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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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64 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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Eeee! It doesn't take much to make me squee when it comes to the Aiken. Just seeing 'Dear Cindy' was plenty!

And Glasses!!!! I don't think we've seen them since before Spamalot, have we?

I donated last night (of course, heh) and the page looked exactly the same as that one except for the small photo. Still I think I'll add a little more, just 'coss.

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Happy Birthday Claygasm!

RE: Boobgate. I believe he was just having fun, and that he never thought the photo would ever be seen by his fans or the general public. It never bothered me that he did it. It did bother me that the photo was so widely distributed, because it was most likely against the wishes of both Clay and Mezghan. It appeared on many radio station web sites and on some VH1 show, where it was used to mock him.

As for Ryan and Ruben, I really don't feel I'm in a position to judge Clay's relationships with other people. I'm not privy to their private conversations together. I don't see how they interract when the cameras or recorders are off. Public statements are really only a very small part of the equation.

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I need to change my location to "HERE" cuz I'm so obsessed with As Long as We're Here. You know can hear it about 13 times in an hour heee. Off to work.

Claygasm have a W O N D E R F U L B I R T H D A Y

Ah, my mom just saw the banner and said one of the reasons she likes Clay is that he helps others and that he's been like that his entire life. She read and enjoyed LTS.

waves to Cha Cha who seems darn busy these days!!

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Hello, Honeys!

I finally made it home from work, reviewed the UNICEF pics :hubbahubba: (shallow is me!)

- clicked on the donate link and gave to that man's cause. Not enough, but my bit - and caught up reading (okay, speed-reading!) here!


Gawd. He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!

Thread title????

I got the email this morning and donated right away! I was jest waiting for that invite.

Claygasm... :00003653: :04: :Pogo0::fest06: :hb2:

I don't have my fave GMA pic at work, so will this one do???


Boobgate... when I first saw it, I thought.... O.M.G. Clay, you naughty boy and laughed! Others did not. He's always had that bawdy side and I love it cause it never really hurts anyone, so why the heck not? It's funny cause it's under the surface, so when it pops up... surprise!

Ruben... You know they had talked about it cause Clay used the name she goes by, which I believe was her middle name, when referring to her in the congrats interview. I wouldn't be surprised if Clay was not invited but told about it. That was Ruben's day and every single time Clay and Ruben were together the attention was on Clay. I bet the newlyweds visit him sometime tho. Still friends, IMO.

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I was messing around with the Unicef pics with some filters in PSP, and I accidentally came up with this. So I kept it :lmaosmiley-1: Hee! I thought it looked kinda cool! (wallpaper size)


(eta: it looks better on the desktop than in the window, lol)

eta: widescreen

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Happy Birthday Claygasm!

I was in Sterling Heights also; wasn't really looking forward to the show because I was dealing with the same problem as Angie and I had bought two tickets for the show and both people that were supposed to sit with me cancelled out...Had a group of friends I went with, but they were sitting in another area...we all bought separate tickets...so I pretty much sat by myself; feeling sorry for myself and wishing I was anywhere else but there. Then I met some friends from CV and some very nice ladies sitting next to me who had never been to a Clay Aiken concert before. They were just having the best time; had not seen him since AI. So it turned out to be a fun night after all and to top it off; I got to hear Clay and Quiana sing "Listen". It really was a good show and when Clay was walking around and stop by the sound board; he was directly behind me; I was hoping he would walk down my aisle since I had an aisle seat but no such luck.

So PMS and all, it turned out to be a great night!


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I was messing around with the Unicef pics with some filters in PSP, and I accidentally came up with this. So I kept it :lmaosmiley-1: Hee! I thought it looked kinda cool! (wallpaper size)


(eta: it looks better on the desktop than in the window, lol)

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee think my desktop just got a newwallpaper. I love it.

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I was messing around with the Unicef pics with some filters in PSP, and I accidentally came up with this. So I kept it :lmaosmiley-1: Hee! I thought it looked kinda cool! (wallpaper size)


(eta: it looks better on the desktop than in the window, lol)

Verra verra niiiice!!!

back to cleaning.....

:hello: back to couchie!

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I was messing around with the Unicef pics with some filters in PSP, and I accidentally came up with this. So I kept it :lmaosmiley-1: Hee! I thought it looked kinda cool! (wallpaper size)


(eta: it looks better on the desktop than in the window, lol)

But but but - why are you laughing?!

I think it's lovely!

And - you didn't sign it!

