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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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44 members have voted

  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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bottlecap, isn't he the cutest guy out there? He's so dweemy.

So, it's me, bottlecap, annabear, and Clay. Sounds like fun to me. *g*

I can't remember if someone answered this before or not: does the merchandise stand for Spamalot take credit and/or debit cards? This will help me with my trip planning.

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annabear, maybe Clay and Tyra wanted to keep those pictures private, know what I'm sayin'? :whistling-1:

Yeah, yeah... there should be at least one CUTE pic that they could share with the adoring public! :imgtongue:

Hey, I'm here!

I'm not dead yet. :tongue57:

Yay! bottlecap's not dead yet! :clap:

Yes, ldyj, I remember reading that the merch stand DOES take plastic!

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Waves to Penny, ldyj, and annabear, none of whom are either dead yet or, sadly, in NYC waiting to see a skinny, blond, CUTE boy sing and dance, often at the same time.

I hope there are no English teachers on this board, because that sentence ^^ is probably a grammatical mess.


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Well that stinks! Sorry you're sick now, {{{Couchie}}}.

Now, someone tell me why there wasn't anyone to take pics backstage when Tyra went to see Clay??? :foto:

I wondered about this too. There must have been some pictures taken. No? Maybe she wasn't "made-up" so she didn't want to be photographed? You know, a model thang. OR maybe they really are.......Nahhh.

Feel better couchie and everyone else whose got "the crud"! I'm in my second week of it and it's a SOB to kick. Be prepared for it to hang on for at least two weeks w/plenty of phlegm and coughing. Yum-o! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Yay for penny & treenuts not being dead yet either!

Waves to Penny, ldyj, and annabear, none of whom are either dead yet or, sadly, in NYC waiting to see a skinny, blond, CUTE boy sing and dance, often at the same time.

Nope not in NYC - yet! Thirty-seven days. Not enough time to lose all the weight I want to :glare: yet soooooooo long until I see the CUTE blond guy in person again. Life's a bitch! :cryingwlaughter:

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I'm down to 16 days for my trip. Losing weight? Ha. That's a laugh. I'm trying to figure out when I can go shopping for clothes before this trip....'cause I want my CUTE boyfriend seeing me in something new!

As if he'll even see me....

*starts whistling "We are Not Dead Yet" along with Penny and treenuts*

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Someone made a close up of the CUTENESS..gah!


Love the banner, yo!

Love the recaps, keep 'em comin'!

Not loving that some of you are sick. Sorry about that.

Gah...Can somebody say movie star? That face. And agreed about the exercise doing a body good...he looks great.

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Hey, I leave in 15 days for a hawt date with mah strappin' tall BF and if I still have this friggin cough I'll cry!! Or someone in the theatre may hand me my head.....which may just do the trick. LOL

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ETA lajeterfan, if that was after the Sat. matinee that you met Rocky'smom & jmh, I was there too! I pointed out the FCA pins to jmh.

ACK!! Were you introduced to me by your screen name, lilyshine? If you were, please accept my humble apologies! I knew there was at least one other person there who I didn't think I got the screen-name for. See, this is why I suck at recaps- my mind is like a sieve! So sorry! :sorry::bighug:

Clay looks great in the pictures above, but I was really hoping for some pics of him and Tyra too!

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In NYC actually trying to Find Clay Aiken while some of us are toiling away at work?! :cry4:


Yeah that.

AIKim and Muski reached through the computer screen and gave me their cold/flu/whatever. I need my vacation time for a certain trip in April so am trying to suck it up and get something done.

Awe, I'm so sorry...this stuff is not fun at all...I am so tired of coughing and blowing my nose! Lots of hot tea and chicken soup!

Gah! I am so loving the blond hair, he better not change it before the summer tour!


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The merchandise does take plastic, but you get the weirdest receipt - so remember what you paid for everything!


Had a verra nice evening last night, spent a lot of time with FCAers. Hope we have a closing day party and many of us can get there again.

COUCHIE!!! If you feel you have the flu, get thee to a doctor and pay the 100 for the flu pill. I didn't get a shot, but one of my friends had the flu and dropped by for a few minutes and nicely gave it to me, then told me later she was really sick, but wanted to see the kitchen so she draggger heerself out of bed - worst flu I was exposed to, could not breathe, had to take a sip of water to breathe and was starting to bloat up with all the water I drank, went to doctor immediately (like a 1/2 hour after breathing problem started) and they gave me a perscription for the pill and I started to feel better that day. Do you know they don't like to to carry around water in pharmacies?

I picked up a few extra magnets last night, so if someone is not going or going again and wanted one - let me know. Tonight, not now. I have to clean out my mail box and that can take a while as I need to read them backwards and see wjhich have to be saved.

