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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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Brought over by Ms Marm at CH:

Got the Call from yoyo

She is at Juniors, expected to meet neelie but they don't seem to be there

yoyo, me myb, and a lurker named (I hope I got this right) jcforaikenhearts

jcforaikenhearts said and I can quote "OMG,OMG,OMG X3" (it's her first show)

NO STAGE DOOR tonight, very cold and windy

growing in part from her last show (5 weeks ago) Very enjoyable

patsy was good/not as good as regular cast

upstairs was 75% High school kids that really enjoyed the show

Knights of NI did the love potion #9/message by Elliot. S.

peasant was a girl in a VERY SHORT skirt/appeared not to be Clay fan/Clay gave her the picture

Earlier yoyo had to hang up because they were being seated at Juniors...A little more

(forgive me if I get a little wrong-I have never seen the show) The Black Night?

His arm or leg (they not sure what one) fell farther than expected, almost landed near me myb

Me myb then talked to me. (her first show)

"he's so darn cute pictures often make him look old-He's such a kid the show is Awesome and they will have to drag me out of here kicking".

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Hey KarenEh! I see you down there! I'm up at the ungodly hour of 4:23 because I have to drive hubby to the airport...What time is it in your part of the world? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Gotta go...later, peeps!

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I don't mind the bad auditions on AI when people KNOW they're bad and ham it up or are just clueless but are treated with some degree of respect--but I hate it when people really seem to think they have talent and then are quashed like bugs. That makes me feel bad. Some of them look so humiliated. How is there humor in that? The producers could easily edit those out and spare people further humiliation.

I don't like mean.

William Hung 'inspired' a lot of people to get their 15 minutes of fame. If you were good but not quite good enough, the public never hears about you. But if you are so so bad that you are "good" entertainment, the show will use you the way "you" use them.

Down Under, we had our very own William Hung, he emerged shortly after Hung did. Many skeptics think that unlike William Hung, whose appeal was, in part, due to his wide-eyed innocence, Aussie Flynn manipulated his way into the show. And to a point, he achieved his 15 minutes of fame because he got to sing at the Sydney Opera House on the Finale night, backed up by a bevy of beauties dancing around him. If you can stand it, here's the vid:

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EEEEEEEE! for the FCA'ers Doing Clay in a Spammy Way this weekend! Have a swell time and don't get overwhelmed by the CUTE!!!


I'm sure the cast will give Chris Siebert a big send-off, and I look forward to hearing the details about this weekend's performances.



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muski, thanks for noticing! It's 3:41 PM here and a nice spring day. I got up at nine this morning, read the boards and began to mess with my blog a little. When I got all that taken care of I was going to post something here to let y'all know I'm still around. I put one up yesterday and hope to get this one I'm working on up in a little while...once I get the pictures uploaded. We're heading downtown tonight to watch some bonfire jumping and do holiday stuff....no idea what that stuff is but we're going to do it. Yesterday was the start of Novruz, the biggest holiday of the year in Azerbaijan. It lasts for 8 days. I know it revolves around spring and renewal....includes lots of food, things you HAVE to eat (like the black eyed pea thing) and bonfire jumping. There have been young teenage boys ringing the gate bell the past couple of nights after midnight, and I found out today, I'm supposed to put sweets and colored red eggs in their hats.

One week from today, I'm on my way back to Canada and then a few days later off to see Spamalot four days in a row. I can't wait, have good seats for all the shows and if that May 6th date holds fast...then I'll still be around for the new CD. I'm enjoying my time over here a lot, but I can't wait to get home and see Clay and my kids again! Not necessarily in that order....honest! :D

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Live your life with gusto cause NOBODY knows how long they have on this earth! Love, live, learn!

There are times when HumanKind really shows its spirit and heart. Thank you for sharing this.

This pic from NCClayfan at CV cracks me up:


Any guesses as to who Little Black Riding Hood is???

NCClayfan took the picture . . .

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Good Morning Everyone,

Woke up to a dusting of snow this morning; I was expecting worse, so not too bad.

Safe travels to all those heading to NYC!