Would you tag it so I can post it at my little local board??? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Am just trying to catch up reading posts. Last year I saw a John Mayer taping for a PBS show at University of Texas. I was impressed. He is very talented, especially on the guitar. He is also very down to earth, very likable. There were a lot of young people there, especially women (going crazy for him and asking for his water bottle), and his current girlfriend was there also. The girl from "Friday Night Lights." He is funny too. At one point, after trying 3 times to do a song and messing up, he just lay down on the floor in frustration. He has been on this music show a couple of times. I know an assistant producer there, and have asked about Clay being on the show. At the time, they had a bias about "Idol" performers. Maybe it will change. I do know from that person that she received a request from Taylor Hicks' manager about him appearing on the show. They did not take him, but Taylor is not even close to Clay's talent.

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Hee - glad you like it ladies! I'm laughing becasue I don't generally like to mess with texture on Clay stuff (lord, that sounds smutty somehow) and I had no idea what I was doing. Happenstance! Cotton, it is 'signed' in the lower left corner. If you click on the thumbnail, then refresh (or F5) it will give you the one with the tag. I did upload it first without it, then I deleted and re-uploaded but for some reason Photobucket doesn't always show the most current one when the file name is the same. Anyhooo, if you refresh the page it will be the right one.

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Hee - glad you like it ladies! I'm laughing becasue I don't generally like to mess with texture on Clay stuff (lord, that sounds smutty somehow) and I had no idea what I was doing. Happenstance! Cotton, it is 'signed' in the lower left corner. If you click on the thumbnail, then refresh (or F5) it will give you the one with the tag. I did upload it first without it, then I deleted and re-uploaded but for some reason Photobucket doesn't always show the most current one when the file name is the same. Anyhooo, if you refresh the page it will be the right one.


I still didn't see it at first - you made it blend so well it's nearly "Invisible"!



Oh, dear. Another female soldier is missing from Ft. Bragg. Her apartment was burned and is being treated as a crime scene. Fayetteville has had three female military personnel disappear/murdered in the last year!

The Story so far - not many details


Well, DAMN!

I just saw a FOX running down our street! I couldn't get my camera out fast enough though. Dangit! I'd love to have gotten a picture!

Droopy was barking earlier but I couldn't spot what he was seeing. I guess that's what he was trying to tell me.

Looked like a red fox and he had the prettiest, fluffiest tail you can imagine!

*snif* I wanted to get his picture!

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I think I must be the only one in the fandom that has had the same avi for 5 years. As handsome as Clay is now; I still like to see him when it all started...when everything was new and exciting...still exciting now, but in a different way. And I always loved what Gladys Knight said to him...very prophetic and still happening.

I just love Clay and :013085001176249046:


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Happy Birthday Claygasm!!! Hope you're having (or had if you don't see this til tomorrow) a great day!!

Hey aikim - at least you have an avi! I keep saying I'm going to figure out how to do one and then can't make up my mind what picture to use... so I just do nothing... :cryingwlaughter:

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Droopy is NOT happy

That kind of goes without saying, doesn't it?


Claygasm, next time you're feeling unpopular around here, pull out all these birthday greetings! Wow, it's been a colorful day!

Happy birthday!!!

Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures of Clay today. He's such a beautiful human being. :)

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Happy Birthday Claygasm!!! Hope you're having (or had if you don't see this til tomorrow) a great day!!

Hey aikim - at least you have an avi! I keep saying I'm going to figure out how to do one and then can't make up my mind what picture to use... so I just do nothing... :cryingwlaughter:

Maybe you need to have one with revolving pictures since you can't decide.


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Maybe you need to have one with revolving pictures since you can't decide.


:cryingwlaughter: I can't figure out how to do a normal one - I'm a complete dolt as far as a revolving one! But it's a nice thought!

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6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

I think his voice has matured and is more colorful now, but he also has lost that clear, beautiful, pure tone that we heard so often on AI. Maybe that was a boys voice and now he has a man's voice. Often I can still hear traces of that purity, but it's not present as often as it used to be. But his man's voice does have more layers, more emotion and more color now.

I totally agree (see my bold/underlined). Although I absolutely love his rich tones now, I am so grateful for the Idol recordings that we can play over and over. They are still my favorite versions of many of his covers, my only "complaint" is that they represent just a fraction of the actual song.

Really? Not sure what pure tone you guys don't hear anymore, because I only think the voice has improved. :huh:

I know what they mean and agree, to an extent. I do think he has lost some of that pure, clear tone – it’s most evident singing live (I don’t count anything on a CD because too much can be fixed if required) in concert. Kinda like the difference between a younger boy voice and that of a full grown man. That said, I think he’s a better singer NOW simply because he’s learned how to be nuanced, etc. He’s matured beautifully. In watching AI rewind, I realized that he really did have a tendency to hit you with that frying pan of talent – he doesn’t do that any more and that’s a good thing, I think. Some of his “glory notes” actually sounded a bit brash or harsh in rewatching. Now his voice still sounds clear and pretty, but without some of the crystal clear, bell tone AND the brashness.

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