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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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ldyjocelyn---what you say is true and I really DO think about that---just sometimes my heart still hurts over it...

But....guess what I'm eating right now? :lilredani:


Oh, geez, you guys.....not THAT! :naughtywag:

Nope. I'm eating a honeycrisp apple! Never had heard of one before all y'all did all that blabbing about it. Turns out my hubby inadvertently picked up a few when I asked him to "grab a few apples, babe" when we were cruising the aisles of our local Safeway!

They're good, but I guess I'm like a NJU is about Clay---I just don't get what all the hubbub is for.. :lmaosmiley-1:

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Welcome heinz!!! glad you finally took the plunge

Sometimes this is just too absurd:

Let's see if I can keep this straight, he's metrosexual, he's homosexual, he's promosexual and now he's asexual, he seems to get identified as everything except heterosexual, the only thing he's ever actually said he is. I am so dismayed with the state of "so called" jounalism, and the fact that they see nothing wrong with this type of reporting, that they don't see any invasion of privacy, that they take no responsibilty in the role they play in shattering people's lives. Can these people not stop for one minute and think, what if this was me, what if this was my son or my brother, would I feel so strongly that everyone has a right to know about their private life.

Would even Britany have all the problems she has if she had been able to live a little more privately.

I think the reason why this is not bothering me, is because this is so surreal. The guy gives a throw away line that should have been seen as a way to evade the question...yet the media is pouncing on it like its a very new concept. Its simply about being sexually responsible and being choosy and careful in relationships. There is nothing new with this concept...but because the media is so eager to solve the mysteries of Clay...they would pounce on anything he says about sexuality. This is really absurd.

I bet he would rather see this kind of discussion about his sexuality than having the press speculate on who he is going out with or the paparazzi following the person he has a relationship with. I think Clay will keep his love life close to his chest as long as possible. I bet we will just be surprised one day when he announces he is married.

Heh. I actually read the article, and actually LEARNED something from it, so I suppose it was good for something, right?

Clay Aiken, starring in "Theater of the Absurd" (mass media edition)... I just simply have to believe that he's laughing about all this. Laughing all the way to the bank.

YUP I bet he is...laughing along with his friends and cast mates.

eta: OMG...how tacky is that, no wonder DHP was chilly. Why do they have to bother another artist about Clay??? I mean there was no other question there about his own show and all about Clay? That is pretty insulting!

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Being celibate and being asexual are two very different things. The first is a choice one makes, the second, as I understand it, hard-wired.

Throughout history, people have been celibate for many diverse reasons - religion, lack of opportunity, economics, family and class dynamics etc., etc. In our sex-centric society, it's hard to understand that all those Victorian maiden aunts and bachelor uncles weren't all gay.

None of this has much to do with Clay though. If he's made a choice to be celibate - fine. If he's made a choice to screw around with men or women very, very discreetly - fine. Nobody's business that I can see.

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Oh, ugh...with apologies to any Alice Smith fans, I just heard her on Ellen, flipping channels...and could not BELIEVE my ears. To me, she sounded like a slow, slurring drunk...with shiny red lipstick. She may have been trying to LOOK like Sade but even with some obvious microphone effects, she sounded like an AI reject. If this person is on the radio, there really is no justice in the world.


Amazing what happens with the simple re-arrangement of words!

Former "American Idol" Clay Aiken, who has faced questions about his sexuality since entering the spotlight more than four years ago, recently told New York magazine that not only is he sick of answering questions about his preferences, he's tired of thinking about something that he simply doesn't have time for. Aiken told the magazine that his social life is "nonexistent, really I'm not a nighttime person." While he's in New York performing in "Spamalot," he does not plan on dating anyone and is not involved with anyone. "Heck, no," he said, adding that his only companions are "my dogs." Not only that, but Aiken, 29, claims that he's never had a romantic relationship, unless you count the girls he took to dances in high school. "I just don't have an interest in ... any of that at all. I have got too much on my plate," he told the magazine. "I'd rather focus on one thing and do that when I can devote time to it, and right now, I just don't have any desire."

Is this an actual report on MTV? Because THAT sounds way more like what I'd expect Clay to say, if anything. In fact, I'd bet a lot that that is what he DID say (if anything) and this errrrrr, woman, decided to intrepret and report in her own way.

