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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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I wonder if TC was worried about the media picking it up! Seems to me like taking it down would be silly because there was time enough for someone to copy it.

Talk about a emotional swings today.....high to low to high to low..........and on and on. Poor guy - on a day when he should be thrilled he has this crap to deal with. It sure isn't easy being Clay Aiken.

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since it's kind of a WTF? kind of night, I'll throw this one out there......

Does anyone (besides me) get a Depeche Mode "vibe" on the "I'm older, should be wiser" and "I'm closer than ever" lines in Falling??

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I wonder if TC was worried about the media picking it up! Seems to me like taking it down would be silly because there was time enough for someone to copy it.

That would make sense if they only took it off the public side. But why not leave it up on the member's only side?

I'm still hoping it comes back, that it was just a typical Clique glitch.

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His posts are still on the message board and there is a dedicated thread with his blog in The Man forum.

I am beat, going to call it a night...see you all tomorrow.


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His posts are still on the message board and there is a dedicated thread with his blog in The Man forum.

I am beat, going to call it a night...see you all tomorrow.


Yup, and if you combine his post here and here you have his blog.

Except he refers to his blog in the second one, so maybe it is coming back?

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muppet_bunsen.gif The Muppet Song has been scientifically prove to rule.

muppet_beaker.gif Meep, meep meep.



Furthermore, I would like to say a few words about nudity in the world today. And I, for one, and just appalled by it. Are you aware that underneath their clothing, every single human is walking around completely NAKED? This means that even Clay Aiken, he of the titanium hotness, is, at this moment, completely naked."


Okay, not exactly current topic-related, but a fun story (for me) nevertheless. While my kid was busy getting a chiropractic adjustment, I walked next door to order my new contacts. Ended up discussing insurance pros and cons with the front desk clerk.

After a few minutes, she decided to check her facts with the clerk who has helped me in the past...and in a moment, the clerk I was talking to looked up at me and smiled, "Debbie wants to know if you have Clay Aiken's new cd."

I grinned and said, "As a matter of fact, I do! Tell her, 'of course!'"

Clerk to Debbie: "Yes, she says 'of course she has a copy'."

I pull the cd out of my purse, "Does she want it?

Clerk to me: "You actually have it with you?"

Clerk to Debbie: "She has it with her. Do you want it?"

I hear Debbie's laughter through the phone. All the clerks are smiling.

Clerk to me: "No, she's not asking for you to give her a copy, she just saw the cd at the store and figured you'd be out buying it the first day."

"She's right! I did!"

See, I had the cd in my purse for the chiropractor's assistant who is always interested in Clay news. I didn't see her when I checked my kid in, so I called next door to see if she had left for the day. "If she's gone," I told the clerk, "Debbie gets this copy."

Yep, Sandy was gone. The optometrist clerks could not believe I was giving Debbie the cd...just like that. They gave me a post-it, on which I wrote, "Yes, I DO have a copy of Clay's new cd...and now, so do YOU!" I'll be interested to learn if she likes it.

And...there's a cd player in the office area that the girls share (and the customers can also hear). If it gets played during the day, that's at least seven other people (men and women) and possibly customers...who will hear it tomorrow. She's played the Christmas cd every season since it was released.

So, now I owe Sandy a copy. But what she doesn't know won't hurt her! :)


Okay, so according to Clay's description of his market (and looking at clayonline, it had links to clear channel specifically), here in Houston, I have Sunny 99.1 (which has a link to listen to Clay on demand here)...and Mix 96.5 , which is AC, but which does NOT have Clay listed anywhere that I could find. In the past, when I've requested Clay on 99.1, I've been told that a song really has to be a hit elsewhere before it gets played on Sunny...so, it seems a catch-22 there, unless they let Clay get his large foot in the door. I think there's slim-to-none chance I'll ever have the satisfaction of Sam Malone at 96.5 playing Clay Aiken...but time will tell, I guess. Not planning to request there right now, though.

My only other choices are a couple of country and CCM stations, both of which could be cross-over markets for this particular album (IMO---even more so than ATDW, which I also mourned for these lost markets). In fact, I wonder if any of these other formats played Clay's Christmas music?

So...I'm not sure what, if anything I can do locally. But right now I'm streaming Clay's album (particularly the first single) from 99.1's website.

I've heard streaming matters?

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I love a man with balls.

WORD!!! wanda

The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!

Thread title???

I wonder if TC was worried about the media picking it up! Seems to me like taking it down would be silly because there was time enough for someone to copy it.

Talk about a emotional swings today.....high to low to high to low..........and on and on. Poor guy - on a day when he should be thrilled he has this crap to deal with. It sure isn't easy being Clay Aiken.

Iseeme... bolding mine... I think I heard someone else say that once after reading a letter from a fan about how fat he had become. He said in one interview that he was timid, like Sir Robin. I beg to differ... he has more courage in his little finger than all of the critics and naysayers and etc. have in their wholes sorry bodies... combined! I love Clay Aiken!!!

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WHEW! Just got caught up, and now I can go to bed. :D

K'eh - Happy to hear that you and girlchild got home ok!! It was great spending time with you at O'Lunney's, fun walking back and seeing the fans already lined up at Virgin records at 2 am!!

Also great seeing all the FCA peeps.......... waves to ALL!!!



Did someone want a HOT smilie??? here's one


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I started this glossary for myself a while ago because I was constantly stumped by the acronyms and unfamiliar colloquial terms used.

