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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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When I went on Itunes Clay;s picture was right there for me so I clicked it and clicked that preorder button without even reading the blurb. I am familiar with emotionally bare...so Emotionally threadbare made sense too.

I wonder if its the John Denver song cos that was in a Christmas album and has a very different style. I loved that song...but I just wonder if its the same song. Just does not fit for me. Iwould expect that in his re release of MCWL. Either way I am EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Going back to the conversation yesterday about Clay and his charities...I do believe that the main reason I didn't jump up and organized it is that I know I am really not in a position to give right now...and I suspect a few of the FCAers are in that same boat so I didn't want to add pressure by putting our name beside the donation. I really hope that those who can give and are willing to give would do so. But I think it is a personal choice. If the members would like to organize something in the future...go ahead...just let us know if you want to use the FCA name. I also don't mind it when people put up notice about this and any other charity Clay is involved with because there are a lot of people that would like to help.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for the Clyra picture on People...they both look gorgeous!!!!

OH WAIT....does that mean he will be on Tyra's Show on Monday?????

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I;m not working then and we get Tyra so many times a day!!!!

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In the Tyra picture, notice how he went in for the full body hug...hands clasped!! Clay, that will be an extra $100 for full body contact!
hey good idea!!! :hubbahubba:

look at how slim the sweater-outlined figure is...*slurp*

:cryingwlaughter: at the glittery lipstick...ya think it's Hannah kissing the banner? :lilredani:

ETA: BWAH, ninja'd by bottlecap!! great minds think alike LOL

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Good Morning Everyone,

Put my order in at I-tunes, first time I ever ordered something from there; so that is I-Tunes and Wal-Mart pre-orders done.

I really must have been tired after all that shopping yesterday; fell asleep on the couch at 9:00 still dressed and slept there all night. Time to go get cleaned up!

6 Days until Clay is on QVC!

9 Days until Clay is on VH1 Countdown!

12 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

14 Days until On May Here is Here!

20 Days until Clay is on Leno!

23 Days until The Climmel!

Everyone have a great day!


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Good morning!

Its a beautiful day here in Pennsylvania and its an unusual day here too!


Seriously. Usually by the time the PA primary rolls around everything is decided and our votes are exercises in futility!

But not this year!

Which means I better get a move on if I want to vote before work.

Haven't pre-ordered the iTunes album yet. I will, but since you can do it at any time, I don't feel I need to do it NOW! Especially since I may not be able to download it right at midnight! I swear if I have to go to work on My 6th without having heard the album I will KILL!! I mean, how will I be able to work???

FWIW, I immediately thought the same thing as kf on the "threadbare" terminology. I thought the whole write-up was very complimentary indeed! :clap:

As for this:

The Bonus Track is called It's in Everyone of Us. Heh.

In our wild, erotic dreams!

Seriously - let me get this straight. The bonus track on this album of "originals" is not only a cover, but a cover of a Muppets song???????????????

As to his not singing on Kimmel (the following is a rant - BEWARE) - DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!!!! Actually, I don't get this AT ALL. No one is scheduled thus far for May 16th. Why couldn't he just appear then? Why in the hell would he appear on Kimmel right after he has released a new CD and NOT sing? He had an outdoor mini-concert for ATDW, but he has NOTHING for OMWH? Assuming he will sing on Leno (and who knows, he may not...) he will have his "people" together so why not sing on Kimmel. How can this be the ONLY date they can fit Clay in? Surely they could have found a date where he could actually sing.

What sells a CD to most people is the music. And they can't hear the music if he doesn't sing. In fact, some may wonder why he isn't singing. Could it be because the album sucks? Some people may think that! This is just STUPID!!!!

Will he come back at a later date to sing? Well, unless its in the following few days it seems unlikely. The time to promote the MUSIC is right after the CD drops. We all HOPE it will have legs, but if it doesn't get enough of a push out of the gate, it may not.

Don't get this AT ALL and frankly, it pisses me off!!!!!!!!

<end rant>

Ok, I feel better! Off to get ready for work so hopefully I can vote before work. Later gators!

ETA: ADORABLE banner!!

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CG...love ya...but you just gotta let go of this Kimmel thing. The reason why you don't understand it...is because we do not know the whole picture. We do not have Clay's schedule...we do not know Kimmel's schedule. Yes there may be some empty spots thats on his site...but that does not mean its truly free cos who knows if some other artists are already negotiating to get that spot. Will he sing on Kimmel again? Maybe...maybe not. But as I said earlier...this is not the only time to promote this CD. He can still go and promote the next single and sing it on Kimmel. This is not a make or break thing.

