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#23: Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!


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56 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • It is more than just the vox and the humor and the gahness!
    • Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.
    • In so many ways, Clay has made me throw my sanity to the wind.
    • Clay is just standing out there with his naked voice, balls proud, singing his heart out without a safety net.
    • "Them desire prospered New Year"
    • He's one yummy man from any angle I look at him.
    • I just betcha "Sir Robin" is going to fit his Clayness like a second skin.

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Play, Gibby, Wanda, Couchie, luckiest and the rest of the Vegas crowd... I'll be watching for you tomorrow! TGIFs was so much fun! So worth the 10 hours of driving!

This is the bestest board with the bestest people and am sending you all love and light and a wish for health, happiness, and Hope (tm CHA)!!!

It will be interesting to see who is shown in the audience! Couchie's probably most likely, because she the seats closest to the ice.

CG, I loved your montage last year, and I still love it! Thanks so much for sharing it with us again.

And Clay's blog was lovely! I enjoy it so much when he shares detail with us. Too bad about the late and missed planes, and the lost luggage. Sounds like he plans to blog again tomorrow.


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Apparently a few people have already seen the skating show. Here's a quote from lindylo at CV:

Here it is almost 2 a.m. and I am watching the skating show I taped earlier. It is just wonderful, Clay sounds great and he is so articulate during the interview. He gets a lot more face time than I thought he would so all is well.

And here's what canooky had to say about it (and yes, this is an exact quote):

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Believe it or not, I woke up before the kids this morning! For some reason I decided to hit the OFC before FCA, and what a wonderful present to wake up to - a blog from Mexico already. Poor guy, sounds like he had a rough time of getting there, and I sure hope his luggage doesn't show up on Ebay. :cryingwlaughter: But man, does he have his priorities straight or what? He amazes me, every single time.

Can't wait until the skating show this afternoon. I just couldn't stay up for it last night, I was pooped. But cindilu2's coming over to watch and dine with us, so it's gonna be great! So happy to hear Clay gets some face time. I doubt we'll be on camera, since we were sitting up in the boonies, but I bet couchie will make an appearance! :clap:

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Good Morning Everyone,

Merry Christmas! We are doing Christmas breakfast today; my oldest daughter Emily and her boyfriend will be here at 9:30...still have to clean up the kitchen from yesterday before I start cooking again!

Loved his blog! Glad to here they all got down there safely even with the missed luggage!

Can't wait to see the Skating Special; so happy to see Clay is getting lots of face time. I will have to tape it as we are going to my sister's this afternoon...have not celebrated with the family the last couple of years, so of course the year I would love to just stay home and watch the Special, she decides to have a get together. It will be nice seeing everyone.

13 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

24 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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I'm a relatively new member at FCA, and I wanted to take a moment today to say how much I appreciate this community. It's so nice to have a place to come to celebrate our fandom and speak our minds.

For all, with best wishes:


Thanks for bringing your montage, Claygasm. It is good to be reminded of that message today.

Couchie, special wishes go out to you and your family today.

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Todd Eldridge is on the Today Show now. He's skating at the Rockefeller Rink to a recording of "All is Well." Meredith Viera intro'd it as being by multiplatium recording artist Clay Aiken. It sounds terrific on my tv. She promo'd the Skating Show at the end, but unfortunately didn't mention Clay as singing on it.

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Good Morning, and MERRY CHRISTMAS FCA!!!

That group picture is wonderful! It makes me giggle how much taller he is than them. He must feel like a giant, lol (at least until Jerome comes around).

I did stay up for the skating special last night, though I missed the first ten minutes. Wonderful!! I can't wait to watch again today. What a nice treat to wake up to a blog from our boyfriend, too. He such a cool guy.

I'm looking forward to dinner with luckiestfamily today! I wish for all of FCA at least one warm moment today.

Merry Christmas, with love :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Merry Christmas FCA

Happy Birthday JaMar


In a world that so often finds us battered and bruised, one constant is the joy Clay brings us with his voice, his heart, his smile, his soul. And the joy of the friendships made because of him.


Beautifully stated Claygasm.

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I like that it is being picked up by newspapers and that this was included

How To Help: Please visit: http://www.unicefusa.org/ or call 1-800-4UNICEF

Attention Broadcasters:

Hard copy b-roll footage available.


I wonder if it is generic UNICEF stuff or Mexico UNICEF stuff.

Yesterday on ET - they promised a show on how the stars are giving back. I will be sorely disappointed, but not surprised if Clay is skipped. Doesn't mater though, word seems to be getting about about this.

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