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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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*steps around the tabloid trash*

Clay is reacting no more or less like any celebrity. He's drawn a line in the sand. Good for him. I don't ever think about what those outside the fandom will think of Clay because I doubt most people think of Clay at all.


Getting a replacement could be difficu becaushe history. but I can not imagine anyone who would not want to sing back up for Clay - only a few others introduce their back up singers and fewer allow them to have featured song parts?

I think Clay would always encourage Q&A to go after what they really want with their careers.

Debra Byrd has been Barry Manilows backup for a loooong time. Yet she still manages outside projects...like a little show called American Idol. E's x-boyfriend knows Barry's musical director (who also sings back up for Barry) and he has always had plenty of leeway to do outside projects.

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If Perez Hilton suddenly started pouring on the Clay love, I wouldn't forgive all and embrace him. I don't hate him because he's mean to Clay; I hate him because he's an immoral creep who makes a living hurting people. TMZ in this case is just using some turns of phrase to say Clay likes to fight with people, and that includes fighting with people who ask him about how he loves to fight with people. Even if what they said was very positive, I would still not be affirmed by that, because it is TMZ, and TMZ is a sleazy gossip blog that has said nasty things about Clay in the past and will no doubt do it again. They're not in the business of loving celebrities.

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If Perez Hilton suddenly started pouring on the Clay love, I wouldn't forgive all and embrace him. I don't hate him because he's mean to Clay; I hate him because he's an immortal creep who makes a living hurting people. TMZ in this case is just using some turns of phrase to say Clay likes to fight with people, and that includes fighting with people who ask him about how he loves to fight with people. Even if what they said was very positive, I would still not be affirmed by that, because it is TMZ, and TMZ is a sleazy gossip blog that has said nasty things about Clay in the past and will no doubt do it again. They're not in the business of loving celebrities.

EXACTLY!!! Sites like that will never get a hit from me because IMO they are part of the problem. Legitimate news purveyors now feel that they have to compete with the seedier entertainment rags and tv shows, and are increasingly using the same tactics and content to gain readers/viewers. I'm not going to give any of them my time and attention.

I guess I don't understand the rush to kind of "excuse" Clay's reactions by saying he is probably just tired and cranky? Yeah, I know he SAID that he was physically tired, but I don't think that was the reason for his shutting down of the reporter's inane questions. I am just thrilled to see him continuing on the path of "taking his life back" and if he can get some pointed commentary in there at the same time about the sad turn that the media..... not just tabloid media... has taken in the last few years, all the better! :woohoo::DoClay:

And personally, every time I read a post (usually elsewhere), where someone starts in with a litany of all of the things that THEY think Clay SHOULD have said, my eyes start to roll back in my head! Interviews are done "in the moment". I doubt that they told him in advance that they were going to ask him questions about the airplane incident and Ripa. While it's great that fans can come up with pithy answers to the questions after taking the time to think about and carefully craft them over time, Clay has a split-second to react. I think his decision to not even engage the idiot is wise....and HAWT!!

ETA: aikim, I hope you don't think I was singling you out. I have read many posts (most of them last evening) where the consensus seemed to be that the only reason he was "pissy" with the reporter was that he was tired and cranky. I didn't get that impression, I think he would have answered the same way even if he had come off of a great sleep. ((hugs))

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I wasn't excusing any of Clay's comments; just to me he came across as tired and cranky and like I said, I think the editing also gave that impression.

I am glad he cut the reporter off at the knees; stupid questions that had no reason to be in that interview.


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I just saw this on CH from Artquest and it helps explain the writer's style.

Southern Belle at CV posted this Kevin Spacey interview by the same writer:


April 16, 2007 issue - Q&A: Kevin Spacey

Spacey opens on Broadway this week in "A Moon for the Misbegotten." He spoke to Ramin Setoodeh.

Hello. This is Ramin Setoodeh from NEWSWEEK.

Hey. It’s Kevin Spacey from "A Moon for the Misbegotten." If you get a title, I figure I could get one.

I saw the play when it was in London. The performances are excellent.

I think it’s grown in the time off. It’s been a pleasure, because New York audiences have been fantastically welcoming.

Since you’re onstage every night, when do you have time to watch "American Idol"?

What the f— kind of question are you asking? What kind of column is this?

I sent some examples. Didn’t they get to you?

No, obviously they didn’t.

Do movie stars have to dip into their savings to do Broadway?

