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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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54 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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OK... if IIF = If It's True

Would/could it naturally follow that IIU = If It's Untrue ??

Someone please say yay or nay so that I can update the acronym Glossary in one fell swoop

IIT = If it's true

IIU = If If um

Well, it would appear that we have an answer!


Where's the glossary, lol?

I'm in charge of the acronyms thread at the Shed. Man. People make up new ones every day, lol.

QUOTE(jmh123 @ Jun 6 2008, 11:45 PM)

It's 100 degrees here, in June. Early June. A little too much summer for me.

You obviously don`t live in Canada. We have to relish every.single.summerlike.day. They disappear all too soon.

No "we" don't. "We" hates the summer temps and wishes Spring and early fall could last longer. I was quite happy with the cool temps we've been having lately. I absolutely ABHORE the temp today. It's humid. It's hot. It's sticky. I HATE it. I HATE it. I HATE it. I really and truly don't understand people like yourself and Clayphoria who love the sticky, humid heat. How can you possibly enjoy being all hot and sweaty and sticky????



QUOTE(canfly172 @ Jun 7 2008, 02:39 AM)


So, canfly, how you liking this linear thread thing?

It's annoying the crap outta me. How the HELL do you catch up on it??? I'm so used to separate threads for everything...mind you none of them EVER stay on topic, lol.

Hee, you just need to catch up more often!

I'm trying. I was finishing reports, so really couldn't do it more than once a day and you people talk a lot in one day!!!



Am I the ONLY local person that didn't have a clue about the existence of this DVD until last week?.



As far as I'm concerned, it's just too darn hot.

yeahthat-1.gif X 100

Man, his face really DID look bloated in that skating picture that bottlecap posted.

Random canfly thought... how did you pick a name like bottlecap???

I often wonder how people picked out their screen names.

Mine's pretty self-explanatory I think:



A "new" interview just showed up at CNN here. It appears to have been taped in May but they just chose to post it today. Nothing new, but includes CD promo and an pertinent clip from an old interview.

One new thing. He said that he hasn't been to LA in 9 months, so if clip taped in May, then since last August after the SRHP tour.

Am I correct in saying that in the original (old) interview that they showed a small clip from, his next statement was something along the lines of "their assumptions are wrong"? If I am indeed remembering this correctly, what a SHOCK that today's media would think to conveniently leave out that part of his statement.
Truly shocking.

I love his hair in the CNN interview. Reminded me of Tyra hair only blonder with more forehead showing. More forehead showing is definitely a HUGE plus in canfly's book. (translation for those who don't know me. canfly hated the bangs with a passion and is THARILLLLLLLLED that they're gone!)

Canfly... I love your catch-up posts, too.

I'm glad you came over to the dark side... hehe.
It's dark here? Shit.


Sorry you have a cold in the heat (or any other time). I haven't had one in years. I found a product called Cold Snap that knocks them out if you start taking it the instant you feel that cold starting.
Prolly the same as Cold Resist. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. You don't teach Grade 1s, who's mother's never taught them to cover their mouths when then cough. For some reason, we're having a late Spring plethora of bugs in my room.

I love your little emoticon!
Which one, lol?

I'm a bit of an emote ho, lol.

I love the emotes here but y'all :teehee, need to rename some of them something that makes sense.

:rant (I know...I know...newbie should not come on board and start critiquing right away, lol) I set up all of the emotes on my small Invision board and you can name them whatever you want to name them when you upload them.

Me~have you changed your email address or sumpin'? Cause I DID send a note to heinz' "list" saying we were going to group order...

Maybe you didn't know what I was talking about at the time?


Heinz has had the email that I've use now for 2 or 3 years but could be that she sent it to my old one that I only use for Incredimail claytionery and didn't get looked at for pretty much the whole run of spamalot cuz there are over 4000 claytionery emails sitting in there. OK....MUST re-print off the order form NOW and order it so I can see it demmit!!! :hissy:

Glad that you're feeling better. I didn't know that you were having problems. :hug:

"That CNN interview uses that very old TVGuide channel interview where he talks about people making assumptions about him because he's not visibly dating in the tabloids and magazines, etc. But of course they also left off the next sentence which (paraphrased) was "those assumptions would be wrong". After that full interview surfaced, it made me wonder just how many times he did answer fully and it was left on the cutting room floor or cut out by a print editor. "
Probably LOTS.

