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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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And please,please, please, :flirtysmile3: those of you who are going to opening night,

have a BLAST and when you get home, use lots and lots of adjectives and adverbs in writing such long recaps that your posts will be at the top of the page AND the bottom of the page.

(small voice) if that's not too much to ask, that is.


Yeah, recaps for days!!!

(((Couchie & Mom)))

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Oh, CG :F_05BL17blowkiss: --get real, babe! Nobody's getting brought down! Hell, I'm already snickering at some comments I see elsewhere about how long they've been waiting for JUST THIS! ORIGINAL music that's ALL what HE WANTS! That's ALL HIM! What he DESIRES! :cryingwlaughter:

So if the cd is full of ballads and sweet cheese? BWAH! What if THAT's "ALL HIM"? Huh? Will it still be what they've been waiting for?


Now I don't happen to think this CD will be all ballads or totally filled with Velveeta; however, I'm not expecting a totally rock-out happnin', either. :imgtongue:

Whatever. Let's talk about what kind of picture will be on the cd cover! :lilredani: He debacled us from a library last time...what room is next? :hubbahubba:

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{{{{{{{{{{Couchie and Mom }}}}}}}}}}}}} I am so sorry that your mom is not doing well. I missed what was going on for her but I will keep her and you in my thoughts and prayers.

I wouldn't get too excited about a May release. I would bet money it will not happen. Remember, this is the man who said "soon". I don't think an album ever drops close to the first date - or month - we hear. When will he finish it? No way is he done yet! On Mondays? I think on Mondays he will sleep!

May..scmay!!I don't care when it comes out. I know now it is really coming this year and he likes it!.

He sounds so up about everything...that's why I'm excited and nuttins gonna get me down!

(((couchie & mum)))

I feel as you do merrieeee. It doesn't matter to me when the next CD drops as long as he gets what he wants and it sounds very promising. In fact, I think he said he would hold out for what he wants so no matter when, I'm thrilled.

It's been a great day for my fangirly stuff and the future looks very bright for him. Some of you may know that I am into astrology and I just want to say how much I love watching the energy I see manifest in his life. This year could be a banner year for Clay taking a step to the next level and I love how it seems to be happening. It's so exciting and even if Spamalot was all we got this year, I'd be happy. It's a huge step forward and I think he is going to be great. Singing, dancing, acting and playing the piano, OH MY! And those cute dancers all around him on stage and back stage....yikes....I'll bet he is happy! What a great experience it must be for him.

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CG -- don't worry about it. I just finished reading the article, and silly me, I had a damn pit in my stomach when I read the words "album in May." And -- it was for exactly the same reasons you mentioned. May will suddenly be scrutinized by some fans for "which date will be best? which date will have the least competition so he can be number 1 again?" etc. If it does get pushed back, there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth in some circles. And, as much as I hate to admit it, that kind of stuff within the fandom just gets to me. It does. I guess I'm kind of like playbiller when she said....

LALALALA LALALALA LALALA stuffs hands in ears

I haven't recovered from the last album release, I really don't want to talk about another one yet. It is nice to have an escape hatch though.

OTOH, I also feel like merrieeee....

May..scmay!!I don't care when it comes out. I know now it is really coming this year and he likes it!.

He sounds so up about everything...that's why I'm excited and nuttins gonna get me down!

I am excited for him, and am totally willing to roll with the punches regarding him and his career and the albums he releases.

You go Clay! Go on with your bad self!

{{{{{{{{{{{{{couchie and mom}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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Whatever. Let's talk about what kind of picture will be on the cd cover! :lilredani: He debacled us from a library last time...what room is next? :hubbahubba:

I think the bedroom would be nice. Those gorgeous bedroom eyes would look right at home in a bedroom! :hubbahubba:

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Aren't these cute? Just like our boyfriend. I don't know who made them, but I found them at CV, and thought it would be fun to share them over here.




Pouts..... :angry: they're not blond. I want :waiting: a Blonde Sir Robin.

Be patient with me please, I'm feeling a little testy about missing the piano.....

jmh, my avatar is from my backyard. Is New York really sunny and warm? Maybe I could go for ...um....medical reasons....

