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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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I want a bear--- I want it now.

Anyway- Did you guys know that Clay won the Insider poll for most popular idol? The clip is ay CV's last page of Clack alerts. It's nice. He's purdy. That is all.

No it's not. I love large and in charge Clay Aiken in that ET clip. I love that he talked to those Broadway guys. I luv him and I'm soooo easy.

Simon--penis envy is so tacky.

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Hey, bringing some hurried screencaps from ETOnline.

Because of the movement, some are a bit blurry. But he's so darned CUTE in this interview. I sure don't see any real nervousness, just pretend nerves!

post-1474-1200580530_thumb.jpgpost-1474-1200580541_thumb.jpgpost-1474-1200580550_thumb.jpgpost-1474-1200580558_thumb.jpgpost-1474-1200580566_thumb.jpg post-1474-1200580575_thumb.jpg

Good Morning!

Hi, Luckiest! Do these help?!

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From stripedshirts at CV:

Check this out.....B'way's got a little something cute & special going on next month:

The Broadway "Teddy" Bears Auction 11 is February 17

Sunday, February 17, 2008 at the B.B. King Blues Club & Grill (237 W. 42nd St) those ursine thespians of The Great White Way will come out of hibernation for the eleventh annual BROADWAY BEARS auction, in support of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

The fur will fly as lot by lot is presented by a parade of Broadway celebrities introducing 40 one-of-a-kind BROADWAY BEARS each dressed in original, handmade costumes representing some of the theater’s most legendary performers and/or performances will be put up for auction.

This year’s cast of bears will include autographed bears representing current shows like The Little Mermaid, Xanadu, Spring Awakening, Young Frankenstein and Curtains as well classic shows like West Side Story, The Music Man, Gypsy, Cats, and Dreamgirls.

"Missing out on this event will be something that you won’t want to bear! "

Check out their 2008 poster:


How cute is that bear??? I had been thinking about making a Sir Robin bear myself!

Fresh ET Clack & I can't watch it until tonight! :cry4: I don't think it's always better to wait, no matter what Clay once said.....

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Clay Aiken unintentionally pushes more buttons than most so-called subversive artists.

That's from the Tony Blog -- and it made me LOL because I've thought thsi since the beginning. He endlessly fascinating.

My buttons are certainly being continually pushed, and I alternatively either giggle manically like the Pillsbury Doughboy getting poked in the stomach or let loose with a stream of EEEEEE's. It's exhausting, y'all!

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Okay. I just did something I never do!

I started a thread at the OFC.

I thought it would be good to have a place to post our Break a Leg Wishes for Clay.

If you're so inclined! (Remember to sign in to OFC first!)


(I used my HOPE post to start it off.)

new link

I looked for a thread and couldn't find one - so now a previous thread and mine have been merged. :)

edited to fix the link...ansa

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Clay Aiken unintentionally pushes more buttons than most so-called subversive artists.

That's from the Tony Blog -- and it made me LOL because I've thought thsi since the beginning. He endlessly fascinating.

I've been thinking about this lately, and I find it totally ironic that his timing on "pushing buttons" seems to be impecable. Puts hand over Ripa's mouth -- and hey, he's doing a Christmas tour! Puts foot on an airplane armrest -- and whaddayaknow, he's touring in the summer! Stands up for himself to a Newsweek reporter -- and did ya know he's going to be in Spamalot? I know these are coinkydink, but it just seems rather funny to me.

OK, I've just watched the ET clip just a few more times. First of all -- raise your hand if you're looking forward to Clay Aiken as a drunk guard! :yess: Wonder if maybe he'll need a Cosmopolitan to get him through tomorrow night? *g* The other thing I thought was really cool was when the one guy he interviewed talked about the Broadway casts being "family." I can imagine that this really appealed to Clay -- he's got his touring "family," and now he'll have another family as well. I also think (although I'm not positive on this) that when he's "accepted" as part of the Broadway family, he'll have soooooo much support. I think the doors are going to crack wide open for the man with this, and I'm just pleased as punch by this.

Off to bring over those GFI pictures, if I can. I need to shake this headache first.

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Clay is so comfortable in front of a camera. If he weren't such a nice guy , he could easily be an entertainment reporter. I have no doubt that he will have his talk show some day. He seems so excited in the ET video. Have we ever seen Clay appear on tv when he wasn't happy? One of my favorite things about him.