Posting before I lose this and then I'll keep going.

Man, you guys talk a lot. Good thing that I'm sick and not in a mood to DO anything.


please tell me that I didn't emote whore myself out of a post here, lol...


Apparently not cuz none of the codes that I typed worked, lol.


Made a trip to PB and added a few.


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Welcom claikendee!

Thanks ladies for the TV Guide/CNN information. After leaving for my errands, I thought that maybe someone was remembering that interview from TV Guide that was introduced after ATDW. It looks to me as if it may have been one of those media blitz things, where he did several interviews for different media in one day. CNN and TV Guide may have been two different media. IMO, it shows that he was answering questions uniformly, if nothing else. *g*

One of the most interesting observations of people's reactions to this newest 'news' is realizing how opposing opinions are actually using the same 'evidence' to come to their contradictory conclusions. That is, his silence on this either means it's true OR it means it's false and believers of both opinions will point to the fact that he IS being silent as proof that they're right! :blink:

BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

Ain't that just the way? :lilredani:

Yeah. Just like they say -- you can make statistics mean anything you truly want them to. Seems to be the same principle going on here.

In the end, though, I hope that most fans can come to a comfortable place in their fandom and still be supportive, whatever it takes.

This is what I hope for as well.

I think the thing that is probably helping the most with this whole supposed situation is TIME. Most things in the Clay Aiken fandom usually seem to have some "warning" beforehand, even with a short time frame attached (fan club email about Clay being on AI5, for example, although we'd heard rumors about that 3 days beforehand). This seems to have given a psychological advantage of prepping people for what could happen next. This, however, came out of left field, with no real advance warning. It's thrown many for a loop, and the reactions were wildly varied. I think, though, that I knew that MOST would probably figure things out in their own time, and for many, that time frame seems to be about a week. I also realize that there are some who will NEVER get used to it. My hope is that they find peace.

IIU, of course. *g*

*high fives canfly on her hatred of heat* Try living in Illinois sometime. Can't imagine what it would be like living further south than that...I'd live in AC all year long.

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A couple of screencaps from the CNN interview posted this morning (via ClayIzzaQT at CV).

He's CUTE when he's earnest.


He's CUTE when he's smirky.


Am I the only one who thinks he looks absolutely HOT in that interview? Gawd...his eyes!

And his grin....


:th74: :hubbahubba:

Oy...I wanna go look at Clay again in that CNN interview. :needclay:



Only kinda hawt that I like isn't spelled "hot"!


*high fives canfly on her hatred of heat*

Am I recalling INcorrectly that the musicpass cards were to be available in June? Does anyone else remember?

Cause, God knows, I need another copy of OMWH. (PS according to this these are supposed to be very good files.)

I followed the link and read the notes and THIS is interesting:

Will there be bonus material on the MusicPass cards?

Yes. All of the cards will feature either bonus material or in the case of compilations, an extensive number of tracks.

What type of bonus material will be included in the card?

Bonus material can include music videos, interviews with the artist, bonus audio tracks, lyrics, and more.

Gee....if there is a different bonus song, then he'll have another spike in sales, lol.

hello !!! I am a newbie here!
Me too! :00000441:

Can you tell from my post count, lol? shrug.gif

I see I am a dog walker... wait'll i tell my cats!!

Working hard to move up from dogwalker to bodyguard.

I'd do better if I'd stop these freakin' quotaramas!!!


I've seen your name somewhere...CV fanfic, lol?


The assumptions are wrong, Cha cha, I don't do montages but it would be cool to make one and include that and his answer to Diane S in the one interview re: representing all of the dorks who aren't gay and don't sleep around and also his answer in the Vancouver interview during JNT2, when he was talking about the qualities he would look for in a wife.

I'm still here. I just seem to slip into lurking more and more. I don't really mean too. It's just that by the time I've gotten home from work...all the good stuff has been said. *g*
Oh but there's always the quote button and yeahthat.gif

I'm still in the we-really-only-know-this-much car. I haven't seen anything to indicate any truth beyond Jaymes being pregnant. I still don't think we are going to hear anything from Clay about it, not anytime soon anyway. And that silence doesn't tell ME anything except that Clay doesn't respond to tabloid gossip and he doesn't talk about his personal life. Even if it got picked up by mainstream press it is still gossip about his personal life. He just spent the better part of 2 album cycles reiterating that it isn't something he's willing to discuss. To change horses now would seem counter-productive to that message. He drew a line in the sand. He can't just hop back and forth.


