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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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Oh you are not on ignore!

That is one of those tasty little bits you grab and hold close, with the smile on your face!!! Feelin' all smug!


Season 2 was the best!

I think my favorite part about the CBS video is when Clay says he has no advice for the top four, they've all been in the business longer then he has!

Cracks me up!

Wasn't Archuletta's Star Search year the same year Clay was on Idol?

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I started this glossary for myself a while ago because I was constantly stumped by the acronyms and unfamiliar colloquial terms used.

Here's the link to it in case anyone is interested. I have incorporated both ansa's acronyms and KAndre's abbreviations, so it will hopefully work regardless which terms are used.

GLOSSARY ACRONYMS and other FCA colloquial terms

p.s. What does HDD = ???

Thanks for the glossary! I bookmarked it, because I haven't learned the acronyms for all for all of the OMWH songs.

The link isn't playing for me!

and there's no freakin' search function on fuckin' CBS!

They need to learn to make it work in Mozilla!

KAndre, it worked fine for me in Mozilla! Maybe try again?

And he was CUTE!!!!!

Want to throw a question out there and see what you all think...everyone is so focused on physical sales of the CD but what is more important...how many physical sales of the CD there are or how many people actually hear the CD, because I think there is a difference. There maybe a lot more people who will hear the CD via free downloads, illegal downloads, copies being burned, etc. then will actually buy it. To me it is more important that the CD is heard by whatever means, because I think in the long run that will help Clay. Anyone have any thoughts on this...just something that has been rolling around my head since last night.


Well, my own child mentioned yesterday that she liked a couple of songs on the album...I was startled, because I knew she hadn't listened yet to the songs she mentioned (in my presence)...and she blithely said, "Oh, I heard them on youtube. Someone has up the whole album." I haven't decided yet whether to be upset about this or not.

It's quite easy to find the album on youtube, although the sound quality isn't very good. I went there to listen to the Itunes bonus song, since Itunes lost my preorder. I have mixed feeling about it being there. I do think having the songs so easily available either by illegally downloading it or though youtube will decrease album sales. On the other hand, if someone hears it and decides to go to a concert, that's good! It's tough, because Clay is still measured by album sales, but that may not be the best measure of his success when the recofding industry is changing so much.

So, am I on ignore, or does no one care that top 4 AI 2 had better ratings than this year of the best top 12 evah?

I'm not ignoring you, play! Not surprised about the ratings.

I wonder what time Clay will be on The View? Probably toward the end. I'm working every day this week, so probably will have to wait to watch until I get home tonight.

The listening party will be great! But I can only come to one night. :( My older daughter is in her last play of the school year, so I will have to miss one of them, darn it!!!!!

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So Tuesday the ratings of Ai performance top 4 was 12.5

On AI2 it was 12.9

I am easily amused. must go to bed now.

Yup...this season got old fast. Specially since its pretty clear who the finalist will be. I stayed interested cos I liked Jason and Brooke and was hoping for an upset. But now its clear that AI will get their way so no longer interested. The thing is...during the past season I could talk about it with several people in RL who also watch the show. This year...most of those people are not watching. I don't think they will be able to get the numbers back up unless they end up with legitimate chart toppers. But the past two seasons has been a bust with regards to finding stars that sustain the audience interest after the competition. I think they have a chance with David C, but I don;t know if the market will be kind to another pop rocker from AI. He will have to come up with really good songs. David A...unless Disney gets interested in him and they can come up with good enough songs to motivate the tweenies to buy...I doubt he will be another star.

I started this glossary for myself a while ago because I was constantly stumped by the acronyms and unfamiliar colloquial terms used.

Here's the link to it in case anyone is interested. I have incorporated both ansa's acronyms and KAndre's abbreviations, so it will hopefully work regardless which terms are used.

GLOSSARY ACRONYMS and other FCA colloquial terms

p.s. What does HDD = ???

This is soooo cool. I made a permanent link to this underneath the banner...besides the messages link, I hope you don;t mind. I think this will be very helpful..thank you.

HDD = Hits Daily Double. Someone else will have to explain why, I remember we used to go to that site for sales updates.

