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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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Ok, since couchie told me it was up to me.......

I have started a thread HERE to get feedback on the possibility of FCA joining the gift parade and offering up something for Clay's opening night of Spamalot.

I would appreciate any and all feedback.

(And I am posting the link here because not everyone uses "View New Posts"...like me....)

ETA: Is being at the top of the page my punishment for not using "View New Posts"???????

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Wheeee, goldarngirl, glad you had a good time at Hedley (ok, and Bon Jovi too)! :cryingwlaughter:

Oooooh, another opportunity for me to throw cold water on BFM. Clay sang it well enough, but the song would never, ever, ever, ever, have been a radio hit IMO. It had strange lyric to music phrasing and there was nothing about it that stood out musically. It wasn't terrible and it wasn't great. If Clay has a breakthrough on radio, the song will have to be exceptional.

I'm no radio expert, but I think BFM could have done ok on radio. It's not my favourite song of all time, and I wasn't heartbroken when Clay said he didn't like it all that much, but I pumped my fists and sang along in concert with most others, and dreamed of the day I might hear it coming out of my car's speakers on a local station. I think it sounded like a lot of other stuff I have heard on the radio. I don't think it was a great showcase for Clay's voice, but neither is the other stuff I hear on the radio a great showcase for anyone's voice, thankfully. Since most of their voices aren't all that. I don't think a song has to be particularly great to get on the radio, in fact I think if a song is particularly great, radio probably wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Or maybe it's just that the songs I think are great aren't traditionally radio friendly. Which is fine, because my iPod is attached to me at the hip anyways. :imgtongue:

Cindilu, this is GORGEOUS!


Thanks for posting that again! I saved it at work but forgot to save it at home. Blue is my favourite Christmas colour. I tend to buy most of my ornaments in blue. Now to figure out a way to frame an animated gif! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I'm no radio expert, but I think BFM could have done ok on radio. It's not my favourite song of all time, and I wasn't heartbroken when Clay said he didn't like it all that much, but I pumped my fists and sang along in concert with most others, and dreamed of the day I might hear it coming out of my car's speakers on a local station. I think it sounded like a lot of other stuff I have heard on the radio.

Eh. I think if BFM was going to be a radio hit it would be one by now.

I thought it was fun in concert but standing on it's own? Nothing special. The first part drags. I don't even have it on my ipod because I get bored about halfway through the song.

But more than that...I really think when Clay told fans at a M&G whatever he told them (cuz I can't remember zactly right now *g*) he meant it. I don't think he was preparing them for someone else releasing it or eating sour grapes or any of the other numerous explanations I've seen fans give. I think it's just possible that Clay's tastes in music are not in line with some of his fans. Which will make it very interesting when he does a CD that he claims to be truly "his." Hee.

Of course there will always be someone to blame... :cryingwlaughter:

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I haven't read any further that this and yes is was Jacob and Hedley :clap: and they were GREAT :manynanas:

I'm a happy happy camper. Oh BonJovi was good too.

Which, to me, would be far preferable! Love Bon Jovi, and love Jake...he's just SO OTT!! He makes me laugh, and I feel like he makes himself laugh. I'd love to see that show if it's true....weren't you going, BTW, or was it Cindy?

For those in the US wondering who the heck Hedley is....their website

ETA It was meeeeeeeeee

Eeeeeeeeeehhhh!!! We wanna hear all about it! (and see the clack....:lol:)

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Good Morning Everyone,

6 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

32 Days Until Christmas in Merrillville!

35 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

48 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

59 Days until Clay is on Broadway! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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I really think when Clay told fans at a M&G whatever he told them (cuz I can't remember zactly right now *g*) he meant it. I don't think he was preparing them for someone else releasing it or eating sour grapes or any of the other numerous explanations I've seen fans give. I think it's just possible that Clay's tastes in music are not in line with some of his fans. Which will make it very interesting when he does a CD that he claims to be truly "his."