One of the most interesting observations of people's reactions to this newest 'news' is realizing how opposing opinions are actually using the same 'evidence' to come to their contradictory conclusions. That is, his silence on this either means it's true OR it means it's false and believers of both opinions will point to the fact that he IS being silent as proof that they're right!

My computer is doing that weird thing again where the keys aren`t typing what I think they should. I mean, if I try to type the board code for putting something in a quote, this is what I get:


And a question mark has become:


I think I need to reboot. Or find my manual.

I've had that happen at school a couple of times. What's happened, is that you've made your keyboard FRENCH. Don't ask me how you've done it or how I did it but re-booting does cure it!


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I'm a body guard!!! yess.gif


From dogwalker to bodyguard in one week! animatedAI2dance.gif

I done good huh?


Whaddayamean I posted more emotes than the board allows???


Whatzzizz the limit?

Good grief. I've taken out half and still getting the same message. What is is only like 10?

I upped it to be like 200 emotes per post on my board, lol cuz I had over 100 in one post and it told me I'd posted more than the board would allow and I said, "I'll show YOU!!!".

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The assumptions are wrong, Cha cha, I don't do montages but it would be cool to make one and include that and his answer to Diane S in the one interview re: representing all of the dorks who aren't gay and don't sleep around and also his answer in the Vancouver interview during JNT2, when he was talking about the qualities he would look for in a wife.

While I understand the reasoning and motivation behind making these montages, I don`t think anyone who has already made up their mind because of `gaydar` (one of the most overused and least accurate concepts ever IMO) is gonna change it. Kind of like why Clay decided to stop answering the question....they will believe what they believe, no matter what he says. But I guess it can`t hurt. Just not my cuppa to try and make anyone change their mind at this point. I actually like the tact he`s taken by not addressing it any longer.

I've had that happen at school a couple of times. What's happened, is that you've made your keyboard FRENCH. Don't ask me how you've done it or how I did it but re-booting does cure it!

YAY, I think you`ve put your finger on what the problem is! Now I just have to figure out how to un-FRENCH it. :cryingwlaughter: Heh, that sounded a bit dirty........

Hee, congrats on your new status canfly!

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Canfly...amazed at how you can do all those quotes thing. I can never keep all of them straight when I copy them and I often forget what I wanted so say when I reach the end...

so so new scandal or blog out! I was sure Couchie and Iseeme going away would do it!!!

I really don't need him to say anything about this. But I have to admit...I am a wee bit worried about him. Hope all this intrusiveness from the media and the fans won't affect any promo plans for this CD...

The weather was perfect today...a beautiful sunny 19 C.

We may have long cold winters...but our summer is great!!! never too hot for long.

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The assumptions are wrong, Cha cha, I don't do montages but it would be cool to make one and include that and his answer to Diane S in the one interview re: representing all of the dorks who aren't gay and don't sleep around and also his answer in the Vancouver interview during JNT2, when he was talking about the qualities he would look for in a wife.

While I understand the reasoning and motivation behind making these montages, I don`t think anyone who has already made up their mind because of `gaydar` (one of the most overused and least accurate concepts ever IMO) is gonna change it. Kind of like why Clay decided to stop answering the question....they will believe what they believe, no matter what he says. But I guess it can`t hurt. Just not my cuppa to try and make anyone change their mind at this point. I actually like the tact he`s taken by not addressing it any longer.

lucky - I don't thinkit will change anyone's mind, either. I just wanted to illustatrate that he has actually answered the question. I get tired of people saying, "if he would just come out already." as if his being portrayed as not wanting to talk about it any more has drawn the conclusion that he is gay. When right there in that interview, he clearly said he wasn't.

It boils my blood when people's words get twisted around. It seems to happen more often that we know.

canfly - if you can point me to those other interviews, I could give it a try! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

and if you can get them to change the limit on emoties :clap: I've been trying for months!!

(and why does blowkiss have F_05BL17 in front of the name? I've always wondered!!)

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Canfly...amazed at how you can do all those quotes thing. I can never keep all of them straight when I copy them and I often forget what I wanted so say when I reach the end...

