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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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What?!?!?! They are giving away chances to win Clay Aiken? For real? Will he come to my house? Sing SAU to me only? I can help him get over his fear of kitty cats. Maybe we could do the Kitty Cat Dance while we're at it.

Why didn't they send that information with the high-res photo? I think everyone of us would have entered a more than a few times! Or....are Ansa and couchie hiding something from us? Hmmmm....

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I'm trying to figure out how OMWH gets into our brains in such a way that we wake up singing a different song each day! :huh: Is Clay really sending us sooper sekrit messages? :o I know yesterday's song was Ashes, but I haven't been able to get Falling to quit playing over & over in my head long enough this morning to make any comments on Ashes! :blink:

ETA: The video of Clay answering questions is now up on Rachael Ray's site! CUTE!!!

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Since it's my God-given right and DUTY as a member of the Clay Nation to ignore and/or reinterpret Clay's own words (no matter how clear and pointed they are) to fit my own world view, I'm not convinced that Clay won't show up in some way, shape or form on the American Idol finale. He should still be in LA at that point and the Ferguson taping is on Monday for some reason, although the appearance isn't being broadcast until the next night. That leaves Clay available on Tuesday and Wednesday for rehearsals or taping or whatnot. I know there's a lot of vocal AI haters in the Clay fandom, but the Finale draws huge audience numbers, and I'd love to see Clay doing something memorable and buzzworthy. After all, some of our FCA members got drawn in by Clay's AI5 appearance, and I'd be happy to see that happen again. I'll be holding my breath until the confetti falls and David sings the crappy coronation song.

Just my opinion, of course, and I realize many Clay fans would disagree. :imgtongue:

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Heh, you have fun holding your breath, bottlecap. ;) I think Clay made it pretty clear that it wasn't.going.to.happen.this.year.

Well, the lady to whom I gifted a copy of OMWH came down to see me. She just kept saying "it's so mellow" over and over. Then she said that there was one "upbeat" one she really liked...we eventually narrowed it down to "Falling". She thanked me again for giving it to her.



1. soft, sweet, and full-flavored from ripeness, as fruit.

2. well-matured, as wines.

3. soft and rich, as sound, tones, color, or light.

4. made gentle and compassionate by age or maturity; softened.

5. friable or loamy, as soil.

6. mildly and pleasantly intoxicated or high.

7. pleasantly agreeable; free from tension, discord, etc.: a mellow neighborhood.

8. affably relaxed; easygoing; genial: a mellow teacher who is very popular with her students.

–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)

9. to make or become mellow.


10. Slang. a state, atmosphere, or mood of ease and gentle relaxation.

—Verb phrase

11. mellow out, Slang.

a. to become detached from worry, strife, stress, etc.; relax: After final exams let's go down to the beach and mellow out.

b. to make more relaxed, agreeable, workable, etc.; soften or smooth: Chopin really mellows me out when I'm feeling tense.

I'll take it. :)

ETA: From moonhead at CH who is keeping tabs on radio play. Looks good!

Radio spin update...

The 7 day period ending 05/15/08 saw 57 Mainstream AC spins for "On My Way Here". "On My Way Here" is currently #34 on the Mainstream AC Chart with 57 spins. It is #8 on the Mediabase AC Jump chart with 15 stations playing and +24 spins. There are 2 new Format Starters, WRCH (Hartford) and KKBA (Corpus Christi). Further spin and station data is located here.

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i have mixed feelings about clay being on ai. i would love for him to get that exposure and to blow everyone away, but even though i still watch idol, i have a lot of bad feelings towards them. before it was a love/hate relationship, now i'm nearing the break-up stage. leaning a lot towards hate/love now. at least before it was somewhat entertaining, now its pretty boring, and the majority of the specials guests pretty much suck.

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The Rachael Ray clip online exclusive is up!

It's very cute -- he answers three fan questions.

1) What song have your recorded means the most to you and why? Answer: ASLAWH, because it brought he and Jaymes together.

2) Where is the best place for down home southern cooking in Raleigh? Answer: there's a place called the Backyard BBQ Pit with the best BBQ ("the right kind of BBQ" hee) and "the greasiest mac and cheese.

3) Who would you want to meet and why? Answer: Anyone who works with children! He mentions Mr. Rogers and also Bill Cosby (but he then adds that he's MET Bill Cosby, so he could check that off his list). Wonder when that happened? Cool!