And Claygasm, what's a little :hitsfanrs5: among friends?

There are always the usual suspects...but I'm dancing in the happy moments of today.

And (see below :hangin: )

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OH MY GOOD GOD, PERMA! All I can say about that is ... he's so damned C U T E

I missed everybody while things have been hectic at work, and a 14 year old commandeered my home computer for a while. I'm b-a-a-a-c-k! Well, the 14 year old granddaughter has gone, work's still a bitch.

What a tremendous 2008 this is looking to be. I was strangely reminded today of something I read on the boards the very first night I joined OFC, which was the very first message board I read. Being that I arrived late to the party, I dove blissfully unaware into the murky water of the dreaded Album thread and remember this one particular post I read that first night that made me laugh hard ... someone was actually threatening Clay with leaving the fandom over the covers on, and delays with, the unseen, unheard, and unnamed new album that wasn't being promoted yet although certain ones thought it should be, and said ... "some people have already left for other idols." Some dadblamed idol-hoppers out there, I guess! Seeing Clay on Idol again had revved my engines pretty high, as he was obviously ahead of, above, and far, far away from AI -- and the whole thing kicked my ass for sure. While at the same time there were some original fans who had become restless and grumpy and demanding, and some were downright delusional, there were simultaneously fresh, starry-eyed junkies-to-be coming online with hearts full of enthusiasm, quite a few in fact. And ever it shall be I do believe. But I thought about that post today and laughed my ass off about it again. And although I have no recollection of who wrote it, I'd be willing to bet they're still hooked. He's so fine.

I'm almost sick that I can't be in NY this weekend, but so excited that I'll have friends there who are so fabulous at spreading their joy. eHP, dear sweet friends, I'm going to be in dire need of phone Friday night for an after-the-deed reaction. At least one of you most eloquent lovers of Clay simply must OMG!!! in my ear for a few minutes. This most definitely is the last gathering of the tribe that I'm going to miss for a while. And this time, Gimpy will be there in spirit. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I've always believed that the album would be out in May. And if it's delayed, I think a single will be out in May because I suspect he'll debut it on the Idol finale -- the 5 year anniversary of Clay and Ruben -- in front of millions and millions of people. I don't think Clay is going to be limited in his availability to record the album. And I don't think there will be any reason to delay the schedule. And I think it's going to get a big push. And that's all I've got to say about that, Edith Anne.

How old am I that I remember how cute Johnny Tillotson was? Don't answer that.

Are we voting on recent pictures and videos? Well then, just say NO to glasses. Yeah, yeah, if you like nerdy Clay, go ahead on. I happen to like looking at those gorgeous seductive eyes uncovered. Full frontal Clay.

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{{{{{{Couchie and mom}}}}}}} Please keep us posted.

I tend to think of album release dates like construction finish dates - they're both likely to be pushed back. If you're told that the house or the renovation will be done on a certain date - just add a couple of weeks or months to it, and it's probably right. Album dates are the same. So it's good not to get our hopes up too high for a certain date.

But no matter when the album comes out - it's going to be an exciting time! He's excited about it, and so am I!

I think the rule of thumb is to add 50% to whatever timetable a contractor gives you . So if Clay is saying the album is four months away, I will extrapolate accordingly.

This most definitely is the last gathering of the tribe that I'm going to miss for a while.
We need our own casino to host concerts. :whistling-1:
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Though release dates are always subject to change, the fact that he's willing to give a specific month tells me that there is a definite time table in the works. And though Spamalot will consume a lot of time, he has said that the process of recording does not actually take that long, in and of itself. He will already be in New York where a lot of recording studios can be found, and with RCA offices in the city, it's entirely possible that a lot can be accomplished rather quickly, especially if they're all on the same page (as he's indicated before).

I'm not saying that May is a guarantee, only that it's not impossible.

((Couchie and mom)))

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I'm not going to hold my breath - but May would certainly be nice!! Maybe he will hit his stride in a couple weeks and be able to work on Mondays. Maybe.......... it's already in the can!! Maybe he can sleep till four as usual and then record from 5-10 on Mondays!!

