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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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Sad to see about the Ferguson cancellation; of course the doom and gloomers are out in full force, predicting the end of Clay's career and the RCA hate is rearing its ugly head again.

Of course it always the same people; they are so predictable...just may need to sit on my hands for awhile.

Can't wait to see Kimmel tonight; bet it is going to be a hoot and half!


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Back from Lake Tahoe. It was in the 80's there and the lake was stunning.

Been catching up. Forget who said what or whatever. I guess I think of Clay now as more of a performer than just a singer. I think EVEN if this CD doesn't sell well it won't be the end of his career. I think Clay is stubborn and wants to do things his way. I admire that in him. BUT...this CD clearly was made for his fans and I.LOVE.IT. Maybe he needs to rethink his song choices next time. I don't know. I think the promotion has been very good. I also think that Clay has enough juice in the industry that he'll not be written off. Yes there will be the asshats out there who will just love to slam him some more (and who are probably partly responsible for poor sales with their crappy reviews who didn't like the song choice and had alot to say about Clay's perceived lifestyle or his hairdo) but MOST of them praised his voice and just felt he hadn't found his niche yet. I'm paraphrasing. That leads me to continue to believe that Clay DOES have a great career as a recording artist......just needs to maybe find the right mix. OR maybe needs to stay out of the tabloids for a year. OR maybe needs to be more open again - All of this is just conjecture on my part and is in no way critical of what he's done so far. I'm just saying that if this formula didn't work I think Clay will find another formula. Or he'll continue to do things the way he wants to do them, make a CD every other year or so, tour and do other things in the industry.

By no means is he just going away. I think this CD has given him more credibility than maybe we realize...and maybe the sales of it aren't the indicator!!! Time will tell.

I do feel bad for anyone who is feeling bad about his career though. I think we just have to sit back and watch!!!!! I have faith in Clay.


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And now for some not-so-good news from CV:

Just got this in an email:

Please be aware that Clay Aiken’s appearance on May 19th at The Late Late Show has been cancelled.


Wonder why?

Wasn't he supposed to be on ET and the Insider too and never was?

Well, we better really, really enjoy Kimmel because it looks like it may be a long time before we see Clay again!

Wonder what his hair color will be next time we do??

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You mean you see my old avi, not the new one? Weird indeed.

Well I did, but now hawt California model Clay is showin' up again! :hubbahubba:

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You mean you see my old avi, not the new one? Weird indeed.

Well I did, but now hawt California model Clay is showin' up! :hubbahubba:

Oh good. Would you like to see him again? :wub:

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You mean you see my old avi, not the new one? Weird indeed.

Well I did, but now hawt California model Clay is showin' up! :hubbahubba:

Oh good. Would you like to see him again? :wub:

Multiples are definitely a good thing. :27:

Broadway.com voting now open!

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From GBB at CH:

Got a call from Berkeley in line at Kimmel. There are 60 or so people in line. They saw a grand piano being take in a little while ago. A guy came out and looked at the line in amazement and said, "You guys are here EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Clay's here. We had Janet Jackson and nobody was here!" He was blown away and laughing.

:clap: Call me an OTT fan if you will, but I LOVE this! :clap:

You mean you see my old avi, not the new one? Weird indeed.

Well I did, but now hawt California model Clay is showin' up! :hubbahubba:

Oh good. Would you like to see him again? :wub:

LOVE to see him again! :hubbahubba: That is one beee-yoo-tiful avi!

I see the broadway awards site is back again...hmmm...wonder if those us of who voted early need to do it again? :whistling-1:

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EEEEEEEEEEEEWwwwwww - I ventured to another board. Slap me. Now it's all Clive's fault again. Now the CD was released too soon. Now Clay isn't working hard enough. GAG me with a sharp edged spoon! Maybe the general public just does not like this CD. Hard to believe, because I love it so much, but maybe, just maybe......there are other reasons besides the evil Clive and the evil RCA for a CD not selling platinum the first week. And I don't believe it's all the fault of no radio play!!!! I just don't believe that. Yes, radio play would be very, very helpful...but Clay has been on TV and in how many radio interviews??? Not to mention blurbs in magazines, newspapers, etc. It's really no secret that he has a new CD out!

