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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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KAndre points at keepingfaith and laughs....

Ron Paul is a Republican/Libertarian representation from Texas - one of the few who wasn't a lawyer (he was an OB/Gyn, I think...he used to joke about delivering his constituents). He thinks just about all the government should be abolished (except for the military and tariff collectors) and abolish the income tax too. He's a odd duck too.

So why is Clay being compared to him...I don't get it?


Ron Paul is a candidate for the Republican nomination for President this year. He's getting roughly 10% of the vote on a good day, but his supporters are devoted and have raised tons of money for his campaign. I believe he holds the record for the most money ever raised in one day on the internet at $7 million. Paul espouses that we haven't been told the truth about 9/11 and that the occupation of Iraq is a war crime. He also believes in abolishing the IRS, abolishing drug laws, and laws prohibiting gambling, prostitution, etc. -- and scrapping every social program including Social Security and Medicare. He ran for president on the Libertarian ticket in 1988.

The implied comparison to Clay has to be that Ron Paul is not taken seriously by the mainstream media, but has the most dedicated supporters who give their all for him -- the difference being that probably 90% of Paul's followers are young males.

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heh, well, I don't believe we have been told the truth about 9/11 but my beliefs will not match his. It is more about the August report before the attack and the 7 minutes and the Hungry Catapiller and the Saudis and how they all intersect. I think Ron Paulis talking about something else.

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I don't see anything in this article that Clay needs to weather.

I don't see cynicism.

I don't see fangs.

I don't see venom.

I don't see anything bad about this article.

I don't think Clay will be upset when he reads it.

Well, and you also have cute, naturally curly hair and I don't. heh

Hope all is well with you and your family.

BWAH!! And thank you.

Do NOT read the comments at that site....when will people learn to not engage the idiots who post at these places?

That picture is horrid...WTH?

Once again "Claymates" are drawing far more attention to the article than it ever would have received otherwise. When will they learn...

That Huffington Post is just the beginning, I figure. I mean, c'mon....those quotes about his having no 'urges'? Perfect fodder for the mills....Actually, this particular extrapolation of the 'quotes' from the New York Mag. article is rather mild compared to what is bound to show up in the supermarket rags...I don't look forward to the flap, quite honestly.

I love Clay Aiken. And I don't care if not every freakin' joker who sits down with him 'gets him'---hell, I don't know the guy, so I couldn't tell you for sure that I do. But honestly? I am tired. Tired of even KNOWING that the kind of 'reporting' this particular writer did is not going to end---that the crap is not going to end---and (even knowing that it wouldn't do any good) that Clay isn't going to do anything public to 'seek justice' when/if his words are misquoted, poorly (intentionally or not) edited and otherwise misleading. I admire him for being who he is---don't get me wrong. I'm speaking only for myself as a loving and faithful fan who'll be one regardless, but who is just.tired.of.all.the.shit.

I'm tired of this kind of article getting all kinds of mileage through the bs outlets that will piggyback on it and that the audience for such 'publications' is huge. I'm tired of the sensational and sordid of any situation overshadowing (to the masses, the general public at least) the good and worthy.

Just tired.

I'm sorry, muski. :friends: I don't know, but none of this is bothering me. The article didn't bother me. The asshats perhaps swarming around it doesn't bother me. Its so been there, done that. I would bet money that Clay doesn't pay any attention to any of that and doesn't let it bother him anymore, so why do we? It will always be there and isn't unique to him. Ignore. Its attention they thrive on. Follow Clay's example and don't let the asshats get you down.

Instead, imagine getting down with him.... :whistling-1:

Here's the pic they used:


YUMMY! My favorite look EVER!!!

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heh, well, I don't believe we have been told the truth about 9/11 but my beliefs will not match his. It is more about the August report before the attack and the 7 minutes and the Hungry Catapiller and the Saudis and how they all intersect. I think Ron Paulis talking about something else.

HUH??? alrighty than. LOL!!