I don’t want to talk about my finances with you. I feel like I’ve done all the silly questions I can do this morning. Asking me if I want to watch "American Idol" does seem to go down the road of a different interview than I thought it was going to be.

Why don’t you pick a topic?

The upside to doing theater is you create a family. You have a shape, you have a foundation, you have a trust. It’s a little bit like—do you play sports?

Only Ping-Pong.

Ping-Pong is one of the greatest games ever! I’m a Ping-Pong nut.

Do you have time to play?

Constantly. I have a Ping-Pong table in my apartment in London. I love Ping-Pong.

Do you play alone?

No, no. I’ve got friends to play.

They come over just to play Ping-Pong?

Well, not just to play Ping-Pong. I have tournaments. Whenever I’m on location, that’s the one thing I always want, a Ping-Pong table. Here’s my point. Why is Ping-Pong so much fun? It doesn’t matter the rules are the same, it’s always a different game. That’s what doing a play is like.

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I think its just interesting that the tabloids are picking it up with a tone of Clay being gutsy. I know tabloids are used to getting this kind of behavior from celebrities...but I think what makes it news worthy for them is that Clay was doing it to Newsweek not the enquirer.

I think for some Clay fans...they see him as a pet project to mold into a rock superstar...and so they have envisioned this marketing strategy that will transform the geeky country bumpkin to this sleek, sexy, sophisticated superstar. This marketing plan of course is complete with the way he should look, act, and how he should conduct himself in interviews so that the the right demographic will fall in love with him. However....Clay is not really cooperating with their master plan. Of course they are sure that Clay wants what they want too. So when he does not follow the script its either because he is too naive, and unsophisticated, or because he is listening to his mom too much or because someone (probably Clive or Roger) is sabotaging their ...oops ...his plans. I just love it when Clay proves to be his own person with his own timeline, career and personal goals and when he obviously follows his own instincts.

I happen to love the fact that Clay is always soooo real in interviews. He will not pretend to be cool, he will not pretend to be a long time fan of Monty Python if he was not...he will not pretend to love the play when he first saw it if he thought it was stupid. He has said this enough in a lot of interviews that think this is what he honestly thought when he saw it. I have to admit that when I first saw The Holy Grail...I didn't get it either. I was still very young (not sure if I was in College or High School at the time) and not used to watch British production so I could hardly understand the dialog and it seem like a huge pile of mess. Later on I watched it again from the very beginning, paying close attention to the words, I realized that it was supposed to be ridiculous. I loved it and ended up renting other Monty Python movies. I was never a huge Monty Python fan cos we didn't have it in the Philippines when I was growing up. Only saw bits of the show lately on you tube...so I totally understand Clay's reaction to Spamalot.

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EXACTLY!!! Sites like that will never get a hit from me because IMO they are part of the problem. Legitimate news purveyors now feel that they have to compete with the seedier entertainment rags and tv shows, and are increasingly using the same tactics and content to gain readers/viewers. I'm not going to give any of them my time and attention.

Ummm, you do know that TMZ and CNN are owned by the same company right?

And that the same companies that produce the movies you see in the theater also have divisions that make and sell the X rated porno's? And that the same companies who own the legitmate news magazines also own the rags?

The line between seedy & legitmate is really not so hazy anymore. It's about the bottom line and most companies don't even bother to try to hide it. They are equal opportunity opportunists *g*


Why yes, I was born cynical. Why do you ask?

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I just bought our first set of tickets to Spamalot! Really wanted to wait until next week, but these good ones for Sunday night came up, and well....y'know. :dancingpickle: :00000442:

I'm so excited about this trip!

Do we have a buy/sell thread here for Spamalot?

:clap: Good for you, I'm so glad you guys are going! And yes, there is a forum for Spam tickets here.

Thank you! Goin' to have a look, because I'd rather buy from a fan if decent ones are available.

Clay Aiken Blasts Newsweek In Contenious Interview

Heh, too bad they can't spell.

Oh good, another anal speller/grammarian on board! :cryingwlaughter: (me too...drives me nuts, especially from a "news" source)

I have always taught in an inclusive setting...26 years as well. Since I teach the very young (3 -5 yrs old) it is usually the child's and the parent's first experience in a school setting. Sometimes school with typical peers works, sometimes not, as djs points out, but I make sure all children and families have the opportunity to discover that for themselves. In all these years the biggest hurdle I have had to overcome hasn't been from students or their families, but from other educators. I could go on and on with stories, as I imagine jumpingjacks could too, but I will just say that I think one of the greatest benefits the BAF provides is training of staff.

