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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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We actually have so many librarians right here on this board, I'll bet we could come up with a wonderful list of suggestions.

So Bookwhore ........ Is it to late to pick your brain for some suggestions? Actually from all you librarians? It is going to be Monday before I hear back from the KCIS people again and I would love to get a suggestion list to the fans as soon as possible, while they are still all fired up about the idea.

By Monday Birthday Books is going to be old news.

If anyone can think of a good list, please PM it to me and I will go add it to my orginal post.

Oh and the age range is 5-11.


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Go tell Aunt rohdy,

Go tell Aunt rohdy,

Go tell Aunt rohdy,

that the book idea is Great!


I'll try to remember to look at the ALA site tomorrow for new books for kids. I'm sure I have recommendation lists, but it's been three years since I ran a school library! Lots of great new books since then, I'm sure!

G'Night, All!

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Go tell Aunt rohdy,

Go tell Aunt rohdy,

Go tell Aunt rohdy,

that the book idea is Great!



OMG....that song has haunted me all of my life (it's my maiden name) and now....now if fits! Thanks Cotton.

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rohdy If people want to just buy gift cards from a store (B&N or Borders etc. I would be willing for you to have them sent to me and I could keep a list for you and bring the cards to the venue. The teachers could use their discount to then get more for their money.
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Merrieeee....good idea. Thanks for the offer! I'm still not sure what we are doing about the gift cards. I'm just glad somebody...Bottlecap....right?.....came up with it!

I also think perhaps we can have people send them right to the KCIS organization. Though that does take away from the fun of seeing it all together.

Why is that always so much fun? It's like dumping your Halloween candy and countin' the pieces. :D

Bookwhore! You snuck in while I was playing with the emoticons!!

Ages are 5-11.

Thanks again.

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Not a new book, but a great oldie is the Taran series by Lloyd Alexander. My Grand daughter has also really enjoyed a new series based on the Greek myths. The first volume is

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1) by Rick Riordan and there are 2 or 3 others.

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Does anyone here have any idea how long it takes to catch up when your last post was 18 hours earlier? :blink:

But I just want to thank you, FCA, for being you. :F_05BL17blowkiss: It has been an absolute crazy 18 hours since last I poked my aching head in here, so when I decided to delay sleeping a bit to check in---well, even though it took forever to get to this place (since of course I use "view new posts"... :P ), well, GORSH! I'm so freakin' tired, I can't think of anything witty and funny to say. :cry4:

One more full day tomorrow...then half day Sunday...I'm taking two comp days MOn and Tues and hopefully will spend most of them in bed...unfortunately, alone.

Hey, Gibby and Reiki! If you guys have any time Sunday, I could probably host you in my fugly presidential suite before I check out of the hotel at 4 pm! --Like in the early afternoon? If you think you could make it, let me know!

I'm still hung up on how VICIOUSLY that blonde beyo....er, skater is hanging on to our boyfriend in that pic of THE HUG. :what_d_fuck::getaroom::grrrr::waiting: I mean...look at her hand! It's WRAPPED around his neck in no uncertain terms, demmit! (Well, it's only 'demmit' if he didn't follow up on that hug with her...heh.)....

Aargh,,,gotta go to sleep. Tired.... :856:

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Does anyone here have any idea how long it takes to catch up when your last post was 18 hours earlier? :blink:

It all depends on how long you drool over each picture....so anywhere from 1 hour to 18 hours. I'll put you on the high side. heee.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: I hope everything goes better tomorrow.

hmmmm maybe I should watch some of that skating clack. heh.

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Hi! John and I are back from our first trip to Vegas, as of last night. I think we liked it…. since we bought a Marriott time share. What can I say? It’s kitty corner from Bellagio and they have that nice fountain show I can see from the window. I can see a lot of construction cranes, too but they’ll eventually eat up all the land they’re sitting on right now and move further down the strip out of my view. I think we really are a little nutty. :ura: We hit the ground running last night when the plane landed since John is moving to Baku ahead of me, and that auspicious date is Wednesday. I’m sitting here looking at the most eclectic to-do list I’ve ever composed: make appointment with Deloitte, tell Mom I got the Celine perfume for the kid, anal glands – dog – groomers, buy John tuxedo, call about smashed up car, English Assignments 13 & 14, going away party – Saturday, flu shot. :schwirr:

Oh, and one for typhoid and his lovely friends.