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I guess what the article has brought out to me is more of a disconnect with some of the fandom - the sneering at Clay's "Aw Shucks schtick" - as I am one of those who don't see it as so much as a "schtick" rather than a real part of his personality. It's something he's always done from the first time we saw him on AI. It may be a part people don't like or are tired of, but that may not make it any less real - and the desire people have for him to suppress or change it is a little disturbing for me. I also tend to draw a blank on the offensiveness of Clay's (or anyone's) using "we" and "us" - I agree with someone earlier who said he doesn't even hear it anymore, and if he did, probably wouldn't see why it would bother anyone. I don't see why it's so unbelievable that he might see himself as a nerd - hell, I see myself as one. He really is a multi-faceted personality - just like everyone else - and many of those facets simply don't line up with everyone else's. And I don't think particular facets need to be "fixed" because some may not like them. I guess it just pushes some of my buttons elsewhere that people say, "oooh, he's self-depreciating therefore it's a defense mechanism therefore he needs therapy because that's what I would do and look how clever that author is to see what I see!"

The more I read the article and reactions to it, the less I like it.

I'm just going to WORD this. Clay is who he is and I happen to like him very much. I see no reason for him to change himself. He is doing very well and is STARRING on Broadway. The article paints him in a very unflattering way but all in all, she has to admit to his talent. I don't like it either.

Ansa wrote:

I really hate it when people suggest he takes therapy or change. He is a very successful man that had all these people following his every move. He seem to be doing something right. If he feels he needs help in anyway....he will get it and I don;t think he will be announcing it to the fans.I really hate it when people suggest he takes therapy or change. He is a very successful man that had all these people following his every move. He seem to be doing something right. If he feels he needs help in anyway....he will get it and I don;t think he will be announcing it to the fans.

I am a therapist and I also hate it when anyone suggests he needs therapy. First of all, that is invasive. Therapy is a choice some people make but many are forced into due to how messed up they are. Clay seems to be an extremely strong and capable, well integrated man of 29. I think he has all the insight he needs to understand himself and he has all the intelligence he needs to continue to do that. If he ever does get stuck, he has all the money he needs to hire someone to help him figure it out and that should and hopefully will remain his business and no one elses. I get really squicked out by armchair therapists who think they know what goes on in his psyche. They don't and often times it is their projection of their own crap onto him. Believe me when I tell you I have seen some very sick souls in my work and Clay is a breath of fresh air in a world where many are so truly not dealing with a full deck. To me Clay is is a wise soul, handling a heavy load of celebrity and doing a great job finding his balance. He sure appears to be happy and at peace with the important things in life. He has a loving family, a great group of close friends, associates who admire him and a huge fanbase which hopefully will continue to grow. He feeds his soul with his humanitarian work and frankly I think he is spiritually and psychologically pretty darn healthy which is more than I can say for most people much older than him.

Thanks so much for all of the above! I'm still stunned by the number of fans who think it is their business- hey, their RIGHT, to tell Clay how he should run his life/career- what he should/shouldn't say, how he should/shouldn't say it- and actually get "angry" at him for not being the person they seem to feel he should be. Sadly, I'm used to the crap from the media, and have even come to expect it- but from some of the fans.....man, that still makes my heart (and head!) hurt!

On the positive side, I got some lovely Spam-pins in the mail today! Thanks so much- I love them!! Now I just have to hold out another whole month till I can wear them in NYC!

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That Huffington Post is just the beginning, I figure. I mean, c'mon....those quotes about his having no 'urges'? Perfect fodder for the mills....Actually, this particular extrapolation of the 'quotes' from the New York Mag. article is rather mild compared to what is bound to show up in the supermarket rags...I don't look forward to the flap, quite honestly.