Has this been posted yet?

Clay Aiken's Life Lessons

Gah he looks so handsome!

oh I love this clip. I wonder if this is why that guitar guy had CBS in his schedule. Maybe they were trying for a performance slot but had to settle for this. Its nice anyway. Will this be on TV?

Want to throw a question out there and see what you all think...everyone is so focused on physical sales of the CD but what is more important...how many physical sales of the CD there are or how many people actually hear the CD, because I think there is a difference. There maybe a lot more people who will hear the CD via free downloads, illegal downloads, copies being burned, etc. then will actually buy it. To me it is more important that the CD is heard by whatever means, because I think in the long run that will help Clay. Anyone have any thoughts on this...just something that has been rolling around my head since last night.


I really think the focus right now should be in expanding the fanbase not just for people to LIKE one hit song. The best way to do that is to get people exposed to his music in as many form as possible. That is why I am very happy with this promo Strategy right now. They had a lot of constraints...i.e. lack of lead time to book him and resistant radio...but they are trying all kinds of avenues to make up for it like QVC, Satellite media tour, the unusual shows he will be on like the upcoming one wiht Paula Deane,then there is this focus on the internet. The aol first listen, video on amazon, the different bonus for different outlets. They are being very creative right now.

Want to throw a question out there and see what you all think...everyone is so focused on physical sales of the CD but what is more important...how many physical sales of the CD there are or how many people actually hear the CD, because I think there is a difference. There maybe a lot more people who will hear the CD via free downloads, illegal downloads, copies being burned, etc. then will actually buy it. To me it is more important that the CD is heard by whatever means, because I think in the long run that will help Clay. Anyone have any thoughts on this...just something that has been rolling around my head since last night.


Well, my own child mentioned yesterday that she liked a couple of songs on the album...I was startled, because I knew she hadn't listened yet to the songs she mentioned (in my presence)...and she blithely said, "Oh, I heard them on youtube. Someone has up the whole album." I haven't decided yet whether to be upset about this or not.

I wouldn't be upset about this. You tube is one of the sites radio and the industry in general monitors for trends. It is the new radio for a lot of people that is why they put up not only videos but songs too. If you daughter watched in on you tube and liked it without you telling her then maybe the word is out among her friends. This is my dream scenario...that I just accidentally hear my daughters listening to his music on you tube because one of their friends told them to check it out. This is how you let the music sell the artist and letting the fanbase grow organically.

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It's a new day, and I'm feeling good! I'm done with the crazy people - put them on the cart.

*channels French Taunter* 'I don' wanna talk to yew no mo' taunter.jpg

What doesn't count for first week, will count for second. He will have his fourth consecutive cd debut in the top five on Billboard's Top 200. Boyfriend loves us (and I still wanna do him). He's on The View in a couple hours. Squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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From Corabeth at the CH:


From RMD

ET rescheduled for this Friday. CW11 not yet rescheduled because of Today show appearance on Friday.

Rachael Ray taping went really well, yesterday. Great interview.

He also said this about Amazon-he had forwarded my copy of the email posted here to the right people and it's being corrected.


The Amazon note seems to be some kind of email system error. They are not out of stock. The fact that it doesn't list the proper album title ("Clay Aiken (Artist) "New Release - 2008") indicates that it is some kind of email system glitch

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Does anybody else hear 'demo' Clay when they listen to Grace of God? He sounds so much like the man on I Know How The River Feels. Gave me a full body chill when I heard it.

(eta - I meant Grace of God, not ALAWH. DIOI!!!)

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Good morning. The CBS interview was cute.....he probably had eyeliner on because he was still in Spamalot? He's sure looking fine in those suits and ties though. :hubbahubba:

Some of the reviews are just appalling. The latest Google alert really started my day off badly. I don't know why I don't just shut that feature off. The reviewer was glad Clay's CD is schlocky because it will give him more material for public mockery. These people are just not liking his song choices but they're also trying to put him in the pop/rock category and we know now that isn't what Clay is targeting. I don't respond online to stuff like that but that kind of journalism is just criminal. The goofball implied Clay had written all the songs. And the one song he liked was the only song Clay did have a hand in writing. Guess he didn't bother to read the liner notes.