What an interesting point! Not being a teacher, I've never thought of it that way; I understood it as simply training people who may not be experts, to deal with conditions and people in a loving and kind and informed way. I'm sure you're right, though.

I do also hope that one of the things they do is ensure that the people that work at the camps are the RIGHT people. As you've mentioned, I'm not sure that even trained people are necessarily always right. Sometimes people are just in the wrong job, for all the best reasons. Happens to every profession.

It wouldn't have even crossed my mind to be amusing once they got to stuff that pissed me off. But then I like telling people off. Hell, he didn't even strike me as rude...he didn't preface the comments with, "Look, you moron". He set his boundaries and kept to them. What the hell does Ripa have to do with anything? Or the flying thing? Hell, I think the next questions would have been, "Did you see the card?", "How do you feel about Simon?", "Why'd you fuck up Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting on AI2 (apparently by not singing it)?

Just :lmaosmiley-1:


Speaking of Quiana in Dreamgirls, I think it's very generous and brave of Clay to recommend her for such a plum part...knowing that the more people who hear her sing, the greater the chance he may lose her to her own stardom. I have no idea if she can act, however. heh

I agree it is generous of him but not at all surprising as Clay rarely puts himself first, he seems to always consider what's best for the people he loves. His loyalty is second to none.

I don't know if it is generousity or just the usual family stuff. Quiana is more than a friend now, she is part of his family and you want your family to succeed. Add to it, he started with her on AI and they shared their dreams. Plus there are many who, with Clay, believe she is better than many people out there. And maybe a little bit of he is a supporter in the Raleigh theater and wants it to do well. I think Clay has been featuring Quiana a lot more than just here - he had her as a guest on his TV show, he recorded IWTKWLI with her and wanted that version on ATDW. I think he respects and admires her. Now, if she did become famous, there would be one more famousperson out there to say goo d things about Clay.

Am I understanding correctly that you believe that's Clay's motivation? Oh, c'mon now, if so.

I think we've had ample illustration of his generosity in the past five years.

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...here you go...

Clay -- Achin' for a Fight

Posted Jan 12th 2008 6:59AM by TMZ Staff

Clay AikenThe former Idol is a feisty one. First he tried to shut Kelly Ripa up during a guest host appearance on "Live". Oh, no he didn't! Then the Claymate allegedly got into a girl fight on a flight earlier this summer.

Now, Aiken is going head-to-head with Newsweek. The interview was a love fest until the reporter asked Aiken to explain why he always seems to get his ironed hair in a knot. The soon-to-be "Spamalot" star showed his "Measure of a Man" by refusing to answer any questions about his public spats. He showed them!

I'm sorry - what exactly is the 'okay' part of this?

Snide, full of innuendo, insulting. Check. Okay? not so much.

Asshats, always and forever.

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Not the least bit impressed with the TMZ blurb. They are assholes and will continue to be assholes because that's what gets them attention.

What does piss me off is that the whole Ripa and airplane thing are taking front and center which is what I think he wanted to avoid. Rather than talking about him being in Spamalot, they are regurgitating the same old shit.

God, it gets old. I wouldn't have been nearly as diplomatic as he was....

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EXACTLY!!! Sites like that will never get a hit from me because IMO they are part of the problem. Legitimate news purveyors now feel that they have to compete with the seedier entertainment rags and tv shows, and are increasingly using the same tactics and content to gain readers/viewers. I'm not going to give any of them my time and attention.

Ummm, you do know that TMZ and CNN are owned by the same company right?

And that the same companies that produce the movies you see in the theater also have divisions that make and sell the X rated porno's? And that the same companies who own the legitmate news magazines also own the rags?

The line between seedy & legitmate is really not so hazy anymore. It's about the bottom line and most companies don't even bother to try to hide it. They are equal opportunity opportunists *g*---

Why yes, I was born cynical. Why do you ask?

Nope, I wasn't aware of this. But I don't click on gossip blogs any more than I would pick up a NE in the grocery store and put it in my cart. Buying their product or frequenting their websites would mean that I approve of their tactics- and I don't. I totally agree with the line I bolded- they all seem to be one and the same nowadays.

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EXACTLY!!! Sites like that will never get a hit from me because IMO they are part of the problem. Legitimate news purveyors now feel that they have to compete with the seedier entertainment rags and tv shows, and are increasingly using the same tactics and content to gain readers/viewers. I'm not going to give any of them my time and attention.