I love his Sir Robin photos. He looks so mature and professional in them. And IMO quite handsome. The photographer did a great job. I have no doubt that he feels like Sir Robin. I love the stare into space in the chicken photo, looks very Shakespearean to me.

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ITA ldyJ

I also loved the respect he was given by these guys...saying when it comes to vocals he got it made. I think Clay got a bit taken by surprised by that. I suspect people have seen his work ethic around the rehearsal halls and have seen the talent. The impression I have of Broadway...is that they respect talent most of all...who cares about the image or what box you are in.

He looked so happy ....I am so excited for him!!!

Gah ...I need to hear him with a British accent!!!

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My buttons are certainly being continually pushed, and I alternatively either giggle manically like the Pillsbury Doughboy getting poked in the stomach or let loose with a stream of EEEEEE's. It's exhausting, y'all!


I hope your headache disappears *soon*, ladyj. :friends:

I woke up feeling so happy & schmoopie & excited for Clay today. :flirtysmile3: I keep trying to find a way to get to NYC tomorrow. Not going to happen, but a girl can dream, can't she? :twinklewhore:

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The impression I have of Broadway...is that they respect talent most of all...who cares about the image or what box you are in

That's my impression, too, Ansa, although I certainly have only a passing knowledge of that particular cutlure. But it makes sense. Theater artists HAVE to be genuine because they invest so much of themselves in their art. They're figuratively naked each time they take the stage --unlike a movie, they can't stop the film and redo---(and of course in Clay's case, we fantasize about LITERAL nakedness as well :hubbahubba: ), so they really can't suffer fools.

I like that. And I agree that the concept of the 'family' environment of the theater must 'fit' Clay's sensibilities. I hope he's happy and thriving.

I've only seen a part of the ET clip---was trying to sneak it in this morning before leaving for work, but then my hubby had the AUDACITY to interrupt to ask a question about his new ipod he got for Christmas! Obviously, the man is somewhat unbalanced to have approached me while my goofy face was in force and my eyes were glazed over in front of my computer screen! :cryingwlaughter:

Now I can't watch at work....Flash player or whatever won't work...GAH! I don't even need to hear it---just wanna watch. Anybody put it into a yousendit or whatever yet? :lilredani:

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I woke up feeling so happy & schmoopie & excited for Clay today. :flirtysmile3: I keep trying to find a way to get to NYC tomorrow. Not going to happen, but a girl can dream, can't she? :twinklewhore:

Yes, she can. And it sure makes working a pain in the ass! :P

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Try clicking your heels three times together while chanting "There's no place like Broadway, There's no place like Broadway..." :wizard:

I'm trying, bottlecap, I'm trying! dorothy_bear.jpg

You aren't kidding, luckiest!!

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OMG I have so much nervous energy today! Too bad I can't seem to channel it into my work. Heh. I don't think I remember ever feeling quite this antsy before, not even before the start of a tour. And it's not that I'm nervous for him, because I'm not. He's going to do great, I know it. It's just....ah, I don't know....excitement I guess! Not going to the opening night is proving to be a bit more difficult for me than I thought it would be. But I only have myself to blame....all those DCAT stops and Vegas sure added up. But I wouldn't change a thing, given the chance to do it again, either. March 12th will get here eventually. :)

OK, I've just watched the ET clip just a few more times. First of all -- raise your hand if you're looking forward to Clay Aiken as a drunk guard! :yess: Wonder if maybe he'll need a Cosmopolitan to get him through tomorrow night? *g* The other thing I thought was really cool was when the one guy he interviewed talked about the Broadway casts being "family." I can imagine that this really appealed to Clay -- he's got his touring "family," and now he'll have another family as well. I also think (although I'm not positive on this) that when he's "accepted" as part of the Broadway family, he'll have soooooo much support. I think the doors are going to crack wide open for the man with this, and I'm just pleased as punch by this.

Hee, I think a lot of people are going to be surprised when Clay is on stage as more than Sir Robin. I keep seeing posts around the boards from fans who are staying completely unspoiled for this. It's not something I think is a good idea, because to me, you almost need to have at least watched the Holy Grail movie to "get" alot of the jokes, but hey, to each her own, right? Personally, I think the Brother Maynard stuff is going to be freaking hilarious. And I can't wait to watch him dance in the ensemble numbers as Sir Robin. Just seeing the rehearsal footage from the London cast was enough to send me into fits of laughter. But of course, the shining moment is going to be Sir Robin's big production number. OMG how many more hours until we get the first reports?

