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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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We hava n ignore function

looks around the board I don't seen no crappy ignore function - is that why most people don't answer my posts? No answer to my itunes question yet, I see! Hmmm. How come I don't have no ignore function, I have been scrolling my fingers off on too many boards for too many years, heh, I only have people on ignore at IDF and the OFC.

So what is going on with Couchie? Haven't listened yet, how many times have you missed the chance. I hope it is not something other than work keeping you from it. Now this is a serious happening!

I can't really comment on the album, I keep listening to it and getting lost in the sound and not having the words register and not realizing what song I am on, it is just hypnotizing to me. It just can't register it on my mind, I love it, but the songs seem to swim into each other and I glaze over.

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There's something wrong with being a transvestite?

Or having a sex change?


I knew I should have kept that frigging penis.

wanda... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter:

I still love As Long As We're Here the mostest, but so many are nipping on it's heels that it almost doesn't count as #1. What a great cd Clay and Kipper and Jaymes have gifted us with.

I am just praying/sending out vibes manically for GREAT, beyond expectations numbers next week! Anyone care to join me???

CG... sorry about your friends! What a sad tale!

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Well. Fuck.

Look. Clay has been on stages and on tv shows and doing interviews through camera lenses for five years now, but it's only recently that he's started wearing such very, very heavy eyeliner. He's worn liner before---I remember seeing a very faint dark brown line over his closed lids when he was singing a Christmas song on The Today Show or GMA or one of those and I noticed it. When his eyes were open, it wasn't obtrusive or noticeable and I thought..."Hmmm..they must be trying to make sure those freckled lids and/or light lashes don't make him disappear. Not bad."

I haven't had a problem with most of the makeup he's worn in the past, although it does seem that sometimes the makeup people that the various shows use are more heavy handed than others (this most recent 'View', for example, vs when he was on Tyra)...

Yeah, it's Broadway and 'on stage', except QVC ain't Broadway and that "Without You" video wasn't Broadway. I don't know who did his makeup (Maybe he did?) for QVC or that WO video or the Broadway Cares appearance, but they were verra, verra heavy handed with the BLACK eyeliner. Know what? My daughter is very fair skinned with light lashes and I've shown her how much better her makeup looks when she uses a dark brown rather than black. That type of makeup use highlights her features instead of making them blaringly unnatural looking.

So while I understand the reason some might say that he 'needs' the eyeliner or mascara or whatever for stage appearances, I also believe there's validity in questioning the degree or quality of the application of that makeup. Take a look at some of the pre-Broadway Clay stage/tv appearances and most of the post-Broadway ones. There's a marked difference in the overall effect. My personal preference is for the more subtle way of having makeup do what it's intended to do---enhance one's looks. I don't like makeup that STILL looks like makeup, even under heavy lights on a stage verra, verra far away.

Clay's a good looking man. He really only needs enhancement of his features--a skillful touch of tint to make up for his pale lashes, not a heavy-handed brush of harsh black, IMO. I actually think that this round of lash tinting or mascara application is unnecessarily heavy, too, and that with that AND the heavy eyeliner it's kinda skeery. :unsure:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but at the Virgin signing, he's not wearing eyeliner, right? Just the darkened lashes? If that's right, I venture to say that he might not have even needed more than that for his stage appearances.

Whatever...he'll wear what he's gonna wear...As long as he sings to me, I can deal. I refuse to put anyone on ignore here, however. :imgtongue:

I'm gonna revel in Clay's voice on this CD...as I've been doing all day. I FLOVE EIDN....

unnnh well welllll. :Thud:

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Well, I've had a crappy couple of days. I came down with an intestinal virus yesterday, and then my *!!!%$&^%$# laptop crashed. Right in the middle of streaming Ashes from AOL!! The noive! Anyway, I didn't go to the CD release party cuz I didn't feel well, and I couldn't get my laptop fixed, either. I know what to do to get it totally fixed, but it's going to take a bit of time. So, I went out and bought a purty new laptop! A big one - it's 17"! Bigger is better, ya know? Heh.

Anyway, the only album on my new laptop so far is OMWH. Minus any bonus tracks. Itunes somehow forgot that I preordered, and WalMart is taking their saweet time getting my CD to me. :( Oh, well. I'm blasting the main tracks, and I'm in serious LUUUST with them! What a feast for the ears! I cannot choose a favorite, because when I listen to each song that one is my favorite at the moment. The one I've played the most is The Real Me, which I tend to think is my favorite, until I listen to another track!

Anyway, I'm thrilled that so many fans, here and elsewhere, are loving this album. I'm thrilled for us, and thrilled that Clay was able to make the album he wanted to make!

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I think he looks cute with mascara, sexy, striking. Those pictures of him and Hannah were HOT. Not everyone's cup of tea for sure and I don't even really care enough to wonder why, when, how he's wearing it although I do think it's a professional thing until I see it as a common occurence in a non working situation.

I'm not trying not to listen. But now I have company coming but after they are gone, yes I will. Whoever said it was more special to wait should be drawn and quartered. :cryingwlaughter: hmmm what does that mean exactly. hee.

