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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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54 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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Am I the only person who thinks it's funny that Star has this big old story and big old picture of Clay and JAMIE and no mention that this is the wrong purported woman. Or is it the RIGHT one and we just don't know?

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It looks as if the bar is open again.

This is for aikim:


Why thank you! Now we just need some vanilla ice cream so we can make Black Cows!


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Anybody interested in crafting opening numbers for THE NEXT CLAY AIKEN POP TOUR???

I'll start. (trying to change the subject at CV! :cryingwlaughter: )


I'm thinking Ashes.

Stage is dark.

All goes quiet in anticipation.

Opening licks and percussion.

The the voice . . .

"Someone told me . . ."

Still no Clay. Just the band silhouetted black against a yellow orange backdrop.

Then on the words, "up in flames" the backdrop becomes a huge fire, flames licking the top of the scrim and Clay's silhoutte appears in front of the flames.

On "rise up from the ashes", he rises from the the floor of a raised platform high above the band in full red and orange spotlights with flame-like lighting effects flitting over him.

On "send it up in flames, let it light the sky" the whole stage lights up and we go ka-razy@!!!

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I'm skipping the 'ritas tonight & sipping a nice, cold perrier_lemon.jpg

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Well that doesn't negate the fact that showing disrespect to Clay, his family, and friends is not well received or appreciated or tolerated much on this board. As i have been repeatedly told. :cryingwlaughter: I totally disagree with the notion that Faye was not a good mother and I bet you Clay would too. I don't care what he wrote in his book. I take offense at bashing Faye and I will say so each time I see it done. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Contrary to popular opinion..there are mods here.

KAndre, LdyJocelyn, Ansa, JMH, and Bottle and me . If anyone has a problem with board content, PM one of us and we'll do the moderating, thank you.

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Topic: Clay probably dances the hokey pokey in his pj's. Isn't that a nice thought?

That's what it's all about!

I think we've got it! The perfect dance for Clay Aiken!

The Hokey Pokey in PJ's!

Hokey? You betcha! Could there BE a 'hokey-er" guy than Mr. Aiken?




I rest my case.

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I think he's getting ready to put his "right foot in" here......


Clay in pajamas....


"you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself about"

May I please have a G&T too???? (picture Oliver Twist begging for more porridge pleeeeeze.....)

Holy crap Muski! I'm flabbergasted.

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Ok...what's cracking me up is that the pic of Clay in pajamas at the buses? The back view? The one of a guy who looks about...oh, 15 years old?

That's from the same night as the picture I posted.



yup...shore is...'coss I was there.

That man/boy/man is either gonna rescue me...or he's gonna be the death of me. :Thud:

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.... :cryingwlaughter:

And those Burberry pajama bottoms prolly cost more than half my closet put together!!!!

That's hysterical. I didn't realize they were the same night!!!!

Do we need appetizers to go with our cocktails. (oops, sorry about that last word Muski)

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I'm thinking Ashes.

Stage is dark.

All goes quiet in anticipation.

Opening licks and percussion.

The the voice . . .

"Someone told me . . ."

Still no Clay. Just the band silhouetted black against a yellow orange backdrop.

Then on the words, "up in flames" the backdrop becomes a huge fire, flames licking the top of the scrim and Clay's silhoutte appears in front of the flames.

On "rise up from the ashes", he rises from the the floor of a raised platform high above the band in full red and orange spotlights with flame-like lighting effects flitting over him.

On "send it up in flames, let it light the sky" the whole stage lights up and we go ka-razy@!!!

Hey, think the tour could subcontract Tim the Enchanter to do the pyro? :onFire: "B'low me!"

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Do we need appetizers to go with our cocktails.

Iseeme, did you not SEE that picture? Do you actually NEED anything more appetizing? :hubbahubba:

Personally, he always appears quite delectable to me. I'm not sure we'll be able to get him to play along with our party games, though.

I think he's saying "I see where you're looking!! There is no way I'm "thrusting my rivet" into your hokey pokey circle!!"



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Well, maybe not on purpose, Perma, but that rivet seems to have a... thrust... of its own!

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aaaaaaaaand I think I'll start this evening where I left off last night...




Oh Lawd Jeezus, I'm right behind you. Have you ever tried Bacardi O? I bought some yesterday and I think it's time to pop it open.

I'm skipping the 'ritas tonight ...........

:PickMe-1: Can I have hers??

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Enjoy, Bookie, dear... :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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I guess I should have stayed up later last night - I just found out my Scarlett doppelganger (I call her Darlene) was partying with you people last night, and she has just informed me she is ready to party again RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

(thanks to the brilliant Ansa!)


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