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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

Thread Title Poll  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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Clay dessert?

um - He would be Chocolate Nut Dipped Banana!!!

Chocolate - addictive and an absolute necessity in life

Nut - the man is KA-RAZY in the best, yummiest way

Banana - _______________

you fill in the blank!

heh heh

COTTON I was gonna say something chocolate also because it is irresistible and oh so wonderful!!!!!!

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And he looked soooo good at the World Series... I wasn't at Merrillville but AIW was amazing. Seeing the looks on his face during that song and then the relief and pleasure at hitting the note, etc. Verra verra cute!!!

When I voted it said only 14 people had voted so far - is that possible?

Spotted Dick - :cryingwlaughter:

(this is bad but all I kept thinking about was..............................freckles!)

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I tried stay away from making Clay be a dessert that he himself couldn't eat -- so no chocolate and no tree nuts. And sorry Scarlett, no long strawberry desserts. But maybe we could modify merrieeee's suggestion, using strawberries instead?
Strawberry Spotted Dick -- sounds yummy. Wonder what it'll taste like though.

On that lalate list -- Heart is fine, definitely, but I want to call for a vote-off on the lips and cheeks entries!

*very sweetly* Oh Cotton, Texas is closer to you than California. KLP = yum! :bloomingflowers:

If Clay Aiken were a dessert, would he be key lime pie? Coconut macaroons? Banana cream pudding? LOL!

Well, slightly closer.

I'm on the Coast of NC!

Cotton, I'm on your side of Texas so about I'm only about 1400 miles away. *looks up hopefully* :cryingwlaughter: /jk

keepingfaith, the guy we were talking about yesterday -- Andrew Lincoln!

laugh, Last time I looked the vote was still unanimous at 0-11.

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:bday: to kimiye!

Clay as dessert? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM- yummy! For me it would have to be something with caramel and nuts- or something lemony and creamy- or hot apples and cinnamon -or anything with milk chocolate-although the vanilla creme brulee sounds very good to me too! It's too hard :whistling-1: to choose

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Clay as a dessert....hmmmm...Cheesecake...with cherries on top...creamy, tart and sweet all at the same time.


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If Clay Aiken were a dessert, would he be key lime pie? Coconut macaroons? Banana cream pudding? LOL!

Definitely Banana pudding. I would make it tonight if only I had vanilla wafers.

Clay is much too complex to be a banana pudding. My lioness can make a banana pudding :hysterical:

I gotta defend my banana pudding. I don't use vanilla pudding mix, I make a custard from scratch and occasionally use lady fingers instead of vanilla wafers. And I put real whipped cream on it. It's rich, flavorful, untraditional yet Southern. Sounds like Clay to me. :yess:

But I do like peach cobbler too. :thbighug-1:

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Mmmmm.... Clay as a dessert? Talk about finger lickin' good.... :31: We used to have a husband/chef & wife/baker restaurant here that had the most AMAZING white chocolate creme brulee!

Posted by Notacanuck at CH:

From LaLate.com:

Hollywood Hottest Body 2008!

Forget who in Hollywood has the hottest body. Rather, what would be the hottest Hollywood body if you could take the best of your favorite celebrities and put them all together!

LALATE today names its choice for Hollywood Hottest Body 2008 for men and women.


Eyes - Zac Efron

Smile - Chris Brown

Cheeks - Chace Crawford

Lips - LL Cool J

Heart - Clay Aiken

Attitude - Will Smith

Arms - Nelly

Abs - Matthew McConaughey

Tatoos - John Mayer


I keep thinking...

Zac Efron eyes vs Clay Aiken EF eyes

Chris Brown smile vs Clay Aiken's tenderly gazing at a baby smile

Chace Crawford cheeks vs Clay Aiken glass-cutting cheekbones


and it only the abs part where I'd put someone else, and I'm not sure I'd give it to McConaughey.

The tatoo category I'd still give to Clay:

John Mayer's tatoos vs Clay Aiken's Jimmy Kimmel tatoo

Maybe I'm going overboard but just how many should go to Clay? And who should the other parts go to?

Fear, I'm probably the only one who needs this but could you post the Banana pudding recipe? I happen to have some Nilla wafers in the pantry. (though I prefer lady fingers)

annabear, the white chocolate creme brulee sounds luscious! *smacks lips*

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If Clay Aiken were a dessert, would he be key lime pie? Coconut macaroons? Banana cream pudding? LOL!

Definitely Banana pudding. I would make it tonight if only I had vanilla wafers.

Clay is much too complex to be a banana pudding. My lioness can make a banana pudding :hysterical:

I gotta defend my banana pudding. I don't use vanilla pudding mix, I make a custard from scratch and occasionally use lady fingers instead of vanilla wafers. And I put real whipped cream on it. It's rich, flavorful, untraditional yet Southern. Sounds like Clay to me. :yess:

But I do like peach cobbler too. :thbighug-1:

and sounds so much better than grabbing insta jello pudding off the shelf :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:
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John Mayer's tatoos vs Clay Aiken's Jimmy Kimmel tatoo

No contest! :)

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:bday: to kimiye!

Clay as dessert? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM- yummy! For me it would have to be something with caramel and nuts- or something lemony and creamy- or hot apples and cinnamon -or anything with milk chocolate-although the vanilla creme brulee sounds very good to me too! It's too hard :whistling-1: to choose



Banana Pudding

It's NOT banana pudding unless the custard is made from scratch and there's meringue not whipped cream on top!!! :)

Same goes for Lemon meringue pie.