I want to revel. I want to revel.

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I really hope people will be able to come this weekend and join our listening party...

I would love to discuss every track and what I love or like about them.

I listened last night with the lyrics...and I really like them. I don;t think lyrics should be great profound poetry or be all intellectual and deep to really touch people. Sometimes the more simple words can hit the heart with more ease.

But one thing I find interesting is how much love theme there is in this album. He did say he hasn't had any real relationships in the past...then now he says that this is a story of his journey that he handpicked each song to fit that idea. So leads me to think that he may have had a painful relationship in the past 5 years...sniff.For me Sacrificial Love seem really so personal and it is the one that makes me really teary...its sooo sad.

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Sorry, Gibby being sick is a pain.

About Clay's past relationships forthe last few years are pretty much the unknown, thank god! there probably is not a way to have a decent relationship with someone when you are famous, just look at all the problems some of us have had not being famous or rich!

They have a term "monkey bar" person - i.e. man or woman - to describe a person who holds onto a relationship, can't let go, until someone better comes along and they can "swing" over to them. Having someone hold onto you, telling you how you are the one forever, writing you love notes and giving you large and expensive presents and then turning around literally a few weeks later and going to someone else is confusing and painful. It tends to bring on a lot of introspection.

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Clay did say, that while he had personal experience with some of the feelings talked about in the music, some were just 'universal.' ....as in happening to many different people. People just finding their way in the world. I have no idea which one of these songs hits a personal note for Clay. Only he knows that. Could be some of these things, like being involved in a monkey bar relationship, could have happened to friends or close family....Nick, Kristy, Brett, even. I'm sure something happening to them would have hit a nerve in Clay too.

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I have been thinking.....

I am sorry if anything I posted offended anyone. That was not my intention nor do I harbor one speck of prejudice against anyone. In fact nothing upsets me more so being accused of that really upset me. That is why I reacted so angrily. For the life of me I cannot understand how anyone could have been offended by my post (except perhaps Clay *g*), but apparently a few were, and for that I am sorry.

I am also sorry for any part I may have played in putting a damper on what should be a celebratory evening.

I hope you will all accept my heartfelt apology and that we can move forward.

So before I go to bed, I give you all a peace offering and a reminder of why we're all here. Good night.




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Well, Claygasm...I think this topic already came to an untidy end while I was out, but since others saw my post before I quickly withdrew it, perhaps it would be better to say what I was going to say. Maybe I should have said it in a PM to begin with, since I've met you personally...but anyway...here's what I wrote earlier. Apologies in advance if I, in turn, offend YOU:

Claygasm, of course you are free to express your opinion. And I believe I understand what you mean by 'hot and handsome' as opposed to 'in drag' or preparing for 'a sex change' or looking like a 'damned transvestite'. To some people eyeliner on 'a guy' (or groomed eyebrows, in other discussions - heh) is incompatible with masculinity. I understand that. But I'm also glad you recognize that your apparent abhorrence toward the mere cosmetic connotation of sexual differences that some people do, in fact, live with is your problem. Just as it's my problem that I find such adamant revulsion...disconcerting. Or maybe I'm reading too much into your words.

Sorry to hear your sad news...but I'm posting this anyway. It feels important.

I suppose our very different reactions to make-up on men are shaped by the people we've met and by our experiences with prejudice.


Clay's a good looking man. He really only needs enhancement of his features--a skillful touch of tint to make up for his pale lashes, not a heavy-handed brush of harsh black, IMO. I actually think that this round of lash tinting or mascara application is unnecessarily heavy, too, and that with that AND the heavy eyeliner it's kinda skeery.

I agree Clay doesn't need "enhancement" (shut up - heh), but the thing that concerns me is the societally-charged REASON for finding eyeliner "skeery" or even disgusting. This does not seem to be a universal taboo for ALL men.

My point is...people can like or hate Clay's hair, music, clothes, or anything else about him...and say so. Tonight, the cashier at Walmart told me that, with his hair, Clay looks like a girl. She compounded her sin by saying she saw a picture where they compared his hair to Ellen Degeneres'. I responded without bloodshed only because my kid was with me. I guess I expect that kind of thing out in the harsh, real world...but with all Clay has gone through, it felt jarring to me for dislike of his photo-op make-up to be expressed in such sexually undiplomatic terms...here.

I see your new post, Claygasm...and I thank you for posting that. If it matters, I don't have you or anyone else here on "ignore". I'd guess I'd rather see what you have to say and argue with you about it than...not.

((HUGS)) and goodnight. Those are some lovely peace offerings! :)

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I like "enhanced" Clay (though I admit I don't even really notice the various eyeliners, tints or whatever until someone points them out - and I'm still a bit iffy - I just tend to think - oo! He looks better than usual!) But hell, I think made-up Prince is one of the hottest men on the planet. If I'm gonna bother to put on make up, I shall be clearly made up. If I want to look au natural, I go au natrural. I just think the subtle shit is pointless.

I also think Clay just likes angsty songs.