We really did have a great time and now that I’ve managed to get this new fangled contact lens out of my eye and can see again….. here is my humble recap….

Way back in the summer, John and I had made tentative plans to go to Vegas in early November to celebrate our 25th anniversary…..which happened way back in the summer. The same week, way back in the summer, that I was booking hotels for that tentative trip the Marriott Vacation Club called and offered me a practically free condo for the first weekend if I’d strong arm my husband into joining them for a wee presentation one morning over coffee. So, after I hummed and hawed for a while, I said “sure, why not?”….and THEN…the skating show taping was announced. I thought I’d hit the jackpot, and I had yet to set one foot in Nevada. I was pretty excited that so many people were going to be there for the show, and became even more so when my aunt and uncle, who are big Clay fans, decided to come meet us there. They’re still there until Saturday, making it a full week. I think they are going to see Neil Sedaka tonight (the same Neil Sedaka who was getting out of the Orleans limo when we were getting out of a taxi in front of the hotel. My friend Shirley, from Halifax also came with her husband and their neighbors.

The Marriott Grand Chateau was very nice for the weekend but on Monday we moved over the Orleans, which was fine, too and hey……you couldn’t beat the price. Saturday night we went to see Elton John (from the back row of the second balcony) and on Sunday we saw Stomp Out Loud. Both shows were excellent. I was bushed by the end of the second day and if it wasn’t for the sheer folly of it, I would have knelt down and kissed every escalator I encountered.

Hmmm….maybe it would have been okay if I didn’t French kiss the escalators. (Ouch! You’ll have to excuse me, I ditching a rhetorical analysis of a process essay on embalming to write this.) Okay…where was I? Oh, right….

My feet were sore and my ankles were starting to swell. Nice, eh? Monday was more site-seeing, collecting hooker cards for my scrapbook :pimpsmily: , picture taking for same…. and the Folies Bergere. Then came Tuesday…something BIG happened that day. Gee, what was it? I guess that was that skating show that we loved. I can’t wait to see this on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and many days thereafter on my DVD player.

It’s always kind of a surreal experience for me every time Clay walks out on that stage. There are always echoes of that first time I saw him as he rose through the floor of the stage in the Air Canada Center….palpable echoes. I can’t remember how many times I’ve seen him live but it’s quite a few, and it never changes. I didn’t take my camera to the arena with me, I had brought the small one with only the 6X zoom and my seat was in the 12th row. I didn’t see much point to take pictures from there with such a small zoom. I deliberately left the camera behind but inadvertently left my binoculars (both pairs) in the room. DUH! I am so glad for the people who did bother to take their cameras to capture those great shots and video. I couldn’t really make out his face from where I was sitting except I could tell when he smiled.

I managed to divide my attention between Clay and the skaters, and I think the interpretations of the songs were very well done. It will be cool to see how it all comes together when it’s edited for TV. Clay was perfect for this and this special is going to be great exposure. When the show was all over and we ambled our way back to the casino I finally bumped into some FCA’ers! I forgot my pin, too, Couchie. I remember meeting liney23, wandacleo, luckiest1, and Couchie. Lots more folks wandered by and stopped in red truck area to chat, I wish I could remember who “lots more folks” were at this point but it’s all kind of running together now that it’s 3 days later. My apologies to anyone I’m forgetting.

We went to Spamalot for our last night, down at the Wynn. How hilarious! Sir Robin was on stage for a large portion of the show and for most of the funniest bits. This is going to be something I’ll be looking so forward to as I line up to pay of my $9.00 bag of Tostitos at the City Mart in Baku. Clay as Sir Robin and $3.00 Tostitos…….is it enough to make me hang around here until after the show opens so I can squeeze in a little side trip to NYC on my way outta Dodge? It’ll be close since it looks like John is coming back to Houston on the 19th of January and we’ll leave together somewhere around the 23rd. But I just might try to see if I can swing it. Time to start looking for a ticket, I guess.

I am so glad I went to Vegas…for more than just the chance to Clay on skates live and in person. It was a good break from thinking about all the real life things that seem to be coming from all directions….nothing bad, just have to work on my juggling act a little. I do wish someone could tell me why two people who have never worn more than mild drugstore readers suddenly decide it’s time to go get mono-vision contact lenses. I mean…if I absolutely really have to know the price before I get to the checkout I can’t really afford it can I?

