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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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Also dashed home for a quick lunch--couldn't wait until after work!

Stood in front of the tv--didn't eat much. Watched three times--it really was a "quickie" and went back to work a happy person.

Didn't know that the look on my face was called an ICG. Glad to know that there is a name for it.

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Hi all! I'm baaaack! :F_05BL17blowkiss: and getting vv excited about Spamalot sometime in April. Travel agent is booking our tickets but I don't know if he knows the absolute URGENCY and IMPORTANCE of doing this asap! Or I might combust or explode!!! Anyway we have now paid for all airfares so it really is happening! EEEEEEE. That is all. Now back to catching up.

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I am very sorry for the loss of your father.

What a lot of great things happening lately!

Wanda... BWAH! I've done that! I really am taller than the 2 inches I felt afterward! :cryingwlaughter:

muski... I like your definition of the acronym better than Bookwhore's, tho her's is very fitting! :hubbahubba:

I LOVE that recap that says how much he has improved already. Expected that to happen, but it feels good to hear it. That's why they call in the reviewers after a couple of weeks. Mike/Eric/whoever won't invite them until they are sure Clay is doing his best. I wonder if they tell them when the reviewers are going to be there. Not sure I'd want to know.

ausdon... KEWL for you!

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(((((CG))))) So sorry for your loss. I can relate to that numb state. We're here when you need some distraction or hugs.

OMG...Another excellent interview for Clay!!!!I think the difference here is that the interviewers were prepared with interesting questions and seem to really care about the answers. As a result...you get a very engaged , very smart Clay...with lots of new info.

Boy....I think they are getting pressure from the Label to bring it out in the spring and early May. This is from Clay's own mouth now that they are targeting May. I bet they already have quite a but done...like song choices and preliminary recordings. I also think that with all the publicity Clay is getting from Spamalot, they now want to strike while the iron is hot. They probably don't want to waste another Golden opportunity like the AI5 appearance. If Clay continues to do promos now and then and if he gets good reveiws from this Broadway stint...its really best to follow up with the CD right away.

Whats that word some people are sick of? Narrative? Well this time the narrative is starting 5 months before the release of the CD. I bet we will continue to hear things about the CD in the next few months. Next big reveal will be the producer...then we probably get a leak or two of new songs. I do hope they can bring out a single early enough to build up interest for the CD.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I am excited about all these good things happening for Clay.

Oh and don't forget....after this week...we will have Clay on our TV EVERY WEEK!!!!Thats great build up to the CD. AI rewind may not have the big ratings as AI itself but I bet he will bring in lots of new fans once he comes on every week...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE its such a great year for Clay!!!

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I'm sorry for your loss, {{{{Claygasm}}}}.

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Claygasm, just wanted to share my expression of sorrow on the death of your father.

It always seems incredible to me that the rest of life goes on as usual when grief crashes the lives of the ones left behind to a numbing halt.

I will be thinking of you, and hope you come and drop in here when you need support and company.

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Ausdon when is your trip in April? The eHP will be in full force around the 26th. Maybe we could meet up? Wait maybe you don't want to*g*

Did we pick a winner or not? The guy amazes me. Singing, dancing, playing piano and acting on a Broadway show, giving interviews, going on talk shows and working on his album....geee I'm worn out typing it!

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Claygasm My thoughts and prayers are with you; been there myself and I know what a difficult time this is.

Loved the interview and yay! now I can countdown to May and the CD (still keeping fingers crossed!)


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Did we pick a winner or not? The guy amazes me. Singing, dancing, playing piano and acting on a Broadway show, giving interviews, going on talk shows and working on his album....geee I'm worn out typing it!

It's always comforting to know when you've lost your youth, perky boobs, and ambition that you are still a winner at something!!

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Juliet's Blog for January 24

The relevant parts:

Jan.24: Clay-mates!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there are certainly celebrities more famous than Clay Aiken, but I don’t know if I’ve ever seen fans as rabid as his. I was walking in to work today (although it was still dark out so it should be referred to as NIGHT) and saw a lineup of people waiting to get into the show. Horrified, because I looked like Satan’s spawn with my hair all crazy and half wet and my eyes still half-shut, I said something like “Man you guys are here early!” But really, I was thinking “We’re not THAT cool, are we!??!”

No, apparently we’re not.

These were Claymates — Clay Aiken fans who literally lined up starting at 2a.m. (a few of them at 11p.m. the night before!) so they could secure a spot in the audience. Unfortunately, when you’re first in line, you’re stuck in the back row; that’s just how everyone files in. Note to audience people: Move the fans to the front row if they’ve been waiting in the bitter cold for five hours or more!!!

Clay’s only been in “Spamalot” on Broadway for a few weeks but these women have already seen him five times, and tonight’s going to mark number six. Dammmmmn!

Clay was apparently a little cranky when he did the pre-interview with our producer, Greg the other day. I found out why — he hasn’t had a day off since he started (those Broadway shows are brutal, with dancing, singing and in this case, yodeling). The pre-interview day was his first “day off” although I guess if you’re doing press; it’s not really a day off.

But Clay turned it on, as he always does.

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Oh Lordy...he was 'cranky'? I hope the contents of that pre-interview make it to the public.

Yes, a very, very fun day in the fandom. I was expecting some talk-show appearances, but I wasn't expecting quite this many, or the new photos :hubbahubba: , so I'm a very very satisfied woman right now. :flirtysmile3:

{{{{Claygasm}}}}, I'm so sorry for your loss.

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PEOPLE, new issue, Heath Ledger on cover, page 16, Star Tracks:

picture of Clay, almost 1/3 of the page, finale/taking a bow:

"Ham a Lot: New York City. Jan 18: Clay Aiken makes his Broadway Debut as Sir Robin in Monty Python's Spamalot".

Nice picture, big smile, wearing white tux.


Choking the chicken picture also in In Touch this week, with small blurb, something about Clay not being too chicken to try out for Broadway. Cute, nothing mean-spirited.

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Ausdon when is your trip in April? The eHP will be in full force around the 26th. Maybe we could meet up? Wait maybe you don't want to*g*

Did we pick a winner or not? The guy amazes me. Singing, dancing, playing piano and acting on a Broadway show, giving interviews, going on talk shows and working on his album....geee I'm worn out typing it!

Wait a minute here....the 26th? That's the weekend BEFORE the final weekend, right? Will the eHP NOT be there for that last bow?

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