Ummm, you do know that TMZ and CNN are owned by the same company right?

And that the same companies that produce the movies you see in the theater also have divisions that make and sell the X rated porno's? And that the same companies who own the legitmate news magazines also own the rags?

The line between seedy & legitmate is really not so hazy anymore. It's about the bottom line and most companies don't even bother to try to hide it. They are equal opportunity opportunists *g*


Why yes, I was born cynical. Why do you ask?

You learn something everyday. I was not aware of this. thanks.

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EXACTLY!!! Sites like that will never get a hit from me because IMO they are part of the problem. Legitimate news purveyors now feel that they have to compete with the seedier entertainment rags and tv shows, and are increasingly using the same tactics and content to gain readers/viewers. I'm not going to give any of them my time and attention.

Ummm, you do know that TMZ and CNN are owned by the same company right?

And that the same companies that produce the movies you see in the theater also have divisions that make and sell the X rated porno's? And that the same companies who own the legitmate news magazines also own the rags?

The line between seedy & legitmate is really not so hazy anymore. It's about the bottom line and most companies don't even bother to try to hide it. They are equal opportunity opportunists *g*---

Why yes, I was born cynical. Why do you ask?

Nope, I wasn't aware of this. But I don't click on gossip blogs any more than I would pick up a NE in the grocery store and put it in my cart. Buying their product or frequenting their websites would mean that I approve of their tactics- and I don't. I totally agree with the line I bolded- they all seem to be one and the same nowadays.

Yep, I knew that. But all I can do is support the things I find acceptable, and not the ones I don't. TMZ has no redeeming qualities.

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Okay. On the count of three Clayzor. 1..............2............3


HELLO.................This is Clay Aiken. I love it. :cryingwlaughter:

Some very good posts out there from Couchie and laughn. Others too. I didn't quote all of them. Although I nodded in agreement with many statements from others.

this cracked me up too

Do you think the Claymates will come see you?

They'll be there in full force. I hope they behave.

Are they rowdy?

Sometimes. They scare me every once in a while.

They scare me too Clay................ :lmaosmiley-1:

My mailman, who is an idol fan, said Clay needs to do something to get back in the public eye because to him it's either or

But see you are only a "star" if you go around being followed by paparazzi all the time, being photographed without underwear..........................................oh where was I..............Oh yeah being seen drunk, going to rehab, no, no, no, on the front page of the rag mags all the time, are anorexic, are too fat, had plastic surgery, shave your head in public, get divorced or not get divorced etc. etc. etc..

Wow Clay Aiken according to these standards is not and is never going to be a "star" Thank goodness.

So true. People aren't interested in good deeds and charity talk. They want sensationalism. So, that is what the news and media give them. Sad state of affairs, isn't it?

As always though, people have the right to spread their fears and angst far and wide.

If I'm not buying, they can't sell me anything. I think the people who fret over shit are just as much a part of this fandom as the people who don't worry. There are people who don't mind if their kid climbs to the top of the jungle gym and there are others who can't stand to see the child climb past the second rung...afraid of what might happen. Meh. Probably both good parents, just in different ways.

Anyhow...I loved the interview! I want to know what new things they've added to give him more to sing. I mean how freakin' cool is that? Has Spamalot ever been edited for any other performer like that? I really don't know...any Broadway types here that would know?

Excellent point. I also agree with Couchie that some fans are just worried that Clay won't succeed. Let's face it, we all have had an invested interest in him. 5 years worth of supporting him and his charity, so he can have a career. I would be so sad if he couldn't make it. I sometimes worry about his success and choices. I look at that as part of being a fan. If I didn't care and worry, somewhat, then I don't think I would call myself a fan. It's when fans go OTT with their worry and angst. When they let it rule their lives and spend all their time sitting on a message board spreading their angst. When some try to interfere or intervene on Clay's behalf, it is no longer normal fan behavior, IMO. Thinking team Clay doesn't know anything about what they are doing and Clay needs to hire you, is not normal fan behavior. Internet spying and stalking people and doing Clay's attorney work for him, is not normal fan behavior. Or is it? If it is then I pity other celebrities who have to go through that with their fans too. *shrug*

yeah the interviewer was rude and its sad but I do believe the guy really feels like its part of his job...I think this is how low the media has gone...

I actually do hope that its part of their hard copy because I love how he answered and I bet that majority of the readers of newsweek are sick of the way the news magazine has turned tabloid. I bet he will gain a lot of respect from a lot of people.