Oh, and he runs his hand through his hair once. Guh.

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Why didn't they send that information with the high-res photo? I think everyone of us would have entered a more than a few times! Or....are Ansa and couchie hiding something from us? Hmmmm....

Oh I won already. Our date is next Tuesday!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Heh, you have fun holding your breath, bottlecap. ;) I think Clay made it pretty clear that it wasn't.going.to.happen.this.year.

:cryingwlaughter: Yeah, well, Clay has told us a lot of things that some chose to ignore... I'm still going for the element of surprise.

:peepwall: "What can they do with a cow?" :bolt:

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I doubt very much that Clay will be on AI; I bet as soon as he finishes taping Ferguson he is on a plane to NC...and personally, I don't want him anywhere near that debacle and even if he is on, I probably won't watch...just wait for a download. I can't abide that show.

The RR backstage question thing was cute and I love watching him run his hand through his hair.


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Why didn't they send that information with the high-res photo? I think everyone of us would have entered a more than a few times! Or....are Ansa and couchie hiding something from us? Hmmmm....

Oh I won already. Our date is next Tuesday!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Well, that explains the whole job bruhaha! :cryingwlaughter:

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I don't think he'll be on AI either BUT if he were and got to actually sing OMWH with his band, I would be thrilled! HUGE audience, great exposure. BUT that is NOT going to happen. The finale night rightfully belongs to the finalists and the winner and they are not going to have Clay or anyone else perform a song from an album they are promoting on that night. IF - and I think its a huge IF - Clay is there, I think it would only be to do something with Ruben. Still the exposure wouldn't hurt.

Just don't think it would happen.

I am not really angsting about what will happen to this CD, but it does concern me. I also don't think Clay is quite as cavalier about it as he is letting us think he is. He is too competitive and I think he wants to succeed. Right now, despite the efforts made thus far, this CD is not selling well. Like it or not, the public perception will be that it is a failure and that he may no longer be considered viable as a recording artist. He has enough trouble getting respect in this industry. And since he has touted this as the first CD that is truly him, it may make some wonder about his future. Some may even think Clive was right, that he can sell more as a cover artist.

None of those perceptions may be accurate, but it doesn't matter if that is what people think.

As for Kim Locke and her radio play despite lack of sales, I believe she is thought of in the industry as someone who can get a song played on the radio and no one for whatever reason expects her to sell well. Clay is thought of as someone who can sell well yet can't get played on the radio. Many AC stations wait to see if a song or an album is a hit before adding it to their playlists. They already saw this CD open to MUCH lower sales than Clay's previous albums and only in 4th place and if they see it plummet in sales they will conclude this album is one no one wants to hear so why play his single. Convoluted logic to be sure, but I do believe that will be their excuse not to play the single.

For whatever reason, Clay seems to have an image problem with radio and critics and the like. You can say who cares, but radio still does sell CDs and critics do influence buyers. Maybe not as much as they once did, but they are IMO both still important. As in most businesses, if you really want to succeed you need to work within the system.

I have not doubt TC is doing all they can and I know there are no easy answers to getting people to know about and hear this CD. I do wish he had an interview like the one in that odd magazine "Stepping Out" (did you notice some of the ads???) in a more mainstream publication like People. I am surprised at the lack of any print media during this promotion. I am also surprise that no one has seen that commercial Clay put on his YouTube page anywhere. I remember the cheesy commercials for ATDW, but yet this one for OMWH hasn't seemed to pop up anywhere. I am sure there is a reason, but I can't help but think that something more needs to be done - and maybe there are things in the works we don't know about.

Personally, while no one deserves some down time at home more than Clay does right now and I know he will be doing a UNICEF trip, I also think it will be irresponsible to sit back and do nothing further with this CD. Too much time and enerygy - and money - was put into this project to just let it whither on the vine. TC needs to find some way to keep promoting it, remind people its out there, get people to hear it. I so wish a spot on the GMA concert series in Bryant Park would open up, but that is probably unlikely. I just hope TC can use some creative thinking and do something.

And the only reason it concerns me is if Clay doesn't sell, his recording career could be in jeopardy and then he won't be singing to me and I would be very upset if that happened.

Doom and gloom, you say? Nah. More like a reality check. Clay is not as big a "star" as some fans believe. Bigger stars than Clay have disappeared from the scene. The music business can be ruthless and thankless. We SHOULD be concerned and I would bet money TC is VERY concerned.

