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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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Super flat ironed, fluffy hair could be the new edgy. Just sayin'.

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How cool for Clay. A star on the sidewalk should be next. Actually he can buy himself a space there if he wants.

This is my definition of edgy Claygasm..........

Innovative, daring, unconventional, gritty vocals, on the cutting edge of being something great, etc.

Kind of like Clay is. He is especially edgy (daring and on the cutting edge of being something great,) when he wears those white pants. IYKWIM!!!!! :whistling-1:

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I was surfing links from the AOL welcome page and ended up taking a popalicious quotes quiz and Clay was featured twice... Once it was the "..couldn't get off the toilet" quote, and once for a quote that was atributed to Zac Efron. I wish that photo of Clay would never show up again!!

Anyhow, then I noticed a link to "On My Way Here" and this turned out to be the popeater site which I hadn't noticed before. I thought I would go and play OMWH again and when I clicked on it the music player was gone!! :cry4:

So I clicked on Clay's name to see what that would come up with! Imagine my surprise when I scroll down and see a youtube link for the "whipping" scene from the summer tour!! (unfortunately, it seems to have been taken down.. but the article is still there.)

Clay on Popeater

There are a few other interesting tidbits there!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

NOW IT'S THERE!! (go figure)

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so do I have to put this on my things to see list? Will these handprints be visible somewhere.

Claygasm, I'm gonna stage an intervention for you regarding that blond hair :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

But, but, but KAndre doesn't like it either!!!!!

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Blond Clay hair! Ptui!

Ha! See, CG, but I'm perfect in very other way so I don't neeeeeeeeeeed an intervention!

Because I can have that edgy, fluffy, super flat iron (but not blond) hair too. Yes indeedy!

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:cryingwlaughter: You guys are cracking me up! :cryingwlaughter: I'm afraid, since the hair on the cd cover is blond, that you are stuck with him in blond hair for quite a while... at least thru cd promo period. I mean he wore my personal not favorite bangs clear until after the SRHP tour. It'll change eventually... honest!

Well, crap, I guess I have to reconsider sending a post to Popeater from my cat. I had it all composed to:

This music just makes me purr.

Signed, a big macho wildcat,


wando... :cryingwlaughter: I heart Larry!!!

I love the fact that one witness said flat-ironed and the other said fluffy. That is sooo funny... and apropo!

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postho'ing to bring this over from the CH!!

From butterflyshine at CV:

okay, i am back from Planet Hollywood, stupid phone went dead, so no pictures...hair...it was flat ironed...not glued to his head, but very straight...so interpret how you will

got there and like Cap said was told if i had lunch i could watch...got seated right next to the stage...

had no pen...but a nice waiter got one for me and i took scribbles on a placemat

so I got there and the media started to set up must have been 20 at least...they had assigned spots...the ones in the back stood on stools...

Fox News and NBC both there...could see their logos on the cameras

Barry, the publicist, was there...and this out of order, but i heard someone ask his assistant if she repped Clay and she replied that she worked for Barry...he is very cute btw

Spam promo people were there, and i was chatting with them...and i told them that the fans loved his Spam promo...this was after the event...

Waitress told me that they don't get advanced notice or she would have had her family come in, they get told the day of....

So, he was introduced and like Cap said he was asked about Spam and he said it was the hardest thing he ever did and for 2 weeks he did nothing but go home and lay on the floor he was that sore...

then he did his hand prints...and pressed his hands in and the Planet Hollywood guy pressed on his hands to make sure he made a deep impression...and then more photo ops...

then he did his hands up in the air...surprisingly clean...and smiled...huge photo op...did photo op with Spam sign...

and then he had a few minutes break --rubbed his eyes a bit...there were a lot of flashes...it was like a light show...

My notes say that when he was intro'd the guy said that he had gotten great reviews...verrra, verra nice...

Then he did the tv interviews...I couldn't hear the first...just Clay laughing

so i moved myself a little closer with some others...

this is no particular order and a cummulation of the three interviews i could hear and i couldn't hear them all b/c he wasn't mic'd...and each crew had their own mic:

i got closer and i could hear him say that when he first started he was huffing and puffing...now he is not...no he has no problem

he said he has fun doing Spam...he told one reporter about a running joke, not sure what it was, but i think he was discussing his lack of dancing ability and that it didn't come naturally that he had to be taught every move...Spam role has made him stretch...

talked about a new album, original works, or songs most haven't heards....said something about album of love songs...and so many forces at work....

said something about album promotion and then some time off and then maybe a trip for UNICEF....

Said something about October...i think it was about a tour, not entirely sure, so take it for what it is worth....

