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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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I can't wait until someone rips that long interview, becaues on the WRAL site, I can barely hear Clay, and I can't hear the interviewer's questions at all. I can't seem to find a way to up the volume.....anyone else?

WOW, I can't believe that not only did we get all the great stuff that WRAL showed on the 5 o'clock news, we also got all the extra stuff on their site! It's like Christmas morning! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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R.I.P. IttyBitty Aunt Hilda,

A little lady who

marched danced to the beat of a different drummer

and lived life on her terms.

I wish you could have known her!

(((Cotton))) so sorry or your loss...she sounds wonderful!!!

RE: CD release parties. In the beginning, I thought the press releases and media attention were helpful in creating buzz. Now, I tend to believe that they should be purely for the fans to enjoy themselves, and not part of any effort to participate in the CD's marketing and promotion. If RCA or Team Clay choose to make these parties part of their plans, that's fine. However, no matter how many "experts" this fandom may have, I just don't think we're qualified or knowledgeable enough to foist ourselves into media mix.

I haven't seen the WRAL video yet, but judging by the article, it sounds like we do have some exciting things to look forward to.


Jenna can you just write my posts for me??? This is exactly how I feel about it. Parties to celebrate and have fun...go for it. I wish I could go... but I say leave the media out of it.


OMG...what a wonderful interview...and did you guys see the video of him working on the two songs!!!! they sound great...and YAY I love On My Way Here now!!! How does he do that?!?!?!

OMG...the point where he discusses some back up vocals??? he is sooo involved and I love KIPPER...they seem to have a great relationship.

The songs sound great...the exact thing I always imagined for him...sooooo COOOOOL

I am sooo excited about this I can just burst!!!

OK and how great was that interview ....

I love hearing about the upright piano. I love hearing about the song that got Jaymes and him together...and I totally love his story about LAA...I knew it...I knew it was something that took him 15 minutes to write and I am thrilled that it is part of the CD. It deserves to get a wider release.

OMG I am soooo excited now. It seems like he is in the driver seat this time. May 6 sounds like his personal goal...hope everything else with the post production follows that timeline...cos I want that CD!!!!

EEEEEEEEEEEEE he sounded sooo good!!!

what a fun day its been!!!

YAY for Clay being in the theater...what a trouper.

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Thank goodness is looks like Kipper is someone who will LISTEN to Clay and allow him to be a big contributor to the sound of this album. I love in-control, happy, excited, animated, expansive, creative in-the-studio, broad-shoulders, thoughtful, artistic Clay...LOVE.

Clay's taking such a risk laying himself out there, isn't he? Brave man. Because the more you own an album, the more you pour your heart and soul into it and love the songs and have a vision for it...the more it can hurt when people criticize, as they will. I'm so happy for him and proud of him for daring to be vulnerable.


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before i go back and catch up on all that is going on, i just had to post to say how excited i am. i've been listening to those 2 clips on wral and he is so gorgeous and i love the new songs. i'm really hoping when they get put up that someone knows how to make them louder because i also had trouble hearing them, especially the one with the songs, but they still sounded amazing. so much to look forward to this year. another trip to nyc to see spamalot as many times as i can get in, and a new cd, hopefully on may 6th. crossing all body parts. and i just heard clay was in the theater tonight. glad for all the fans who want to see him, but really hoping he doesn't push himself too much.

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I can't wait until someone rips that long interview, becaues on the WRAL site, I can barely hear Clay, and I can't hear the interviewer's questions at all. I can't seem to find a way to up the volume.....anyone else?

WOW, I can't believe that not only did we get all the great stuff that WRAL showed on the 5 o'clock news, we also got all the extra stuff on their site! It's like Christmas morning! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

luckiest, I had the same problem with the volume, I was straining to hear it. But I loved what I was able to hear.

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I can't wait until someone rips that long interview, becaues on the WRAL site, I can barely hear Clay, and I can't hear the interviewer's questions at all. I can't seem to find a way to up the volume.....anyone else?