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I love pushing his buttons…..I’ll always hold out hope that someday, I’ll win one of those Meet & Greets. I think with this new format it would be much fun….and fun for me, too, if Clay is still touring and putting his buttons out there for many years to come. This grasshopper has lots of patience.

rohdy, I think your book idea in honor of Clay’s birthday is a super idea. I’ll be going to Kalamazoo and if I can help in anyway, please let me know.

I think I’ll add “record AI2” to my list since we are going to be tux shopping in the morning. I will not complain about this because it could be much worse, we could be shopping for formal attire for me after a week of Las Vegas buffets. Thank God we are not!

Does anyone else think this is Jaymes in this photo? The woman in the front row with the camera dangling from her wrist? It looks like her to me, but like I said above, it’s the first day with the new eyeball.


Well, I think I’ve taken up quite enough real estate. I’ll go back to my assignment. I HAVE to get this in tonight! Hopefully, I won’t have to drive up to Halifax next week since it looks like I have to take one of the cars up there, to be stored, when I go at Christmas time. Two trips in a month would be a lot...they'd be one way, but still.....with John leaving on Wednesday, I’m thinking we aren’t going to get around to selling either one of them anytime soon.

Beauteous photo, PermaSwooned . You’re making me want to ditch my homework and go play with my summer tour pix. And go back to researching a new camera and doing all that kind of good stuff that’s more fun than English essays.

BTW.....I am open to new submissions.

I am open to submitting, too. All he has to do is ask......a story doesn't count.


ETA: Is that really 200 posts? WOW!!

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(Ansamcw @ Nov 9 2007, 03:58 PM)

BTW.....I am open to new submissions.


I am open to submitting, too. All he has to do is ask......a story doesn't count.

BWAH!!! I very glad I got to meet you for even a moment. Boy, you sound B.U.S.Y! Good luck in getting everything done when it needs to be done!

I was only in Vegas for 20 hours, but they were packed with joy! It was the greatest! I have been listening to AIW over and over and over and finally figured out for me why... it epitimizes triumph for me. The song, the guy who sang it... triumph of spirit!

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Does anyone else think this is Jaymes in this photo? The woman in the front row with the camera dangling from her wrist? It looks like her to me, but like I said above, it’s the first day with the new eyeball.


Yes it is Jaymes. We were sitting just up further in that same section. She spent most of the evening there.

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I've been working on pics again all evening! I'm trying to learn Photoshop Effects 6.0 (I think it is), and the program has helped with some of the underexposure in my ice show Clay photos. I'm testing it out on a 30 day trial right now. I got through tonight without having to look up too much stuff. With Windows 95 waaaay back, I had Adobe's Photo Deluxe program (through several upgrades of that program) and LOVED it. Of course, they don't make it anymore and haven't for several years, making people move to some version of Photoshop. I haven't liked any photo program as well as my old Photo Deluxe, but times change. It's just frustrating to get one program all learned and be comfortable with it and then you're forced to something else!

Anyway, I like the results I got tonight, so I'll post a few pretties (TM toni7babe)!!


I love the composition of this shot and the aura being exhibited by Clay in this shot. It feels reminiscent of ATDW promo time to

me for some reason, as well as AIW and Christmas show advertising last year.


Same pic in black & white and some filtering.


Such a gorgeous man.


Right after AIW performance.


More right after AIW performance.


Long, lean and in control. ...fans self... :wub:


Precious man.


More preciousness.


Just like this one.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEE AAIT...those are great pictures!!! I love the black and white one with the full treebeside him....would be great for some.....December Banner???

Karen eh! OG...I am exhausted just reading your recap...what a full life you are living right now. I know it must be exhausting to live it but also seem very very exciting.

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Good Morning Everyone,

16 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

42 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

45 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

58 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

69 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

The Meet and Greet Buttons are up at the OFC, Good Luck!

Everyone have a great day!


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Re. Kalamazoo Birthday Books:

There is a Barnes & Noble store local to Kalamazoo if the KCIS can take gift cards.

Amazon.com has both physical gift certificates available as well as e-cards that can be sent directly to the receipent, so that may be another option for supporting the project.

Personally, I'm getting psyched about doing some book shopping and look forward to seeing some recommendations from the librarians at FCA.


laughn, wanna hit the mall sometime this week? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Sorry guys, my son just flew in last night - I haven't seen him since before he went to Japan! He has grown up so from just barely 19 to almost 21...and I'll probably be seriously distracted for the next couple of weeks while he's home.