Oh, ITA with all of this. Wholeheartedly. *g*

GAH, I listened to spot's Vegas audio on the way in to work this morning. Man, he was sure on that night, wasn't he? This is the first time I've actually listened to it rather than watched it. He knocked AIW out of the park! Yeah, yeah, I know, always a day late and a dollar short, that me. :cryingwlaughter: I also can't wait for this to be shown on TV on Christmas Day, so I can see what the heck the skaters were doing while I was ogling the cute guy up on stage. ;)

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Sam Malone? I thought he was a ex baseball player that poured drinks in a Boston bar :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

But I still loved your rant KeepingFaith! First Class Grade A.

:cryingwlaughter: That was my first thought too!


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jamar said about BFM

But more than that...I really think when Clay told fans at a M&G whatever he told them (cuz I can't remember zactly right now *g*) he meant it. I don't think he was preparing them for someone else releasing it or eating sour grapes or any of the other numerous explanations I've seen fans give. I think it's just possible that Clay's tastes in music are not in line with some of his fans. Which will make it very interesting when he does a CD that he claims to be truly "his." Hee.

Of course there will always be someone to blame... :cryingwlaughter:

jamar, my thoughts exactly! We tend to blame everyone around Clay for the music he puts out but sooner or later we have to accept the fact that Clay likes to sing that stuff and either pass or play. I fell for Clay on AI2 and he sang all covers but it was the voice that brought me in not the songs. I come away with the impression that unless he gets radio play a lot of the fans will be unhappy with the music he puts out. I'm still in the minority here but I don't think Clay gives much of a shit anymore. He wants to do other things that satisfy his soul.

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Jordan Sparks is on GMA with her new single.

Is it a bad sign that I had forgotten all about her? Was it me or was she one of the least publicized Idol winners ever?

Her song sounds like typical pop princess fare.

I wish her well.

But I would rather be seeing Clay on my TV!

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jamar, my thoughts exactly! We tend to blame everyone around Clay for the music he puts out but sooner or later we have to accept the fact that Clay likes to sing that stuff and either pass or play. I fell for Clay on AI2 and he sang all covers but it was the voice that brought me in not the songs. I come away with the impression that unless he gets radio play a lot of the fans will be unhappy with the music he puts out. I'm still in the minority here but I don't think Clay gives much of a shit anymore. He wants to do other things that satisfy his soul.

Personally I don't think we've seen the type of music from Clay that satisfies his soul yet. [other than Christmas Music] MOAM was an RCA/AI Product and ATDW was a Clive Product. I don't think Clay was to invested in ATDW. JMO

It really sounds to me at least that he is going in a more Pop Sound with the next CD....at least from what we have heard so far. The M&G's might give us some more clues. At least I hope so.

I think Clay has a real talent for writing lyrics that are deep, meaningful, and make you think and feel something. He just seems to have a block about considering himself a songwriter. My wish is that he could hook up with someone to collaborate with to put music to his lyrics that would create a more uptempo, current sound.

Now don't get me wrong, I think Clay loves a good ballad......but I also think he loves songs that make people get up and get their groove on too.

I love BFM, but I don't really know if it would have been successful on the radio. I always felt it needed more oaf a driving drum beat.

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Nah, toots, I don't think you're in the minority - we're just not in the plurality! I know I tend to project my attitudes on Clay (because it's fun and I like my attitudes) - he's only shocked me occasionally and has delighted me repeatedly.

Eh, I think there was a lot of Clay in both MOAM and ATDW - not his concepts but he made them his own - especially live.

I still have to agree with Clay that I don't particularly consider him a songwriter either - but then again, I think he and I agree that he's a superlative singer and that might be sufficient for him. I too think he loves singing songs that make people get up and get their groove on (though I think he's really found that out on tour) - I just don't think he's interested in writing them. (And I am totally projecting here, because I tend to hate writing for a purpose in any case, and because pushed to do something I didn't particularly care for would fill me with resentment. And I think that came across - in a joking manner - with every introduction to LAA.)