Clay did a lead in for one of the news shows after the interview...and he did "Hey this is Clay Aiken" and then the reporter said something about big news and "Clay was mouthing big news, huge news it was super cute....

made reference to Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and that Phylicia Rashad and James Earl Jones are next door....most talented people are on Broadway...

Said he didn't know if he could do the (dancing) -the talent was so hidden, he didn't even know he had it

Told the NBC guy he liked the light on his camera the best...not so harsh...

part is easy now b/c he knows it...

said to someone he thought his hand prints would be hung in the kitchen...

discussed new album with each interview...and the concept of the album...

shook each reporters hand...

gave one of the lady reporters a hand up on the stage....

at the end left with Jerome and Barry, but not before he stopped and took a picture with some children who standing nearby and watching...

each reporter did a lead in and called Clay a superstar...

this post may travel, please post it verbatim and in its entirety...b/c of the bits and pieces... thank you....

if i think of more, i will post....


Can't wait to see pictues!!

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Edgy: Having a bold, provocative, or unconventional quality <an edgy film>

In that sense, I think Clay's voice itself could be considered provocative and unconventional. So he's an edgy cat, all right.

Seriously, what's hip, cool, edgy, heavy, hot, or the word of the day is just too subjective for definition. I remember when my house was the haven for the neighborhood teen boys -- and one of the reasons they hung out at my place is because my son was a funny guy, another was that they lusted after my record collection. It amazed me how at the time there were the guys who adored Guns & Roses and thought Axl and Slash were the bomb -- and those who thought they were mere posers and believed that only Metallica, Slayer and classic Black Sabbath with Ozzy and Tony Iommi were suitable listening for the Black T-Shirt Army. The boundaries are always pushed to the extremes and then beyond to find the coolest and the hippest. I know someone who believes that as soon as something is labeled "cool" it becomes "uncool" at that moment (cough*myoldestson*cough). He'd easily go to a Clay concert before going to see a singer or band that was labeled as the "Big Thing Now" - but that's just him.

And my youngest son wouldn't be caught dead listening to OneRepublic or Justin Timberlake. He thinks Timbaland has made a fortune emasculating hip-hop. He'd laugh his ass off at anyone who considered any of them relevant or edgy. He goes to concerts at the Warehouse or the Meridian to hear bands I've never heard of and don't want to know about. Like everything else, it's relative.

I was a major Moody Blues fan in the late 60's and 70's, and lots of rock fans in the day thought the Moodies were too melodic and orchestrated (even though the orchestrations were their own inventions with the Mellotron.) The music, the lyrics, the vibe went to my soul and beyond, taking the journey out and in, and if somebody didn't get it I considered it their loss. Now Rod Stewart was the "edgy" singer and he did absolutely nothing for me ... and so was Robert Plant (and he definitely did do something for me!) but Justin Hayward? OMG. Well it's now 2008 and I saw the MB's in March and although I've seen the guys in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's and now early 60's -- they've never sounded better. Justin's voice, incredibly, is better than it's ever been -- stronger, clearer, full of emotion, and hitting the big notes with ease. The "edgy" guys like Rod Stewart and Robert Plant have seen better days, to be kind. All the voice abuse necessary to be edgy vocalists has rendered them unable to hit the notes anymore. And how can I forget Diamond Dave who can't sing the old Van Halen songs in any way, shape or form like he once did.

I see Clay in that category of improving with age, and thrilling audiences for a lifetime. And if I want edgy, I have a whole collection of that stuff. At this point in time, Foo Fighters is as edgy as I care to be most of the time (although old Zeppelin and early U2 can still thrill me to the bone. Zeppelin's Thank You will always be fresh for me.) And I will be quite interested to hear the new Metallica that's being produced by Rick Rubin, even though their last few efforts truly sucked!

Here's an anecdote that indicates something, but I'm not sure what. Late last night I was playing OMWH at the computer while writing some powerpoints and both my son and DIL came into my room to look for something. My DIL asked, 'is that Clay's new song?' and I said yes, and she said ... 'it reminds me of something but I don't know what.' My son said to her, 'it sounds like that "it's too late" song you listen to.' She said, 'yeah, that's it. It has the same sound, in a way.' Now I happen to love Apologize a whole bunch and don't see the connection at all. But they did -- and I had to tell them that both songs were written by the same guy. They had no idea. I thought that was interesting. Or maybe they're just nuts.

Solo! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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so do I have to put this on my things to see list? Will these handprints be visible somewhere.

Claygasm, I'm gonna stage an intervention for you regarding that blond hair :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

But, but, but KAndre doesn't like it either!!!!!

Blond Clay hair! Ptui!

Ha! See, CG, but I'm perfect in very other way so I don't neeeeeeeeeeed an intervention!