I also loved the respect he was given by these guys...saying when it comes to vocals he got it made. I think Clay got a bit taken by surprised by that. I suspect people have seen his work ethic around the rehearsal halls and have seen the talent. The impression I have of Broadway...is that they respect talent most of all...who cares about the image or what box you are in.

I'm thrilled for Clay to be a part of another 'family'. I really do think he will make some fast friends on Broadway. And I agree, I think his talent & his work ethic will speak for itself, and he will earn a lot of respect. My buttons are just bursting with pride for him, and he hasn't even taken the stage yet!

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Clay Aiken Aches from Prepping for New Role

Clay Aiken Aches from Prepping for New Role

The Idol star of Broadway's Spamalot says rehearsals nearly waylaid him


Clay Aiken as Spamalot's Sir Robin Photo by: Joan MarcusClay Aiken Aches from Prepping for New Role | Clay Aiken

It may be a long leap from Raleigh, N.C., to the kingdom of Camelot – with a memorable stop on American Idol in between – but Clay Aiken is apparently ready to take his seat as Sir Robin at the Round Table. The singer, 29, officially joins the cast of the Tony-winning Monty Python musical Spamalot on Friday, having told Newsweek that he was so sore from the arduous rehearsals to prepare for his Broadway debut that he "couldn't even get off the toilet the other day."

It will remain to be seen if Aiken's acting and dancing can measure up to his singing, CD-selling (6 million) or even his candor – as well as who's really tougher, Simon Cowell or New York theater critics. Aiken is due to remain with the show through May 4.

– Stephen M. Silverman

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Well, I am not completely unspoilered, I know about the look (which I don't consider spoilering), I know about dancing and not much singing and the chicken to some degree, but I really don't see why every.single.line and every.single.scene from the play has to be discussed in detail before Clay even opens. I mean, why were there spoiler threads set up anyway, if not to keepthe detail off main threads? I have no problem with general character discussion or general play discussion, but some boards are posting damn near every joke line... I going to opening night and I would kind of like to be able to laugh freely at jokes, not just wait for specific punch lines. [/end of joke line rant]. I watched on video of the Spamalot months ago and decided that it was too much to know before I go.

Here is the thing, and I realize it is just my opinion, I am sick to death of Clay comparisons and with all this play stuff out there, I know there will be another round of who is the better Sir Robin. I am well aware this will happen and somehow Clay will fall short and some fans will be rougher that the worst of the critics and I do know enough to stay off the boards after opening night. I do believe the fandom is wearing me down and poltics is getting more interesting and drawing me in.

maybe if I could just sell my house by February and buy that bear, I could feel better about it. I see the over the top anticipation and I dread Saturday. I need a break. groupe010.gif

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Well, I am not completely unspoilered, I know about the look (which I don't consider spoilering), I know about dancing and not much singing and the chicken to some degree, but I really don't see why every.single.line and every.single.scene from the play has to be discussed in detail before Clay even opens. I mean, why were there spoiler threads set up anyway, if not to keepthe detail off main threads? I have no problem with general character discussion or general play discussion, but some boards are posting damn near every joke line... I going to opening night and I would kind of like to be able to laugh freely at jokes, not just wait for specific punch lines. [/end of joke line rant]. I watched on video of the Spamalot months ago and decided that it was too much to know before I go.

Here is the thing, and I realize it is just my opinion, I am sick to death of Clay comparisons and with all this play stuff out there, I know there will be another round of who is the better Sir Robin. I am well aware this will happen and somehow Clay will fall short and some fans will be rougher that the worst of the critics and I do know enough to stay off the boards after opening night. I do believe the fandom is wearing me down and poltics is getting more interesting and drawing me in.

maybe if I could just sell my house by February and buy that bear, I could feel better about it. I see the over the top anticipation and I dread Saturday. I need a break. groupe010.gif

Oh my...is the spoilering really bad? Thanks for reminding us. I know I have tried not to give too much specific details.

I do agree with Lucky that watching The Holy Grail might be a good idea...but I did try not to watch the whole show until Clay has opened...but with the no clack policy...I knew I may never see this performance so I watched the download imagining Clay in DHP's place. if I was sure to watch the show in the first month...I think I will try not to watch the original because I don;t want to be influenced by how DHP did it. I think Clay;s performance should be judge on its own merit.

Should we create a spamalot discussion thread for people that want to be spoilered???

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