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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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If every on-line fan orders today, you may have enough to get it to number 1, IF it is in the system (a very big if) and if it does get to number 1 the first day and then drops off - how does that reflect on Clay's interest? Wouyldn't it be betyter to wait unti some of the PR starts for this album and some samples of music are up so that NJU may join in the buying. What good is it to get to # 1 and then disappear right away? What is the use if the NJU don't know and don't care yet?

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Amazon said that 'this title will be released May 6th"....you know....like a definite date! It WILL be released. I'll be danged. Well, anticipating CG's reaction to this, I'll preempt her and say it: "I'll believe it when I see it." :cryingwlaughter:

Oh, and Perma? jmh was a doll to give you the low down on FCA...but because I need some more purdy pictures, I feel pressed to give you the REAL story..... :whistling-1::imgtongue: (Shhhh. Don't tell anybody I told you, 'kay? :F_05BL17blowkiss: )

Criticizing Clay isn't a focus, but it will happen, and now and then you'll read something that you don't like. (No, you won't.) We do sometimes fight and disagree too.(No, we don't.) Sometimes there's drama.(No there isn't! For God's sake, what the HELL are you talking about?) It isn't perfect here. (Yes, it is and I'm a model citizen.)The way the mods handle things here is really different, which is, they intervene as little as possible.(Oh, right. I guess you don't call these permanent stiletto puncture wound scars 'intervening'?) People are supposed to mod themselves (not other people) and a huge percentage of the time that is exactly what happens.(Another percentage of time the mods come in with semi automatics and kick some ass) I think a post has been edited or deleted once ever, no twice, because there was the crazy real estate agent thing once--someone trying to start a false rumor (Don't forget that time when someone tried to start the rumor that Clay doesn't have a beautiful humongous....). We have no secret threads.(Yes, we do, but not everybody knows about them...hence their name.)
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If every on-line fan orders today, you may have enough to get it to number 1, IF it is in the system (a very big if) and if it does get to number 1 the first day and then drops off - how does that reflect on Clay's interest? Wouyldn't it be betyter to wait unti some of the PR starts for this album and some samples of music are up so that NJU may join in the buying. What good is it to get to # 1 and then disappear right away? What is the use if the NJU don't know and don't care yet?

I'm really conflicted with this. I don't think I want to try to manipulate any of it because if it is going to be a success it will be a success. I'm not sure about any of it. We don't know how the label or TC measure the Amazon pre-sales in terms of marketing etc. I just believe everyone should do what they want to do and not get caught up with trying to make it number 1. I wish I knew more but I don't. JMO.

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Amazon said that 'this title will be released May 6th"....you know....like a definite date! It WILL be released. I'll be danged. Well, anticipating CG's reaction to this, I'll preempt her and say it: "I'll believe it when I see it." :cryingwlaughter:

Damn I hate being predictable!

BUT.......... If I remember correctly, MOAM was listed for pre-order - with several release dates. Just because Amazon is listing it doesn't mean that date is set in stone.

So..... I'll believe it when I see it! :imgtongue:

As for pre-ordering...... I would be willing to bet most albums listed for pre-order don't sell through the roof. Its how they sell after they are released that matters. Play has a point. If "we" all rush to place our pre-order during the first few days. it may rise up the chart quickly, but will also fall quickly.

But then again, if ordering it makes you happy, go for it!

Me? I think I will wait until we have an official, set in stone, absolutely guaranteed release date. Wasn't there an interview with Clay recently where even he said no CD he has done has ever been released on time??

Once that happens, I will buy my one. I only buy mutiples if there is something in it for me - like an exclusive bonus track or something. I would rather spend my money on concerts and such!

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Actually, back during the IT, one of my California friends started talking about getting an RV and following the tour bus. Hey, he actually did a bunch of shows out here for the IT, so we were following the tour bus anyway. She figured why not have something bigger with beds and couches and a fridge and a margarita machine?

I pointed out that my DH and I actually HAVE an RV, (although it's a bit the worse for wear now), and she got even more excited about it. My DH (who does the driving and buys the gas) pointed out that since we could get a ticket on Southwest from LA to Sacramento for $39 if we were paying attention, we would quickly go broke buying gasoline for the 80 gallon tank on the RV which got approximately 6 (yes that is SIX!!!) miles to the gallon.


This actually turned out to be a good thing, because she was in the car with nicegurrrrl and I on the Vermont to Atlantic City drive for the JBT. Oh!! My!! God!!!!!!! I have to say that nicegurrrrl is a delightful travel companion. She's not a good navigator, and I am, so she does almost all of the driving, unless we're on a long straight stretch that doesn't require navigation. She's a good conversationalist, very laid back, she likes to listen to Clay CDs, interviews and banter on the CD player. She doesn't get tired, she doesn't get cranky.....really a joy to travel with.