Kim - I sort of feel, after reading Clay's blog, that he IS striving more for a long-term life for this CD. So what you're saying could be pretty true. Grow the fanbase, get people to listen to the CD. He did say it takes a long time to break into the AC arena. Sadly I think CD sales are a sign of the times. Their cost has grown to a ridiculous amount and people just don't have alot of discretionary money right now. (A Cd equates to about 2 1/2 gallons of gas here in my neck of the woods!) To think that the #1 CD in HDD's prediction is only going to sell a little over $100K this week really reflects on the recording industry right now. Unfortunately there are some who will blame that on the CDs rather than the economy.

To get out of my early morning reviewers-are-asshats mood I reread the blog! I love pissy Clay! I hope there were no coke machines in the near vicinity when he wrote that! Not going anywhere else today because I don't want to see the spin the idjits are putting on this to bring it back to their way of thinking. Clay is right - no matter what he says, people will believe what they want to believe.

Now - off to the CD player and a nice hot cup of coffee! Life is good.

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Crap, while my old netscape browser still works for me best for most things, it no longer works for FCA and I am supposed to switch to some other browser, which will copy my bookmarks and all. My question is, which browser is most efficient and takes the least pf usage? So far everything else fills my computer memory until it freezes. Notto mention mosty sites tend to have so much stuff on a page that the computer freezes. I forgot the other day and went to the ideal idol and had to reboot. Too much stuff on one screen!

The old (7.2) netscape browser ran the CBS video just fine. I loved his carefree way of walking around and even self depreciation. I like Clay the way he is, why are so many interested in changing him to what is popular?

I have to not read the OFC again, my blood pressure went up and has not settled back again. I don't understand why some people will believe the fake Clay lies before what we know the real Clay posts.

One of the more humerous things is that a lot of people did not believe and many others me when we was talked about how the fans drove other fans away. Why do a few nut cases (although not the publically acknowledged nut cases) get to drive others away and remain unscathed?

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I have to admit that I found the over-the-top pimping of David A. by the judges this week to be really revealing. TPTB seem to be determined to Ruben him into the winner's spot, even though I find his performances to be duller than dishwater and his non-singing persona to be almost uncomfortable to watch. I might actually have to start throwing a few votes to Cooksy just as a personal FU to AI.

Love the French Taunter, cindilu2!

ETA: playbiller, the response in some corners to Clay's blog made it easier for me to understand why some idiots are stilling willing to follow Fake Baby Mama and her crew even after Clay confronted her load of bull. The need to be right, the need to be connected, the need to appear to have a bit of power.

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bigappleforclay has the most adorable videos of Clay at GMA. Lots of lovely close-ups with him mostly talking with Quiana or singing Ashes (all seen through the window)...at one point, both Clay and Quiana pluck out a stray hair from Clay's head...and you can hear people groaning, like, 'nooo'. lol Very cute. Available at Clack unlimited, CV, Clackhouse, etc. If I have time later, I'll upload for those who can't find them. Someone may already have posted a link here, but I didn't see it.

Oh, Iseeme, I understand what you mean. I read that same 'review'. The internet can be a nasty place, y'all. I actually 'reported' a 'review' on iTunes last night because it was raunchy and had nothing to do with Clay's music, at all. I noticed several people gave the album 'one star' on iTunes, seemingly just to be ugly toward Clay and his fans. Don't get it. Can't take it into my heart, though. The bright side of life is happier.

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I turned off google alerts a loooooooooooong time ago. I just don't need to know about the kind of ugliness in the world that seem to be their raison d'etre. Thus, the odd time I do venture out, I am still shocked by what I read. But you know - I remember reading through the youtube comments when that little girl was competing on Britain's got talent. Now there was some ugly, scary shit. There are a lot of f*cked up people out there who thrive on the anonymity of the cyber world.

I have to believe that the majority of people who read those things know that it's shit. Have to - else I couldn't sleep at night.

