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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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Good point. Personally, my take is that everything Clay said was with a self-deprecating smile--until the interviewer started asking about Ripa and the airline incident.

Totally agree. I think he really was having fun there for a while.

If anything, I would guess that Clay might be a little disappointed to discover that a news magazine would ask tabloid questions. It's a shame, in a way, because if they had asked serious questions about things like, say, Afghanistan, he could have had some really interesting and insightful things to say. However, it seems as though this particular reporter's research only went as far as TMZ.

Unfortunately, I think even if the Afghanistan question would have been asked, and no tabloidy type questions had been, I believe some people would have been like "why didn't the reporter ask about the foot thing? Why is he talking like he's an expert about Afghanistan? That's sooooooooooooooooooooooo boring." Now of course, not EVERYONE would be like that, but I think there's this shallowness in American society today that we just can't shake, and it permeates our lives. I hate it too, but I see it all the time working with college students. We live in a world of soundbites and tabloids (although I'd love to do a history of tabloid reporting sometime, I think this kind of thing actually goes back many years. It's just that the internet speeded everything up), and I'm not sure what exactly can be done to change that. Well, actually yes I can -- it's known as CRITICAL THINKING! WHICH TAKES TIME!!!!

Sorry for the shouting.

A part of me wishes he had deflected the questions with more humor, but I can understand his irritation. And ultimately, I don't think his responses really hurt him.

My first thought was like Bookwhore -- "oh man, he's tired." But then, I also totally admired him for standing up to the guy, and in a way, I think the interviewer liked that too.

If nothing else, I think this interview shows the most human side of Clay Aiken yet. Funny, snarky...and yes, maybe a bit crabby. But when are any of us NOT crabby sometimes? And it hasn't hurt me; I don't think it will hurt Clay.

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A part of me wishes he had deflected the questions with more humor, but I can understand his irritation. And ultimately, I don't think his responses really hurt him.

You know, Jenna, I kinda cringed the first read through, too. But then I thought about the Diane Sawyer interview...when he went on GMA KNOWING that the topic was going to be discussed...and he sat there, hearing a woman he respects---both as a person and a professional journalist---speaking publicly about such things....and he handled himself so very well....

He didn't deserve this from such a loser. He was ambushed. Newsfuckingweek? WHy would he have been expecting this kind of questioning from an established NEWS magazine if---as some people suggest---this interview was arranged in order to promote Spamalot? I mean, it's GREAT if he's getting the chance to talk about Spamalot with Newsweek! Why the HELL should he have tolerated or even laughed off such a U-turn in questions?

He reacted to being asked those tired, purposeless, asinine questions in exactly the same way I do when I have to read them.

I don't have big balls, but I probably would've done the same kind of thing--answer the questions that deserve answer; fuck around with the ones that don't. I also think that if this interview had been taped and shown, people would come away with a more accurate idea of what really happened. Baby's got a very expressive face, y'all.


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LOL..already seeing google alerts with clay storming out of an interview. Controversy King lives. I hope everybody who talks about it actually links to the article. And popdirt of all blogs, had his quote from the airplane incident. I loved that one as well. If I recall correctly he had a little jab at the meda on that one as well.

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I just bought our first set of tickets to Spamalot! Really wanted to wait until next week, but these good ones for Sunday night came up, and well....y'know. :dancingpickle: :00000442:

I'm so excited about this trip!

Do we have a buy/sell thread here for Spamalot?

:clap: Good for you, I'm so glad you guys are going! And yes, there is a forum for Spam tickets here.

this is why i don't believe anything anymore without doing my own research, unless its something that is relatively unimportant to me.

Good for you. Too many of our young people take things as fact. Why, just last night I was talking to my daughter, and I mentioned that a former figure skater we both knew had died. She immediately pulled up Wikpedia and started reading about it, and remarked that she was amazed at how fast they had the info updated. I commented that it was because anybody can edit Wikpedia. Her response? But then how do I know it's true? Up until that point, she had believed that it was ALL true.....she had no idea.

And I LOVED that they wrote new songs for him! How cool is that!

First off, {{{hugs}}}

But from the Newsweek article, Clay said:

They've written some new parts for me to sing a little.

I think that we need to be careful not to extrapolate this into new songs for Clay (you know, that whole 'set our expectations too high' and then get disappointed thing). As much as that'd be great, he may just be talking about a few lines here or there. But whatever it is, I can't wait to hear them!