However it happens and whenever it happens - I'll be ready!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

{{{{{{{{{{{couchie and mamacouch}}}}}}}}}}}

:elephanthugs::hugs-1: :garfieldodie-grouphug:

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Hmmm, I think after Clay sleeps til noon every day, he could go to the studio for a couple of hours on any afternoon (except Saturday and Sunday). 4 o'clock would be a nice recording time. Horowitz only performed at 4PM. And, in Manhatten he should be close to the studio. It could be no more than a walk up the block for him.

I just opened a link on a Google Alert and was smacked with this gorgeous face .....


the text was this ...

In a totally weird “this is the internet, things are not normal here” moment, yesterday the AV Club got 14,000+ hits from people searching for Clay Aiken pics on MSN. If you are one of those thousands, welcome, this is the AV Club Blog, we are the video production company behind Psycho Bob and Drunk America, as well as a bunch of other shorts. If you are looking for Clay, he’s not really here, but if you want to be entertained, feel free to check out our videos!

For the rest of you, this is the image in question. Make your own decisions as to the reasons our recent visitors may have had for wanting to see the full rez version.

Good-ness that is one fine example of the seductive naked eyes of Clay Aiken.

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Thanks for the good wishes. They kicked her loose. It was her gastroparesis kicking into overdrive, which she has because of her long term diabetes. I think anxxiety kicked in this evening after she couldn't eat all day and then she went into kind of a panic mode. They gave her something for the nausea and also for her anxiety. Unfortunately this is something we have to learn to manage because it is not going away.

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Heh, so maybe I timed my night off the boards poorly? So cool to get online this morning to all this excitement! Great AI article.....great that the timeline for the album seems to be on track.....and rehearsals sound like they are going well, too. Not sure if I pulled this link from FCA or elsewhere yesterday, but if you haven't watched it, it will really give you a sense of how the rehearsals go for Spamalot:

Wouldn't it be cool if they filmed Clay's rehearsals? We can only hope!

{{{couchie & mom}}}

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Good Morning Everyone,

2 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

6 Days until Clay is on The View!

Everyone have a great day!


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WoooHoooo! Two days until Broadway. So exciting!

Thanks for the rehearsal link, lucky. I'm deep into Titanic rehearsals, so I know all too well how musical rehearsals go. But I'm not working with professional Broadway actors, so it's not quite as smooth!

BWAH about all of the AV Club hits. They just learned a little bit about the power of the Aiken!

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From CH:


Playbill.com has updated their "Who's Who" column listing the casts of current shows to include Clay Aiken (Sir Robin, Guard 1, Brother Maynard), as well as Christopher Seiber (Sir Dennis Galahad, The Black Knight, Prince Herbert’s Father) and Hannah Waddingham (The Lady of the Lake), all starting Friday, January 18.

Cast list for Monty Python's Spamalot at Sam S. Shubert Theatre

Clay Aiken Bio

CLAY AIKEN may be most widely recognized as a finalist on the second season of “American Idol,” but additionally, he became the first artist in Billboard chart history to debut at #1 with his debut single. The award-winning singer’s three albums have sold a combined total of more than six million copies. His holiday release, Merry Christmas With Love, stands as the fastest-selling holiday album in SoundScan history. His memoir, Learning to Sing: Hearing the Music in Your Life, became a New York Times best seller. A former special education teacher, in 2003 he created the Bubel/Aiken Foundation to serve individuals with disabilities, and in 2004 he was appointed a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. Aiken is proud to make his Broadway debut in Monty Python’s Spamalot. Find out more at www.clayonline.com.

Awesome bio! And because I'm a Monty Python fan geek, this CMSU too:

JOHN CLEESE.............. God


MONTY PYTHON........... .

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{{{couchie & mom}}}

Pardon moi....


48 hours from, the eHP (kf, chick, you simply are going have to learn to embrace insanity like the rest of us!) will be converging on NYC...because our glorious obsession will be working his ass off to entertain us! We got an CDsometime this year (maybe even May). He likes it. I expect to love most of it. I also get the feeling that come hell or high water, he'll be showing up on this year's AI - at this point planning on pushing the CD - and AI wants him 'cause they want to bring some of that old magic to the show.