So we'd been all over New England for the JBT and now we were making the last long run from Vermont to Atlantic City. Our travel companion had plotted our route for us, which included car ferries and one lane roads galore. Everyone we consulted who LIVED in that area thought we were crazy. Maybe so, since it took us 4 hours longer than everyone else making that drive. 4 agonizing hours where we were forbidden to talk, sing, listen to Clay, got yelled at a lot, and got lost twice when she refused to listen to my directions. The Bataan Death March was more fun!!! shudders at the memory.....

Ahem...just saying....being cooped up in a vehicle means you need amiable companions, or a LOT of margarita mix.

If we're going to have a bus, why not convince Clay to spring for another bus for his employees, and we can give him pampered personalized service on HIS bus. Who could resist an offer like that?? Who has Mary B. on speed dial???

If the timing is right for any tour legs, it can be a blast to travel with a group by train. You can get food, munchies and beverages any time you want them, and you don't have to make a rest stop to go to the bathroom. Just sayin'.

If he does outdoor amphitheaters any where but the Pacific Coast, I am investing in a temperature controlled space suit. I am seriously heat intolerant. Hey!!! I hear you all who know me cracking up!!! Orlando nearly did me in, and I'm not sure I could tolerate something like that again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed here!!

Claygasm, I loved your Statue of Liberty analogy. Really, just loved it. Shoot!! My allergies must be acting up again.


ETA: Oh no, I took too long to post!! I can pre-order the album? How about if I order one now and spread the rest of my seven over time? Will that work? I want that album ASAP, and I want to make sure they know it. I missed out on the Walmart All Is Well because I waited a day. That was very traumatic.

jmh & muski, I appreciate the FCA 101. I lurk regularly and I think I have 35 whole posts, so I have SOMEWHAT of a feel for the board. I know I'm probably thinner-skinned than many others, and I really don't like conflict. In general when things get too hot and heavy, I pull a Sir Robin and "run away". I'll tiptoe back in when the coast is clear.

I don't really have a problem with laissez-faire moderating. It's when a group of posters is allowed free rein to bludgeon other posters with the force of their opinions, where others with a different opinion are edited within an inch of their lives that I have a problem. I'll take my chances.

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Do you guys think that the picture Amazon is showing is THE picture for the CD? And may I say that if it is, I'm kinda disappointed. I like it as a study of his gorgeousness...but I don't think it is a picture that will/can be 'appreciated' by many of the NJU...

IMO, YMMV and all that...

I pull a Sir Robin and "run away".

Uh... :unsure: Would this particular Sir Robin that you would pull (heh) include the soiling of armor? :Ahh:

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Well, I just spent a couple of fruitless days and too many hours trying to revive a floundering relationship with another Board. All I got for my effort was an extra 50 points in my blood pressure that I didn't need and a headache from pounding my head against the keyboard.

Can I camp out here, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze???

How about if I bring a gift??


It features eyelashes and everything.

So can I stay??? Please?? Can I???

Anyone?? Bueller????

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Perma, this is a great board! We're allowed to have opinions and grownup conversations an' everything! It's amazing! I love it here. So welcome, take off yer hat and sit a spell.

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DON't DO it!!!!! wait to order PLEASE!!!!

Right now, it doesn't matter, but in a month or so when others know it is out there it will matter. Please Please don't order now!!

Too late.

I'll order more!

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I pull a Sir Robin and "run away".

Uh... :unsure: Would this particular Sir Robin that you would pull (heh) include the soiling of armor? :Ahh:

BWAH!! Muski, you are bad. I understand Perma didn't even soil her armor when face to face with Clay Aiken himself.

Perma, really funny story about that road trip. Thanks!

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Perma this would be the perfect board except for the fact certain people keep posting a certain picture (that shall remain namless)that certain people (ok just me) don't like!

Hee! I don't drink but the good thing about not drinking is when your buds do is they have to call you the next day to find out who they have to apologize too! And you can laugh, laugh and laugh at them!!!

I ordered too! Am I out of the FCAMB?

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Do you guys think that the picture Amazon is showing is THE picture for the CD? And may I say that if it is, I'm kinda disappointed. I like it as a study of his gorgeousness...but I don't think it is a picture that will/can be 'appreciated' by many of the NJU...