Zeezee. Just open another window. Start on whatever page you want to read/quote and paste what you want to quote in your reply window. Highlight it and it the quote button and then type whatcha wanna say. Go back to the page that you're reading and next then you wanna comment on, copy that, rinse and repeat.

lucky - I don't thinkit will change anyone's mind, either. I just wanted to illustatrate that he has actually answered the question. I get tired of people saying, "if he would just come out already." as if his being portrayed as not wanting to talk about it any more has drawn the conclusion that he is gay. When right there in that interview, he clearly said he wasn't.

It boils my blood when people's words get twisted around. It seems to happen more often that we know.

I understand what you're both trying to say. I think that Luckiest is saying that she, like Clay has given up trying to convince anybody cuz people are gonna believe what they want. I guess I wish that he hadn't given up with the ATDW Diane Sawyer interview cuz it had been so long since he'd said it on a widely broadcast show...but I guess he felt like it was beating a dead horse so...

canfly - if you can point me to those other interviews, I could give it a try!
K. I'll go hunting...

and if you can get them to change the limit on emoties I've been trying for months!!

(and why does blowkiss have F_05BL17 in front of the name? I've always wondered!!)

Kewl! I'm good at nagging. BTW, changing the names, will not affect where they've been posted in previous posts with the old name, unless the person goes back and edits their post. I changed a couple of names on emotes on my board and it didn't create red Xs like moving stuff in PB does.

Hee, congrats on your new status canfly!

Time to celebrate! confetti-1.gif







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Not that all the emoticons are not fun, they are, I enjoy them - but this is one board I would never access from work, and I think dial-up might just take a lot longer, too.

should I take out some of the pix or make thumbnails?

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Not that all the emoticons are not fun, they are, I enjoy them - but this is one board I would never access from work, and I think dial-up might just take a lot longer, too.

should I take out some of the pix or make thumbnails?

So.......... if you always turn off the images anyway, would it really make a difference??? :D

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canfly, you would have NEVER survived the first few years here at FCA. I think we had a limit of FIVE emoticons per post back then. Part of it was as djs says -- many of us access this site at work *coughontheslycough*. Also, the admins here came from a board (the CH) where emoticons were not allowed at ALL, so it was what we were "used to."

Having said that -- we've loosened up quite a bit around here, and have added many, many emoties. I wouldn't worry about it, but do try to remember that "we're at work" thing. Hee.

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Yeah, I like them (emoticons) when I am at home, but I won`t open FCA at work unless I have images turned off. ;)

Ooops - I quoted the wrong post up there! I meant to respond to lucky!

to wit.........

So.......... if you always turn off the images anyway, would it really make a difference??? :D

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Nope, makes no difference to me. Just frustrates me at work because I know that emoticons can add tone or sometimes even content to a post, and I miss it......and I don`t always remember to go back to look at the pretty pictures when I get home, either!

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I'm still in the we-really-only-know-this-much car. I haven't seen anything to indicate any truth beyond Jaymes being pregnant. I still don't think we are going to hear anything from Clay about it, not anytime soon anyway. And that silence doesn't tell ME anything except that Clay doesn't respond to tabloid gossip and he doesn't talk about his personal life. Even if it got picked up by mainstream press it is still gossip about his personal life. :shrug: He just spent the better part of 2 album cycles reiterating that it isn't something he's willing to discuss. To change horses now would seem counter-productive to that message. He drew a line in the sand. He can't just hop back and forth.

:word: :word: :word:

The band that I'm in performed this morning in for a community rummage sale for a couple of hours. It was sunny and a nice balmy 75 degrees, but was windy! Fortunately I brought clips along to keep my music from blowing away. Everyone seemed to enjoy our band, but that darn wind kicked my allergies up. *sniff*

Clay looks utterly edible in that CNN clip. YUM!!!! :hubbahubba: The screencaps are delish. Thanks for bringing them over! And I'm glad he reiterated that he just doesn't talk about his private life. Why would be start now?

I watched the old CNN clip, too. It made me sad to think of all that Clay has had to go through since then, and is going through again now. I hope he's safely ensconced somewhere that he doesn't have to hear about any of the tabloid stuff, or come in contact with anyone who wants to ask stupid questions. He's earned a long, quiet vacation where he can rest and rejuvenate. And IIT, anticipate the birth of a baby.

Welcome to the newbies!!


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Well, I had a few posts quoted but it's so long past now - pffft!

Work, don'tchaknow?

I remember a Clay Answers youtube montage from 2 years ago. Included all the places/times he'd already answered.

I have no clue who did it. It was good.