There is only so much I can do as a fan. I've downloaded the single 3 times - two different IP addresses and email names and twice from the same one (not knowing it didn't count!) I've bought coughmanycough CDs (online and in stores) plus everything that had a bonus. That is ALL I can do! I don't listen to the radio EVER unless there is a football or baseball game on so I'm not going to call a radio station. If he tours and if it's financially feasible I will be there!!!

It is what it is!!!! Clay's career is NOT over. Clay will not stop recording CDs. We won't have to wait until October to see or hear from him again. I just have to believe!!!

Sometimes I think this fandom is its own worst enemy! I think the negativity and the constant angsting just sucks the life out of whatever joy Clay has given me/us in the past 4 months......

ETA: Before anyone takes my comments personally, I am speaking in generalities. Some of the other boards have gone ballistic today and it just is getting to me.

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CG...I totally respect that this is how you view the situation and I am not here to argue or try to change your mind. I just have a bone to pick cos when you said these are FACTS...I don;t see any objective facts in your posts except for yeah...Clay is lacking in cool factor and the numbers you quoted. But a lot of your posts are assumptions or extrapolations at best.

Its HOT AC radio that does not play a song until its a hit in other formats. I think that is why they are focusing OMWH on AC radio. IT TAKES TIME for a hit to build on AC unless you are a format artist like Groban, Kelly or Buble. Their songs get added to most stations as soon as they come out. But it is possible to build an audience it just takes time because AC don;t do a lot of spins cos most stations have a no repeat policy. So if the chart is based on spins it could be a slow climb up that chart.I think its possible for the single to go up faster if some more big AC stations will add him. I think that is why they were comfortable in going for a break this summer cos they are letting OMWH grow organically in radio. He already explained this on his blog so right now we just have to be patient so I don't think a slow build up is out of the question.

I think all TC have to do at this point is try and try again if OMWH does not sell the CD. The fact that RCA said this is radio firendly tells me a lot and that they will probably try to bring out more than one single. There have been a lot of cases where a resurgence of sales happen when the second or third single comes out. If it doesn't...if he sells 250K or less...I still don't think he will just go off into the sunset or that RCA will drop him. He is still selling relatively well with a relatively small promo budget.

Right now...I just want to enjoy Clay. I am not concerned and I don;t think I have to be cos as other have stated...e is very versatile, he is not just a recording artist he is an entertainer...he has a true talent to rely on...he is not a gimmick... He also still has a high TVQ. You have some of the top TV hosts fawning over him. . He will always have an audience to listen to him.He may not become a huge superstar...but he will be a career artist if he wants that.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEWwwwwww - I ventured to another board. Slap me. Now it's all Clive's fault again. Now the CD was released too soon. Now Clay isn't working hard enough. GAG me with a sharp edged spoon! Maybe the general public just does not like this CD. Hard to believe, because I love it so much, but maybe, just maybe......there are other reasons besides the evil Clive and the evil RCA for a CD not selling platinum the first week. And I don't believe it's all the fault of no radio play!!!! I just don't believe that. Yes, radio play would be very, very helpful...but Clay has been on TV and in how many radio interviews??? Not to mention blurbs in magazines, newspapers, etc. It's really no secret that he has a new CD out!

There is only so much I can do as a fan. I've downloaded the single 3 times - two different IP addresses and email names and twice from the same one (not knowing it didn't count!) I've bought coughmanycough CDs (online and in stores) plus everything that had a bonus. That is ALL I can do! I don't listen to the radio EVER unless there is a football or baseball game on so I'm not going to call a radio station. If he tours and if it's financially feasible I will be there!!!

It is what it is!!!! Clay's career is NOT over. Clay will not stop recording CDs. We won't have to wait until October to see or hear from him again. I just have to believe!!!

Sometimes I think this fandom is its own worst enemy! I think the negativity and the constant angsting just sucks the life out of whatever joy Clay has given me/us in the past 4 months......

ETA: Before anyone takes my comments personally, I am speaking in generalities. Some of the other boards have gone ballistic today and it just is getting to me.

