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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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So did that Afghanistan cd say that it was made in Vancouver or Canada? Mmm! No I won't ship.

Someone sent me this article in an email.

BAF still doing good.

Mr. Fear is reading a book about failed nations. Somalia is right near the top of the list. Something went terribly wrong in many African nations. But I wouldn't be surprised to learn that it was the more progressive nations taking advantage of a more primitive country. We have done our bit: slavery, dropping off our trash, taking some of the natural resources. I wonder if these countries would be better off as monarchies or some other type of centralized government. But since our government can't even take care of its' own disadvantaged people, I wouldn't have much hope in Africa.

We watched a documentary about the lost boys of Sudan, called "God Grew Tired of Us". A fascinating story of bringing some Sudanese boys to the US and how civilization changed them for both good and bad. There is just no easy answer.

So I would think if you donate to UNICEF or another humanitarian agency that works in Somalia, at least some of the citizens would get food and health care until a solution can be found.

ETA: Took me so long to answer playbiller this topic is old hat. :shrug:

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I just got up from a nap. I still have a ton to do to get ready for the wedding tomorrow, but at least I've found something to wear!

I was so tired and hungry when I got home tho, I ate something and took a nap!

I still have stuff to do to get ready for the beach, too, but I have to take it one event at a time!

I just got email from my sis-in-law saying we should bring air mattresses.

I ain't sleeping on no focking air mattress!! I'd rather go to a hotel!

Like I said, we'll see how this goes! HAGD.gif


Good luck, chach!

Project, there is a project?

I have not been posting because I am still kind of down. I think about Somalia and realize how hard a sell helping is to most Americans. I guess that is is a GOG moment for me.

I will think of something happy and share it , really. In the mean while, I am going to go aback to reading my fantasy book.


Clay says he's here!!!


Heeeee - looks like he's hyperventilating! What did you do to him to make him breathe so fast??

Wait . . . . don't answer that. :naughtywag:

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Clay says he's here!!!


Heeeee - looks like he's hyperventilating! What did you do to him to make him breathe so fast??

Wait . . . . don't answer that. :naughtywag:

I reloaded the pic and on my screen it is in the right speed........ verra verra strange :8:

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Back from the Jays/Yankees game, hanging out in Toronto until tomorrow. The Jays whooped the Yankees tonight! Jeter was 0 for 3 until his last at bat in the 9th, where he got a double. It was quite the game, a couple of Jays hit home runs, final score Jays 5, Yankees 0. We had lots of fun, son #2's guitar teacher did an admirable job with the anthems, and then came and sat in our section as we were a group of 250 students, parents and friends. My mom hadn't been to a game in years, and she thought it was "awful" the way the crowd boo-ed Arod every time he came up to bat. By the 9th, they were chanting "Madonna, Madonna, Madonna" too. It was kind of comical. Anyways, it was a lot more fun than it is sitting home, watching in the living room! ;)

So, did I miss much? :cryingwlaughter: Guess not, eh? Night, all. Hope couchie & muski had a good game, too. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Has it already been reported that LALate posted a story about Clay in Somalia?

Clay Aiken Somalia PICTURE

While Spencer Pratt wants $100,00 to show up and stand in a nightclub and look pretty, celebrity Clay Aiken was volunteering his summer in Somalia and trying to make difference.

Now new pictures from Clay Aiken in Somalia and a message from Clay has been posted on the UNICEF website. Clay is back home and has written the first in a series of blog posts that will focus eyes on the struggle in Somalia.

In other Aiken news, many LALATE readers have been asking if Clay will go on tour this year. So how about this - should LALATE start a petition to urge a Clay Aiken winter mini-tour? This year, celebrities from Jordin Sparks to Vanessa Hudgens to N.E.R.D. have done mini-tours, often less than 30 days in length. Would you like that?

In today’s message about Somalia, Clay writes the following:

The rest quotes the Somalia blog Clay psoted a few days ago.

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Has it already been reported that LALate posted a story about Clay in Somalia?

Clay Aiken Somalia PICTURE

While Spencer Pratt wants $100,00 to show up and stand in a nightclub and look pretty, celebrity Clay Aiken was volunteering his summer in Somalia and trying to make difference.

