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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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I mentioned earlier that I was just back from Lake Tahoe - it's about a 3 hour round trip and I listened to the QVC bonus and then nothing but OMWH the rest of the time. First I have a question - there aren't any credits on the sleeve for WINY....I'm wondering if Jacob Luttrell is the background vocalist on that song!!!! I like the recorded version much better than the way it was done in concert with some level of frivolity! And - I must admit - that I'm growing more fond of Falling and Ashes - especially Ashes! I think by the time Clay finally tours this CD he is going to kick some major musical ass with both of these songs.

I also - in looking for credits for WINY - noticed that Dominic Miller was the bass guitarist on Falling. He's been in Sting's band for years.....in fact, has a solo CD out (about 4-5 years old) that is really verra verra nice. There's even a cut with Sting and Placido Domingo singing a duet of Ave Maria. I kid you not!!! Strange pairing but it worked!!!

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I mentioned earlier that I was just back from Lake Tahoe - it's about a 3 hour round trip and I listened to the QVC bonus and then nothing but OMWH the rest of the time. First I have a question - there aren't any credits on the sleeve for WINY....I'm wondering if Jacob Luttrell is the background vocalist on that song!!!! I like the recorded version much better than the way it was done in concert with some level of frivolity! And - I must admit - that I'm growing more fond of Falling and Ashes - especially Ashes! I think by the time Clay finally tours this CD he is going to kick some major musical ass with both of these songs.

I also - in looking for credits for WINY - noticed that Dominic Miller was the bass guitarist on Falling. He's been in Sting's band for years.....in fact, has a solo CD out (about 4-5 years old) that is really verra verra nice. There's even a cut with Sting and Placido Domingo singing a duet of Ave Maria. I kid you not!!! Strange pairing but it worked!!!

Iseeme, I don't think Jacob had entered the picture yet when WINY was recorded if in fact it was recorded when the MOAM songs were recorded. I think Jacob's first work with Clay was during the IT

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And Play, in your honor I downloaded $10 worth of OMWH today -- and you don't have to send me a thing. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

You ae a lovely person, but you may kind of missed my point. No biggie, I am not the best communicator and constantly offend someone or another.

Downloading the album or single multiple times may not count, unless you do it from different sites.

All was not lost. I downloaded the single for the first time from Amazon and Real, then I did a little gifting, and tossed some love to The Real Me just because.

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Atinal - you're probably right. I just wondered who it was unless it was Clay singing his own backup. Voice was so close to Clay's. I wasn't much of a fan of Jacob's but he sure did great harmony with Clay!

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Ashes -

Starts with a beat - but slow singing - takes off at Flames.

Another song that sounds familiar to me. The SO COLD is definitely from MOAM, but there are other parts that sound like different artists. I can't tell you why, but this album does weird me out a little. I like eash song but spend way too much time trying to remember where I heard it before. I need to close my eyes and not think, then I love it. This should mean it is a success because most people like familiar. I don't particularly like when they join voices because I prefer just Clay or Clay harmonizing with Clay, what can I say, his voice is the one that calls me. I am not sure what it means that his free sound s different thanother words.

I really like the ending, even the ziggy guitar.

Conclusion, not one of my favorites from this album. If you need a fast song, I prefer Falling.

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Ashes -

Starts with a beat - but slow singing - takes off at Flames.

Another song that sounds familiar to me. The SO COLD is definitely from MOAM, but there are other parts that sound like different artists. I can't tell you why, but this album does weird me out a little. I like eash song but spend way too much time trying to remember where I heard it before. I need to close my eyes and not think, then I love it. This should mean it is a success because most people like familiar. I don't particularly like when they join voices because I prefer just Clay or Clay harmonizing with Clay, what can I say, his voice is the one that calls me. I am not sure what it means that his free sound s different thanother words.

I really like the ending, even the ziggy guitar.

Conclusion, not one of my favorites from this album. If you need a fast song, I prefer Falling.

I thought this was another song that it sounded like Clay sang the harmonies/backup vocals? Anyone else?

ETA: I'm listening now, and I hear others singing back up too.

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Talked to Solo. They are in line on the sunny side and are really hot. The staff from Kimmel brought out umbrellas and want them to stay hydrated so they can enjoy the show. They did not see the bust of Clay. They are just getting their bags checked and they will call back later, with reports. They heard Ashes & OMWH.

I will offer up my entire collection of jewelry and every single shiny thing in my house including a roll of tin foil if the eHP manages to infiltrate the green room and take out Seacrest. (I'd offer up my electronics, but Scarlett would just laugh at my antiques.) If Clay's performance of Ashes gets Kyrie'd because of time limits, I'm gonna seriously hurt someone.


BWAH! And I'll help you seriously hurt someone if they Kyrie Ashes - or any song!!

I do hope nothing is made of that freakin' statue and fans kissing it and rubbing it and whatnot. I really hope Clay can be on the show without attention being called to his 'crazy' fanbase. :rolleyes:

Yeah, like that's gonna happen!

was this posted yet?

interesting explanation of the cancellation of Ferguson appearance...from the RMD guy...via CH:


Ferguson was cancelled when the performance was added to Kimmel. It seems you can appear on competing shows within a short period of time but you cannot perform on the competing shows within a short period of time.

well thats another thing I didn't know about TV scheduling...and Leno does not count apparently cos they are on different time slot. apparetnly if there was something like a 3 week gap between the two it was ok...