I'll also admit one of the things I have against the blond is that it's so generic - oooh, I'm gonna look young and hot - I'm going BLOND!

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I just think the subtle shit is pointless.


The fact that KAndre posted this particular viewpoint is perhaps one of the most redundant facts I've ever heard!

BWAH! :cryingwlaughter: It calls to mind the DI0I/DUH exchange between Lancelot and Galahad in the Finding the Grail scene.


I must agree to disagree on this one. There's au naturale and then there's subtle (for some that translates into 'tasteful' or 'understated' or some other synonym with its own connotation for the masses) and then there's dramatic and then there's exaggerated and then there's theatrical and then there's cartoonish :kiss: and then there's...

Well, you get my point...the world ain't black and white; all or nothing; right or wrong. It's a whiter shade of pale, a coat of many colors, a rainbow if you will---of hues and degrees and levels and intensities and... :wordpooper:


So I will go on believing that there CAN be makeup that does its job without upstaging its host---without overshadowing (heh) its own purported raison d'etre (and that MUST be spelled wrong but I took Spanish in school)

And with those horrible puns, I will stop :Beating_A_Dead_Horse_by_livius: and retire to my boudoir....

Welll...maybe just one more listen to Sacrificial Love.... :beatingheart:

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K I think I have figured out what I love, like very much and its ok...











Like very much:





its ok...but I can skip


sorry for the acronyms but we gotta start getting used to them

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K I think I have figured out what I love, like very much and its ok...











Like very much:





its ok...but I can skip


sorry for the acronyms but we gotta start getting used to them

What does FIEKY and IIEOOU stand for?

LOL I have already started drafting my own glossary for acronyms and colloquial terms used in FCA/fandom!

(annabear has been a wonderful translator .... I was totally stumped on "shipping" for a while, although I did kind of work it out, and annabear confirmed it for me!)

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muskifest wrote:

I wish the man could turn down the self-deprecation a tad. I swear, he puts himself down or downplays things in every freakin' interview. And yes, I KNOW 'that's Clay'...so never mind reminding me *g*...I'd just enjoy an interview where he's not employing that life-time learned defense mechanism of "it's just me"...

I meant to comment on this yesterday. I wish he would stop too, but I don't see him doing it. It has just become so routine, as to be insincere anymore.. It's always an eyeroller for me when he does it. You can't expect others to love and accept you when you can't even love yourself. Can you imagine him in a job interview? A situation where you have to be able to sell yourself? :cryingwlaughter: Truly, I've always wished he would be strongly advised to stop putting him self and his music down and start promoting himself. Perhaps he has, but he just doesn't listen. :cryingwlaughter: Have to go into work early for the next two weeks. :cry4:

Claygasm, sorry about your friend's wife. Being on ignore isn't so bad. I've been on it for weeks, now, it appears. :cryingwlaughter:

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from PodSoda at the CH...GMA reports!! (man, I hates heading to work on mornings like this :P)

Many GMA fans here now, including a very large group of grade schoolers. Standbys may not get lucky after all.

Quiana is in the studio taking photos, including pics of us out the window. Shine got a pic of quiana taking a pic of shine.

Band quiana n angie all warming up now. Here's clay! Green hoodie on, talking 2 band. Looking GOOD!

He waves out the window 2 the school kids, and they scream.

His back itches and he's twisting 2 scratch it. He's laughing, talking, looks really well n happy

Bass player: dark haired bearded guy. No one knows who it is.

Correction: he's acoustic , not bass. Bass player is some tall highlighted hunk.

Clay is rehearsing now but we cant tell what song it is throurh th glass.

Must be cold in there.clay is wearing a hoodie and Angela has on a down jachet and a hat.

Jerome is here in a black polo over an orange T shirt and looking mighty fine indeed.

Crane operatot is testing camera angles. Crew guys with haedphones n mics r telling clay n the band things.

Singing again, can't hear but the girls are snappng and bobbing....seems upbeat.

It's Ashes!

Flove the rear view of clay planting himself on a stool.

Stage guy is stop- watch clicking a taking 2 the band.

Rehearsing a slow song now. Can't hear.

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Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! Sounds like we are going to get 2 songs! I'm jealous of everyone who can stay home and watch. I thought maybe I could but I have to get a few hours in before I head off to the hospital for round 2 of ds's endocrinology stuff. So I will watch clack tonight!

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Its days like today I am glad I don't have to be at work until 10am!

Diane Sawyer has almost no voice, yet she still is at work.


Or is there someone special coming on her show???

My QVC order has shipped!

Now if only my Walmart order that supposedly shipped days ago would get here.

My QVC order will probably get here first!

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Its days like today I am glad I don't have to be at work until 10am!

Diane Sawyer has almost no voice, yet she still is at work.


Or is there someone special coming on her show???

My QVC order has shipped!

Now if only my Walmart order that supposedly shipped days ago would get here.

My QVC order will probably get here first!

All I can say is that I hope she doesn't get boyfriend sick!

I wish I could stay home for this, but I can't. That's what happens when I take a day off yesterday!

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