker for being good or did you break a nail and miss your appointment?

I've never seen Honey Crisp apples? Are they not available in California?

muski, maybe this would be the night for couchie to buy the drinks at the local watering hole?

I floss everyday and get my teeth cleaned every six months. I wouldn't have any teeth if I didn't do that. It saves alot of pain and alot more money!


Play, how is Holly doing?

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Muski... You need some parts therapy...

Those shoulders... that chest...


Those legs...




Those feet/toes...


That face...


That ought to do it.... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Toots... I found Honey Crisp apples at Pavilions this weekend. Expensive. $1.99/lb, but delicious!

aikim... congrats for your DD and her promotion!

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Wheeeee! I got home from work and logged on the the FCA...like you do......and I did a double take!! My banner is up! I am so thrilled you cannot believe it! It's like it is Christmas or something! I never ever thought I could do something that would be good enough!

Wow before Clay I did nothing but play Solitaire on my computer and now with the help of some great FCA'ers (Cha Cha and Ansa) and some easy freakingly complicated technical manuals, I have learned a new skill!

Clay can have no idea how much of a difference he has made in the lives of so many people! How many of us have gone way out of our comfort zone in many different ways since Clay began enabling us?

Oh and I hate the Dentist! When I was six I got knocked out with some kind of anesthetic and woke up with a mouthful of blood. They had taken out 6 teeth and didn't tell me! Then I had fillings done with no numbing! That's English dentistry for you.

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Oh, I'm here - just generally filled with self pity because this is my week for the dentist. Crown today, root canal Friday...and I'm a horrible, babyish dental patient.


OMG, it's YOUR fault!!! I've only had one cavity my whole life -- when I was 14. I chomped on a Dorito and cracked my filling a couple weeks ago -- OUCH! -- it had been replaced a few years ago with the white stuff. Turns out it was worse than that and now I need a root canal too. I'm totally skeered!!! And they want me to cough up $1400 for it. Insurance kicks in later but will only cover about $800 of it!


In the meantime, I live on Advil!

I feel your pain! Literally!

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