Part of my problem is that there are really GREAT songwriters out there - as great songwriters as Clay is a singer. I would love for him to hook up with them, as opposed to writing eventually just good or adequate songs.

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jamar, my thoughts exactly! We tend to blame everyone around Clay for the music he puts out but sooner or later we have to accept the fact that Clay likes to sing that stuff and either pass or play. I fell for Clay on AI2 and he sang all covers but it was the voice that brought me in not the songs. I come away with the impression that unless he gets radio play a lot of the fans will be unhappy with the music he puts out. I'm still in the minority here but I don't think Clay gives much of a shit anymore. He wants to do other things that satisfy his soul.

Personally I don't think we've seen the type of music from Clay that satisfies his soul yet. [other than Christmas Music] MOAM was an RCA/AI Product and ATDW was a Clive Product. I don't think Clay was to invested in ATDW. JMO

Well, I couldn't disagree more about ATDW, I think he poured his heart and soul into that thing. Clive "mandate" or not (and I'll join the others who have said they hate the way that word has taken on a life of it's own). But I am, of course, still very excited about the next CD, regardless of whether he gets all originals on it or he has to compromise and put some covers on it or whatever. I don't think Clay necessarily minds a good cover. I know I don't.

I think Clay has a real talent for writing lyrics that are deep, meaningful, and make you think and feel something. He just seems to have a block about considering himself a songwriter. My wish is that he could hook up with someone to collaborate with to put music to his lyrics that would create a more uptempo, current sound.

While I would love that, Clay has said over and over and over and over that he doesn't consider himself a songwriter. As much as I love LAA and think he did a great job with it, I am not holding my breath waiting for the next Clay Aiken original to show up. I'm just not convinced that it is something he wants to pursue. If he does, GREAT! I'll love it. But I don't need it or wish for it or expect it. I just want him to be satisfied with whatever product he is able to put out for sale to the public. I think he was quite happy with the way ATDW turned out, and so was I. I don't think he'll put out a product that he isn't happy with.

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Nah, toots, I don't think you're in the minority - we're just not in the plurality! I know I tend to project my attitudes on Clay (because it's fun and I like my attitudes) - he's only shocked me occasionally and has delighted me repeatedly.

Eh, I think there was a lot of Clay in both MOAM and ATDW - not his concepts but he made them his own - especially live.

Well I agree with you on MOAM. I think he was bored singing alot the songs from ATDW. But obviously YMMV on that.

I still have to agree with Clay that I don't particularly consider him a songwriter either - but then again, I think he and I agree that he's a superlative singer and that might be sufficient for him.

Well I thought LAA was a great first effort at songwriting....the lyrics are better than 99% of the crap that people put out nowadays. I think Jaymes disagrees with you *g* I hope she keeps nagging him.


If he never writes another song, I'd be disappointed cause I do think he has a talent there....but I am all about the voice so as long as he keeps singing I'm happy.

I don't think Clay necessarily minds a good cover.

Perhaps not, but I don't think he wants to do a Cover Album ever again.

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But I think Clay (or any singer) get bored with anything if done often enough - especially by the end of the tour. The palpable "OMG I'm a professional singer on my own frickin' tour" excitement was gone - but by his 6th? 7th? tour, I don't care what he's singing, that's gonna be missing.

As for his desire to do a cover album again, it would probably depend on where, what or when.

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Oh I've been to enogh Clay Aiken tours to know a little bit. He put those song lists together. He picked those songs on Idol. We're not completely in the dark IMO. MoaM was pop so it's no surprise that he will be going for a pop sound but I don't expect an album full of dance music. I expect a nice mix including some nice ballads. Clay Aiken wihtout ballads LOL...I'll believe it when I see it.

As for Clay being a song writer... whatever..just as long as I don't have to wait for an album for him to write all the songs considering how long it took him to write LAA. :cryingwlaughter: I would enjoy hearing what he has inside and I do think we'll get other songs but I dont think he will be prolific...but he's suprised me before.