44 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

46 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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Off to work (oh joy!), but at least its Friday (YAY!) and at least I saw this picture this morning.

Its almost perfect.

It has GOOD HAIR!!!


If you look closely, it has POKEY LITTLE CHEST HAIR!!!

And, most of all, its CUTE!!!!!!


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This pic from NCClayfan at CV cracks me up:


Any guesses as to who Little Black Riding Hood is???

NCClayfan took the picture . . .

OMG! Seriously?? I love that picture! Way to go!

keepingfaith, I love them, too....a lot. :hubbahubba:

Okay, I got the blog messing done. It's all here, if it turns out to be a slow day. http://sallyrandmcnally.blogspot.com/

Good Morning all you early birds. What's been keeping ya?

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Any guesses as to who Little Black Riding Hood is???

:17f71c4d: Don't you think licking Clay's picture on the side of a bus will get you on THE LIST, Cotton? :naughtywag:


cotton... I'm surprised at you... NOT! :cryingwlaughter: If'n I had the chance, I'dove done the same thing. I LOVE that picture and I especially love the red gloves/purse on the black coat. Very dramatic color composition! :cryingwlaughter:


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Any guesses as to who Little Black Riding Hood is???

:17f71c4d: Don't you think licking Clay's picture on the side of a bus will get you on THE LIST, Cotton? :naughtywag:

Well, I thought about just licking kissing (I don't do licking!) Clay - but Jerome was RIGHT THERE like a big black mountain at the stage door. Whazzup with that? :whistling-1:

Besides, Clay would have to lean way down for me to reach him!

I got caught red-handed hugging the man splayed out on that big bus, though!

He was so handsome and we saw him over and over again!!! Hey! A girl can only resist so many times!!!

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Any guesses as to who Little Black Riding Hood is???

:17f71c4d: Don't you think licking Clay's picture on the side of a bus will get you on THE LIST, Cotton? :naughtywag:


ok...now there's a good laugh to start the day...thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

cotton, here's one for you too... :F_05BL17blowkiss: sometimes ya' just gotta let the moment take ya'!

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And, most of all, its CUTE!!!!!!


OMG, this picture is seriously CUTE! I want to take him home with me. Can I, huh, huh? PWEEZE?!?!?!


Any guesses as to who Little Black Riding Hood is???

BWAH! So, I take it Jerome was the Big Bad Wolf, then?

I'm off work today for Good Friday, and instead of sleeping in, I woke up at approximately my normal time, which is around 6:00 a.m. What was the first thing I thought of? "At this time next week, I'll be on a plane to see my boyfriend!" And then, I couldn't get back to sleep again. This week is going to kill me....

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Loved your blog, Karen Eh?...Novruz sounds like a combination of Easter (dyed eggs, etc), Christmas (gift exchanges), and Halloween (trick or treat). heh

Good morning, y'all. How cute that Cotton was our bus-kisser. Very nice picture. :)

Desertrose, if you didn't see IU Gal's shout-out at the CH, she thanked you for bringing Chris to Clay's notice and said you were very kind to do so. :)

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Cotton, the bus pic is priceless!!! You go girl! *spoken as a person who may have a photo of herself up close and personal with a Flat Clay*

Clay looks wonderful in dark brown. What a cute guy he is.

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My mother, for whom I spent the last weekend setting up her internet, is calling me every time she gets an email. To tell me she got an email. Even the spam that is slipping though the frickin' filter.


Can I call Clay whenever my mother calls me about her email? It's only fair. I'm not quite sure how it's fair, but some way, some how, it's fair.

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bwah Cotton..that's you! hee. That is fantastic.. So where were you..what was the response....

There was nobody really around except my travel buddies, so I didn't really see a response. Well, nobody that I saw anyway. Although, NCClayfan said the driver was on the bus! I didn't see that, my eyes were on the handsome hunk looking out of his gorgeous greens! hee

I tried to take some SD pics but I don't have a single good one. Not one.

I have some good pics of NYC, but none of Clay! pffft! I should have just left the camera in my bag and soaked him in because he didn't do the SD for the next two shows.