I love Clay Aiken. And I don't care if not every freakin' joker who sits down with him 'gets him'---hell, I don't know the guy, so I couldn't tell you for sure that I do. But honestly? I am tired. Tired of even KNOWING that the kind of 'reporting' this particular writer did is not going to end---that the crap is not going to end---and (even knowing that it wouldn't do any good) that Clay isn't going to do anything public to 'seek justice' when/if his words are misquoted, poorly (intentionally or not) edited and otherwise misleading. I admire him for being who he is---don't get me wrong. I'm speaking only for myself as a loving and faithful fan who'll be one regardless, but who is just.tired.of.all.the.shit.

I'm tired of this kind of article getting all kinds of mileage through the bs outlets that will piggyback on it and that the audience for such 'publications' is huge. I'm tired of the sensational and sordid of any situation overshadowing (to the masses, the general public at least) the good and worthy.

Just tired.

muski... I feel kinda similar. My reaction was... is it never going to end... the slanting his every word/move in the most negative way. I have thought about it and I'm afeared the answer is, "no." It won't end for a long time, if ever. The man attracts it like Pooh to his honey pots. Not sure he could make it stop if he tried, unless he started answering yes or no or stopped doing interviews. So, I just sigh and wait for the next slap at him or the rare but wonderful article, like the AP one.

This journey with him sure has its ups and downs, but I'm his and will continue to be, cause the ups are very worth the downs, IMO! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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And... Now it is on Daily 10 - Clay breaks his silence about sex! Old video...

I am not tracked by my cable company (no box), so let me take the hit. Nothing on Extra, TMZ but I could have missed it since I have been on the phone a lot today.

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And... Now it is on E-news - Clay breaks his silence about sex! Old video...

I am not tracked by my cable company (no box), so let me take the hit. Nothing on Extra, TMZ but I could have missed it since I have been on the phone a lot today.

This is really so funny for me. The press is really fascinated by Clay!!! What the heck is so news worthy about what he said...it is really very amusing to me. Just adds to the mystique and gets people talking.

I guess brit is getting boring?

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Being a nerd is no more bad than being a jock or a goth - though being a stuck-up bitch is bad, but if that's who you are, that's who you are.


I don't know, but none of this is bothering me. The article didn't bother me. The asshats perhaps swarming around it doesn't bother me. Its so been there, done that. I would bet money that Clay doesn't pay any attention to any of that and doesn't let it bother him anymore, so why do we? It will always be there and isn't unique to him. Ignore. Its attention they thrive on. Follow Clay's example and don't let the asshats get you down.

And Amen!

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Brit seeing a therapist is only #6 - since Clay is the only one promo'ed so much, I fear he is number 1

So many people fascinated by his sex life.

OK - they used an old spikey hair goffy video of him in the background and talk about how he has no needs, he is just "shut off"

He made #5

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Phew he's # 5! I think this is funny! I know I probably have a weird sense of humour. I'm sorry but after what he has been through with the media in the past this, to me anyway, is small stuff!

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... He has a loving family, a great group of close friends, associates who admire him ...

This is the thing that continues to amaze me. I've never heard of a journalist getting to anyone who really knows Clay, and you know they must have tried. He is surrounded by a silent barrier of friends. In Albany a guy tried to tell me that he had talked to Jerome and found out stuff about Clay. My only reaction was to laugh in his face. I don't know Jerome, but I do know that he isn't spilling the beans to random folk.

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Good Morning Everyone,

I read the article last night right before I went to bed and my first reaction was that it was; as some have said "Odd". Then I read it again this morning and came away with a totally different opinion. It wasn't as bad as I originally thought, actually quite interesting and what I took away from it is that the author was having a hard time defining Clay. He is definately an enigma...he has so many layers to him and I think the author was frustrated at not being able to dig through those layers to find the real Clay and I think Clay enjoys sitting back and watching...I don't think he will ever be totally open with any reporter; especially about his private life and I think he was as honest as he could be. Most of what she wrote about was absolutely correct and things the fans having been saying all along...he does put himself down alot, he does use the words dork, nerd, etc. alot, he does us "We" when talking about himself. It has become a shtick for him and I do think he uses it like he did with the ear thing and Simon...say it before anyone else does. Annoying at times, yes...but when we have an image of ourselves, I think it is really hard to get away from that and see what others see and I think he always sees himself as Clayton and not "Clay Aiken".