I hear you...I don't even want to be around next week when the numbers come in. I am a fan, I don't work for Clay or TC; I have done what I can for this CD and that is all I can do...this is a fandom, not a job. It is up to Clay and his team to promote this CD and I think they will...I am not giving up on this CD or Clay. He will have a career way beyond being a "pop/rock star"...he is just too talented not to.


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Sometimes I think this fandom is its own worst enemy! I think the negativity and the constant angsting just sucks the life out of whatever joy Clay has given me/us in the past 4 months......

ETA: Before anyone takes my comments personally, I am speaking in generalities. Some of the other boards have gone ballistic today and it just is getting to me.

I hear you...I don't even want to be around next week when the numbers come in. I am a fan, I don't work for Clay or TC; I have done what I can for this CD and that is all I can do...this is a fandom, not a job. It is up to Clay and his team to promote this CD and I think they will...I am not giving up on this CD or Clay. He will have a career way beyond being a "pop/rock star"...he is just too talented not to.

I'm with both of you. I'm here to enjoy being a fan. Hopefully the mood here will stay conducive to that. During the worst of the ATDW stuff, FCA became a refuge. And no, I'm not telling anyone what to post or how to feel. If things get bad I will just back away from the boards for a while. I certainly don't find myself surfing like I used to, it's just not worth it. Yes, tonight may be the last live appearance for a while. But we've been through droughts before, and unlike then, this time we know there will be a tour, we just don't know exactly when. But Clay's given us a wonderful 4 months and it's time for him to have a break. I wish him health and happiness and a nice rest. He'll be back before "we" know it!

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I understand no one likes to think about the negative so I won't bring it up again. I stand by my beliefs and I stand by what I see as facts and I could sit down and go over every word I posted to show which were the facts I was referencing but as Clay once said its not worth my time.

It will be what it will be. I don't have the answers to how to make it better but I do believe Clay has more of an uphill climb and more barriers to break down than a lot of others in the music business. I believe there are still some who don't take him seriously and won't even give him a chance.

And I do believe if TC wants this CD to develop legs they have to do more than sit back and hope eventually radio will play one of his songs.

And I am not convinced they won't do something more.

And while I do believe getting the CD out so soon after Spamalot and there by inhibiting his ability to do pre-drop promotion and the ability to have booked more singing appearances (such as a GMA Bryant Park concert date) has hurt him I don't think that alone is the problem.

And I sure as hell don't see how any of this is RCA's fault! It sure seemed to me as if it was Clay who was bound and determined to get this CD out May 6th! Record labels almost seem to expect delays so I doubt they were holding him firm to that date. Plus, and I used to say this in the world that was the ATDW conspiracies - the label's singular purpose is to make money and if they thought releasing it without any real per-drop publicity would badly hurt the chances of making money I would bet they would have delayed the release even if the CD was ready!

The thing is, I think this fandom NEEDS to blame someone and it sure as hell can't be Clay so let's blame RCA and Clive!

There is a problem with Clay that goes beyond anything RCA or Clive or even TC can seem to solve. For whatever reason its hard to get the non-fans and radio folk to care about him and his music. No one seems to be able to crack that nut and I believe until someone figures that mystery out Clay is going to have a very hard time in this aspect of his multi-faceted career.

And that is my last word on the subject. Although I reserve the right to change my mind.

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Its HOT AC radio that does not play a song until its a hit in other formats. I think that is why they are focusing OMWH on AC radio. IT TAKES TIME for a hit to build on AC unless you are a format artist like Groban, Kelly or Buble. Their songs get added to most stations as soon as they come out. But it is possible to build an audience it just takes time because AC don;t do a lot of spins cos most stations have a no repeat policy. So if the chart is based on spins it could be a slow climb up that chart.I think its possible for the single to go up faster if some more big AC stations will add him. I think that is why they were comfortable in going for a break this summer cos they are letting OMWH grow organically in radio. He already explained this on his blog so right now we just have to be patient so I don't think a slow build up is out of the question.