I cracked up when he called himself 30 years old. And then I clicked on the next page and the next question was 'are you really that old' or something like that. LMAO. I agree with those who said that perhaps his current state of soreness or exhaustion may have contributed to his bluntness when the questions took a turn for the nasty. But still I say, good for you, Clay! So this article is fast becoming tabloid fodder? Interesting. Maybe soon they'll realize that they'd better find someone else to mess with, cuz Clay's not gonna take it anymore.

Edited to add: This post brought to you by the phrase "good for you".

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Newsweek has a history of being stupid and rude. There was Kevin Spacey interview where KS said WTF to a question and so forth. It was worse than Clay's answers. I think they do it a lot.

Anyway, whatever, Clay Aiken is all grownup and pushing the vultures back. Honestly, I think the article is interesting. I know I'd read it if it were in the magazine. It's better than some of the drivel.

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Have you guys seen this? I didn't see it anywhere.

I just read this. It's pretty good.

They have a poll up asking for opinions about the interview. I voted support for Clay's answers in the article. Do with that what you will. LOL!!!!


Clay Aiken Blasts Newsweek In Contenious Interview

'American Idol' season two runner-up Clay Aiken gave Newsweek an idea of how he'll be handling questions regarding controversies he's found himself in. Asked about last July's incident on a Continental Airlines flight to Tulsa International Airport where he got in a spat with a female passenger, Aiken responded, "I'm not going to talk about it."

When the Newsweek's Ramin Setoodeh said he was interested because Clay never talked about it, he fired back, "I did talk about it."

Clay did issue a statement in July explaining what happened. "While sleeping on a plane over the weekend, my foot evidently found a home on the arm rest of the passenger seated directly in front of me," Aiken said in the statement. "I didn't realize I was causing the woman any distress until she woke me up with a quick hit to the chest. Unfortunately, being that this happened on a plane, the FBI was called in to investigate and eventually we were all sent on our way. I'd like to thank everyone for their concern; I'm fine and have taken steps to prevent any foot wandering in the future."

Setoodeh then asked Aiken about the incident with 'Live with Regis and Kelly' host Kelly Ripa, where Aiken, who was serving as a guest host in place of Regis Philbin, forcefully covered her mouth in order to get a question in. Kelly was not happy with Clay's actions, and said, "I don't know where that hand has been." That remark prompted Rosie O'Donnell, then host of 'The View', to brand her remark homophobic. Aiken again said, "I'm not going to discuss it" to both the incident and the Rosie remark that it was homophobic, telling Setoodeh, "I think we're done."

Aiken then proceeded to take a few shots at the marquee news publication. "I thought Newsweek would be more reputable. I'm surprised," he said, adding, "It was a year ago. This is Newsweek. It's not the National Enquirer. I'd hate to have a job where I had to be rude to people."

Posted on Friday, January 11 2008 @ 21:35:12 CST by MusicMan

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OMG I love it...this is just the kind of thing that a promo like this needs. A feisty star that will make interesting reading and will make other news agency sit up and take notice...

YUP...that is why Clay is more a household name than most AI winners...

I don;t know if humorous, snarky answers would've made me sit up and admire Clay...cos that would seem like he was trying to be cutesy. This was direct no nonsense answers given by a person who knows what he is worth and won;t take crap from anyone.

who cares about the hater blogs...just makes people talk about him....

controversy king indeed!!!!

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Speaking of Quiana in Dreamgirls, I think it's very generous and brave of Clay to recommend her for such a plum part...knowing that the more people who hear her sing, the greater the chance he may lose her to her own stardom. I have no idea if she can act, however. heh

I agree it is generous of him but not at all surprising as Clay rarely puts himself first, he seems to always consider what's best for the people he loves. His loyalty is second to none.

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This was direct no nonsense answers given by a person who knows what he is worth and won;t take crap from anyone.

Yeah, that! He's a 29 yr. old man, with 30 yr. old leg muscles, and he's not one to put up with shit. Never has been from what I can tell.

...editing because djs111 reminded me I wanted to comment on JJ's teaching post as well.

I've been a SpEd teacher for 26 years...the last 15 have been with kids with behavioral disorders. I can't imagine ever doing anything else. It isn't the kids or the parents who are my worst nightmare...it's other teachers.