WOW, I can't believe that not only did we get all the great stuff that WRAL showed on the 5 o'clock news, we also got all the extra stuff on their site! It's like Christmas morning! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

luckiest, I had the same problem with the volume, I was straining to hear it. But I loved what I was able to hear.

Mouse over the button at the bottom left of the screen that says Tools....... and you'll get a volume control along with others. The volume is on the right, a vertical slider. Even on high volume tho, the interviewer was hard to hear.

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Wow. Wow. Wow!!!!! That may be the most information we've ever gotten from Clay in one sitting. I sat here just nodding my head and silently eeeeeeeeing! Fan-freaking-tastic!!!!!

Today, I listened to Measure of a Man and was once again reminded of just how much I love hearing him sing things I've never heard anybody else sing. And SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON a whole new cd's worth. GAH. And I am thrilled that LAA will be on there and finally get the wide-spread exposure that it deserves.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't stand it!

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Mouse over the button at the bottom left of the screen that says Tools....... and you'll get a volume control along with others. The volume is on the right, a vertical slider. Even on high volume tho, the interviewer was hard to hear.

Thanks, that helped a bit. What a fantastic interview! And I need, need, need those audio clips for my iPod. :D

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I can't wait until someone rips that long interview, becaues on the WRAL site, I can barely hear Clay, and I can't hear the interviewer's questions at all. I can't seem to find a way to up the volume.....anyone else?

WOW, I can't believe that not only did we get all the great stuff that WRAL showed on the 5 o'clock news, we also got all the extra stuff on their site! It's like Christmas morning! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

luckiest, I had the same problem with the volume, I was straining to hear it. But I loved what I was able to hear.

Mouse over the button at the bottom left of the screen that says Tools....... and you'll get a volume control along with others. The volume is on the right, a vertical slider. Even on high volume tho, the interviewer was hard to hear.

Wow, FANTASTIC interview!!! I used the volume button to raise the volume, but I'm also listening with really good earbuds, so that helps a lot, too. It sounds perfectly clear in my earbuds!

I'm so pleased to hear Clay's thoughts about his music and the album. Take that, fans who talk about how music is not a priority for Clay! I'm so excited to get original music from Clay, especially since he's had so much input into the sound, and has picked songs that mean something to him.

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Wow, FANTASTIC interview!!! I used the volume button to raise the volume, but I'm also listening with really good earbuds, so that helps a lot, too. It sounds perfectly clear in my earbuds!

Yes - good earbuds helped a lot. Not so much for hearing Lynda, but Clay came through loud & clear! :)

I think I resemble this emoticon an awful lot this evening :flirtysmile3: even though I've come down with the dreaded crud going around. I have no more time off until April, but my boss sent me home today and I'm not sure I'll be up to going in tomorrow. I think this means some late nights & possibly weekends of work in my near future. But for now I'll just go watch that interview again.... :flirtysmile3:

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Well, I finally was able to watch the whole interview (with just a little buffering) and loved it. What really struck me is how the songs are such a mix...not one "musical direction"; just songs that Clay loves and wants to sing. The constant need of some fans to have Clay define his musical direction always had me rolling my eyes and I was very happy to see that he addressed that question in his own way.

I think this CD really is going to be his answer to all his critics, fan and otherwise.


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Poor Baby, I think he should have taken another night off:


Sally called while I was in the kitchen fixing dinner, so all this is from memory ...

Clay looked pale when he started, but he got more color as he went on. He is there for the fans, he sees them, and he feeds off of them.

Tonight he is singing with TWO MICS to save his voice. He is not holding back, and he has already been through some good dance moves.

Sally's son is howling. He loves the show, too.


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I added one word to that post that Aikim brought over -- TROUPER!!! :clap:

Caro: listen.gif

Hope you don't mind that I did! Yeah, he is such a professional!


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I just finished the long one and wow...I love it. Clay is owning every part of this album. And he's doing so confidently. I think this is a major step for him. His passion just shines through. Kipper sounds like the perfect producer for him because I think he will stretch him yet allow him to be himself. I did so many whoo hooos... but out of everything, him wanting to remain true to himself just made me extremely happy. I love this journey and this is going to be such a blast this year. I'm just so proud of him!!