And may I just say GO David Hyde Pierce. I'd say I wonder if the bitch is learning anything, but I'm sadly aware that she's probably getting exactly what she hoped for.

Welcome heinz!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Welcome heinz!!! glad you finally took the plunge

Sometimes this is just too absurd:

Let's see if I can keep this straight, he's metrosexual, he's homosexual, he's promosexual and now he's asexual, he seems to get identified as everything except heterosexual, the only thing he's ever actually said he is. I am so dismayed with the state of "so called" jounalism, and the fact that they see nothing wrong with this type of reporting, that they don't see any invasion of privacy, that they take no responsibilty in the role they play in shattering people's lives. Can these people not stop for one minute and think, what if this was me, what if this was my son or my brother, would I feel so strongly that everyone has a right to know about their private life.

Would even Britany have all the problems she has if she had been able to live a little more privately.

I think the reason why this is not bothering me, is because this is so surreal. The guy gives a throw away line that should have been seen as a way to evade the question...yet the media is pouncing on it like its a very new concept. Its simply about being sexually responsible and being choosy and careful in relationships. There is nothing new with this concept...but because the media is so eager to solve the mysteries of Clay...they would pounce on anything he says about sexuality. This is really absurd.

I bet he would rather see this kind of discussion about his sexuality than having the press speculate on who he is going out with or the paparazzi following the person he has a relationship with. I think Clay will keep his love life close to his chest as long as possible. I bet we will just be surprised one day when he announces he is married.

Heh. I actually read the article, and actually LEARNED something from it, so I suppose it was good for something, right?

Clay Aiken, starring in "Theater of the Absurd" (mass media edition)... I just simply have to believe that he's laughing about all this. Laughing all the way to the bank.

YUP I bet he is...laughing along with his friends and cast mates.

eta: OMG...how tacky is that, no wonder DHP was chilly. Why do they have to bother another artist about Clay??? I mean there was no other question there about his own show and all about Clay? That is pretty insulting!

Word to this Ansa esp the parts I have bolded.

I LOVE DHP! His physical comedy is what keeps me watching Frasier reruns! These media people seem to insult people for effect. As far as I know there is speculation about DHPs private life but no comments from him. I feel this is a wise move on his part and he manages to keep out of the tabloids( as far as I know) but of course it comes also with less attention to his work. Of course I could be talking through my hat since the media coverage here is different.

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Word to this Ansa esp the parts I have bolded.

I LOVE DHP! His physical comedy is what keeps me watching Frasier reruns! These media people seem to insult people for effect. As far as I know there is speculation about DHPs private life but no comments from him. I feel this is a wise move on his part and he manages to keep out of the tabloids( as far as I know) but of course it comes also with less attention to his work. Of course I could be talking through my hat since the media coverage here is different.

I adore DHP. The man won a Tony last June for his role in Curtains, for heaven sake. Turning his whole interview into a comparative piece on Clay Aiken....Dear God.

DHP is a classy guy. He's been with his partner for 24 years. He thanked him during his Tony acceptance speech.

atinal, you made me smile with this...

Sometimes this is just too absurd:

Let's see if I can keep this straight, he's metrosexual, he's homosexual, he's promosexual and now he's asexual, he seems to get identified as everything except heterosexual, the only thing he's ever actually said he is

Yeah. People in the media are obsessed with Clay and his sexuality. Thing is, it is his...not theirs. And because it's something he cares not to share or discuss I guess they have to get creative. 'Promosexual', anyone?

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I don't understand the big surprise people. Clay told an interviewer that he doesn't have the desire, that he's shut it down -- this after the speculation and rumors about his sexuality for the past two years? Of course it's news on the entertainment pages. If it weren't, that would be the big surprise.

Now, the lingering question that I've had about all this is ...... drumroll .....

The subject Clay responded to, as I read it, was "romantic relationships" and I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but you sure as heck can have an awful lot of satisfying sex without a romantic relationship.

At least, I hear it's been done.

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The subject Clay responded to, as I read it, was "romantic relationships" and I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but you sure as heck can have an awful lot of satisfying sex without a romantic relationship.