IF the bonus track is the John Denver Its in Everyone of US...then the reason why he did it is because it is a beautiful beautiful song. Its one of the reasons why the Muppet Christmas is one of my most favorite albums of all time. This song is like Celebrate me HOme...it is not really a Christmas song but the sentiments fits the season. I do believe that the songs we are getting as bonus tracks are songs that were previously recorded but not included in his last albums. WINY is from MOAM, I wonder if the Walmart bonus was from ATDW era or the CD that never was and Its in everyone of us may be from MCWL...or even AIW. Last time...the bonus tracks became two of my most favorites from ATDW...this could be the case for this CD as well. What is exciting for me is that so far we are getting 15 songs from this release!!!! I bet the music pass bonus will be different too...so that will give us a total of 16 tracks!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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too bad most people are illiterate and won't know they don't know the definition and won't look it up. It sounds insulting at the base, even though it translates well tothe musically knowledgible. Yes, I am a musical illiterate.

I find it interesting that so many jumped to the conclusion that this review was non-complimentary. Do you think maybe "we" (in the general sense) are so accustomed to criticism that we see it even when it doesn't exit? :cryingwlaughter: I was able to get through to the preorder page immediately when I clicked on Pop and then the banner ad was right there. The pre-order worked like a charm, ony asked me for my password. So........is it May 6th 3rd yet? (sorry, can't wish away my final Spam weekend!)

I love the look of the pre-order page and I think the write up is amazing. I admit to a moment of confusion over "emotionally threadbare" but in the context of the rest of the paragraph, I think it's pretty obviously a compliment. I love seeing him get respect over this album! And it's not even hit the shelves yet........

I have to agree with playbiller...since before Clay it wouldn't have crossed my mind to check music critics...and I still think the critics are using "threadbare" incorrectly. "Bare" I could see, but for me "threadbare" has a connotation of worn out, ready to be tossed. My mind jumps to the dictionary def:

worn down so that the threads show; having the nap or surface fibers worn off threadbare rugs

wearing old, worn clothes; shabby

that has lost freshness or novelty; stale a threadbare argument

In everyday conversation, that would be how I would use threadbare. I think the critics were going for a feeling of "tattered" - which goes better for me with emotionally, but of course that's clichéd (which means you know exactly what they mean). It's one of those problems that I have with trying to be too original with lyrics or prose - I don't know what the fuck you mean. Taken in context, it's clear that the whole thing is complimentary...but if for some reason I wasn't getting the alternative meanings from y'all, I would just think the writer made a boo boo and used the wrong word.

Lord knows, I don't think that I'm particular sensitive to criticism about Clay - hell, I'm critical about Clay (especially last night as I watched him prance around in his "My Buddy" pants). I just think it's an awkward turn of phrase.

As for the not singing on Kimmel - eh. He'll talk about it. And I like that Clay is not showing such desperation that he has to turn every single thing into a plug for the CD. And I have every faith that he'll be back on Kimmel, singing. Hopefully when Kimmel can announce, "And performing the title track from his latest CD to hit number one on the Billboard Hot 200 is..."

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KAndre, I agree with you and luckiest...I do think it is an awkward phrase and the guy may have been trying too hard. But when you read it in context of the whole paragraph I think its pretty easy to see that it was meant to be a compliment. HOWEVER....I do think that for some fans...the awkwardness of that phrase jumps out because we have become so sensitized to backhanded compliments and criticisms and bad reviews that you end up questioning what the guy meant or just thinking its a diss.
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Yep, I agree it's somehwat of an awkward phrase, but I'll give it a pass because I like the tone of the review. I'm really feeling positive about the way this album is rolling out....just feels like it's going to be a hit! I can't wait for the TV appearances to start (singing or not) and then the BIG DAY and hearing all the songs and the bonus tracks to boot. I just feel like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing today. :)

I don't know the John Denver/Muppets song, or any other version of the song either, and I've decided not to spoil myself by listening to any of the youtube links. It's kind of like when ATDW came out, because I wasn't a fan of 80s music and a lot of the covers ended up being new songs, to me. Clay Aiken songs. Wheeeeee, it's almost here!

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I haven't seen any chatter about "emotionally threadbare" on any other board. I've only read people getting chills, wow, great writeup, and so on. It didn't even occur to me that it could be taken as less than complimentary, but I can see how it is a kind of strange phrase now that someone mentioned it.