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I'm in awe of the man. Holy crap. Sir Robin by night; Studio Recording Artist by day. No wonder he finally fell prey to a virus. He certainly has stamina... :Thud:


His enthusiasm in his answers just had me grinning like an idiot. Obviously, he's very, very 'into' this cd and that's a kick and a half, ain't it? :clap: LOVED what he said about the covers thing---how he wanted to pick covers nobody had heard of and the label said 'nah'! :cryingwlaughter: Lord, I bet that was some clash of the titans, don't you?

This interview succeeded in getting me curious and intrigued about this new Clay Aiken album and I hope this piece of well-prepared and executed media finds outlets other than the Raleigh market---and the diehard fans. Will it show up on Google Alerts?

Of course, my cynical side tells me that little bits and pieces of his actual statements will be lifted and pasted in some media so that they will point to some unsavory or uncool or 'wrong' aspect of new music from Clay. I guess I could approach this idea like a game---I could try to twist his words BEFORE the haters do, just to see if I create anything close to what they 'quote'. :cryingwlaughter:

Whatever. Nobody can piss in my Cheerios after watching that interview. I feel happy.


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Sorry to interrupt the EEEEEEEing - but I have a question. I'm likely going to be getting a camera for my birthday, and I'm wondering if anyone has a camera they love, and why. I'm eyeing a Canon Powershot Pro camera, one in the 'S' series, but haven't decided which one yet. I've also researched Panasonic cameras, but will likely stick with Canon. Any insight from camera buffs would be wonderful! I'm excited to get a new camera before my trip to NY at the end of March!

And now, back to EEEEEEEEEEing over all of the fantastic album information, and for Clay being at Spamalot tonight! I sure hope he doesn't strain himself too much tonight. He needs to stay in good shape so he can finish recording that wonderful album!

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Don't all songs (that are written by others) have demos? Doesn't make them covers. Lordy - I can see the handwringing starting already. (not here)

:::raises hand:::: Don’t work in the music biz, but live in Nashville and was way into the “scene” when I was a bit younger. Dated and/or was friends with people who were singers, guitarists, drummers and also writers. That said, from what I understand, if you are a writer that wants to sell a song you wrote, you have to have a demo. Either you record it yourself (and often very cheaply) or you get someone else to record it for you. That explains why the demos often sound “bland” – because many good writers just aren’t singers. Period. So, you (and Ansa) are correct – just because there is a recording of it floating around out there does NOT mean it’s a “cover”. How else would people like Clay pick songs for albums, if not for Demos?

I had one crazy ass friend who had his own band and wrote a lot of his own material who had the opportunity to sell one of his songs but he was too attached to it. Didn’t want to lose “control” of the song.

My problem with the ferreting of this song for example - people are now already judging it without ever hearing Clay sing it.

You know, I can see both sides of the ferreting/not ferreting (can’t understand freaking posting on a my space or emailing a writer – that’s wack, IMO), but if they haven’t learned by this point that pre-judging (in the pejorative sense, that is) is stupid, then there is no freakin’ hope for them. It’s their problem.

Of course, since Clay did this particular song out there, then he probably knew or even wanted us to figure some of it out. He’s very good at keeping secrets if he wants to and it’s well established, I think, that he likes fucking with us. <g>

Unfortunately, Clay should have known the cat would be out of the bag before he could open it

See I think he left the bag open intentionally...so to speak.

Me too. <g> But I think writing to a writer and asking him about Clay is akin to taking a knife to the bag. <g>

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I LOVE mid-tempo angsty. And all that other Clay stuff. <g> I love it ALL!!!

I also have to add, again, that I think he looks better right now than he ever has – and that’s saying something because I adored the snowflake pics AND the ATDW promo looks. Loved.

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Me too. <g> But I think writing to a writer and asking him about Clay is akin to taking a knife to the bag.

. . . or the cat.

. . . jes' sayin' . . .

I think I've seen all the WRAL clips now.

I just love everything single thing about them!

Esp. this!


G'night all!

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