Nah. It's a pic pulled from his Image Gallery. I sure as hell hope they do a fresh photo shoot for this! It needs to be spe-shul and maybe just a bit edgy...but not too, so as not to ake "Mr. I'm Not Cool" too uncomfortable. He is still only 29, right?sheesh

And I won't even care what color his hair is just as long as he has some! :whistling-1:

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Am I out of the FCAMB?

OOOH! a new bunch of initials to figure out! :PickMe-1:

FCA Magnificent Babes?

Moody Bitches?

Miscreant Blowhards?

Mesmerizing Broads?

Mouthy Bombshells?

Mysterious Beauties?

Malicious Bassasses?

Mouthwatering Bods?

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Hi Perma! So glad to see another familiar "face." Am already loving the beautiful face you brought here as a gift.

Like others in this fandom, I'm multi-boardal. This is a place of sanity, logic and fun. It's where I come to kick my shoes off and relax. Welcome ... you are going to love it here. You are among many friends.

Karen, Eh..... I hope you keep a running journal of your adventures. BWAH, I know it probably wasn't too funny at the time, but your first day "alone" in a new land was a wonderful read. With a few more of those, you have the makings of a great book....or sitcom. Thanks for that.

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IS it just me? When Couchie disappears, I worry about her mother. Hope everyone thinks that is silly, but I used to spend a lot fo time with my Mom and I did disappear when she had bad times, especially when I found out she ws hiding them from me so she wouldn't "bother me". A lot of Moms don't like to make a fuss or be a problem.

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I live in Redondo Beach and work in Torrance (near the 110 Fwy). Most of North OC is within a 30 to 40 minute range for me, which is nothing in L.A. terms. I'd love to meet you, and as it happens, it appears I may be in the market for a new SoCal friend or two. Maybe we can start a Pacific Coast branch of the eHP!!!

Perma... I live next door to Huntington Beach. My daughter lives in PV and I go to a friends in Playa del Rey frequently, so I definitely think we can form an eHP West... that is, if they'll tell us what we have to do for initiation!

Wow. My teenager and I just watched two local network affiliates on television cover an impromptu 'walk out' that the two high schools in our town organized today. Evidently, our esteemed Governor's budget cuts in education funding has pissed off some kids in our district. The cuts mean elimination or reduction of some school sports, music programs and AP classes. Great. California is already about 48th out of 50 states in overall test scores, etc.

So, according to the news report and my daughter, after a school district meeting last night that a lot of student leaders attended and participated in, a bunch of text messaging happened this morning after attendance was taken (since schools receive funding per student, based on attendance! BWAH!), the kids started with the "get to ______ High School ( my daughter's and also the building where school district offices are) to let people know we care and want change! So hordes of students from teh other high school at the other end of our island town descended on Alex's school and congregated in the auditorium.

The school district superintendent left her offices and joined the group on stage, as did teachers, parents and students. The supt. said the only way things could be saved is a parcel tax that would add about $125 per year to property taxes. Somebody was interviewed and said, "I don't know what these kids think they can change...they're just idealistic."

Then a student leader (a guy) answered and said, "If young people throughout our history believed that, we'd be living in a far different kind of country that we are right now." One of the video clips showed one girl on stage saying, "If you want to make a difference, volunteer to go door to door and ask your neighbors to support the schools. Write your congressman, senator, the governor!" That girl is the goalie on Alex's soccer team.


muski... WOW is right! Sometimes young people are much smarter than we give them credit for. They are more willing to think outside the box.

SO not caught up but HAVE pre-ordered my CD from Amazon, and thought y'all might like a little laugh:

Subject: Buying a Swimsuit.......a compulsory read

This is a true story written by a woman in England to her friend after

a swimsuit shopping expedition.

I have just been through the annual pilgrimage of torture and

humiliation known as buying a bathing suit.

When I was a child in the 1950's, the bathing suit for a woman with a

mature figure was designed for a woman with a mature figure. Boned,

trussed and reinforced, not so much sewn, as engineered. They were built

to hold back and uplift and they did a good job.

Today's stretch fabrics are designed for the pre-pubescent girl with a

figure carved from a potato chip. The mature woman has a choice; she can

either front up at the maternity department and try on a floral suit with a

skirt, coming away looking like a hippopotamus who escaped from Disney's

Fantasia - or she can wander around every run-of the-mill department store

trying to make a sensible choice from what amounts to a designer range of

fluorescent rubber bands.

What choice did I have? I wandered around, made my sensible choice

and entered the chamber of horrors known as the fitting room. The first

thing I noticed was the extraordinary tensile strength of the stretch


The Lycra used in bathing costumes was developed I believe, by NASA to

launch small rockets from a slingshot, which gives the added bonus that if

you manage to actually lever yourself into one, you are protected from shark

attacks. The reason for this is that any shark taking a swipe at your

passing midriff would immediately suffer whiplash!

