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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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Chardonnay - what a cool story! Someone will take video of the wedding and the song, right? I'd love to hear it! And, of course, I want to hear the rest of the story, too.

I somehow don't really remember my first kiss. I don't think it was all that memorable!

I DO remember the first time hubby and I kissed, though. :couple::arrowed::nanalove: :sm227:

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Bwah ha ha! I just realised that the first boy I kissed had red hair, freckles and was really skinny with big ears! Do I sense a pattern here. I left to go to Istanbul for 3 years and when I saw him again he had a red beard which I hated.

Well, I don't know if this fits the "pattern" but just in case it might slip in sideways...my first kiss was a slightly built young guy with reddish blond hair in a bowl cut!

Does that count? :cryingwlaughter:

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Very fast forward… [daughter] called a few days ago and she’s helping [daughter2] with wedding plans (which will culminate this weekend!) and she wanted to know if I would be at all upset if she and her dad sang a certain song at the wedding. Seems they’ve been going round and round on which one he’d do and they finally found a perfect one from an “old” CD that I’d given her…

I guess the first thing I said was… “Why in the world would you think it would bother me?” And the second thing I said was… “Eeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Maybe she thinks I own the rights???

Ok, so that post was way longer than I had intended it to be.

ANd yet ... there's even much more irony to this story than meets the eye... and maybe someday I will be bold enough to tell it. :whistling-1:

Chardonnay... cool story! Your daughters have good taste! Be bold!

Thanks, justclay... I wouldn't have thought of some of that stuff.

My first kiss... Don't remember, but I know it wasn't a red-headed, freakled nerdy guy, that's for sure. I met one of those in college, but... OMG, I just remembered this guy asked me to marry him... we only dated a couple of times and I figured he was nuts... LOL He was going to open a flower shop in Chicago somewhere... LOL

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Chardonnay - that's a really sweet story! One more instance of Clay touching lives without realizing it. But come on - what's the rest of the story?

Well, omg, ok... My little girl getting married this weekend is the one in the upper right. My ex-DH is the one in the lower left. Don't pay too much attention to anybody else in the picture... ( Even though I think I'm gonna probably remove this picture in about 5 minutes.)

So yes, so you can only imagine how much of a struggle keeping my extreme fandom from them all these years has been...

Why am I'm thinking that Cotton will giggle at this... But shhh Cotton!

And so now I'm heading out on a jet plane. And seriously, I'm going to try in a very nonchalant way to spring the question... "SO... have you heard if Quiana has any plans to tour with Clay at any time in the near future?"


So you see? This is exactly why I have always completely tried to avoid putting myself in this situation...

And if you DID happen to see that picture, please do not share, ok? Thanks.

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Great story & pic, Chardonnay - thanks for sharing!

I don't remember my first kiss, but most of the guys I've liked have had freckles. Only one was a red head, though, and even just strawberry blond at that. My big crush in high school had dark hair, freckles and blue eyes. He was a jock, but not the typical type. He was smart and funny and kind to everyone. I just adored him! But I could be co-queen of unrequited love with whoever (was it lal?) mentioned that upthread.... We just ended up as friends and he married his high school sweetheart.

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[Your arms are so much thinner than mine! I hate you :imgtongue:

Wait, that wasn't me! Haha. If it was, I'd probably have all the information I wanted and not have to keep wondering about it all along with the rest of you.

But still looking forward to trying to siphon out a bit of information this weekend. And if I can in a harmless way, I will. Promise. In the meantime, can we close this subject? I shared a little bit TMI I think.

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But I could be co-queen of unrequited love with whoever (was it lal?) mentioned that upthread.... We just ended up as friends and he married his high school sweetheart.

Yeah, it was me. When you have your 1st romantic experience as late in life as I did, there are a lot of one-way crushes in the past!

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Not sure what was going on but I could not get into FCA, tried Mozilla and IE and it kept telling me page not found.

Chardonnay Your secret is safe with me since I missed the picture and I have no idea what is going on...but it sounds like something good...I hope.


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First guy I kissed? Steve Graham in a tent in my backyard when I was 9.

Wonder what ever happened to him???

Speaking of kissing and Danny Kaye (I know someone mentioned Danny Kaye, right?), I once went out with a guy with red hair and his name was truly Danny Kaye! :cryingwlaughter:

Pre-AI Clay - well, now, you all KNOW what I am going to say so if you are one who never wants to read criticism of Clay, start scrolling.

IMO, pre-AI Clay, the person pictured in those wedding pictures was 100% unattractive. Like Iseeme, I am referring his LOOKS. I find it hard to believe anyone who knew nothing about him - that he could sing, or was funny, or a good guy, etc. - would find him physically attractive! I wouldn't go so far as to say ugly, but definitely not at all attractive! Let's face it, I would bet (since I have no actual knowledge) that the majority of girls who would see a picture of an unknown goy who looked like that would be more inclined to laugh than drool!