Man, I need to pack!

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Re the new album.......

I guess I am from another school...... maybe the old school???? as I seem to be out of step.

Since I have never been a “fan” of anyone else, I really don’t have anything to compare this to....... the fandom and my feelings about these matters.

Re his remarks about the album and May as the target date......

I was just happy to hear it has a target date....... and that said date is still in the first half of the year.

I was happy to read that he is getting what he desires.......

Now if what he desires is not what I desire............ that is another matter. But it does not mean I will not be a fan.

I have always felt that a singer should record what he wants, what makes him happy and if it makes the consumer happy...... great.......... buy it and become a fan. (Of course, I have since learned that labels have a way of changing things.)

Clay is too versatile/talented to be put in a box and would probably be bored. I just hope he stays true to what he really wants to sing and not try to please his fans. Some will be happy, some won’t. So be it. He will lose some, he will gain some. That is just the way it is.

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Re the new album.......

I guess I am from another school...... maybe the old school???? as I seem to be out of step.

I can only speak for me -- and you're definitely not out of step with my beliefs.

I have always felt that a singer should record what he wants, what makes him happy and if it makes the consumer happy...... great.......... buy it and become a fan. (Of course, I have since learned that labels have a way of changing things.)

Clay is too versatile/talented to be put in a box and would probably be bored. I just hope he stays true to what he really wants to sing and not try to please his fans. Some will be happy, some won’t. So be it. He will lose some, he will gain some. That is just the way it is.

Again, I totally agree with you here.

I think the main question mark that always comes up when these kinds of subjects are broached is this: what is it exactly that Clay himself wants? Does he want to be that pop/rock person? Does he really want some big, glory-note ballads too? What WILL he want to do? I believe there are some fans who want and NEED to know all this information before he's even begun to sing a note for the album. Then, there's some like me -- who aren't so interested in knowing his musical direction beforehand, but will totally celebrate whatever it might be when the album arrives. Another thing is that we all have different wants and needs for Clay as far as musical stylings. (Yeah, I used the Royal "we"...) I think a few fans get fixated on a particular musical type, and just can't imagine any other way. Me? I'm pretty much open to anything. (I'm still waiting for the Mongolian Polka CD....)

Upon reading a different board last night, I've realized why I was a bit uncomfortable with the "new album in May" comment. IMO, it wasn't a direct quote from Clay, but instead, written by the blogger. If she had put that in quotes (like I did), I would be doing the happy dance too. Instead, my mind has automatically said "ooops, there's a filter there" -- because I sometimes just can't trust the media and reporters anymore. Sure, some of them are great, but sometimes, key words gets left out. *shrug* Now, don't get me wrong -- I think having a new album by May will make me totally happy, and I really really look forward to hearing new music from the man. I also do think he could conceivably get the album done by May, but I think he'll be damn tired, and I just don't want him to push himself so hard that he gets sick. And yeah, the contractor analogy is a good one....I'll be happy for May, but will mentally prepare for July or August or even later just in case.

You know, I'm totally zen about Clay being in Spamalot -- no worries about it whatsoever. Not at all anxious or nervous. But for some reason, the album talk sometimes scares the bejezus out of me. I've got to stop confusing myself. *g*

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This is going to be a very good year.

I just know it in my bones.

I have a great feeling too. He looks so happy and confident.

Yep it's going to be a good year folks. I never doubted it. And looks like things are right on schedule with the album and going well. He seems so happy and excited.

He's playing the piano and dancing? Lord, the boy does like challenges heee.

Wandacleo, thanks for asking about the Spamalot rules. THe mods haven't discussed it at all but I agree with keeping links off the board should anything pop up. I realize this could be a devisive issue but we won't be asking for ticket stubs before you can discuss Spamalot or engaging in any witch hunts either. Let's just see how things go, ok becaue I honestly don't know what to expect here. For those that sometimes feel like a have not in the fandom, my PM door is always open. Although considering Clay's baby mama had already had one child and was working on a second before I knew about it, don't know how in I am.

I'm off to the hospital in a minute.. very cute firemen/paramedics just left with mom. I guess I need to get used to the fact that this might be life as I know it.