Did you know Clay's on the View today??? :hubbahubba:

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Wouldn't know a Google Alert if it bit me in the butt; don't search Clay Aiken out on the web; everything I need to know about Clay I get from the boards or from his own mouth; wouldn't know half the crap that is out there if it wasn't brought to the boards. Not telling people they shouldn't post stuff, but most times I just scroll on by. I just am not going to waste my time on crap about Clay that I have no control over.


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I think extremes in either direction yell IGNORE! If someone is over the top gushy "CLAY AIKEN IS THE BEST SINGER ON THE PLANET THESE ARE THE BEST SONGS ON THE PLANET THIS IS THE BEST CD EVER AND HE HAS A GREAT HEART" I would dismiss as easily as the nasty, taunting reviews. I think most people would see it that way. If someone doesn't like the CD and says why in a calm, rational way that centers on the music, people may pay attention. And if people like the music and say why in a calm rational manner that centers on the music, people may pay attention. I tend to ignore the extremes.

I was listening to the CD in my car this morning on the way to work on shuffle so I wouldn't know what was coming next. Its really good, y'all! Did you know that? GOG came on and I couldn't help but think how UNICEF or some other charitable organization could use this song on their websites or in their commercials - even more so than the song he heard when coming back from Indonesia whose name has totally escaped me because my mind is going!

And then I thought, we have so many talented montage makers in this fandom. One way to get the songs heard would be to make a non-Clay montage set to one of his songs. You know, maybe one dedicated to some heartrobs on TV or something? Maybe a soap? Or anything else timely. Put it up on YouTube. So many of the songs would work and I think using OMWH would be good to use because its the name of the CD and the song Clay seems to want us to push.

Its a thought.

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Friendly advice... my formula for stress free Clay Aiken fandom...do not read the reviews...do not read the comment sections...

Its not that I am hiding my head in the sand...but I just know that a lot of the nastiness is not even about Clay or his fans. It happens to almost all videos on You tube, blogs, songs...if there is a comment section there will be some nasty people that will post nasty things. If it bothers you just avoid it.

Same with the reviews...specially if they are inconsequential blogs on the internet. A lot of people write blogs for hits and unfortunately...being nasty, outrageous or shockin seem to get a lot of hits for people. Clay is not the only one that gets a lot of mockery and get ridiculed...it seems to be a part of the current trend in popular culture.

BTW...those people that don't want to believe Clay and are all doom and gloom...I don't think they are enjoying themselves as much as I am...its their loss IMO. So another tip...don't let them take your joy away. They will be inconsequential if we make them so.

So another tip for less stress Clay fandom...listen to this CD...hee

I have been listening to it in different ways...full blast with speakers...and ipod. Today I am listening and singing along...these songs are really great and the words and theme very adult. What I like about them is that they are pretty coherent. I remember listening to Kelly's My December and thinking this girl had diarrhea of the mouth...it seems like stream of conciousness by some 14 year old.

Today...I got struck by WIDTL...just listened to that on repeat and it made me think that it fits clay so well I think. I have a feeling this is why he is so careful with relationships...he is guarding that heart of his and just don;t know who he can trust.

Sigh I love this CD...

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Speaking of UNICEF.....I wonder if Clay will be going to Myanmar where the cyclone was.

I have cancelled Google alerts. I had it on during Spamalot because there were so many good blurbs about him.

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ACK!! My cable signal is all screwed up. All pixelated and stuttery. They have 15 minutes to fix it!! Or really 45, at least, because I'm sure the ladies of The View will go on and on and on about something or another before Clay comes out. Commercials are coming in fine--looks like its the network feed. (ETA: it's fixed. Whew!!)

I noticed that Madonna and Mariah are both selling something--perfume and whatever--TV commercials with them in it all the time--which helps sell their CDs at the same time. Clay can't be selling perfume or shampoo to enhance his record sales.

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I was listening to the CD in my car this morning on the way to work on shuffle so I wouldn't know what was coming next. Its really good, y'all! Did you know that? GOG came on and I couldn't help but think how UNICEF or some other charitable organization could use this song on their websites or in their commercials - even more so than the song he heard when coming back from Indonesia whose name has totally escaped me because my mind is going!