I hope you guys will forgive me, because I've had limited time lately to read through everything. I just wanted to comment on what Ansa said here. Starting back with ATDW I've emailed a bit with my local AC station's PD. He's a nice guy. Been willing to play Clay, and was never negative about any and all questions or requests...but what I did learn over time is that AC does move at it's own pace...and that is slow. With OMWH I waited a week, didn't hear anything on the radio, (I listen to and from work usually) and decided this last Tues. to send a request. The reply simply stated that he hadn't even had a chance to listen to it yet, but he would. This station has Clay on it's homepage with the On Demand CD to play. The one day, Thurs. I wasn't tuned in, the morning DJs played OMWH as this weeks 'Smash or Trash.' I was pretty happy to hear it got all 'smash' comments from the listening audience. I emailed him yesterday to say, I didn't know if he was responsible for the play, but that it was nice. He came back with 'it was the DJs choice', but he'd be glad to take credit. That told me, #1. the DJs were already listening and interested in this album, and #2 the PD seemed happy about that fact.

I think it will take awhile to build. Probably about the time Clay is ready for the second round of promotion, this album will be on everyone's radar. I think we're going to have to be something we have never been very good at this time around...patient.

ooohh...CG, I think so too...

And I am not convinced they won't do something more.
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I have always gone on the theory that there is a heck a lot more that we don't know than what we do and unless you are sitting in on meetings with RCA or Team Clay we have no idea what they are doing or not doing to promote this CD and frankly I have had my fill of fan experts who seem to think they know better than Clay or Team Clay how to run his career. It is his career...he is a very smart man and I believe that he knows exactly what he needs to do to be successful in it without the fans telling him what he should and shouldn't be doing.

And yes, I do think there are some fans who embrace blaming Clive/RCA because they can't blame Clay or do not want to think that he has made some bad decisions and I am not saying he hasn't...he probably has. But I think after 5 years, he is probably getting real tired of standing on that pedestal.

Clay did some interviews in the past couple of weeks and I read some posts where fans felt like the interviewer had to misquote him or has an agenda because the interview didn't sound like Clay...it made me laugh because that always comes up whenever Clay says things that fans don't want to believe he would say or because it doesn't jive with their version of Clay as this sweet, southern boy...again take him off the damn pedestal and see him for who he is...a human being with faults and foibles like the rest of us.

There is that one line in The Real Me and forgive me for not knowing it exactly, but it says something to the effect of "how much do I have to give before I am empty" and I always think of the fans at that line...seems he gives and gives and it is just never enough for some fans.

Sorry for the rant...needed to get it off my chest.


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Unless there is more to the story than we know - and I have to believe there is - if this CD sells 250K I would be shocked. Even Taylor Hicks - who is generally considered having failed - sold 700K of his album!

Taylor Hicks was considered a failure because he was the first Idol winner not to sell over a million copies of his first, post Idol album.

Hicks didn't sell well for his debut, and didn't sell-out his tour. But, although Jordin is only around 700,000+ for her first effort, I think she'll be around longer than Hicks. I think Blake's a goner.

I think the story hasn't been written yet. It's only been a week. If there is no other plan then there's nothing we can do about it. I just don't worry about it, not really hide my head in the sand. I threw my ideas out there but they are meaningless as I'm just somebody in idaho sitting behind a computer heee. Have we given up on radio already? It's just begun and is moving forward. Once the first single stalls and there is no second one THEN I'll say ..well that's radio play. Next! I guess for me, there are still other options for Clay, this album, or other things that will keep him in the entertainment business.

As for Gavin, my only point was that record companies can't take radio play or public perception to the bank. And what he did on his last album doesn't mean he'll do the same for this one.

As for Taylor, I can't compare his first post AI album to Clay's current. What will HE sell on his 4th album or even his next.

ETA: There's a lot of room between double platinum and getting out of the business. I just think Clay will always pick himself up and keep on going.