The references to his effiminate qualities...Clay himself has said he has those and he does...doesn't mean he is gay, but he does have them...so no big deal for me.

In the end, I think the author was impressed with him...she had a notion about him during the interview that he may not be able to survive the big city (and I suppose that could be taken as condescending, but that is the image he portrays) and then she saw him on Broadway and realized the depth of his talent and that he really is going to be okay.

Bottom line, I think she found out that there is more to Clay Aiken than meets the eye and I think she saw through his defense mechanisms and came away realizing what a complex and intelligent man Clay is.

So, I don't think it was a bad article at all.


Kim, I don't usually agree with you. Nothing personal, I like you and all, I just don't generally agree with your viewpoints, but in this instance I'm just quoting your post because it comes closest to how I interpret this article.

I was soooo patient today! I made myself read all 5 - 6 pages before I posted. The article really didn't bother me a bit. The picture is ugly, I'll give you that, but how important is a picture anyway? For me there are two distinct Clays: 1. Hawt sexy studmuffin of my fantasies that has an insatiable sexual appetite that I daydream about and want to do six ways from Sunday, and 2. Real Clay. This article I think comes closest to giving me a glimpse of the real Clay better than any article I've read about him in years. I think the author 'gets' Clay a whole lot better than most of his fans do.

And honestly, point that stuck with me after I read the article was that Mary got to go in the bathroom with Clay and he took his clothes off and not a single person her commented on it! What in the world is wrong with this fandom? :cryingwlaughter:

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Bookwhore No problem, lots of people don't agree with me...but it is weird, because I generally agree with most everyone here on a quite a few points...maybe it is just the way I present my views.

I was surprised that no one mentioned Mary in the bathroom either and why did she need to be there; he couldn't change his shirt by himself or did Clay get an "urge" (why do I think that is going to be a new buzz word in the fandom, LOL!)


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I received my pins (Robin shield) in the mail today and loved them!

Kudos to those involved in the design and mailing.

I wish I could wear them to NYC.

The closest I'll get is making a Spam sandwich here in Texas. :cry4:

So thank you verrah much to everyone who shares their experiences with us. It means a lot.


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Interesting take on the article from OK! Magazine:

But OK! has confirmed that the singer has dated at least one person in the past six months — and that there isn't anything wrong with the Idol alum's sex drive. The source tells OK! that Clay met a special someone who he dated a handful of times last summer when visiting Los Angeles.

The source also reveals to OK! that Clay was so taken with this particular person, he offered to fly them to his home in North Carolina, and was making plans for the two of them to then drive across the country in Aiken's car.

So why would Clay not tell the truth about his love life? "He doesn't like to talk about these things," explains an industry insider. "Saying he doesn't date or have a sex drive is probably his way of trying to end the conversation."

The Clyra, anyone? :whistling-1:

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Seems to me the only time Clay was in L.A. last summer was when he was touring; so I don't see how he would have had time to date and I don't know how he could drive someone across country when on tour.


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I just want to point out that Clay NEVER said, "I have no sex drive and no urges."

There is NO WAY to know if the writer actually used these words in the question or just made them up later. I suspect the latter.

My daughter and I were interviewed once for an article about Mother's Day, and when the article came out, we looked at each other and said, "WHAT??" We didn't say ANYTHING even close to what the article quoted. It made us sound like complete saps (well, it's possible that we ARE, but the writer couldn't have ascertained that from the questions she asked.)

I trust NOTHING unless I hear it come right out of Clay's mouth.

Writing negative crap about Clay is like pissing into the wind. Won't land on Clay.

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Am I the only one who finds it interesting that they didn't give this person a gender?

Nope, considering it is OK mag it was the first thing that crossed my mind.