I agree Ansamcw. This interview makes Clay out to be a fighter and not a wuss. I stopped buying magazines years ago. I got tired of 90 out of 125 pages being ads and no content. Then it seemed that even the content became garbage, and in the same vein as the National Enquirer. Insulting to people's intelligence. But as long as people buy it, they will assume that's what people want to read. TV news the same way. I am disgusted with the way the media tries to use their influence to sway elections too. While I'm on that rant, may I just say how much I loathe the political pundants, (sp) these news shows use? Most of them are shameless. You can sure tell what party they belong to and who they are going to vote for. They can't give an unbiased opinion on any candidate.

Did PETA run the ad? I don't think they did.

I used to worry about Clay too ..made myself sick with worry over stuff. Remember when the teacher of the year said he starved the kids and then didn't pay them? Innocent times now but I was sooo worried. OMG, they're saying CLay was mean to the children...UNICEF will fire him. So yeah I understand that mindset. But there just came a time when I had to put things into perspective. And everybody's perspective is different. For me, my sanity? I had to learn to sympathize but I couldn't feel every arrow. And I also learned to trust Clay. He has good and experienced peopel around him to help him legally and close friends and supportive family to help him emotionally. And he's got Jerome to keep the nutbars away. And Clay's a pretty strong dude with his head on straight.

I've always hated PETA. Now they are an OTT bunch of nutbars in my opinion. I laughed so hard when the Clay fans sent them packing. :cryingwlaughter:

OMG I love it...this is just the kind of thing that a promo like this needs. A feisty star that will make interesting reading and will make other news agency sit up and take notice...

YUP...that is why Clay is more a household name than most AI winners...

I don;t know if humorous, snarky answers would've made me sit up and admire Clay...cos that would seem like he was trying to be cutesy. This was direct no nonsense answers given by a person who knows what he is worth and won;t take crap from anyone.

who cares about the hater blogs...just makes people talk about him....

controversy king indeed!!!!

Controversy sells. I love the interview. I'm so glad they left all of it in. I hope it makes the hard copy, too.

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...here you go...

Clay -- Achin' for a Fight

Posted Jan 12th 2008 6:59AM by TMZ Staff

Clay AikenThe former Idol is a feisty one. First he tried to shut Kelly Ripa up during a guest host appearance on "Live". Oh, no he didn't! Then the Claymate allegedly got into a girl fight on a flight earlier this summer.

Now, Aiken is going head-to-head with Newsweek. The interview was a love fest until the reporter asked Aiken to explain why he always seems to get his ironed hair in a knot. The soon-to-be "Spamalot" star showed his "Measure of a Man" by refusing to answer any questions about his public spats. He showed them!

I'm sorry - what exactly is the 'okay' part of this?

Snide, full of innuendo, insulting. Check. Okay? not so much.

Asshats, always and forever.

umm, just to be clear here, since I was the one who brought it over, I did not say it was ok. I made no comment other than to post it at Gibby's request for the quote.

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I'm sorry - I could swear that the original post with the link said something like 'okay', or 'not bad'. My apologies.

ETA: and upon checking, it does say 'pretty good'. Which I strongly disagree with. That is what I was responding to - I did get the words wrong though. I responded to yours and not wanda's, cuz yours had the actual quote in it.

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I do have to agree that many who are accusing Clay of being rude are and have been way ruder themselves. I often wonder why Clay must be perfect and no one else has to be perfect - like those who enjyed Blake Lewiss's video interview while he was on the toilet. And yes, there are people who fought for his right as in isn't he cute and funny that now think Clay is rude. It is not a double standard it is an impossible standard. I don't care if people don't like the itnerview, but seriously, don't only pick on Clay, pick on a few other people while you are at it.
I can't quote anyone but I sure remember some totally rude and crude comments about Clay from some of his fans, yet those same people are calling him rude for his responses to this interview. Give me a break. Pfft.

Ummm, you do know that TMZ and CNN are owned by the same company right?
I did not know that. Over Christmas, we met several relatives and ending up complaining about CNN. Surprisingly, we all used to watch CNN in the mornings. Now that they are allowing celebrity news to creep in, a lot of us have been switching the channel in the morning. I don't care for MSNBC but my husband and I often switch to MSNBC when CNN starts in with their celebrity junk.
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I'm sorry - I could swear that the original post with the link said something like 'okay', or 'not bad'. My apologies.

ETA: and upon checking, it does say 'pretty good'. Which I strongly disagree with. That is what I was responding too - I did get the words wrong though.