I just read it as, not overly dramatic/bombastic; just a simple story of the journey we all take growing up, something to which we can all relate, with the showcase in the telling (vocals).

FINALLY got my pre-order done. iTunes decided to do maintenance on me last night and I kept getting Store Errors. Baaad timing people. LOL!

I don't know nuthin' about any Muppet song.

I don't get the Kimmel thing either, 'specially since May is sweeps month. I'm guessing/hoping there is a later promotional cycle for the CD that we don't know about yet. I'm not worried about it tho. Except I want Clay to sing. So the first time we get to hear/see him sing is April 28th on QVC, right?

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My take on "emotionally threadbare" was a bit tainted by reading about it here first -- with the "???" Which, of course, made me curious as hell, so I could make up my own mind. The phrase may be a bit odd, but I think the overall gist of the write up is really cool, and so I'm accepting of it. Besides, to me, there was a lot of really good things in that write up besides that one phrase, so I can overlook that one thing.

I agree that the Kimmel possible non-performance seems weird. I wonder if a lot of it has to do with getting a band together. Is it certain that he's going to be performing on Leno? Is it certain that he won't be performing with just a backing track on QVC? There's still lots of unanswered questions regarding his performance....and I'm willing to wait patiently.

Pre-order is finished! I just waited for everyone on the boards to figure it out first, and then swooped in to stake my claim. Heh.

Just curious -- how many working people have asked for May 6 off? I have.

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Cute Clyra pics! And I'm glad to see them popping up in People & AOL. We met the girl who was the fan for that segment at the stage door Thurs. night, at which we only ended up seeing Tom D. She was cute & sweet and adorably fangirly about the whole experience. Tom was a doll and signed quite a few autographs. He is absolutely mad talented - loved him!

My take on "emotionally threadbare" was a bit tainted by reading about it here first -- with the "???" Which, of course, made me curious as hell, so I could make up my own mind. The phrase may be a bit odd, but I think the overall gist of the write up is really cool, and so I'm accepting of it. Besides, to me, there was a lot of really good things in that write up besides that one phrase, so I can overlook that one thing.

This was me last night. I thought that overall the write up was good, but I just couldn't make sense of some of it. Of course, I was also falling asleep at the computer by that time!

Just curious -- how many working people have asked for May 6 off? I have.


What delicious anticipation, waiting to see what all he has in store for us!

All of the extra signed Playbills I picked up are spoken for. If anyone would still like a regular, unsigned one, just let me know. :)

Got the iTunes thing to work last night, now off to do the Wal-Mart pre-order. Are there any other pre-orders with bonuses? I've got my regular Amazon one out there, too.

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Some said Clay was performing and others said he wasn't. So we fired off an email to the show's publicist and she confirmed that "Clay Aiken is booked for an interview" only. The musical guest on that night will be Dierks Bentley.

You know, at one point I thought maybe this was because he was going to be scheduled at another time as well, one where he would sing, but now I don't know. We've heard he's not singing on Tyra...that's supposed to be a fan segment. Maybe he will sing on Leno, I don't know either way, but do you suppose that the reason for no singing appearances and no summer tour are connected? I mean, he's been singing literally night and day for months, Spamalot at night and recording the CD during the day. Maybe he needs to give that Golden Larynx a wee rest for a few weeks? I'm not sitting here hand wringing or anything. I have a feeling that guys vocal cords are cared for by some mighty fine and expensive doctors. I'm just musing out loud. Maybe he's trying to get his face and the message out about the new CD with as little live singing as possible.

I always thought emotionally threadbare = no bullshit/honest emotion. I took it as a very good thing

(man, I've had the top of the page curse lately! :P)

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Yeah, because the first I saw was "emotionally threadbare" here, and hadn't read the review. Upon reading the review, I didn't see a diss; as I said, I just thought the reviewer used the wrong word.

The Clyra is seriously hot.

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Heeee, laughn, that last picture is hilarious!

I did my itunes preorder with no difficulty. I did a power search for Clay Aiken, On My Way Home, and it came right up with a preorder button. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! And I think the write-up is quite complimentary.

I'm not concerned about Clay not singing on Kimmel. The pattern of promotion for this album leads me to believe that they are going for not only good first week sales, but for legs for the album, as well. I wouldn't be surprised if Clay has future TV appearances for promotion, and not just during the first couple of weeks after the CD drops. And I would hope that there would be future singles released, as well. I may be delusional, but that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

The Clyra pics put a big smile on my face this morning! They are both so gorgeous.

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