But you know what they say, don't ever let them see you sweat!

On a cheerier note, Clay is on Kimmel tonight and he will be singing!!!!!!! Woo the hell HOO!!! :DoClay:

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FETCHER LE BOEF!! :cryingwlaughter:

(or however you spell it!)

He was so cute!! And I'm sure he was lovin' RR's cleavage hanging over the table!!

I made a couple of screencaps.......

this is after she said he had an accent, and he was saying, "I do? okay."





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I love it when he says, "I know it's hard to believe now the stunning specimen that I am...."


and then he says, " I used to be this geeky kid..."


and THEN he says....... "Oh wait, I still am."


I loved how he paraphrased part of his Sir Robin dialogue when he said, "Now I'm not running away from New York, I'm running to North Carolina."

I LOVE HIM!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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BUT that is NOT going to happen. The finale night rightfully belongs to the finalists and the winner and they are not going to have Clay or anyone else perform a song from an album they are promoting on that night. IF - and I think its a huge IF - Clay is there, I think it would only be to do something with Ruben. Still the exposure wouldn't hurt.

Just don't think it would happen.

I believe the year Clay was on they had Prince (who sang a song from his new CD) and Meat Loaf and a few others. They are going for ratings. They need to fill up that hour with SOMETHING, it only takes a minute to announce the winner.

Doom and gloom, you say? Nah. More like a reality check. Clay is not as big a "star" as some fans believe. Bigger stars than Clay have disappeared from the scene. The music business can be ruthless and thankless. We SHOULD be concerned and I would bet money TC is VERY concerned.

It is just your doom and gloom, and your reality; not saying you have no right to think or voice that stuff, just saying I don't see it or agree with it. . We all have different opinions, is all. Smaller stars than Clay stick around for years and years. One of my favorites, Lucinda Williams, rarely sells very much, and has had a nice career forevah!

I am not concerned at all. Not many stars are selling well, it is the new reality. He won't disappear. Unless he gets tired of all the pressure and bullshit. Actually, I think he looks so happy because the pressure is off, he is having fun. It looks like he is more in control.

Also I notice that, despite some folks saying Clay is already in the covers niche, pretty much all reviews refer to this CD as his sophomore effort, or his second CD with new material, I have not read anything that implies he is regarded as a covers niche artist, just that he did a covers CD and now he has done one with original music. I do get the impression that most folks are just curious as to what he does next, not curious as to why he is still here.

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Great, GREAT appearance on Rachel Ray and he looked hawt and cute! Loved when he put his fingers to his lips and said, "Wait...I still am!"


And I LOVE that linen jacket.... :hubbahubba: He evidently does, too... :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: djs, I absolutely agree wtih this part of your post, for sure!

Actually, I think he looks so happy because the pressure is off, he is having fun. It looks like he is more in control.

And I really think there'll be another push for this cd. Didn't Clay say that? Something about a 'second promo' cycle or something? There are some great songs from this album that could be brought out for this or that situation/appearance...I could imagine his UNICEF trip being filmed for a promo with one of the tunes as the background, couldn't you? I bet he'd love to be a part of a video for that...

And there'll be a concert sometime and I betcha there'll be some new fans at them, too. Just don't know when. In the meantime, I can't imagine that all the tv execs KNOW what a great interview he is and how he gets a rise out of the ratings (heh) so....

I'm playing the hell outta my cd---listening right now to EIDN and bopping along...

nnnnhhhh....welll....weelllllllll :hubbahubba:

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I am not concerned at all. Not many stars are selling well, it is the new reality. He won't disappear. Unless he gets tired of all the pressure and bullshit. Actually, I think he looks so happy because the pressure is off, he is having fun. It looks like he is more in control.

This is where I'm at. He did well in relation to the rest of the pack last week. I don't think it's fair to compare to past years' sales, because we are apparently in a totally different sale climate, as far as CDs are concerned, than we were even in 2006.

Is it Kimmel time yet?????? I can't watch Rachel Ray until later (boss is back today). Sounds like it was CUTE!