Here's the link to it in case anyone is interested. I have incorporated both ansa's acronyms and KAndre's abbreviations, so it will hopefully work regardless which terms are used.

GLOSSARY ACRONYMS and other FCA colloquial terms

p.s. What does HDD = ???

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blows kisses at claytonic

HDD is one of the older and "more reliable" music industry gossip rags, lots of insider info - but usually have excellent rough estimates of CD sales...they got updates throughout the day on Tuesday and Wednesday and we used to watched the numbers roll in. Click on the hillbilly's bouncing head, give a fake name and company and a dummy spam email account and you're set to go.

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The link isn't playing for me!

and there's no freakin' search function on fuckin' CBS!

They need to learn to make it work in Mozilla!

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Good Morning Everyone,

Loved that CBS interview; seeing his smile just brightened my day and I love what he said about AI!

1 Days until The Today Show!

4 Days until Leno!

8 Days until The Climmel/Rachael Ray!

11 Days until Craig Ferguson! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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EEEEEE! for The View today. Right before GMA started this morning, the local news team was previewing the day's programming. News Anchor Chick: "Clay Aiken is the musical guest on The View." News Anchor Dude, with enthusiasm: "That will make my wife very happy." A nice little plug, I thought.

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Want to throw a question out there and see what you all think...everyone is so focused on physical sales of the CD but what is more important...how many physical sales of the CD there are or how many people actually hear the CD, because I think there is a difference. There maybe a lot more people who will hear the CD via free downloads, illegal downloads, copies being burned, etc. then will actually buy it. To me it is more important that the CD is heard by whatever means, because I think in the long run that will help Clay. Anyone have any thoughts on this...just something that has been rolling around my head since last night.


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Want to throw a question out there and see what you all think...everyone is so focused on physical sales of the CD but what is more important...how many physical sales of the CD there are or how many people actually hear the CD, because I think there is a difference. There maybe a lot more people who will hear the CD via free downloads, illegal downloads, copies being burned, etc. then will actually buy it. To me it is more important that the CD is heard by whatever means, because I think in the long run that will help Clay. Anyone have any thoughts on this...just something that has been rolling around my head since last night.


Well, my own child mentioned yesterday that she liked a couple of songs on the album...I was startled, because I knew she hadn't listened yet to the songs she mentioned (in my presence)...and she blithely said, "Oh, I heard them on youtube. Someone has up the whole album." I haven't decided yet whether to be upset about this or not.

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I think it's done its job, and it doesn't matter much now if it's there or not. Really.

Tomorrow is The View, y'all.

I agree. He put it up; the fandom read it, and either got out of it what they needed to (in most cases here at FCA, it seems that was a big fist-pumping "YESSSSSSSSSSSS!"), or they blithely figured it wasn't talking to "them." And then, he took it down. The fandom as a whole in this case felt it, and that's really all that was needed.

Squeeeeeeeeeee for The View!

Has this been posted yet?

Clay Aiken's Life Lessons

Gah he looks so handsome!

He's so CUTE! Love that tie. I also loved his comment about the AI contestants -- "they've been in the business longer than I have!" Hee.

aikim, that's really a good question. The way the recording industry is in flux, and the way it seems that concerts are going to be the new money makers for artists and record labels (I learned that from KAndre's posted article yesterday), it may be just as well if the songs are heard first, no matter how. Then, if people are interested, they'll spend the money to SEE Clay in a concert -- and we as fans know how he kicks butt in that regard. I hate to deny Clay any money from missing CD sales, but in the long run....who knows?

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Clay Aiken's Life Lessons

Gah he looks so handsome!

Oh Sqeeeeeeeeeeee! He's so cute. Isn't he cute? I love his laugh! :wub:

Nice interview! He really is handsome - and CUTE!! Even if I could see the eyeliner....

Clay's blog from yesterday has been moved to the archives, under Rest Home. I just read it there.

Interesting - but I still wish it were still up where all could read it. The spin some are giving what he said to twist it to their way of thinking is unbelievable!

Ok, I expect someone to give a blow by blow description of The View since I will be at work and then have to go to my mother's after so I won't get home until late!

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Gug. FCA is acting wonky for me now. I guess it is time to get another computer - lets see - needs more memory, a new video card with more memory, a new modem, half the USB ports don't work anymore.... But the DVD player works good!

I loved that little CBS vidoe, it ws soooo Clay, not angry Clay, but show biz down to earth Clay. I am so sad that Clay finally had to deal with things that he has, over time, said before. How to takethe buzz off of what should have been a happy time for him. Fans dream big for him, and, while flattering, it probably bugs as well.

So, am I on ignore, or does no one care that top 4 AI 2 had better ratings than this year of the best top 12 evah?

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Hell, I take all credit for the drop in AI's rating - because heaven knows my watching is sporadic - and Clay's blog was MUCH more interesting last night!

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So, am I on ignore, or does no one care that top 4 AI 2 had better ratings than this year of the best top 12 evah?

I'll take answer 2 for $500 please, Alex.

I only "watch" AI lately vicariously from those that still do watch, and then I read the message board posts. I guess I feel about the "numbers" for AI the way I do about the "numbers" for Clay's projected sales -- kinda zen about the whole thing. It really doesn't make a difference for me one way or the other.

Reminder: OMWH listening party! Tomorrow and Saturday! Be there! Aloha!

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