I fought my way into the bathing suit, but as I twanged the shoulder

strap in place, I gasped in horror - my bosom had disappeared!

Eventually, I found one bosom cowering under my left armpit. It took

a while to find the other. At last I located it, flattened beside my

seventh rib.

The problem is that modern bathing suits have no bra cups. The mature

woman is meant to wear her bosom spread across her chest like a speed hump!

I realigned my speed hump and lurched toward the mirror to take a full view assessment. The bathing suit fitted all right, but unfortunately, it

only fitted those bits of me willing to stay inside it!

The rest of me oozed out rebelliously from top, bottom and sides. I

looked like a lump of play dough wearing undersized cling wrap. As I tried

to work out where all those extra bits had come from, the pre-pubescent

sales girl popped her head through the curtains. "Oh there you are!" she

said, admiring the bathing suit. I replied that I wasn't so sure and asked

what else she had to show me.

I tried on a cream crinkled one that made me look like a lump of

masking tape, and a floral two-piece which gave the appearance of an

oversized napkin in a serviette ring. I struggled into a pair of leopard

skin bathers with ragged frill and came out looking like Tarzan's Jane

pregnant with triplets and having a rough day.

I tried on a black number with a midriff and looked like a jellyfish

in mourning. I tried on a bright pink pair with such a high cut leg, I

though I would have to wax my eyebrows to wear them!

Finally, I found a suit that fitted, ... a two-piece affair with a

shorts-style bottom and a loose blouse-type top. It was cheap,

comfortable, and bulge-friendly, so I bought it. My ridiculous search had

had a successful outcome.

When I got home, I found a label that said, "Material will become

transparent in water."

FromClaygary... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I was crying, I was laughing so hard!

Play... I'm ok with waiting for a bit. I like to space out my purchases.

couchie... I hope you are having a GREAT time in your absence. Crosses fingers!

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Permaswooned Your photo of Clay from Tampa is one of only two which I have at my computer desk. One can launch dreams from that beautiful lower lip...sigh.

I don't post often but FCA is the first board I read in the morning and I always check it before going to bed.

Summer heat and amphitheatres not a happy combination for someone like me who starts to wilt and slip into neutral when the temperature hits over 80F. I hope his summer tour, and there really has to be one, yeah I know I'm not supposed to tell him what to do, but it would be so unwise not to have a tour to support an album he's seems to be so happy about, takes him closer to the Pacific North West. I given up hope of his ever coming to Vancouver. I'd rather not have to travel so far to see him. I can justify flying to New York from Vancouver as an early very special birthday present. On the other hand I have noted how much easier it is for me to contemplate hopping on a plane and flying off for 3 or 4 days than it was in pre-Clay days.

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Howdy FCA. I missed you today. Spent the day in doctors offices and emergency rooms but you'll have to VIEW NEW POSTS for the details :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Now my wireless connection if cutting off and I'm too lazy to go to my desktop but I'm going to attempt to catch up.

underthespell -- congrats on your body guarding status.

Perma: You are always welcome here..with or without gifts although I know this bunch and if the gifts are beautiful pictures they will be most appreciative.

But :F_05BL17blowkiss: to you. I understand what you are going through. It took me a good 6 months to get through it. LOL. I'm at the we had the best of times but now we're divorced..i can look back fondly and wish you well with no regrets but don't care who you date and don't want a reunion stage. Good luck with however you end up even it's a big reunion and lavish second honeymoon.

And, just for you jealous heifers out there, MY boyfriend sent ME a present! (That frankly I thought was broken, as it was rattling.) But, OMG! !1!1!1!1! It has lip balm in it! Clearly it's some sort of secret message to moi to be puckered up at all times, just in case.

when did FCA become the land of the delusional :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

And, if I'm not mistaken, that there "lipbalm" was meant for use ON the package weren't it? heh


treenuts you're becoming quite the little smut queen.


that's cute cha cha!!

KarenEh BWAH..thanks for sharing that story and can't wait to read your blog!!

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: I love this place. That is all there is to it. Love every single quip, smutty thought, pretty picture, and off-topic story. :coolchicken:

We love you too Bottle!!

Perma hee I see you went into marriage analogies as well! Hope you get to meet Liney..she's Fabulous!

Hey Muski... yeah we can buy up some old broken down van - as long as we have a MacGuyver around who can use a toothpick and peice of gum to keep it on the road. But Like the successful book idea... or we can be bank robbers. Whatever works!