Couchie, I hope things settle down with your Mom. Big hugs to both of you. :thbighug-1:

Hmmm, I think after Clay sleeps til noon every day, he could go to the studio for a couple of hours on any afternoon (except Saturday and Sunday). 4 o'clock would be a nice recording time. Horowitz only performed at 4PM. And, in Manhatten he should be close to the studio. It could be no more than a walk up the block for him.

I just opened a link on a Google Alert and was smacked with this gorgeous face .....


the text was this ...

In a totally weird “this is the internet, things are not normal here” moment, yesterday the AV Club got 14,000+ hits from people searching for Clay Aiken pics on MSN. If you are one of those thousands, welcome, this is the AV Club Blog, we are the video production company behind Psycho Bob and Drunk America, as well as a bunch of other shorts. If you are looking for Clay, he’s not really here, but if you want to be entertained, feel free to check out our videos!

For the rest of you, this is the image in question. Make your own decisions as to the reasons our recent visitors may have had for wanting to see the full rez version.

Good-ness that is one fine example of the seductive naked eyes of Clay Aiken.

:hubbahubba: that picture is gorgeous !!! OMG............. he does things to me I will NEVER tell my husband !!! :hubbahubba:


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.... I am so excited for Friday !!! I am going out of town Saturday and won't be back till next Wednesday !!! I am going to miss all the post-debut excitement !! :cry4: ... I am sure there will be plenty of pages to catch up on !!! If you are going please share lots of details,OK ? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

and now * dance of joy* for the CD news. It is going to be this year, maybe the first part of the year !! :00000441: :00000441: :00000441:

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Upon reading a different board last night, I've realized why I was a bit uncomfortable with the "new album in May" comment. IMO, it wasn't a direct quote from Clay, but instead, written by the blogger. If she had put that in quotes (like I did), I would be doing the happy dance too. Instead, my mind has automatically said "ooops, there's a filter there" -- because I sometimes just can't trust the media and reporters anymore.

I noticed that for the most part, the whole article was written in this paraphrasing style, rather than direct quotes. I prefer direct quotes too, but I was still thrilled with the whole vibe of the article!

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Thanks for the good wishes. They kicked her loose. It was her gastroparesis kicking into overdrive, which she has because of her long term diabetes. I think anxxiety kicked in this evening after she couldn't eat all day and then she went into kind of a panic mode. They gave her something for the nausea and also for her anxiety. Unfortunately this is something we have to learn to manage because it is not going away.

Couchie, massive hugs for you and your Mom.

:thbighug-1: :thbighug-1:

DH just got the diabetes diagnosis yesterday. I have to learn to cook all over again. I've been kind of trying to cook more healthy meals, as I have elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. This just makes it even more difficult. The man LOVES him some pasta, so he's a tad - er - miffed.

He's pretty good at dealing, though. So he won't make if my responsibility. I just hate it for him, cuz he loves to eat!

Wishing you and your Mom the best.

Back to the MAN . . .

I'm so excited for Clay! I know he's going to be GRRREAT!

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I believe there are some fans who want and NEED to know all this information before he's even begun to sing a note for the album. Then, there's some like me -- who aren't so interested in knowing his musical direction beforehand, but will totally celebrate whatever it might be when the album arrives.

ldyjocelyn, usually I'm not as 'que sera, sera' as you are about our man---at least not to the same degree---but I definitely agree with you here, especially the bolded part. I am definitely NOT one who gets off on all the musical direction stuff. Me? Sing purdy, Clay. :flirtysmile3: Now I might not particularly like a song choice, but if he sings the schiznitz out of it, I'm there with my awe and appreciation for the VOX! (and if the song happens to be of a type that he KNOWS will not be so popular, I'll do a little drooling for the titanium, too! :hubbahubba: )...

I just listened to ATDW on the way home from work yesterday since I didn't have a book to read. Hadn't listened to it in a long time. And I caught myself smiling on and off the whole way. Just reaction to a particular quality of his voice in a phrase, or a time when his accent ruled over enunciation...or a moment of pride in the sheer power, or a shudder at a wrenching ache at the end of a note...

Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.

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