I have always taught in an inclusive setting...26 years as well. Since I teach the very young (3 -5 yrs old) it is usually the child's and the parent's first experience in a school setting. Sometimes school with typical peers works, sometimes not, as djs points out, but I make sure all children and families have the opportunity to discover that for themselves. In all these years the biggest hurdle I have had to overcome hasn't been from students or their families, but from other educators. I could go on and on with stories, as I imagine jumpingjacks could too, but I will just say that I think one of the greatest benefits the BAF provides is training of staff.

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I've been a SpEd teacher for 26 years...the last 15 have been with kids with behavioral disorders. I can't imagine ever doing anything else. It isn't the kids or the parents who are my worst nightmare...it's other teachers.

My grandson has hilariously (if you love him) rampant ADHD and before he was diagnosed, in kindergarten, his fucking teacher actually screamed at him. (He also is a bit deaf).

And I bet she is still pissed off that her recommendation that he repeat kindergarten (with another teacher, of course) was reversed the second day of his repeat semester - his new teacher called me, and then the principal and guidance counselor. She said not only did he know the work, he was helping teach the other kids. He was tested and immediately sent to first grade.

Now, here is where I am torn on the inclusion thing (heee - my Clay content) - without medication, he disrupts the class. No one gets the good attention they need. He is now thriving in a charter school that specialises in ADD and ADHD kids, the desks are all like library carrels, the kids can pay attention to work and not get distracted. Very rare to have homework, they know how exhausting it is to go through hours of yelling just to get 10 sentences written. So they whiz through stuff at school and test out very well indeed. And the school FAQ page is enlightening to me, things I had not considered - "Are the kids missing the socialization of a regular school?" "Well, you would be shocked to hear how many kids are SCARED in a regular school, especially the ones who need extra help." That is absolutely true.

By the way, I didn't believe any of the back channel bullshit nor am I an insider. I don't feel comfortable being grouped with that bunch of nutbars.
My theory is it isn't nutbars, it is famehos and also people who think they can get on Team Clay somehow.

The interview is fabulous, it is pure Clay, and the negative remarks I read elsewhere? I could have written that script myself, like I said before, I now find it kinda hilarious, the predictability of some. And sorry, I don't think it is fear, I think it is anger that he is not doing what they want, he is not validating their pronouncements, he is not being the Clay they built.

The Clay Fan Gavotte (rewriiten from old snark of mine)

(with apologies to Lerner and Loewe, Audrey Hepburn, and the entire cast and crew of My Fair Lady)

(search for Ascot Gavotte on Youtube if you are not familiar with the song....it is funny because the cast stays totally emotionless while watching a race that is described as exciting)

Ladies and Gentlemen

Every fan (or not!) is here

ev'ryone who should be here is here

What a smashing, positively dashing

Spectacle: a new Clay interview.

At the gate are all the pundits

Waiting for the cue to post away

What a gripping, absolutely ripping

Moment for a new Clay interview

Pulses rushing!

Faces flushing!

Heartbeats speed up!

Gosh, we always get so keyed up!

Any second now

They'll begin to post

Hark! Just hit refresh!

The fur begins to fly....


Look! It has begun...!

What a frenzied moment that was!

Didn't they maintain an exhausting pace?

Twas a thrilling, absolutely chilling

Dissection of a new Clay interview.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Wow, you certainly miss alot when you go to bed early; that time of the month and I was feeling like crap, so I decided to camp out in bed in front of the TV last night instead of hanging out on the boards.

My gut reaction to the article was that Clay was tired and cranky and wasn't in the mood for stupid questions; just lazy journalism and I applaud Clay for calling the guy on it. It did say these were excerpts; so it would be interesting to see the complete article.

The drama on the boards; read a little bit of it and not surprised, same old; same old. Always seems to be double standard where Clay is concerned or maybe I should say a higher standard. We are allowed to say whatever we want about him, whether it be about his hair, clothes, or posting pictures of his crotch, etc.; yet he is supposed to be this paragon of virtue and never say or do anything that might be considered controversial. Don't get it and never will.

6 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

10 Days until Clay is on The View!

Everyone have a great day!


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Why should he always have to respond with humour? Maybe the first time - which he did (taken steps to prevent further foot wandering). Maybe the second time. But after we-don't-even-know-how-many times, he is entitled to say 'enough'. Sometimes, it's just not funny any more. Especially when your legs hurt!