S'ok. I wasn't the one who posted the link, just the quote.

I can understand and respect the people who don't want to give certain sites hits, (aka, money in their pockets) but sometimes I think poking in the dark in not so good either. For me, it's better to haul the stuff (any piece being talked about) out and kick it around in the light of day. Then everyone can form their own opinion to walk over it or walk around it or play in the mud puddle for awhile.

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CNN has sucked since Ted left. Honestly, I used to keep it on all day because breaking news was on it, not it is just like other cable "news" networks - talking heads pushing agendas or, in otherwords, jsut crap, I turn on news for news, but it is not there anymore, hence my reading international papers on-line. I really want to know what happened, then I will make up my own mide, I am not a sheep. Most people I know appear to be like sheep, accdepting other people's views as the correct one and not thinking for themselves.

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I'm sorry - I could swear that the original post with the link said something like 'okay', or 'not bad'. My apologies.

ETA: and upon checking, it does say 'pretty good'. Which I strongly disagree with. That is what I was responding too - I did get the words wrong though.

S'ok. I wasn't the one who posted the link, just the quote.

I can understand and respect the people who don't want to give certain sites hits, (aka, money in their pockets) but sometimes I think poking in the dark in not so good either. For me, it's better to haul the stuff (any piece being talked about) out and kick it around in the light of day. Then everyone can form their own opinion to walk over it or walk around it or play in the mud puddle for awhile.

This I TOTALLY agree with. And that's why I didn't comment until I'd seen it. *g* On the other hand (and even moreso) I appreciate the link style, because then I can choose whether or not I read crap. And 99% of the time I choose not to.

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CNN has sucked since Ted left. Honestly, I used to keep it on all day because breaking news was on it, not it is just like other cable "news" networks - talking heads pushing agendas or, in otherwords, jsut crap, I turn on news for news, but it is not there anymore, hence my reading international papers on-line.

I do this too (bolded part) and listen to the BBC as well, and even then, you have to know that news is slanted. All news. Even 'real' news. I think you have to read and hear everything with that in mind.

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I had not realized it until you mentioned it playbiller but around the time of Clay's season on AI, I used to have CNN on all the time too. Now we only watch some in the mornings often changing the channel.

I finally watched Spamalot. I love DHP but found him wooden in this role. Can't wait to hear how Clay does next week. I'm a little afraid to read the boards Friday night as I don't respect a couple of people who tend to post the most negative crap after these events and don't give balanced reports. So I'm not sure if I'll be on the boards but as I write that I wonder who I'm kidding. I'll be sitting anxiously at my computer on Friday night.

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And personally, every time I read a post (usually elsewhere), where someone starts in with a litany of all of the things that THEY think Clay SHOULD have said, my eyes start to roll back in my head! Interviews are done "in the moment". I doubt that they told him in advance that they were going to ask him questions about the airplane incident and Ripa. While it's great that fans can come up with pithy answers to the questions after taking the time to think about and carefully craft them over time, Clay has a split-second to react. I think his decision to not even engage the idiot is wise....and HAWT!!

Hee, so true! :clap:

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CNN has sucked since Ted left. Honestly, I used to keep it on all day because breaking news was on it, not it is just like other cable "news" networks - talking heads pushing agendas or, in otherwords, jsut crap, I turn on news for news, but it is not there anymore, hence my reading international papers on-line. I really want to know what happened, then I will make up my own mide, I am not a sheep. Most people I know appear to be like sheep, accdepting other people's views as the correct one and not thinking for themselves.

Preach it sistah. Didn't Clay say he hoped his children would grow up to be free thinkers?

To me, CNN used to be the epitome of Classy news. I watched them all the time. They were always first to bring you a new story. Those days are long gone, though. I don't watch it much anymore.

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I knew that CNN owned TMZ... and TMZ is like their go to experts for Larry King and even other news show which is rather sickening. I still watch CNN but not as much as I used to because of their pre occupation with Anna Nicole, Brittany and the rest. Unfortunately I think there are probably 7 companies out there that own everything media wise. In my local area I think Gannett bought up every local paper and now what used to be 6 or 7 local papers all now have the same content. I especially hate that the Oakland Tribune has been sucked up.

I rarely click on my google alerts cuz all the good stuff is on the boards or I can read enough to know I don't want to see it. But I will click now and then and yep pick up a rag to scan in the grocery store line. In the light of day I still really love the whole thing and wonder what more they have. Due to the interest maybe we'll see it.

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