At least, I hear it's been done.


keepingfaith...so glad you brought this up. In fact, it reminds me of this guy I met in Japan..... :whistling-1: Hmmm...you're going to be at the dinner on the 4th, right? Oh my.....it might be time for a Muski real life story during our meal..... :whistling-1:

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I don't understand the big surprise people. Clay told an interviewer that he doesn't have the desire, that he's shut it down -- this after the speculation and rumors about his sexuality for the past two years? Of course it's news on the entertainment pages. If it weren't, that would be the big surprise.

Now, the lingering question that I've had about all this is ...... drumroll .....

The subject Clay responded to, as I read it, was "romantic relationships" and I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but you sure as heck can have an awful lot of satisfying sex without a romantic relationship.

At least, I hear it's been done.

I still don't believe Clay 'responded' to a sexual question at all. I believe he responded to the 'romantic relationship' question (if indeed he responded at all). If that MTV thing is accurate, that just confirms it for me. BIG difference between not looking for love/maintaining a relationship during the busiest time of your life and having no desire for sex.

How many times do you use the phrase 'I have no desire to________' Heck I'd say that I have no desire to have tuna for lunch.

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Well....I got a little tired of stuffing my things into boxes, and then I got some school work done...so when I got the urge to go play with some pix I gave in and ended up back in Los Angeles at the Greek. Brown haired, very playful Clay, he was a cutie....and some of these cracked me up. It had been so long since I looked at them last summer, it was like a brand new batch. I guess there is a good side to being way behind the times. Here's a few just for shits and giggles......








SmugMugs don't show up on my work computer because of the filters, so I've been waiting all day to be able to see these pictures.

Not only is the dude CUTE, he's more than a bit WICKED! Love that gleam in his eye in the second picture, because you can just tell he's up to something.

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eta: OMG...how tacky is that, no wonder DHP was chilly. Why do they have to bother another artist about Clay??? I mean there was no other question there about his own show and all about Clay? That is pretty insulting!

How tacky is right, thank god it wasn't some Claymate cornering DHP and asking him those questions!!!

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I love it that DHP sent Clay a note on opening night and also commented on how well he was doing in Spamalot. These really are the people who matter not those idiot journalists who have no class and no clue.

No one could pull of that frosty disdain better than David Hyde Pierce. Good for him!

I forgot in my long ramble through these halls last night to tell cindilu how much I admire that banner up there. As someone who is just now in the early stages of a Photoshop I class, these creations blow me away. I'm supposed to have a CD package made as a class project in less than 3 weeks.....and so far....I know what a layer is.

cha cha, I'm moving to Baku in Azerbaijan.....either in two weeks or four depending on my husband's timetable. And yes, it's on the Caspian, tucked in between Iran, Armenia, Georgia and Russia. OH OH OH......I have been meaning to ask this question for days. I know some of you will be able to answer this for me. Internet service over there is purchased in units of bandwidth (or something like that). You pay for so much and when it's used up.....it's over. You go in and pay more and away you go again. I'm not sure how much to buy in order to ensure that I'm not constantly running out of bandwidth. So far John has been getting by on a wee little package that he pays $8 a month for at the house but all he does is email and Skype for a couple of hours a day at most. I, obviously have bigger needs and stronger urges, so how much do I need to buy. They sell 10gb for $99, 20gb for $199, and for $499 a month you can get unlimited use. Now, we don't have to pay for it out of our own pocket but the money does come out of the budget for which John is responsible. If I need the full meal deal, I can get it, but would that be a waste?

I guess I need to know....how much do you think I would be using now, considering I'm home most of the time. Does the bandwidth get used up just when you download and upload things, or is it ticking away as you surf and hang around on websites.....or watch You Tube or chat on Yahoo. I'm clueless about this and I just figure I need lots and lots.

Yes, keepingfaith and cindilu, I think it was a romantic relationship question, too. A question about sex would have gotten shut down pretty damn quick in my opinion. All this coverage makes me roll my eyes......and makes me want to call my daughter up and give her the playing hard to get talk I gave her 8 years ago all over again. People sure do hanker for that which they think they cannot have.

****Wipes drool of Row J ticket for the 9th.****

Welcome, heinz!! :00000442:

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cindilu2!! LOVE the banner!!!

I reupped on the first day without any problem.

Wonder when he'll do the first blog of the new year?!

Wasn't that the Spamalot opening night blog?

FYI - CITH audio recommendations have begun! Hee, I know because I did them. Come on everyone, you know you wanna! Thread is here.