Can't believe some people call that fake mess with cool whip Lemon Meringue Pie!!!


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Clay dessert?

um - He would be Chocolate Nut Dipped Banana!!!

Chocolate - addictive and an absolute necessity in life

Nut - the man is KA-RAZY in the best, yummiest way

Banana - _______________

you fill in the blank!

heh heh

I'd prefer for Clay to

fill in the blank

, if you knowwhatImeanandIthinkyoudo.

As you can see, I made it home, okay, merrieeee...next time, remind me and I will bring my pajamas! :) Great to see my friends again. You renew me.

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Scarlett, I'm not a great cook but anyway line a souffle bowl with the wafers, make the custard sauce with egg yolks, milk and sugar. Cook in a double boiler slowly. When it thickens but not enough to curdle take off the heat and add vanilla extract. Alternate bananas sliced and the custard sauce. Put cream on each serving.

We like ours warm but its usually served chilled.

The custard recipe I use has 3 or 4 egg yolks, 1/4 c sugar and 2 cups milk.

Cotton, I've never had it with meringue. I wonder if it would hold up as a leftover? My husband makes the pies and lemon meringue and custard are his favorites. When I had our first son, he made a large custard pie and that was what he ate for two days. That plus played golf for two days. Around here they call custard pie, egg pie.

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Sweet dreams, Cotton!

Scarlett, I'm not a great cook but anyway line a souffle bowl with the wafers, make the custard sauce with egg yolks, milk and sugar. Cook in a double boiler slowly. When it thickens but not enough to curdle take off the heat and add vanilla extract. Alternate bananas sliced and the custard sauce. Put cream on each serving.

We like ours warm but its usually served chilled.

The custard recipe I use has 3 or 4 egg yolks, 1/4 c sugar and 2 cups milk.

Cotton, I've never had it with meringue. I wonder if it would hold up as a leftover? My husband makes the pies and lemon meringue and custard are his favorites. When I had our first son, he made a large custard pie and that was what he ate for two days. That plus played golf for two days. Around here they call custard pie, egg pie.

Fear, that sounds easy enough for me and I guess I could use the egg whites that the yolks got separated from for the meringue instead of throwing them away. Thanks!

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Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm off to bed with my new DRM-free mp3 player (Sandisk Sansa e260 w/video-- no iPod for me!)-- my family has given up on buying me techno stuff and just lets me buy my own! And theirs! Night!

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If Clay Aiken were a desert? Easy one....Sex-in-a-Pan.

Or anything where I get to lick his the wooden spoon.

:00003653: kimiye

Birthday cake is a good desert, too.

There is like this HUGE long story about why I am NOT in Houston this week but I have to save it for tomorrow. You really want the long detailed version, right?

Humor me, okay?

Char, you will be a body guard in no time. OMG! My why I'm not in Houston story reminds me of a certain tale from long ago.....er....I mean from Long Island....though that was long ago, too. *sigh*

YAY! I just got an email. My stuff has arrived in Baku and is now getting the touchy-feely from customs. I'll have my summer clothes for the last two weeks of August when I get back there! Does it get any better than this? Facetious & rhetorical in the face of only one pair of sandals making it home with me this time.

Heidi-Ho, I so remember field camp from back in the day. I graduated with my geology degree back in '75 and before I finally got hired to work in my field, in the field, I heard...."We'd like to take you but the wives of the guys will freak out with you in camp, and a second camp isn't in the budget. I think I spent the first six months of my career with a box of 48 Prismacolors and a bunch of contour maps.

Having admitted that I graduated from college 33 years ago, this post is set to self-destruct in 37 seconds.

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Kimiye, :00003653: for yesterday!

jmh123, :00003653: for TODAY!

My puppy dog, happy 8th birthday for TODAY!

and for anyone living in that country that didn't waste billions attacking Iraq but, instead, used their funds to provide free health care to their citizens (as well as free university education - according to Michael Moore), may you have a happy and festive Bastille Day!

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:bday: to my good friend jmh123. May your day be beautiful and your year, prosperous!

And just for good measure...


ETA: Attention Bay Area Peeps!

From Dotsann at CB....(by way of CV and the CH and getclayaiken [*waves at laughn*]...lol)

Program Manager of Star 101.3, San Francisco, CA, states as of today, they will be testing Clay's songs in the market next week. "Let's see how he goes for the wider public."

Star 101.3 FM

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Ohhhh, HBD jmh!


ETA: Attention Bay Area Peeps!

From Dotsann at CB....(by way of CV and the CH and getclayaiken [*waves at laughn*]...lol)

Program Manager of Star 101.3, San Francisco, CA, states as of today, they will be testing Clay's songs in the market next week. "Let's see how he goes for the wider public."

Star 101.3 FM

Oh, this'll happen while we're there!!! I may get to hear Clay on the radio? !!!!11!!!!1!!!

Thanks for bringing that over, ldj!


ETA: Ansa, great minds?!!

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Good Morning Everyone,

Another beautiful day here; wish I didn't have to work, but two more weeks until vacation; I am so looking forward to it. We are going to take three days to go up to Oshkosh, Wi. for the airshow; hubby has been wanting to go for a while so we are going with his sister and her husband. Should be fun. The rest of the week will probably be spent getting ready for the Bridal Shower which is Aug. 9. Time is flying much too fast; the Wedding is going to be here before I know it.

Everyone have a great day!


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