I'm with merrieee on this. Clay is a big star and he gets lots of attention, some of it good, some of it not so good. This is pretty mild, IMO.

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Am I the only one who finds it interesting that they didn't give this person a gender?

Nope, considering it is OK mag it was the first thing that crossed my mind.

Makes my head spin to think how quickly this would be dismissed as trash if the special someone was identified as male.

Seriously... Wonder who their "source" is? "Confirmed?" Uh...how? I mean do tell. IM's? Taped phone calls? Pictures? Just how does someone confirm something like that? And industry insider huh? You'd be surprised how that could be twisted to fit someone you wouldn't think of that way. Like some gossips. This is still a tabloid...not buying it.

Sounds like something FC might do tho'...*g*

Bottom line for me ... the people around Clay have been very protective of his privacy. I don't think that's changed.


This post brought to you by cynical-r-us....hee.

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What an interesting day in Claynation! I read the article this morning before work, and am enjoying "listening to" all the differing viewpoints. I want to quote so many people....

I will admit, the factual error about Jesse Helms makes the article less in my eyes - hell, it's not like it's a hard thing to check...

I'm actually finding it a little amusing that so many people are picking up on that. I have no way of knowing, of course, but I think it's entirely possible that Clay actually said this and she accepted it without checking facts, as he had said so.

We all know Clay has a very elastic sense of time, and I think it's quite likely he's been very interested in politics since he was much younger than 17.

Isn't it possible the quote was "if I'd been old enough to, I would have...." which became "I did....". I don't know Jesse Helms or his politics, is it an issue with who/what the man is that has so many people thinking "no way!!".

I wonder if his relationship situation would be a different story if he had never auditioned for American Idol. Really, I cannot begin to imagine how hard it would be to have your relationships scrutinized. And it is all the harder now that whilst women genuinely lust after him, how does he KNOW that the girl he might pick truly loves him for himself, especially since he was never the object of interest to women before Idol. Now that he has some serious money, he knows too well that he could attract the wrong kind of woman. That's why he has said she'd have to have her own thing happening and not just be his wife/GF.

(my bolding)....SO not true if the tales from his "Y" coworkers and friends at that time are true!

play, if I've already donated, is there some way I can donate again and make it count?

luckiest, didn't see this answered....and yes, there is if you have a second Paypal account (the only way to pay for Canadians) or can find someone who does and get them to donate on your behalf.

Yup. Unless and until I see/hear that from Clay's own mouth, I'll never believe he said that to her. And isn't she smart? He either ignores it (as has been his policy up until the Newsweek thing) or deny without comment, or make a real, public clarification about it.

Sorry - I just don't believe he suddenly decided to talk about his sex life with this chick. He went from the Newsweek position, to this? Nope.

It's funny - there was a time I would be wringing my hands and getting up.set about this. Now, I only shake my head (in disdain) at the OTT portion of fan reaction, and shake it some more (in sadness) at the state of so-called journalism and the public appetite for trash. Then I go look at my Spamorabilia, and I smile.

ETA: Cotton, I like scenario #2, and I bet it's not far off, either.

You are me!!

I don't believe it's a bunch of haters posing as Clay fans.

Me neither...I recognize some of the screen names, although I do understand anyone can post under those names taken from a board....but the ones I see are the same old, same old. Ho hum. There are a couple of them that should be beaten severely with a big stick; one I know is a teen whose internet usage should be more closely monitored by her parents.

For me? I think the article is weird...but I do think that it will create more buzz, and I think it has provoked some interesting discussion, which is always good.

Of course, I'm one of those middle-aged (I wish!) fat soccer moms who shouldn't have an opinion, let alone a sex drive.

So me and my opinion AND my sex drive will just mosey along and pay for my tickets to Spamalot and have a HELL of a good time! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And Ariel can kiss my ass.

(Who the HELL names their kid Ariel?? It's enough to make them write weird stuff in magazines.....)

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