I know I've been not my usual self out of it for at least the last month - I tend toward occasionally depression (and have a hard time recognizing it in myself) and one of my tendencies is to retreat socially among other things (which keeps people from seeing it in me as well. Sort of a nasty cycle). Y'all and Clay have really helped me not go as deep as I can (I'm trying to avoid taking Wellbutrin - I just hate taking pills). One of the things I'm dealing with is that my son's old Scoutmaster died two weeks ago very unexpectedly (CH members may recognize him as the author of one of the worst books I have ever been forced to edit - sweet man - horrible writer) - and he was one of my son's major role models. And telling Paul was so very difficult. And then bad things just starting cascading. When I woke up this morning, I actually wanted to get up. And that's been awhile for me. But I want to thank y'all for being there for me, even if you didn't know about it.

And no, I haven't gone back to the dentist of evil. I have made an appointment with the good dentist though.

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Right after AIW performance.

THANK YOU AAIT!!! I really love the picture above. How can someone be CUTE and HAWT at the same time?!?!?!?

Kareneh -- wow, what a life you lead....good luck in EVERYTHING.

KAndre -- do you need some new bling? Would that help? I'll look for some today. {{{{{HUGS}}}}

Sorry, you won't get any book recommendations from this librarian. I avoided children's materials like the plague when I was in library school. Give me adult non-fiction or electronic reference sources ANY day. Having said that -- I look forward to seeing everyone's choices, and I think your project is a great one rohdy. I'll be willing to contribute a book or two!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Love those clips from Rewind. I'm really impressed with Superstar -- IMO, moreso that UM. (Maybe because I've never seen him sing Superstar before?) I thought the blend of the his voice with the other guy (and do they say who the other guy is?) was fantastic! I also love Clay's hindsight attitude -- "I was there to work." He knew that if he'd gotten himself this far, he'd have to keep his nose to the grindstone to keep up. I love that about him.

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Girls, you know me so well....

Only one problem...

IT'S TOO SHORT! Dear Lord, that boy sounded GOOD! WHY DO THEY TEASE ME THAT WAY!??!?!? Diffferent than Ruben/Luther, definitely different that Karen Carpenter. Man, that was pretty.

I had to force myself to listen to UM. And it reminded me so much of why I still listen to AI Clay. I know that he's changed his delivery, become more "nuanced" - but that boy was just totally AWESOME. But I do believe Superstar is my new fave clip. It is just so pretty. Pretty, pretty, pretty.

And bling is always good.

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Loved the clips...Superstar...yes he is! No wonder they did not want him to sing those songs on the show...can you imagine the meetings with the producers and judges! :cryingwlaughter:


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Enjoy your son, K'Andre, good for what Ails you.

You must be a real dynamo, Karen eh (no ?). Take a breath now and then!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, I nver ever thought I would get to see the lost Superstar. The other half is probably Secada and for some reason they chose not to show that. I have to go watch like a hundred times now. Bye.

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Wow, we already have Clay's AI Rewind clack? I just keep hitting right click and save. I was only gone for 5 days but I have a slew of stuff to catch up on. Of course, the weekend I was gone had to be one of only 3 weekends of figure skating competition that I don't ever miss (this one was Skate Canada International, but I also always watch the Canadian Championships in January, and the World Championships in March) and I screwed up the settings on the DVR, so I have been frantically downloading and watching videos of all portions of the competition. I also have been downloading the few TV shows I follow (House, Criminal Minds & Moonlight). Plus of course last week's AI Rewind, and all the Holiday on Ice clack. So I think I'll just right click and save these new/old Clay gems and not watch them until the show airs tonight. I'm trying to watch things in order! :)

Hee, Karen Eh, your Vegas recap had me grinning. Those guys handing out the hooker cards are everywhere, aren't they? I even saw a woman handing them out on the strip. Not to mention the actual women who were either really hookers or just dressed like hookers. It is a unique place, that's fo sho!

{{{KAndre}}} I understand totally.

So I signed up for my 3 m&g's but I never got a confirmation for Kalamazoo. I hate when that happens.

rohdy, I'm not a librarian, but I do love me some classic children's books. I'd be happy to make some recommendations, if you are interested.

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