I think the RCA Press Release about dominating the Top 10, "led by Clay Aiken", means RCA is more than happy to have that hoss in the stable. I sooo do not worry, because, if the music business goes completely bust tomorrow and all the artists are on their own to record, produce and distribute their own music, whether hard-copies or digitals, Clay would make it better than most. He is an entertainer -- a recording artist, a concert artist, a Broadway star, a comedian .... I'm toying with the idea of being just a "lurky loo" for a while. If the doom and gloom is here -- where fans of Clay come to play -- I can only imagine what it's like "on the outside." OMWH has been out for exactly 10 days. Kimmel is tonight. Rachel and Clay were great today. I can't stand the whining and worry -- not right now anyway. Tolerant as I am, I can't tolerate the overwrought concern and consternation right now, because I LOVE this CD and I wake up every mornng with one of the songs in my head ... and this morning it was The Real Me. He must have been singing to me in my sleep, because I woke up mid-song. Yesterday it was Falling. My head and heart are full and heavy with serious love for how Clay sings these songs -- and the arrangements are fantastic. I'm not much of a David Foster fan from waaaay back -- pre-Clay -- but I love the piano on The Real Me. David did a fantastic job on that accompaniment (but maybe because Kipper was producing?)

If I had my preference of (1) Clay puts out a throwaway CD that has catchy pop tunes and sells 2 millions copies the first year and in ten years nobody would be caught dead listening to it (i.e., most of the big multi-million sellers today), or (2) Clay puts out an album that stands the test of time and is a treasure forever but doesn't go platinum for years ... I'd pick (2) anyday.

And Play, in your honor I downloaded $10 worth of OMWH today -- and you don't have to send me a thing. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Damn, why does this board break for me so often,. Well the bar hopping was a bust, seems they advertise but don't carry the mag. I called Fear and she called the publisher and asked for the distribution in my town (while I was stuck behind at least 4 accidents on the only road I could take back to get home (old environmental rule) - I took a couple of copies, but the cover looked so pretty, I wanted to leave more for the njus. I will go out tomorrow and look at the other stores.

Downloading the OMWH single.

It can help because the downloads are counted as spins on the billboard chart (I am pretty sure about this even though no one will back me up) and by climbing the chart and at least not falling, it will get the single more acceptance to the radio.

Now, I would like this to be a controlled thing, because, obviously, I can't download the song a second time and have it count, so a controlled way of having people download - maybe alphabetical, would be a good idea. I think a month of downloads would be enough to see if it works. If it is not heard, what good does it do? After TV goes into respite, Radio may be all we have.

I do think that it is the label's job to promote, but I think it is a fans job to show interest. YOu can or can't as you wish, but if no fans show interest, there won't be an artist for very long. It would be like not going to concerts if you can't sit up front.

I am sure the label has seriously cut the budget this time. I do not see the ads on TV like I did for ATDW and I believe that helped sales, I must have seen TV ads 100 times, I don't know what deal with the devil Clay made this time, counting on his fans, but I do believe that lots of people were driven from the boards in the past angst and don't even know about the album.

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I think the RCA Press Release about dominating the Top 10, "led by Clay Aiken", means RCA is more than happy to have that hoss in the stable. I sooo do not worry, because, if the music business goes completely bust tomorrow and all the artists are on their own to record, produce and distribute their own music, whether hard-copies or digitals, Clay would make it better than most. He is an entertainer -- a recording artist, a concert artist, a Broadway star, a comedian .... I'm toying with the idea of being just a "lurky loo" for a while. If the doom and gloom is here -- where fans of Clay come to play -- I can only imagine what it's like "on the outside." OMWH has been out for exactly 10 days. Kimmel is tonight. Rachel and Clay were great today. I can't stand the whining and worry -- not right now anyway. Tolerant as I am, I can't tolerate must more concern and consternation right now, because I LOVE this CD and I wake up every mornng with one of the songs in my head ... and this morning it was The Real Me. He must have been singing to me in my sleep, because I woke up mid-song. Yesterday it was Falling. My head and heart are full and heavy with serious love for how Clay sings these songs -- and the arrangements are fantastic. I'm not much of a David Foster fan from waaaay back -- pre-Clay -- but I love the piano on The Real Me. David did a fantastic job on that accompaniment (but maybe because Kipper was producing?)

If I had my preference of (1) Clay puts out a throwaway CD that has catchy pop tunes and sells 2 millions copies the first year and in ten years nobody would be caught dead listening to it, or (2) Clay puts out an album that stands the test of time and is a treasure forever but doesn't go platinum for years ... I'd pick (2) anyday.


