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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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Well..... here is a suggestion, maybe a contest to come up with various videos for Clay's songs on the album.

you mention people waltzing around Clay singing Sacrificial love, and maybe awoman scanning the floor and changing partners.

Or maybe she's staying with her partner - but her eyes don't.

And he can't help but see it.


Sounds like concepts for montage makers that are familiar with soap operas or some tv shows with that type of conflict in them.

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I have no idea about youtube at the moment since I am still on temp dial-up and I'm afraid to try. Everytime I've tried to download a picture, my computer makes a nasty noise at me. And thank everyone for explaining how to make my computer talk Clay. Does anyone here remember the link or site that someone previously mentioned with more Clay soundbites?

I like seeing all the emoticons on the board but I've never been one to use them, although I am starting to use them with some of my emails. I don't think that I will ever take canfly's title of queen of the emoticons though. She loves her some emoticons.

I was reading the blog request thread at the OFC. Most people are being pretty respectful in there. I gotta admit I would love a blog, even if its to say bite me, which I would, but only if he'd let me have my way with him. With Clay, I would have no problem sharing him with whoever else, or is that whomever?

Would love to see him or one of his songs on SYTYCD. Although Nigel seems to place Clay in that same box that Simon has, at least, for the most part he has been complimentary and I don't see that jealousy that I see in Simon.

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Ok guys, I'm starting to get a complex. I don't post all day and come back to 2 pages of posts, then I post and nothing. Well, I"ll just have to talk to myself then. I was checking out some different boards and on CH I saw that Clay is now up to 28 on that mediabase thing. And they were also discussing an article where David Foster said the same thing about Josh Grobin, about staying in your own lane, because if he veers to far out then he is competing with everyone else but if he stays in his lane then he is competing with no one. In that way, it seems even more limiting to Josh than Clay. I think Clay is more of a risk taker, not that I know Josh at all. It just seems like Clay has done more to stretch himself in so many different ways and areas than Josh has.

On the CB, they have a thread remembering different exciting times like the dotcert and the shadow thread. I wasn't posting at that time but I fondly remember those threads and the excitement. Can't wait to see what he brings us next. May be a little red haired baby boy or girl, but it's sure to be exciting.

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Just wanted to say "Hi"; poured rain while were Downtown today, but fortunately we had just ducked into a Subways to get lunch, when it started; it was kind of fun sitting and eating our sandwiches and watching everyone else trying to run for cover.

Now the sun is shining and it is getting pretty humid out.

My garden looks so pretty, my roses are all in bloom; the daylilies are starting to open up and I think my peony bush should bloom soon.


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The shadow did have to do with the Rolling Stone cover. Some people got out the magnifying glasses. I just waited for people to bring me the evidence. It's that indentation that leads down to the family jewels. Lovely, lovely thoughts running through my head right now. Brings back memories.

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Ahh. The Treasure Trail!

The Trummy!


Is that also known as the Cinnamon Trail?

I think those 2 are the same, but the shadow was the identations on either side of the trail.

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Ahh. The Treasure Trail!

The Trummy!


Is that also known as the Cinnamon Trail?

I think those 2 are the same, but the shadow was the identations on either side of the trail.

I've heard them referred to as "on ramps" :cryingwlaughter:

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Thanks for the wallpapers, ldyj. :)

It's awfully slooooooow tonight. How about something CUTE from last summer?




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I like seeing all the emoticons on the board but I've never been one to use them, although I am starting to use them with some of my emails. I don't think that I will ever take canfly's title of queen of the emoticons though. She loves her some emoticons.
Yes, I loves me some emotes but I'm definitely not queen of the emoticons. Not by a long shot! Not even close. For every emote that I have, Rubymoon has like 10 to 20, lol.

Sorry...ain't got no new news, so...




ETA, Cotton's "news" is verra nice indeed!

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I'm hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooome! Didn't think I'd get here until tomorrow but all of our ladies left tonite after dinner. I helped clean the cabin and fled!! Tahoe is only a little over an hour away so it wasn't any big deal driving home.

Read quickly through the pages I've missed. Other than the CNN interview (love Clay in a sweater and tie.....) doesn't seem like much is new.