But I am sure there are a few who might find him attractive based solely on his looks in those pictures, hard as it is for me to believe!

On the subject of fans who find him perfect - well, it sure SEEMS as if there are a lot of them - some on this board. Some on probably every board. But maybe they don't find him perfect but rather, as someone said, they just don't ever say a negative or even slightly critical thing about Clay. That of course might give the impression they think Clay is perfect! I would think one can understand how one might get that impression.

The other thing that gives that impression is that those same people - the ones that never utter a criticism of Clay also seem to be the ones who jump down the throats of those of us who dare to criticize Clay, which again gives the impression that those people have no tolerance for anyone who criticizes Clay, which reinforces the impression they think Clay is perfect.

Maybe that isn't how they are at all, but I think again one might be able to see how they would give that impression.

Personally - and perhaps as a surprise to no one here - I see nothing wrong with saying something that could be seen as negative when it comes to Clay. I have used this analogy before, but with those in your real life who are so special to you, who you love and cherish and admire - do you never tell them something that bothers you about them? Do you not ever criticize them when you feel they have done something wrong? Do you never express your disagreement with something they say, or a choice they make? I would find it hard to believe anyone here would honestly say they never do any of those things in their real life.

Well, if we can do that with those we love in our real life - where our opinions may actually matter - why can't we not do that in our very unreal Clay world? I have never understood that. I have never understood why some refuse to utter a crtical word about Clay - unless they truly have no critical thoughts about him.

In which case they must think he's perfect.

So there is that impression again.

IMO there is nothing wrong with saying you don't like something about Clay and/or his choices - professional or personal. I don't even think there is anything wrong with saying you won't contribute to UNICEF or buy his CD or whatever because of the thing(s) you may not like. That is your choice and that is ok. I do think we should all be as respectful of him as we would be with the people we care about in our real lives. But then again, I think we have probably all lost our tempers with those we love in real life, so I think it is probably only natural to think it could happen with Clay in our Clay life.

So are there fans who think he is perfect or just those who give the impression they think he is perfect? Probably some of both.

Are there some who can't stand him and are only on the boards to cause trouble and say nothing but negative, nasty things about Clay? I hear tell there are but I personally have never witnessed anyone like that. Perhaps the tales of the so-called fans who are like that are being told by those who get the impression that anyone who criticizes Clay is only on the boards to cause trouble.

I guess all our impressions are formed by the place where we are personally coming from.

So what is the truth? IMO, it is a given that anyone who is spending any part of their valuable time on these boards likes Clay a whole lot. Those who either think he is perfect or just give that impression are not any better a fan than those who choose to criticize him.

We are all here for the same reason. That should be all that matters. And keeping that in mind, IMO, perhaps we should ALL - myself included - be more tolerant of those who conduct their fandom differently than they do.

Ok, enough of all that philosophical crap. I think a HOT picture or two is in order!





'Night all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Chardonnay Your secret is safe with me since I missed the picture and I have no idea what is going on...but it sounds like something good...I hope.

Oh gosh... certainly didn't mean to take over a whole page! (ok, nevermind... Claygasm did it much better! heh)

But yes, I'm hoping for something good too Kim...whatever 'it' is. See you all in a week?

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I got nothin' thought provoking or of substance to contribute (no news there I know)

Just wanted to say holy gahhh Claygasm, that next to last pic is one of my most treasured of the Aiken! :hubbahubba::DoClay::Thud:


that is all



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Great story Chardonnay

I was at LALATE.com where they are featuring Clay's SOmalia story again and have a donation spot anywy they posted this

LALATE is proud that this site is currently the number one ranked website result for Clay Aiken’s efforts in Somalia.

Whatdoes that mean?

Sometimes a banana is just a banana and some of us think Clay looks cute in the picture, and it means just that, nothing more. I think we should not feel obligated to say he does not look good if we don't feel that way.

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I don't know a soul that thinks Clay is perfect - not a one. It's all about posting style IMO. For instance I would never say Clay is ugly or 100% unattractive publicly. He takes to much stuff already and it's way too blunt for my taste. I said that I probably wouldn't have given him the time of day back in the day. I don't know if that is translated into ..god she can't say anything negative about Clay but you know what..that's just my style and while I'm often characterized as an angel winger or a positive polly.. .I honestly don't mind that at all. But I know I won't change my style to prove I'm not an angel winger. I think it's unfortunate that people feel like they are getting jumped on but I'm not one to get bent out of shape at a differing of opinion -and a lot of times I think people get upset when they aren't worded or agreed with. I think that's a fundamental reason why we don't see eye to eye on this issue (getting jumped on vs having a convo) cuz I just see another honest opinon going on and the only other alternative to disagreeing is ignoring. I think humor and tact goes a long way into making me enjoy whatever people have to say..for instance KAndre... she makes me laugh no matter what she says...maybe cuz I always feel the Clay love underneath all her comments. In salute to LdyJ.. who by the way is doing well - I love her post about tone. Hope you don't feel jumjped on..you were honest in your feelings CG so I want to be honest with mine. I do agree that it is all about perception.