Now new pictures from Clay Aiken in Somalia and a message from Clay has been posted on the UNICEF website. Clay is back home and has written the first in a series of blog posts that will focus eyes on the struggle in Somalia.

In other Aiken news, many LALATE readers have been asking if Clay will go on tour this year. So how about this - should LALATE start a petition to urge a Clay Aiken winter mini-tour? This year, celebrities from Jordin Sparks to Vanessa Hudgens to N.E.R.D. have done mini-tours, often less than 30 days in length. Would you like that?

In today’s message about Somalia, Clay writes the following:

The rest quotes the Somalia blog Clay psoted a few days ago.

mini-tour??? :cryingwlaughter: Aren't all Clay's tours 'mini-tours'??? :cryingwlaughter:

Has anyone mentioned this little Clay mention in Star Magazine?


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If you guys want your own thread, I can create one for you...


any member can start a thread in most areas. You don't need an admin or mod to do it. And wow, .can't wait to see how things went and how I can help.

As for the game tonight - the A's kicked angel butt...it was a great game and the fireworks were fantastic. Thanks Muski for inviting me.

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I was kicking around the laLate site that play linked earlier - and I found this video which is essentially a video bio and review of OMWH.

It's called eLated for Clay Aiken

Check it out! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

OK - Now I gotta go to bed!!0-0-0dragclay.gif

waves to couchie!

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Has it already been reported that LALate posted a story about Clay in Somalia?

Clay Aiken Somalia PICTURE

While Spencer Pratt wants $100,00 to show up and stand in a nightclub and look pretty, celebrity Clay Aiken was volunteering his summer in Somalia and trying to make difference.

Now new pictures from Clay Aiken in Somalia and a message from Clay has been posted on the UNICEF website. Clay is back home and has written the first in a series of blog posts that will focus eyes on the struggle in Somalia.

In other Aiken news, many LALATE readers have been asking if Clay will go on tour this year. So how about this - should LALATE start a petition to urge a Clay Aiken winter mini-tour? This year, celebrities from Jordin Sparks to Vanessa Hudgens to N.E.R.D. have done mini-tours, often less than 30 days in length. Would you like that?

In today’s message about Somalia, Clay writes the following:

The rest quotes the Somalia blog Clay psoted a few days ago.


I have no idea who Spencer Pratt is.


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I saw this article in the 'headlines' on my homepage this morning. I thought it was pretty interesting, and somehow it makes me feel better about Clay's future (not that I felt bad about it before). It's about Lyle Lovett (whom I enjoy quite a bit) and the headline reads: Lyle Lovvett sells millions, earns nothing.

Article here

DETROIT (Billboard) - Lyle Lovett says he has "never made a dime" from album sales during his two-decade career, and hopes to rectify that situation when his contract expires.

The eclectic country singer has two more albums on his deal with Curb/Universal, his home since 1985, and figures the horizons are wide open.

"The possibilities are very exciting, I think," Lovett told Billboard.com. "I've never made a dime from a record sale in the history of my record deal. I've been very happy with my sales, and certainly my audience has been very supportive. I make a living going out and playing shows."

Lovett, 50, has sold 4.6 million albums in the United States since 1991, the year when SoundScan sales data were introduced. His most recent release, "It's Not Big It's Large," has sold about 145,000 copies since debuting at a career-best No. 18 on the Billboard 200 last September, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

"Records are very powerful promotional tools to go out and be able to play on the road, but you do have to think about it as a way of sustaining itself at some point. I'm very excited about being able to do some of that on my own, maybe," Lovett said.

He did not, however, rule out another label deal.

"Certainly if a major label is interested in working with me after these next two records and is able to come up with a strategy that does engage some of the new technology in a way that can benefit everybody, I'd be very interested in that."

Lovett said he hopes to start work on his next album in time for a 2009 release. He has a direction in mind but says, "I don't know if I want to talk about it yet."

He is currently touring North America with his Large Band through mid-August, and has also financed an album recorded at some of the singer/songwriter shows he does with John Hiatt, Guy Clark and Joe Ely but is having trouble getting his label interested in putting it out.

Lovett, who has graced the big screen in such films as "The Player" and "The Opposite of Sex," recently added to his acting resume with "a very small contribution" to Michael Meredith's film "The Open Road," which stars Justin Timberlake and Jeff Bridges, and is expected to open later this year.