It's quite amusing and totally predictable that the usual suspects (both within and without) are running with it. And embellishing it to meet their needs. 'Aiken storms out...' I do believe I must have reached saturation point, because I find myself not so much angry as bored by it. I'm betting that the interviewer (and Newsweek) is loving it though.

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It wouldn't have even crossed my mind to be amusing once they got to stuff that pissed me off. But then I like telling people off. Hell, he didn't even strike me as rude...he didn't preface the comments with, "Look, you moron". He set his boundaries and kept to them. What the hell does Ripa have to do with anything? Or the flying thing? Hell, I think the next questions would have been, "Did you see the card?", "How do you feel about Simon?", "Why'd you fuck up Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting on AI2 (apparently by not singing it)?

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Ha! A while back it was reported that Queen Elizabeth II walked out on a photoshoot with Annie Leibovitz because she was mad! Only NOT! It turns out the tape was edited that way by the BBC...yes that bastion of authentic news actually had the gaul to not be quite factual!

So if the report (in error) is that Clay walked out.....well he's in pretty good company!

And as for the stupid comment about Spamalot? Well it is stupid. It was written that way. It also is unbelievably funny but a then lot of stupid stuff is. I personally dislike the 3 Stooges but their stuff is stupid too and yet millions love it.

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TMZ has a pretty good little blurb about feisty Clay!

I can't figure out how to post the link, but here's the address


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...here you go...

Clay -- Achin' for a Fight

Posted Jan 12th 2008 6:59AM by TMZ Staff

Clay AikenThe former Idol is a feisty one. First he tried to shut Kelly Ripa up during a guest host appearance on "Live". Oh, no he didn't! Then the Claymate allegedly got into a girl fight on a flight earlier this summer.

Now, Aiken is going head-to-head with Newsweek. The interview was a love fest until the reporter asked Aiken to explain why he always seems to get his ironed hair in a knot. The soon-to-be "Spamalot" star showed his "Measure of a Man" by refusing to answer any questions about his public spats. He showed them!

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Speaking of Quiana in Dreamgirls, I think it's very generous and brave of Clay to recommend her for such a plum part...knowing that the more people who hear her sing, the greater the chance he may lose her to her own stardom. I have no idea if she can act, however. heh

I agree it is generous of him but not at all surprising as Clay rarely puts himself first, he seems to always consider what's best for the people he loves. His loyalty is second to none.

I don't know if it is generousity or just the usual family stuff. Quiana is more than a friend now, she is part of his family and you want your family to succeed. Add to it, he started with her on AI and they shared their dreams. Plus there are many who, with Clay, believe she is better than many people out there. And maybe a little bit of he is a supporter in the Raleigh theater and wants it to do well. I think Clay has been featuring Quiana a lot more than just here - he had her as a guest on his TV show, he recorded IWTKWLI with her and wanted that version on ATDW. I think he respects and admires her. Now, if she did become famous, there would be one more famousperson out there to say goo d things about Clay.

Getting a replacement could be difficult because they have history and know what is expected without speaking. But I can not imagine anyone who would not want to sing back up for Clay - only a few others introduce their back up singers and fewer allow them to have featured song parts? Featuring the singers has two benefits though, Clay can stay on the stage longer because he gets to take breaks and he does not have to hire and drag around a separate opening act. So it is cost effective and gives fans more Clay.I never get the complaints.

I do have to agree that many who are accusing Clay of being rude are and have been way ruder themselves. I often wonder why Clay must be perfect and no one else has to be perfect - like those who enjyed Blake Lewiss's video interview while he was on the toilet. And yes, there are people who fought for his right as in isn't he cute and funny that now think Clay is rude. It is not a double standard it is an impossible standard. I don't care if people don't like the itnerview, but seriously, don't only pick on Clay, pick on a few other people while you are at it.

Ooooh, Three Stooges hate - yessssss - stooges is such a guy thing, useless pain. waves to Merrieeee

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It all comes downt to editing, and obviously, this piece was edited to show Clay in a certain light. We have no idea if the quotes about Spamelot, etc. are exactly what he said or were edited for the article and my bet is that they were edited.

The article is very choppy and not edited very well. I don't think Clay should be blamed for the way the writer chose to edit the piece.


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