It was actually kind of nice being away from "Clay news" for 4 days. I'm not sure where I am with all of this other than a hell of alot saner than I was last week at this time.

Anyway - just wanted to say "hey!"

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Just read some more and read some emails. Honestly, I'm having a REAL problem with people saying Clay has deceived them, misrepresented himself, etc. The "I'll only listen to his CDs - don't care about the man anymore" or "came for the voice, stayed for the song" variations make me sick. You'd think he murdered someone. I think it proves that he's kept enough of himself private that we really don't KNOW the man as much as some thought they did. So be it!!! I'm still in the "wish it were someone younger and he was marrying her" camp and it was going to be a traditional family - IIT - but my feelings for him havent' changed one eensy bit. He gets to choose how he wants to have children - not me! IIT. And if it isn't true I hope some in his fandom have learned a valuable lesson or two....or three or more. Wait. Three. Not two, not four...and five is (can't think of the word!) tm Brother Maynard.

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Just read some more and read some emails. Honestly, I'm having a REAL problem with people saying Clay has deceived them, misrepresented himself, etc. The "I'll only listen to his CDs - don't care about the man anymore" or "came for the voice, stayed for the song" variations make me sick. You'd think he murdered someone. I think it proves that he's kept enough of himself private that we really don't KNOW the man as much as some thought they did. So be it!!! I'm still in the "wish it were someone younger and he was marrying her" camp and it was going to be a traditional family - IIT - but my feelings for him havent' changed one eensy bit. He gets to choose how he wants to have children - not me! IIT. And if it isn't true I hope some in his fandom have learned a valuable lesson or two....or three or more. Wait. Three. Not two, not four...and five is (can't think of the word!) tm Brother Maynard.
Five is right out! (cut-and-paste isn't my friend)

The just re-affirms for me WHY Clay isn't saying anything. He's stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn and he's said that he's not going to talk about his private life, so he's not going to comment, he's just not.

I dunno - to me, "stubborn" implies someone is not doing something they SHOULD do. I don't think Clay is stubborn, I think he is right and people are wrong to ask!

Sounds like Clay is right about the radio play, too! Slow and steady, and then who knows what the effect has been of some fans pushing Ashes, instead.

Some day when Clay is appearing here near Tampa, y'all can all come over and party with my Scarlett statue. promise to spiff her up for the occasion! Actually, we do put string lights on her and have baby spotlights on her at night; she looks awesome with jewelry and a hat, too!

A statue with our kind of bling, yesss!

We probably won't wait until a Clay appearance in Tampa if that's ok with you...

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While sitting all day watching softball, I heard from two softball moms who know I love Clay.

1. "What's this I hear about Clay having a baby?" ----standard reply from me (story broken by tabloid, no official comment yet from either Clay or Jaymes, etc.) She read it in People.

2. "I saw Clay Aiken is getting a baby?" Same reply. She saw it on the National Enquirer cover while in the supermarket line.

They asked some questions and I told them who Jaymes is. The person who saw it in People was surprised when I told her that there's really been no confirmation of the tabloid/entertainment stories before they printed it. "They're usually pretty good about that kind of stuff, I thought."

The person who saw the NE cover was mostly bowled away by Jaymes' age. She said, "I'm 52 and I would never consider having a baby now!"

But other than surprise and curiosity, nothing else. My good buddy who's HAWT for the man, like I am, just said, "God, he's looking good lately. I love the hair! OMG! And his HANDS! God, they're so big!" (She watched my Leno couch time clip on my iPod.) Then, of course, she and I just exchanged some nudgenudgewinkwink looks and went back to our individual fantasies. She's especially jealous of Jaymes, if it's true, because she's only 44 and thinks he should've picked her instead! :cryingwlaughter:

I've really come to believe that we will NOT hear from either Clay or Jaymes. The baby will be born and then maybe something will be announced about the father. WHo knows. I'm just waiting for some big career news. From my latest understanding, that hint that Faye allegedly made on the cruise in May about something exciting happening in summer that would change his life was career related...

Oooh....I wonder if maybe he'll have a summer talk show? Hee! Jimmy Kimmel has a summer talk show...maybe Clay will be co-host! Or like an Ed McMahon to Johnny Carson! Or....maybe he'll have a variety show and will sing to us every week! :clap: (and then tour in the fall)

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