Well, if it were a choice of Kimmel or Ferguson I will take Kimmel any day! Maybe that's why he didn't perform on the Today show either.

And maybe they will reschedule Ferguson in 3 weeks? Surely he could interrupt his vacation for that.

And if Simon Cowell could somehow be implicated in Ryan's mysterious disappearance, all the better. You know Nigel and all the TPTB would love the press attention right before the finale. This whole caper could be advantageous all the way around...

Yeah...but Pauler would probably read off her cards about how upsetting the loss of Ryan and Simon was before they were even absconded, and the cat would be out of the bag.

Hey, I'm reading that people are hearing rehearsals of OMWH, Ashes and Falling! :clap::hubbahubba: Woot!

They're probably just playing the CD really loud!

One hour to Kimmel!!!!!

ETA: Found this picture of the Clay bust at CH. I don't think it even looks like him.


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Just showed a promo for JKL, they showed clips from 3 of Clay's previous appearances. I think the voiceover said and Clay Aiken rides in to show Jimmy some love. They were showing video of Clay on the Donkey. They also showed brief video of Clay beating Kimmel up and walking in with the heart shaped bouquet of balloons.

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From GBB at CH:

Post-show Notes from Berk

No special skits or anything.

He looked really good. Hair was straight but fluffy, not plastered down. Sage green sweater, bright yellow tie, black jeans, nicely fitted, and boots.

He told tales on the fans and pretended the fans called out his name during Spamalot.

Talked about going to Chinatown in NY and people yelling out at him in Mandarin. Went there to buy serum for his throat. Said vocal coaches take off the label and charge $200 but you can buy it there for $7.

Enjoyed being in NY. Loved the grocery stores always being open. (Usual story).

Jimmy mentioned and showed the CD several times.

Showed the bust video, but it wasn't too bad.

Sang "On My Way Here" first (short version). Great reception. Sounded wonderful. Tossed it to Clay for Ashes at the very end. (No idea if it will make it on air). Band was rocking, sounded great. They kicked ass on Ashes.

Berk cont'd.

Ryan Seacrest was dull as dishwater. She has no particular hate for the guy. He was just dull.

Ryan did not stay for Clay's segment (and the guests usually stay for the 2nd segment). Read into it what you wish.

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Sang "On My Way Here" first (short version). Great reception. Sounded wonderful. Tossed it to Clay for Ashes at the very end. (No idea if it will make it on air). Band was rocking, sounded great. They kicked ass on Ashes.

OK, there is NO excuse if they Kyrie "Ashes". They are one guest short and she was scheduled to do a mini-concert PLUS he once again did the short version of OMWH. Therefore they SHOULD have plenty of time to show ALL of Ashes.

But I bet they Kyrie it!! And if they were going to do that, then he should have done the full version of OMWH!

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if we're lucky, maybe they will cut out some of ryan so we can hear all of ashes. i'm going to have to wait for the downloads though since i'm working and it would not be good if i stayed awake until 1am. hoping for some more reports before i get to bed.

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The eHP is having a great time! Said they enjoyed the show and Ashes was right at the end so it may not be on.

Clay looked good. He joked about people texting during Spamlot!!!!!

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Ryan did not stay for Clay's segment (and the guests usually stay for the 2nd segment). Read into it what you wish.

I wouldn't read anything into it. Didn't I read that they moved the taping up to 5:15 because of a scheduling conflict? Maybe it was Ryan who had the scheduling conflict and that's why he left early. People seem to conspiracy in everything!

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Ryan did not stay for Clay's segment (and the guests usually stay for the 2nd segment). Read into it what you wish.

I wouldn't read anything into it. Didn't I read that they moved the taping up to 5:15 because of a scheduling conflict? Maybe it was Ryan who had the scheduling conflict and that's why he left early. People seem to conspiracy in everything!

Ryan goes by a tight schedule! I heard everything is on a grid! It probably just didn't fit in. No big whup!

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I kind of went "Huh?" when I read this at CV:

Yeah, Ashes would have brought in some of the younger fans. It's a great song, as is Falling. I do like OMWH, but it's very much a Clay Aiken song. No surprise there.

Is there something wrong with being a Clay Aiken song? I mean, isn't it Clay Aiken singing? Aren't we fans of Clay Aiken?

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I kind of went "Huh?" when I read this at CV:

Yeah, Ashes would have brought in some of the younger fans. It's a great song, as is Falling. I do like OMWH, but it's very much a Clay Aiken song. No surprise there.

Is there something wrong with being a Clay Aiken song? I mean, isn't it Clay Aiken singing? Aren't we fans of Clay Aiken?

D101!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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I kind of went "Huh?" when I read this at CV:

Yeah, Ashes would have brought in some of the younger fans. It's a great song, as is Falling. I do like OMWH, but it's very much a Clay Aiken song. No surprise there.

Is there something wrong with being a Clay Aiken song? I mean, isn't it Clay Aiken singing? Aren't we fans of Clay Aiken?

I don't think so -- but since some people seem to think that, since Kipper said he'd help people say "THAT'S Clay Aiken?," Clay has to follow through with that "promise." Some fans want him to "shock" people. Eh. I personaly am glad he's singing OMWH -- it's his single, damn it.

CG, I haven't agreed with you much today, but on this, ITA.

I'm looking forward to all this, even the fans. Clay is to be enjoyed and savored, and I'm still on the first lick.

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