I did get a pic of Tina Fey. They were taping a 1 minute segment of 30 Rock while we were down at the NBC corner!

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Another story coming... tissue may be required...

My son is a fireman/paramedic. One of his fellow firemen died on the 10th of a very weird disease contracted while fighting last fall's wildfires. My son asked me to come to the memorial today. If you have never witnessed this, it is amazing. First, rigs and firemen from all over Southern California came. Some manned the firehouses so that all the city firefighters could go to the memorial. When you drove up to the church, two ladder rigs had their ladders up facing each other with a huge American flag draped between them. There were 20-30 rigs from all over parked in a row.

We went in and waited with the families of the firemen. Firemen from elsewhere formed an avenue for the limos of the family and the engines/rigs to go thru. There was a colorguard of firemen holding flags from all over and bagpipes. Once the limos had dropped off the immediate family (three teenagers and their mother), the engines paraded and 3 helicopers flew overhead as part of the parade. The colorguard and the bagpipes escorted the family to their seats.

The funeral was inspiring. All the speakers, almost to a man, reiterated that firemen take care of their own and this family would want for nothing they could provide for them. What got me to tears, tho, was a video shown. The fireman had died in a hospital in San Diego. When it was time to bring his body back, the hearse was escorted by two fire engines. On EVERY SINGLE OVERPASS between SD and home, there was a fire engine parked and its firemen crew standing on top of it saluting. OMG. That just touched me so much!

It was an experience I hope never to witness again, but what an honor to have seen it.

Live your life with gusto cause NOBODY knows how long they have on this earth! Love, live, learn!

What a great story, liney. Thanks for sharing it. Live with gusto indeed! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

But some good news from my family...my cousin...in his late 50s has a brand spanking new 25 year old hockey player heart! We're so happy and grateful to the donor and his family. It's sad to lose someone so young... but this has really opened up my eyes to the importance of being a donor. It's definitely something I will look into more.

How wonderful for your family, couchie, especially your cousin! :clap:

I'm still loving all the recaps & stage door pics. He's so CUTE! Twenty-seven days..... :flirtysmile3:

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My mother, for whom I spent the last weekend setting up her internet, is calling me every time she gets an email. To tell me she got an email. Even the spam that is slipping though the frickin' filter.


Can I call Clay whenever my mother calls me about her email? It's only fair. I'm not quite sure how it's fair, but some way, some how, it's fair.

heh, my parents used to call me when they would hit something on the remote and lose a channel. This happened frequently and it was 25 minutes to their house. and anotehr 25 back And then.... I gave them a VCR. Oy. Nothing like getting home from work at 8 PM and having a message waiting saying you need to come over and the dog was still not walked and/or the carpet needed to be cleaned. But then Mom would feed me.....

I have to go read the back blogs of Karen Eh, I think I can learn a lot about the world! Who knew, following Clay is an educational experience.

Cotton is very cute, hence she gets away with a lot of fun stuff jealous, I am so jealous. Good thing she is a very nice person. I am glad you got to NYC, it seemed to be not happening for a while. Actually, I am amazed at the number of people goingto NYC for the first time from all over the country/world. Another example of learning a lot as a Clay fan.

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March 21, 2008, 12:20 PM ET

Jonathan Cohen, N.Y.

Just as his stint starring in the Broadway hit "Spamalot" concludes, Clay Aiken will return with his first album of entirely new material since 2003's "Measure of a Man."

Due May 6 via 19 Recordings/RCA, Aiken's "On My Way Here" was produced by Kipper, best known for his work with Sting and Chris Botti. The album will likely include the title track and a song called "Ashes," but no other details about the project have yet been made available.

Aiken is expected to tour the U.S. this summer, beginning in July. He will also be visible on TV shows such as "Good Morning America" and "The View."

"Measure of Man" debuted at No. 1 on The Billboard 200. Aiken has since released 2004's "Merry Christmas With Love" and 2006's all-covers "A Thousand Different Ways."


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CD News!


Summer Tour! :04:


ETA too late, LOL! And please God, don't let him come to the Chicago area at the end of July when I am on vacation!

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