"I got to do a scene with Justin, which was fun. I enjoyed meeting him," said Lovett, who also performed a song for the soundtrack with Charlie Sexton, who's scoring the film.

Some interesting things for me in that article. Lyle has been around a long time, with a successful career, and yet never debuted higher than 18th, and has still sold 'only' 4.6 million albums. His latest one (that highest debut) has sold 145K to date. And he has been with this company for 20+ years (I'm sure he's renewed at least once or twice). I keep thinking about Clay saying he'd be with RCA 'as long as they'd have him'. I believe him. Sure, Lyle has radio play (to an extent) but still isn't a 'megastar'. He's dabbled in other things (including Julia Roberts *g*) over the years, and has always toured. Sounds familiar. Heheh, well maybe not the Julia part. I really like his perspective. It makes me even more confident that Clay will have the career he wants to have.

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Has it already been reported that LALate posted a story about Clay in Somalia?

Clay Aiken Somalia PICTURE

While Spencer Pratt wants $100,00 to show up and stand in a nightclub and look pretty, celebrity Clay Aiken was volunteering his summer in Somalia and trying to make difference.

Now new pictures from Clay Aiken in Somalia and a message from Clay has been posted on the UNICEF website. Clay is back home and has written the first in a series of blog posts that will focus eyes on the struggle in Somalia.

In other Aiken news, many LALATE readers have been asking if Clay will go on tour this year. So how about this - should LALATE start a petition to urge a Clay Aiken winter mini-tour? This year, celebrities from Jordin Sparks to Vanessa Hudgens to N.E.R.D. have done mini-tours, often less than 30 days in length. Would you like that?

In today’s message about Somalia, Clay writes the following:

The rest quotes the Somalia blog Clay psoted a few days ago.


I have no idea who Spencer Pratt is.


Spencer is on a reality TV show called 'The Hills' He and his girlfriend (can't remember her name) are kind of like Paris Hilton. He was on Letterman not long ago, and there are some clips of it on youtube. It kind of gives you a feel for why LaLate said what they did. I'm sure it was based on this.


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Good morning. I'm up before my company so decided to check in.

LaLate certainly has been good to Clay. Spencer is just another hollow celebrity, full of himself!!

I've seen Lyle Lovett in concert ohhhhhhhhhhh probably about cough20timescough over the past 20-25 years - most recently about a year ago with K.D. Lang. He's great in concert, funny, has a beautiful voice, some consider him ugly but he has the most beautiful blue eyes and the truly weirdest hairdo. Saw him in Santa Fe right after he married Julia Roberts and his band was teasing him playing "Pretty Woman!" BUT.....he is self-limiting. He does not like to sing in large venues - prefers to be close to the crowd - and has never wanted to do anything but make his own music. He's most definitely a "niche" singer - kind of a cross between country, jazz, a little blue grass and totally his own sound - which usually includes a large horn section (definitely not country!) Pretty much the only way he promotes his CDs is by touring - really small venues and out of the way places. I guess you could use his career to make a point - but I sure think Clay has more promise. I don't ever see him touring nearly 11 months out of every year. I saw in an article once where Lyle said he's on the road more than 300 days every year. Oh, and I have every single CD he ever recorded.....

So how was the $9 beer last night Couchie? PacBell stadium is the neatest place to see a baseball game!!!

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Well I wasn't trying to say Clay is Lyle. It isn't about Clay's promise. So I guess my point was that Lyle has made his own choices too, and still has a thriving career after twenty plus years. That his CD sales haven't been off the charts, but he's successful touring. That the record company perhaps hasn't been ideal, but he stayed with them. Self-limiting is one way of looking at it, but that sounds more like a fault. *shrug* It still makes me feel better about Clay. I do love my rose-coloured glasses.

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I like Lovett--not nearly to the degree of Iseeme. But good choice, Iseeme!! I have a couple of his albums, and I really like his style.

Cindilu, thanks for that article. It sounds like Lovett has exactly the career he wants to have. I cannot think of a greater gift to an artist from his fans.

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cindilu... thanks for the info about Lyle. Interesting!

Iseeme... parallels (or however you spell that word)... :cryingwlaughter:

I do think Clay will be around as long as he wants to be and since performing is totally ingrained in him, I think that's as long as he can get up on a stage and sing/banter.

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