I thought we were waiting for a certain someone to put up her videos? It has something to do with the color red I think.

The AP story is also at LYcos which is then connected to CNN if anyone wants to give it a few good hits or email it.

AP story

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Is anyone having trouble with OFC?

All of a sudden the pages are not loading properly.

No white center. Text not lined up right.

Can't get to my profile to change it.


Fear, since the renewal deadline is - today I think? I was just thinking he'd blog as people reup since many seemed to be waiting for today.

Yeah, he did blog on Opening Night! And a marvelous blog it was!

This is what I'm getting now. I know we're not supposed to bring over OFC content, so I tried to cut it off so there's nothing "whole". Just so you guys can see what it's doing. I've read others having problems, but it's been fine for me until about an hour ago.



(I'll delete this after a little time passes as it's not attractive and a little large. :) )

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Cotton, I just hopped and the OFC, and the pages are loading alright for me. I did experience the overlapping text for a while last week, but not now.

That part has now straightened out, but now I'm having trouble getting around the blogs. I click on the blog title and I get to the comments instead, etc.!



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KarenEh...I have no idea how to answer your technical questions but your word choices in a very innocent paragraph caught my eye and I thought I'd have some fun with that 'convenient editing' thing so many of our contemporary 'journalists' use when writing about their interviews. Please forgive me and know that I adore you.

So far John Clay has been getting by on a wee little beautiful humongous package that he any woman willingly pays $8 a month any amount for at the house whenever he wants some action but all he does is email and Skype ask for a couple of hours a day at most more--just a couple of hours more, PLEASE, Muski!. I, He obviously have has bigger needs and stronger urges, so how much do I need can I afford to buy? ...you can get I want unlimited use. Now, we I actually don't have to pay for it out of ourmy own pocket but because the money does come out of the budget for which John "Keep Muski Sexually Satisfied Fund" for which my FCA friends isare responsible. If I need Since when it comes to Clay, I need the full meal deal, I can get it, but would that be there would be no waste, now would there?

Ah, the penis mightier than the...

oops... :blush:

I mean, the pen (space) is mightier than the truth sometimes, ain't it? :whistling-1:

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FYI - CITH audio recommendations have begun! Hee, I know because I did them. Come on everyone, you know you wanna! Thread is here.

I thought we were waiting for a certain someone to put up her videos? It has something to do with the color red I think.

Hee, well, narrowing it down to top 3 now isn't going to hurt, right? Once a certain someone uploads her clack, we can always add one or two to the list and reorder them if we have to. I just think times a-wasting, and pretty soon no one will even care about CITH anymore. With this fandom it's always on to the next thing! And we've got some time on our hands while Clay finishes his run in Spamalot.......

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Cindily, I love the banner! It's beyootiful. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Gotta tell you, though. Celibacy is more prevalent in life than people would want to admit. God knows that in my married life it's been the way of life for periods of time and that's not something I ASKED for, you know? Just---life is full and exhausting. It takes two to tango, too (well. :whistling-1: ...not going there...heh) and so it's not just YOUR schedule and energy/interest level that has to be considered.

Hey, heinz! Welcome!

WORD! There are so many facotrs that influence a person's sex drive, and frankly I think there are a whole lot more people than we would think who simply aren't engaging because it's too much trouble. Pick up any women's magazine and you'll find 100 top tips on how to do a whole bunch of stuff that comes unnaturally to most people, that apparently we should all be doing and enjoying. I think there's an awful lot of pressure to have 'perfect' , mind-blowing sex everytime- it could be intimidating to someone who doesn't have a lot of experience. I don't know if that made any sense or not.

"Being too busy isn't a sexual orientation," said Levkoff. "Society puts so much pressure on people like Aiken that we have to hope his statement isn't a public excuse to get people to lay off him."

You made me look - why do we have to hope he didn't say this to get people off his back? Aren't we hoping he did say this to get people off his back?

That comment totally confuzzled me, too. I thought he said it exactly to get people to back off!

I loved the DHP piece! :cryingwlaughter: I would have hated to be on the receiving end of that frost exchange.

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I have tickets to Curtains with DHP while I'm in NY. I hope that some Claymates who plan to take in some other plays consider going to cheer for DHP! I sure as hell will.

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