Love the good old fashioned rumor... and sigh..july..that would give me 2 months to recover from Spamalot. That should about do it! :cryingwlaughter:

So are you knee deep into baseball yet Jamar. I miss you! And I'm so into NBA right now that I grrrr every time I have to hear about some meaningless spring training game or some free agent football deal.

Muski ... I heard about the budget cuts and how sports programs among other things will be cut in your little burb and the little burb I want to move to for an address to give my neice and nephew a better public school so they can get out of private school. But looks to me like somebody's parents will be paying for private school forever because things will only get worse from here.

Hmmm...I think not drinking could have its advantages...the heck with solving mysteries and writing a book...I think the madcap adventures of my fellow FCA'rs would be much more interesting (of course all names will be changed to protect the inn...okay not so innocent)


heee that sounds like fun. I'm in.

Oh wait..CG just wrote the prelude to the book. heee.

JMH .thanks for you words. I think the important thing is that ALL OF US..every member.... We all try!

oh BWAH...to Muski's rebuttal. heee this especially cracked me up.

We have no secret threads.(Yes, we do, but not everybody knows about them...hence their name.)

And frankly, I could probably commit small misdemeanors, pin them on people I we don't like and then y'all could solve them, collect the reward, wait for the statute of limitations to run out, write the book, sell the movie deal, take the money and run!

Bwah KAndre. You do have a way with words, and ideas. I like this...I think our nefarious ingenius money making idea is coming together.

I guess the important thing to remember about boards is that they seesaw and this too shall pass.

Concentrate on the important stuff.


hee love that Play


We can pre-order Clay's CD on Amazon:

Clay's CD on Amazon


DON't DO it!!!!! wait to order PLEASE!!!!

Right now, it doesn't matter, but in a month or so when others know it is out there it will matter. Please Please don't order now!!

I think a fast rise to number 1 is good too. How about I order one per week? At 1:12 am it's at #6!!

Has anyone heard from couchie today? I'm a bit worried for her....

ahhh thanks LdyJ. view new posts!

CG hell Clay himself had reminded us that he hasn't had an album come out when it was supposed to yet...but they are still on track! YAY.

As for ordering..I'm with Skybar..who knows. Maybe RCA doesn't care about a month from now..maybe they want to see gauge iimmediate reaction..we just don't know.

Well Hot Damn...Perma may have come up with the best idea of all. What services would ya'll provide. Let's see... I can balance his checkbook :whistling-1:

Oh and Perma..the good thing is the coast is usually clear PDQ. I think that's what I like most about FCA.

No I don't think that is the picture Muski.

Perma this would be the perfect board except for the fact certain people keep posting a certain picture (that shall remain namless)that certain people (ok just me) don't like!

heeee... every time I start to think merrieee is a ok she shows her true colors and disses the s n o w f l a k e.

Am I out of the FCAMB?

OOOH! a new bunch of initials to figure out! :PickMe-1:

FCA Magnificent Babes?

Moody Bitches?

Miscreant Blowhards?

Mesmerizing Broads?

Mouthy Bombshells?

Mysterious Beauties?

Malicious Bassasses?

Mouthwatering Bods?


Damn! It WAS a crutch afterall! poop

ok wow... that's beautiful and his hair looks so soft there. yum.

IS it just me? When Couchie disappears, I worry about her mother. H

I'm worried about couchie's mom too.

where did that water come from...sniff.

one more page to go.. I really enjoyed catching up with everything!

waves to Lotus!!

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Kill me now!


These are screencaps from a video that's supposed to be at the CB. That dust you see is the trail of my slippers as I dashed on over there to find it.



I'll be ordering a CD from Amazon as soon as I figure out the best place to send it. I'm glad to hear unsolicited comments/rumors about a tour happening in late July and August. I wonder if ticket sales for such a tour (should it come to pass) could begin in April before the CD is released. Yesterday I booked the tickets for my trip back to North America at the end of this month. I know that seems soon, but my Spamalot plans were in place when I thought I was moving in January. I'm not up for changing my Spamalot plans at all....other than maybe adding a show or two. I chose May 9th for a return date but maybe that is too soon. Maybe a week later would be better since I don't want to miss the TV promo appearances and if tickets go on sale, I might be a little logistically challenged over here. Not only that, with the time difference, I won't be doing the Ticketmaster Tango or the Box Office Trot in the private anymore. As John is my witness, I'll never go upgrade again.....um....well....not in the same session. But night after night back to back ticket sales (and the presales).....there are some things that husbands of fanatical ticket purchasers just shouldn't see.....and words they shouldn't hear. Okay, I think I have a month or so to figure this out.

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