I think when you're on tour and sing the same songs every night you might get a little sick of it. Here we go again. The key is to rise above and put on a good show. But I do find it amusing that the two songs he mentioned by name in a mildy negative way was Back For More and A Thousand Days. These are the songs HE picked and was testing for his last album. And I don't believe any pychological mumble jumbo about that. I just hope for the upcoming album he picks songs that has a shelf life longer than 2 years because I expect him to be singing them for the rest of my life LOL.

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Good morning everybody. I just wanted to drop by and thank everyone for being so supportive. I'm trying to catch up as I am woefully behind. Awaiting incoming clack.

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I think it's just possible that Clay's tastes in music are not in line with some of his fans. Which will make it very interesting when he does a CD that he claims to be truly "his." Hee.

Of course there will always be someone to blame...

I agree. No matter what he puts out, some fans will complain. However, I can't help but think that some have been waiting for a rock album that may never happen.

Eh, I think there was a lot of Clay in both MOAM and ATDW - not his concepts but he made them his own - especially live.

I agree. He's talked about the songs on these albums. Even if he didn't make the final selection on the album, I do believe he had a lot of input on the sound and production of them. I think there's more of him on those albums than many want to admit.

I don't think he's ever mentioned a particular fondness for modern rock or dance music. If he was drawn to it, I suspect he would have found a way to bring more of into his concerts (and not in mocking tones). I do think that it's entirely possible that he is seeking a more commercial pop sound, something that might appeal to a broader audience. I can't imagine that he'd abandon his principles to sing music that felt inauthentic or unnatural to him. However, I do believe he's an ambitious man. I'm not convinced that he's entirely satisfied singing to the same 3000 people over and over again.

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ETA: Is being at the top of the page my punishment for not using "View New Posts"???????

Why yes, yes it is. I am glad you figured it out. Too bad you let the others in on it. We won't have a new page again until a newbie, who hasn't read anything, posts or one of us slips up.

What Clay's music sounds like. He said he was going for a contemporary sound. OK, what ever that means. I will wait and see.

My life is simple. I take people at their word unless I have a reason to question them, i.e. like politicians running for office, someone interviewing for a job and trying to impress. Clay said that ATDW was more like him than any album so far, so I believe him. I like the album, so I have no problem with that. I hear the changes that Clay made to those somgs, the nuances, the change in the meaning of the songs from the original versions. Clay may not ever be a prolific writer, but he personalizes music and makes it his own and that is an amazing talent.

I just can't be bothered to look for secret meanings in what Clay blogs or says. He said he didn't like BFM, so I believe him. It was something he tried on for size and decided it didn't fit. As far as MOAM, I think Clay grew new versions of the songs on tour. If only he had some time to do that before recording them. I like the tour versions better than the recorded versions.

As for Clay coming up with another Cover album - most people cover other people's songs, really , the majority do. Who knows what the future holds, Clay may come out and cover himself.

ETA - adds a wave for Wandacleo and to add a thanks to BC for bringing news from GeorgiaClay

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My life is simple. I take people at their word unless I have a reason to question them, i.e. like politicians running for office, someone interviewing for a job and trying to impress. Clay said that ATDW was more like him than any album so far, so I believe him. I like the album, so I have no problem with that. I hear the changes that Clay made to those somgs, the nuances, the change in the meaning of the songs from the original versions. Clay may not ever be a prolific writer, but he personalizes music and makes it his own and that is an amazing talent.

I jst can't be bothered to look for secret meanings in what Clay blogs or says. He said he didn't like BFM, so I believe him. It was something he tried on for size and decided it didn't fit. As far as MOAM, I think Clay grew new versions of the songs on tour. If only he had some time to do that before recording them. I like the tour versions better than the recorded versions.

As for Clay coming up with another Cover album - most people cover other people's songs, really , the majority do. Who knows what the future holds, Clay may come out and cover himself.

Yeah, pretty much, this is me also. It is simpler...no hidden messages, no CAPS to look for in blogs. However, I also give everyone the right, even myself, to change their mind. I don't expect Clay's statements or style, either in music or dress, today to always hold true for tomorrow. (Personally, this would explain why I have cows decorating my kitchen. What was I thinking?) I think it's called growth.