I'm not sure I've read a word on the boards about how CUTE Clay was on Rachel Ray this morning--he was a treasure. I love that man.

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I understand no one likes to think about the negative so I won't bring it up again.

For me, it is NOT that I don't like to think about the negative - it is just that I do not SEE the negative. I am not in any sort of odd denial. I see the same facts and make different conclusions, is all.

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Kim - I am RIGHT THERE with you. The reason I love The Real Me probably more than any of the other new songs is because I just feel like sometimes it's so personal and autobiographical to Clay!

I just got an email from a very, very dear friend of mine who also happens to be Canadian. That is a salient point because were it not for Clay, I would never have known this person. She has enriched my life immeasureably and she says I have done the same for her. But I digress! One of the comments she made was to the effect that it is what it is and the whole album is amazing. It's pure Clay...and if the fans aren't happy with it, then they're backing the wrong horse, because this is who he is, in my opinion. I also think that Team Clay or the RCA publicists or whomever you want to throw in the mix take not a little bit of direction from the man himself!!! I was reminded recently by someone on this board that TC is not who does the promo for this CD. So don't blame them!!! Clay himself said that RCA is doing everything they possibly can to promote this CD. To me that means ALOT of entertainment industry brain power and experience!!!! So don't blame them! And why does there have to be blame anywhere? He made a CD. He handpicked the songs. He handpicked the producer. He had input into everything from the beginning to now. He probably even had input to the release date. As I said in an earlier post - maybe only his fans are going to love this CD. Or maybe it needs to grow legs and burn in a bit. But I am NOT giving up on him.

In fact, I just saw his sweet self on Rachel Ray and he was not only adorable and witty, he was intelligent and caring when speaking about UNICEF. He's the real deal. He's the whole package. Throw in a voice blessed by the angels and this man has a looooong career ahead of him. Maybe he still has "things" to overcome but I am just confident beyond comprehension that he will do it!!!!

CG - I really am sorry you're unhappy about the situation and the decisions that have been made. But like my friend said - we're seeing and hearing CLAY and that's who we've chosen to support.

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There is that one line in The Real Me and forgive me for not knowing it exactly, but it says something to the effect of "how much do I have to give before I am empty" and I always think of the fans at that line...seems he gives and gives and it is just never enough for some fans.

aikim, I have to say that when I heard this part of the song, I thought of two things:

1. the media---the relentless pursuit (it seems) to find SOMEthing scandalous about him or his life

2. his fans---the relentless pursuit (it seems) to second guess him or his choices; to preempt career decisions; to wish for something other/more than...

And I am convinced that there is at least SOME truth in both of those assumptions of mine.

It's tough for me sometimes to have a 'real' perspective of Clay's popularity or importance because he is so relevant to ME...and I spend the majority of my time in 'his' world when I'm not with my immediate family. Conversations revolve often around his latest appearance, his upcoming appearance, something someone read or saw or heard about him, etc. So I'm the last person to claim a right to determine just how truly pervasive Clay Aiken is in the scheme of things.

Yet I believe that my own skewed perspective is still more 'real' than some others who might be investing even more of their time or thoughts in Clay---in his business or in his personal life in any number of ways---and this over-investment, IMO, leads to behavior that runs the gamut from pomposity or self-importance to true and tragic delusion.

I just know that whenever Clay's name comes up outside my 'little world' of Clay fan conversations, the impression I get from the 'others' (heh) is mild interest or recollection of 'that kid with the big voice in AI' or (in bad instances) some shitty reference to tabloid or E! or Insider soundbites. More times than not, they'll concede that his voice is golden, but there's usually a qualifier attached--"but it's just not my kind of music" or "what ever happened to" or--from younger people like my kids---eyerolls or some type of disdainful dismissive gesture or comment.

Even with this 'reality', Clay is successful. He makes money and he has options and opportunities to express his creativity and talent and character through so many outlets of HIS CHOICE--UNICEF, BAF, tv shows, Broadway, concerts, GALAs---He's SUCCESSFUL! And finally he seems to really, really be happy with his life. He seems to have found a way to 'deal' with shit and the excesses inherent in the entertainment business---both the gushing OTT adoration and the vile slander---and to find a balance for himself. And he's still SUCCESSFUL doing this!