One thing that has always bothered me... when someone says.. they hated something of Clay... and there are those that say they loved it. People get pissy about it. And I never understood that. There are few things that I haven't enjoyed from Clay and I'm always thrilled that when I didn't there are others that did. In that case I WANT to be in the minority opinion. But weirdly I don't find that to be the case in Clay land. If you like something tsometimes you're considered a person of pedestrian tastes..like that whole ATDW experience.

Although responding to your post CG, I am speaking generally.

I really love Clay's look during the 2006 JBT concert - the one I missed. He looked just gorgeous and I really appreciate those being posted.

ETA: I honestly think you should own your own feelings Iseeme....people saying they like pre AI Clay shouldn't make YOU feel bad. This really highlights the point I was trying to make, albeit, wordily and badly hee. This is something I will NEVER understand.

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Maybe it means that if someone does a search on Clay in Somalia that the site they choose is LALate? Don't know. Just guessing.

Ooohhhh - Play said banana! :cryingwlaughter:

Since I started this whole thing - my ONLY point was just as CG said....looking at those pre-AI pictures didn't inspire much in me as far as cute, hot or otherwise. Of course now - I know there's much more than his looks.... But I don't think it's awful if I say that and I don't think anyone who has the same opinion of this as me should be made to feel critical or negative for saying it.

ETA: Couchie, you and I posted at the same time. But this was meaningful to me;

One thing that has always bothered me... when someone says.. they hated something of Clay... and there are those that say they loved it. People get pissy about it. And I never understood that. There are few things that I haven't enjoyed from Clay and I'm always thrilled that when I didn't there are others that did. In that case I WANT to be in the minority

I didn't feel jumped on this morning....just kind of WTF? But.....such is life. Tomorrow I think I'll let someone else make a controversial statement. Come on - there has to be someone out there that can do that? :lol:

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But seriously, why do you feel a WTF moment? It is certainly not controversial to say what you said and the responses were in no way harsh. That's what I don't get.

I would love a OMWH song on SYTYCD. Damnit! I want it. Is that so wrong?

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Personally - and perhaps as a surprise to no one here - I see nothing wrong with saying something that could be seen as negative when it comes to Clay. I have used this analogy before, but with those in your real life who are so special to you, who you love and cherish and admire - do you never tell them something that bothers you about them? Do you not ever criticize them when you feel they have done something wrong? Do you never express your disagreement with something they say, or a choice they make? I would find it hard to believe anyone here would honestly say they never do any of those things in their real life.

Well, if we can do that with those we love in our real life - where our opinions may actually matter - why can't we not do that in our very unreal Clay world? I have never understood that. I have never understood why some refuse to utter a crtical word about Clay - unless they truly have no critical thoughts about him.

For me, the difference is, I would not criticize those who are special to me......in public. I choose to give the same courtesy to Clay. Even though I know he's not spouse, family or friend.


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Whew! Now that I've got my mind back... I just came from a great lunch meeting about continuing education, degree programs for working adults, tuition reimbursment, etc. One of the most interesting things I learned? That being on message boards the past 5 years could actually help with acclimating into an online degree program!

Who knew?! (tm King Arthur) :wordpooper:

Btw, anyone have any experience with the University of Phoenix?

No, experience with the University of Phoenix but I've been doing online classes for a few semesters now and I like it. I'm always taking one or two, and you really do need a fair bit of self-discipline. The thing is though, I really enjoy it so it isn't all that hard to make myself sit down and do it. The worst part are the time conflicts that happen when I'm traveling or doing that other thing......following somebody around the country. Couldn't do it without the trusty laptop.

I am forever getting my debit card shut down by B of A's fraud protection department.....even though I gave them a list of the likely places I'm going to be. At first it was a little frustrating but one rejection and I know now to call and get it reinstated. John's been the victim of ID theft a few times now. Once with a card reader at a gas station, once when his card was stolen from his wallet at the gym, and another a few months after a trip to Mumbai some funky charges turned up on a credit card he had only used at the front desk of a five star hotel upon check-in. Investigation showed that the purchases had been made with a physical credit card, so someone used his number and name to manufacture a fake card. The bank was good for all of it, and they even caught the guy who stole his card at the gym when he tried to buy.....TV's at Walmart.

Have a great time at the wedding, Char!!

Do I need some content? Oh gosh..... :013085001176249046:

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