As for sound, I will probably always prefer live Clay over studio Clay. No contest.

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ETA: BWAH, my old boss just came by my desk and she is literally freaking out because she is going to see Bon Jovi tonight, here in town at the arena.

I went to the concert too! Got last minute good seats. Unfortunately, I think they were too good. Seeing John up close in person was NOT a good thing for me! I thought I'd see hot rock stud :hubbahubba: , but instead he looked just like a nerd from my former life. :crapsign: It was quite sad and strange and weird.

He looks sooooooo much better in pictures and on the TV. What a weird experience. I have no interest in seeing or hearing Bon Jovi anything anymore. :( I hope it's only temporary!

It makes me think I don't really want to win a meet and greet with Clay. I've seen him very up close and in person - he was standing right beside me during one of the JBT stops when he went out into the audience, so he pases the initial impression test, but the thought of interacting with him freaks me out now. What if "The Bon Jovi effect" happens?? Yikes!!


ETA: GREAT I'm on top!

ETA2: I definitely think a beer or two probably would have helped! The thought did cross my mind! :cryingwlaughter:

ETA3: edited a bit so I'm not being so harsh!

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BWAH, alspazz. My old boss came by my desk this morning and croaked out her Bon Jovi story, because she lost her voice screaming last night. She said everything hurts - her head (because she got drunk at the concert, perhaps that's why she didn't notice the "Bon Jovi" effect? :cryingwlaughter:), her arms, her legs, and her boobs from jumping up and down. I was :lmaosmiley-1: at her. And they call me crazy? :blink:

Hey, if you win a m&g, you could always gift it to me. I have no fear of the "Bon Jovi" effect. ;) Damn, too bad they won't let us do that. Guess you'll just have to suck it up. :imgtongue:

Oh god, and then another co-worker caught wind that I have tickets to see Keith Urban in December (I am accompanying my cousin, who in turn is going to accompany me to Erie, PA ;) ). She raced over to my desk all a-twitter, about how gorgeous Keith is and how lucky I am and did I know what I was getting into? All the women scream over him! His voice is to die for! Even his speaking voice! I will never be the same again! :blink:

I work in a nut house, I tell you. Can't these women see the sex god staring out at them from my desktop? ARE THEY BLIND???????

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O.K. this is a serious question, who get's the blame for the recorded voice? I know how much better his voice was on AI but I'm wondering if he really likes the recorded voice or just listens to the executive producer? The voice I fell in love with isn't well represented on his CD's...exceptions of course.

lucky, They aren't wrong about Keith Urban, that man just oozes sex. :hubbahubba: :hubbahubba:

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I totally agree about someone will always complain or blame someone if Clay's album is not the type of music THEY want.

I am hearing a lot of "this next album will be more Clay - his choices.." blah, blah, blah. This from people who are always saying Rock!Star!Clay! is what he really wants to be.

So, if his next CD is not even close to this, who will they blame? Will they ever be able to accept that maybe the music Clay wants is not the music they want for him?

I have no clue what sound Clay wants on this next CD. I am not sure Clay knows what his "sound" is. I think Clay likes variety. I think he would get so bored singing just one style of music. It wouldn't surprise me that Clay's musical direction will be like the weather. If you don't like it, wait a minute and it will change.

I don't think we will ever consider himself a songwriter. I think he considers himself a singer who will write a song if he is forced to. I just don't think he wants to work that hard! His passion is, IMO, not songwriting. I will bet he writes again, but unless he saves up all the songs he writes for his 20th anniversary album, I doubt we'll see an album of all Clay Aiken songs!

One thing I love about Clay is you never know what to expect from him. He continually surprises me. He seems to like stretching his wings. I think part of the reason is he bores easily. And you know what? He certainly is never boring to me! I want to always expect the unexpected. So much in the music world is predictable. Predictability bores me. I hope he never becomes predictable.

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