And then I thought, we have so many talented montage makers in this fandom. One way to get the songs heard would be to make a non-Clay montage set to one of his songs. You know, maybe one dedicated to some heartrobs on TV or something? Maybe a soap? Or anything else timely. Put it up on YouTube. So many of the songs would work and I think using OMWH would be good to use because its the name of the CD and the song Clay seems to want us to push.

Its a thought.

Yup great suggestion. I really loved how some people used LAA for Greys anatomy montage...and other montage for tv shows. I also think that he changed the words to GOG to make it fit his own issues and UNICEF. Originally it has a paragraph about environment but now its more about sufferings in daily life...which will fit UNICEF more IMO.

watching marth waiting for The View...I enjoyed his visit to martha...now looking forward to rachel ray. I wonder if he will sing.

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I think extremes in either direction yell IGNORE! If someone is over the top gushy "CLAY AIKEN IS THE BEST SINGER ON THE PLANET THESE ARE THE BEST SONGS ON THE PLANET THIS IS THE BEST CD EVER AND HE HAS A GREAT HEART" I would dismiss as easily as the nasty, taunting reviews.

Unfortunately CG, we have yet to experience that type of review. So I don't know... I think I'd be really happy to see it.

Frankly I like all the songs on the CD but one so don't think I'd dismiss someone else loving it so much. And that's only after one listen.

What happens with AI really has no affect on me. What I don't understand is why people hate the show so much yet continue to watch it and follow it so closely.

Bottle word on your point about Baby Mama.

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Friendly advice... my formula for stress free Clay Aiken fandom...do not read the reviews...do not read the comment sections...

Its not that I am hiding my head in the sand...but I just know that a lot of the nastiness is not even about Clay or his fans. It happens to almost all videos on You tube, blogs, songs...if there is a comment section there will be some nasty people that will post nasty things. If it bothers you just avoid it.

Same with the reviews...specially if they are inconsequential blogs on the internet. A lot of people write blogs for hits and unfortunately...being nasty, outrageous or shockin seem to get a lot of hits for people. Clay is not the only one that gets a lot of mockery and get ridiculed...it seems to be a part of the current trend in popular culture.

BTW...those people that don't want to believe Clay and are all doom and gloom...I don't think they are enjoying themselves as much as I am...its their loss IMO. So another tip...don't let them take your joy away. They will be inconsequential if we make them so.

Ansa, this is very wise advice! You're totally right about the presence of nastiness everywhere out there on the web. I think some people find posting vile, degrading and nasty stuff to be a hobby or a sport. Then they sit back and laugh at all of the angry replies. I'm not gonna let those type of people ruin my day. Let them have their 'fun' without me - I'm too busy celebrating Clay's album and his successes!

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GIbby...no need to edit out the info on sales...some people may be interested in it. For those that rather not know the scroll bar is your friend.

I really don;t think we have to shy away from posting things that are worrisome or unpleasant or controversial. I think this board has good enough perspective that it won't get people all pissed and panicky right away. At times its also good to post those issues cos there are some calm people here that can help other people de-stress about them.

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Thanks for the clarification, Ansa. I took out that sales projection as I quickly brought it over from another site, and then realized that it would be easy to misread because of the way the clip had been edited by the original poster. Heee, that's what happens when you're trying to get ready for work and posting at the same time - you do stupid things!


Hey, thanks to whoever put a link to Claytonic's glossary up by the PM link! Was that you, Ansa?

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YAY...its on...

oh dear...lots of hot topics,


Clay promo...and only guest is robert Downey...love them both

they of course teased with Clay;s view on AI, showed some spamalot clips and showed clay singing on the clips...

oh whoopi will be hosting the Tony's..so they probably will talk about spamalot again

I hope they won't talk too much on hot topics.

Thanks for the clarification, Ansa. I took out that sales projection as I quickly brought it over from another site, and then realized that it would be easy to misread because of the way the clip had been edited by the original poster. Heee, that's what happens when you're trying to get ready for work and posting at the same time - you do stupid things!


Hey, thanks to whoever put a link to Claytonic's glossary up by the PM link! Was that you, Ansa?

hee yeah...so its pretty handy...

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