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So did you hear the one about the woman who, after five weeks of coughing and numerous bouts of debilitating fatigue and aches, finally bit the bullet and went to see a doctor? And when she did, he sent her to the hospital for xrays to confirm what he thinks might be a double whammy sinus infection and bronchial infection?




Left work early and fell asleep on the bus yesterday, missed my stop. Slept for three and a half hours after a 15 minuted coughing fit. Stayed home today and went to the doctor. Now my head and face and chest are splitting and...BUT now I have antibiotics so hopefully they'll kick in fast and all will be well SOOON....

or at least well ENOUGH for me to finish all the deadline work things before I leave for NYC Mar. 25Th :praying:

My heartfelt :F_05BL17blowkiss: (after the kisses pass through germ filters) to all FCA women suffering from any freakin' bug out there.

BTW....that blonde dude with the pecs and and killer smile?

I'd do him.


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I'm trying to figure out when I can go shopping for clothes before this trip....'cause I want my CUTE boyfriend seeing me in something new!

As if he'll even see me....

:cryingwlaughter: I do this too- all of my clothes have to be "virginal" for Clay- meaning, of course, that I can not have worn them anywhere else beforehand, NOT that I'm wearing turtlenecks and high-buttoned shirts!

I even buy new underwear- God only knows what for? :imgtongue:

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Apparently, Page Six has the pictures of Clay and Rosie and has captioned them...don't really think it is all that bad.


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Page Six? Well, I sure as hell ain't gonna give them a hit...but I figured these pictures would get some reaction from the lowlifes out there. Whatever. Clay's on fuckin' Broadway, y'all, and getting rave reviews! Famous people go to see him and love him! We commoners go to see him and love him! NJU go to see Spamalot and then go away loving him! He's happy and healthy and rich and embraced by yet another 'family' who love him, too!

Page Six? meh

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Page Six? Well, I sure as hell ain't gonna give them a hit...but I figured these pictures would get some reaction from the lowlifes out there. Whatever. Clay's on fuckin' Broadway, y'all, and getting rave reviews! Famous people go to see him and love him! We commoners go to see him and love him! NJU go to see Spamalot and then go away loving him! He's happy and healthy and rich and embraced by yet another 'family' who love him, too!

Page Six? meh

I didn't give them a hit either, it was posted over at CV if anyone is interested.

My reaction was pretty much to roll my eyes and move on.


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Page Six? Well, I sure as hell ain't gonna give them a hit...but I figured these pictures would get some reaction from the lowlifes out there. Whatever. Clay's on fuckin' Broadway, y'all, and getting rave reviews! Famous people go to see him and love him! We commoners go to see him and love him! NJU go to see Spamalot and then go away loving him! He's happy and healthy and rich and embraced by yet another 'family' who love him, too!

Page Six? meh

I didn't give them a hit either, it was posted over at CV if anyone is interested.

My reaction was pretty much to roll my eyes and move on.


Yep, just another day in Mr. Aiken's neighborhood - roll the eyes, say meh, fart in their general direction and give 'em one of these: :italianflick:

*sprays Lysol around FCA*

I feel for you, muski. I've had that particular double-whammy many times. Take ALL of your meds and drink LOTS of water!!! And as many naps as possible, which will hopefully include sweet dreams of a certain CUTE someone. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Just took a peek into the garden and after a couple of days near 50, my irises are peeking their heads up above ground...I do believe Spring really is on the way...I do, I do, I do! (tm cowardly lion)


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Captions? Feh, don't even have to read them to guess their tone and content...

You know what I think?

Fortune cookies.

You know how people sometimes add "in bed" after whatever fortune they get? I think after every future unflattering photo caption, rumor, or biased article, in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".

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Muski, muski muski - have you forgotten the golden rule of taking care of yuorself first because if you go down, you can't help anyone else.

Page 6 page 7 - Pffft I don't care anymore. it would be nice if people realized what assholes they are - think village voice blender or any ofa number of them... But I won't hold my breath, there are always more assholes that admire them.

For example, I was told to stop making up things before the war in Iraq when I said things about there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ior that Al Quida hated Sadaam and had a death thing out on him or that W was just upset because Sadaam put up a government building with a picture of his father in the lobby floor so that people could step on his face all the time or that the war would not go well and make a huge mess in the middle east or that intellegent people tried not to get involved in some countries or why not finish the war n Afghanastan first. Now people are saying Who Knew? - well a million people I marched with agains the war knew, but of course the news reproted a few people marched - 20 bloks of people on 4 avenues without room to move are not a few pople - that is 2 miles of people filling 4 streets from side to side (6 car lanes).

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I think after every future unflattering photo caption, rumor, or biased article, in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".

BWAH! Yes! or "as his beautiful humongous (any body part will do althoughihavemypreferences) impresses all"

or whatnot. :whistling-1:

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