Because I can have that edgy, fluffy, super flat iron (but not blond) hair too. Yes indeedy!

CG you're absolutely right.. but KAndre is part of that new cool edgy demo that Clay will be catering to so she gets a pass -- besides she's queen of the stilleto :cryingwlaughter:

Sounds like fun. Glad we got a report.

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Exciting stuff...Clay really is a superstar, yet he still seems so real and 'normal'. I love him.

I have a dilemma. Usually at work I unplug my computer speakers from the computer and into my ipod so that I can hear a constant Clay stream, but since I want to hear OMWH from time to time and don't yet have it on my iPod, I have to have my speakers connected to the computer! Yikes...life's tough.

I need a vacation. Wait! Didn't I just have one? Well, I need another one.

Blonde Clay? Okay with me...hell, in the dark the color don't matter. :whistling-1:

Planet Hollywood Pix

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And MORE Planet Hollywood Pictures

See, all you need is for me to go away to a conference for a day (IT'S DONE! WHOO!!), and you get new clack from Clay. You can thank me all later. [/big head moment]

He sure does love that purple shirt/purple tie combination. And some of those pictures that muski posted a link? They skeer me. What the heck was he doing with his face? *g*

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And some of those pictures that muski posted a link? They skeer me. What the heck was he doing with his face? *g*

Um, yeah.... :unsure:

is that the IT shirt/tie combo??


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God I find it soooo funny that he still wears shirts that are 4 years old...hee

I like the wire image better...Wenn had an unflattering angle

I have the same attitude as ldyJ and scarlett when it comes to NJU's. Yes I would of course love for Clay's fanbase to expand...but why doeshe have to change who he basically is to attract more people. When you look at us here in this board...there is already quite a wide range of musical taste, race, lifestyle, religion, background. There is nothing really that someone could say that would make us different with the general population....so if we fell in love with Clay doing what he does best and being who he is...why does he need to change. There are many more like us...I do believe he simply needs more national exposure.

I also wonder why people think he has to be edgy to widen his market. Why not go for a more mature market that listens to Buble and Groban? Why do we have to keep insisting that our kids like him too?

For me...I just want Clay to do good music that speaks to him, that fulfills him artistically. If he gets into experimentation and goes edgy...which to me is when it is in the boundary of what is acceptable or the norm...then that has to come from his own artistic growth, not as a desire to run after a certain demo or to try to be cool or to be on radio.

I am loving the amount of media attention he continues to get. Claytonic asked why only Carrie, Kelly, Chris and Clay were in that poll...I think its because they were the most successful with regards to sales and media attention. When you think of it...the other three did it by having their music on radio...Clay did it by his personality, his story. Now I do hope that he start to get media attention because of his music.

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Is that an iPhone in your pocket, Clay? Or are ya happy to see me? Boyfriend is CUTE, y'all! :) And he must know I like him in blue. (And yeah, for a professional organization, WENN's pictures frequently look less than great. Overexposure doesn't flatter a pale complexion...but I did hear there were, like, lots of flashes).

So, what is the purpose of the cement handprints? Do they go on a wall in the restaurant or something?

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I am sorry, I am just not going to be able to stop laughing about the IT shirt and tie. Add that to his mother being up there and yo stgart thinking, he called "Ma, I need some Clean clothes. What? I would have done the laundry, but I have been sick. sniff, cough, sniff. See!"

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I am sorry, I am just not going to be able to sop laughing about the IT shirt and tie. Add that to his mother being up there and yo stgart thinking, he called "Ma, I need some Clean clothes. What? I would have done the laundry, but I have been sick. sniff, cough, sniff. See!"

Hilarious - you are probably right!!!

Here are some more pix!!!

compliments of invisible926 (wire images with no watermarks)

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so do I have to put this on my things to see list? Will these handprints be visible somewhere.

Claygasm, I'm gonna stage an intervention for you regarding that blond hair :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

But, but, but KAndre doesn't like it either!!!!!

Blond Clay hair! Ptui!

Ha! See, CG, but I'm perfect in very other way so I don't neeeeeeeeeeed an intervention!

Because I can have that edgy, fluffy, super flat iron (but not blond) hair too. Yes indeedy!

CG you're absolutely right.. but KAndre is part of that new cool edgy demo that Clay will be catering to so she gets a pass -- besides she's queen of the stilleto :cryingwlaughter:

Sounds like fun. Glad we got a report.

I guess being a minion of the Queen of the Stilleto doesn't help, does it??

Oh well. Can Clay come to my intervention??? We could all play with his hair!! :lilredani:

I need to go home and look at those pictures instead of sneaking a look here at work. Not sure about the hair.....

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