So I just can't and won't write him off. Even if OMWH never reaches some gold or platinum or whatever status...I just don't believe he'll disappear. He's just too much. He has too much to offer this crazy world. I just can't believe he'd be wasted in obscurity. Selfishly, I won't seriously consider it.

ETA: Yikes...while I was composing this tome, I see others have basically already said what I did...sorry for being redundant!

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And Play, in your honor I downloaded $10 worth of OMWH today -- and you don't have to send me a thing. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

You ae a lovely person, but you may kind of missed my point. No biggie, I am not the best communicator and constantly offend someone or another.

Downloading the album or single multiple times may not count, unless you do it from different sites.

The thing the people who are pushing for downloading ashes now to "force" RCA to put it out as a single is that they can't download it again, if it is selected as a single. The point is to just download the single OMWH, nothing else. maybe gift it to a few people who MUST then download, gifting to someone who does not download does not count.

Let me put in a good word for Amazon over Itunes.

1) I can only get Itunes to work on one computer, it totally destroys my other computers with all browsers, it is a demanding pig.

2) it puts spyware on your computer.

3) It puts out a lower quality MP3 than Amazon.

I was also wrong about Amazon, you do not have to install their downloader, you can just download it to any place on your computer without using their software to do playlsts, etc.

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Wow, some really great posts in the last few minutes, since I logged off to watch my local broadcast of Rachael Ray. Love that many people in Canada will get to see this (it was on a major Toronto channel). Love the intro to the piece with bits of the Invisible video and Unicef footage. Love the look Clay sported. Love the way Rachael Ray really seemed comfortable interviewing him. Loved his wit, and his cracking on his looks and his accent. Loved everything about it. :wub:

play, it frustrates me to no end that I can't help from Canada. :( But crimsonice is heading to NC for the weekend, so maybe I can convince her to do it for me while she is there! :)

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There is that one line in The Real Me and forgive me for not knowing it exactly, but it says something to the effect of "how much do I have to give before I am empty" and I always think of the fans at that line...seems he gives and gives and it is just never enough for some fans.

aikim, I have to say that when I heard this part of the song, I thought of two things:

1. the media---the relentless pursuit (it seems) to find SOMEthing scandalous about him or his life

2. his fans---the relentless pursuit (it seems) to second guess him or his choices; to preempt career decisions; to wish for something other/more than...

And I am convinced that there is at least SOME truth in both of those assumptions of mine.

It seems we're not done sharing a brain yet today, muski - be afraid! Be verra verra afraid! :lol: I also think of exactly these two things whenever I hear that line. I also agree with pretty much the rest of your post. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I may try gifting the OMWH single to some people this weekend. I tried with AIW at Christmas and I don't think it was very successful... :( For whatever reason - lack of know how, laziness, forgetfullness - several people never downloaded.

Off to download Rachael Ray. My mom called me at work this afternoon after it had been on in her area. She said it was great! She was going online to see his question & answer video. :D

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CG, I do agree with several things in your post or at least understand where you are coming from. I think a lot of the problem is the frustration with how long it takes. How long does clay have to pay his dues, how long before he gets a break on radio, etc. Sometimes it does seem like he's had a harder time than a lot of others because there are so many who would like to bring him down. But I think thats part of the reason he will be around a long time, because he arouses a lot of passion in people, and unfortunately some of it is negative. How many other people would get so much attention for putting their foot on someone's armrest? Too bad they couldn't spend more time on the good stuff, like the crowds he drew at Spamalot or his work for Unicef or BAF.

Another problem is that we do have such limited information. We don't know what plans are in the works or if radio play will build, and I do believe radio play is important, or at least some kind of continuous exposure, like a tv show or commercial. It won't guarantee success, as we have seen with Kim Locke or some of the others, but for someone with Clay's talent, it would definitely help. This is a beautiful cd, and I so want others to hear it, and sometimes I just want to beat some of these radio station pd's and dj's over the head with a big stick. As much as I want radio play though, I'm with Clay in that I don't think the ends justify the means. I don't think Clay wants to be pulled down into the muck of this business, and I really respect him for that.

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