But I agree.

If you get Clay Aiken, no explanation is necessary.

If you don't get Clay Aiken, no explanation is possible.


I kinda like the CNN interview. I thought it gave the message that he'd answered, some people don't listen so he just doesn't talk about he personal life any more. And I loved his laughter.

I love him laughing!

And - whozzat talking about my North Carolina BBQ is such a disparaging way???!!!

Well, now!

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Whoa...I just had one of those "moments"!

No...not THAT kind of moment. B)

Sitting here in the living room after a little nap..(that's right! I did NOT take the dog for a walk after all!) with hubby. We're both clicking away on our laptops and the tv's one with a ballgame on. A Comcast commercial comes on--you know the ones with the turtle couple called the Slowskys? They're funny as hell. Anyhoo...in a relatively short period, there were multiple Slowsky commercials. I didn't really think anything about it, but suddenly Hubby said,

"Man! They must really be worried!"


"Comcast. They must be worried. They're really spending a helluva lot of bucks for all these commercials. They're trying HARD. You don't see AT&T commercials all the time like that. Guess they're not worried."

Something about this started the neurons firing in the Muski Grey Matter and I tried applying this line of reasoning to the ClayBabyDaddy situation. To wit:

Comcast=tabloids, semi-legit news outlets, sensationalist tv shows, djs and comedians with little dicks, etc.


:think: :think:

Of course, we can shoot bullet holes through that line of reasoning with spitballs because there are all kinds of variables---some known and some unknown. Example: My hubby WORKS for AT&T! :cryingwlaughter: I know that but until I typed that you guys didn't. Also, we (hubby and I) don't know that it's true AT&T really are NOT paying for a comparable number of commercials that just aren't showing up on this channel today.

So all this is running through my brain in lightning speed when Hubby adds,

"Or maybe AT&T IS worried and that's why they're not wasting money right now."


:blink: :bigemo_harabe_net-24:


CMSU! :lmaosmiley-1:

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canfly, you would have NEVER survived the first few years here at FCA. I think we had a limit of FIVE emoticons per post back then. Part of it was as djs says -- many of us access this site at work *coughontheslycough*. Also, the admins here came from a board (the CH) where emoticons were not allowed at ALL, so it was what we were "used to."

Having said that -- we've loosened up quite a bit around here, and have added many, many emoties. I wouldn't worry about it, but do try to remember that "we're at work" thing. Hee.

Once upon a time way back when...likely early 2005 or so, I applied to the CH and never got a reply. A couple of other people that I know had the same experience and I was kinda like "how rude!" At the very least they could reply and say "sorry, we're not taking new members at this time" but no answer. Period. After that when people linked me occasionally to something there, I soon realized that I was not CH material anyhow. I don't do rules well. No emoties? Only one post per page? I remember sitting there watching Alspaz at Luckiest house, composing a post and she was like forever trying to decide what she was going to post, so she wouldn't get trouted. I was like...that's nuts. I freely admit to never going to the CH to read (unless linked directly by somebody for some specific reason) cuz if I can't post, I ain't going there. End stop. I just sit there all lazylike at the Shed and let people bring the stuffs over, lol.

Yeah, I like them (emoticons) when I am at home, but I won`t open FCA at work unless I have images turned off. ;)

Ooops - I quoted the wrong post up there! I meant to respond to lucky!

to wit.........

So.......... if you always turn off the images anyway, would it really make a difference??? :D


And whatcha doin' reading Clay Aiken messageboards at work anyhow??? :cryingwlaughter:

I read at school at recess and often the kiddies come in for Nutrition Break while I'm still reading and I think that they're intrigued by the emoties, lol.

They used to ask, "Whatcha playing?" Then they realized that it wasn't a computer game, so they lost interest pretty quickly, lol. (too meny wurds for Grade Ones to read anyhow, lol)

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Didn't we start out with no emoticons? I love them now. Love the emoticon wars..the pretties that seem to pop up just when we need them. Oh and we have a thread where people can post the emoticons they want added. I try to put some fresh ones in every now and then. OK they're forcing me to go watch I Am Legend. I don't know why I've never wanted to see this one.

And whatcha doin' reading Clay Aiken messageboards at work anyhow??? :cryingwlaughter:

Surely that`s a rhetorical question? :cryingwlaughter:

heeee... hey, remember "the memo." That kept me in check for about a month. heee.

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