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CG I understand your concern but we are in a new reality. I mean, who is this Gavin DeGraw, that debuted behind Clay. Is his career considered over? People just aren't buying CD's so maybe the entire way we think of recording artist will have to change. Or maybe "entertainer" will become Clay's main designation. It's the very record companies themselves that will have to think of ways to overcome this trend and they are way behind the curve. In the meantime if Clay has to depend on touring or other projects like Spamalot then I'm sure he will adjust and adapt. Everyone will have to get in the adapt mode. We already know that the record companies want bigger peices of the touring and merchandising pie. That pie is non existant for some recording artists. At least Clay has options there. Even if he is touring to 2 to 3000..it's a remarkale feat because there are some recording artists who haven't ever been able to sustain even something at that level. All I can do for the album is hold out hope that it's heard and that nobody gives up on it because it's really good.

I also agree that something will need to be done to sustain sales so that stores continue to stock it. I understand that's the reality.... but I'm actually hoping for a slow burn..where he will continue to sell a reasonable number each week for the next year. I'll deal with the alternative once it happens.

If anyone runs across any articles on the state of music industry I'd love to read.

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I loved how he paraphrased part of his Sir Robin dialogue when he said, "Now I'm not running away from New York, I'm running to North Carolina."

I LOVE HIM!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hee! I loved that, too. :flirtysmile3:

I am not concerned at all. Not many stars are selling well, it is the new reality. He won't disappear. Unless he gets tired of all the pressure and bullshit. Actually, I think he looks so happy because the pressure is off, he is having fun. It looks like he is more in control.


ETA: YAY! Thanks for the good news, Claygary! :clap:

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Also I notice that, despite some folks saying Clay is already in the covers niche, pretty much all reviews refer to this CD as his sophomore effort, or his second CD with new material, I have not read anything that implies he is regarded as a covers niche artist, just that he did a covers CD and now he has done one with original music. I do get the impression that most folks are just curious as to what he does next, not curious as to why he is still here.

I agreed withall of your post, but wanted to focus on this. About a month before OMWH came out, I was talking to my son about it and he said. You know, that covers CD might have been a smart thing to do, it might have been a way around the "sophomore slump" that so many artists go through. He said many people would probably think of this more of his sophomore effort. I thought his perspective was interesting.

Interestingly enough, he and my DIL were just asking me, how Clay's CD was doing, I told them not as well as I had hoped. My DIL said, "ma,CD sales are down for everyone" and my son chimed in and agreed and said that the downloading was hurting everyone. I think that most who understand much about the music business, know this. We'll just have to see how it all plays out.

The other day I mentioned Jason Mraz, I don't know much about him, but I remember him as someone who seemed to be rather popular about the same time that Clay was promoting MOAM. HDDs predictions for him are in the range of 60-65 thousand his first week.

This is the 7th season of AI. That's 70 singers that ended up in the top 10. Clay still ends up in the top 3-4 ranked contestants from all seasons. He's still considered the most successful male contestant although Daughtry make overtake him in that spot, but Daughtry hasn't had to "rise up from the ashes" yet. I still believe that longevity will be on Clay's side in the long run.

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I know we love Clay all to ourselves but I honestly think Clay should tour with another artist...whether it be opening for someone or having a co-headlining tour..just as I've always hoped for a duet with a radio darling.

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Play, is the Clay part when Simon says, "There is only ONE American Idol?"

BWAH, No, it was You Vote, You decide. A bit of irony there. heh.

OK, as much as I have been harping on buying the single, I could not give away a copy to anyone.

At this moment, I am brainstorming with someone on how to get people to buy the single, and how to spread it over time. I have come to the conclusion this fandom is jaded and the only way to get people to spend 99 cents is to give something valuable from my collection away and have people e-mail me their receipt to print and pick from a bowl, with witnesses - people seem to like lotteries.

What would inspire some of you to spend the 99 cents? I could offer an assortment with a choose one, I suppose. I guess my collection is going nowhere but the garbage if my sister predeceases me. I have almost every t-shirt in one size only (various) I have a lot of the old rare board pins. I have the K mart poster, I have the autographed playbill that I accidentally bought instead of a cast signed one. I have magazines, I have posters, I bought a lot over the 5 years. What do you want that you don't have that would inspire you (Canadians and other non-Americans can get some American friend to buy for you - only way I can be fair). Today I will be going out to look for Stepping out magazine, since it seems to be carried only in bars and tattoo parlors, I guess I will be barhopping, wish me luck.

Ldyjocelyn can we still do Ashes today? I am falling behind.

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