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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


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45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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I loved the Hannah/Clay picture but when I looked at it more closely, I saw sadness. I see a tear in Hannah's eye and Clay looked like he might have been, too. Maybe, it was Clay going to Somalia and Hannah going back to England. I'm sure they were great buddies and I bet they wondered if they's ever see each other again. Who knows?

Luckiest said and I quote--

I am not privy to the details of his relationship with Jaymes, but I am sure that whatever it is, it works for them and doesn't affect his relationship with Hannah in any way.


merry says we better ask Jaymes and Clay about that to be sure. Dear friend might just trump good buddy. LOL!!!! Who knows? Can't wait for Spamalot. I'm pumped. Parker is probably going to see the bright lights for the first time. I hope they have a smooth move.

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Luckiest said and I quote--

I am not privy to the details of his relationship with Jaymes, but I am sure that whatever it is, it works for them and doesn't affect his relationship with Hannah in any way.


merry says we better ask Jaymes and Clay about that to be sure. Dear friend might just trump good buddy. LOL!!!! Who knows? Can't wait for Spamalot. I'm pumped. Parker is probably going to see the bright lights for the first time. I hope they have a smooth move.

Heh, let me rephrase that. I am not privy to the details of his relationships with Jaymes and Hannah, but I'm sure that he has them both well in hand *g* and is able to keep them separate.

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Love that picture of Clay and Hannah but am getting a kick of people opinion on it. All I know is that he looks great, and whatever their relationship is it is his business.

Hee, the first time I read this I thought it said "I am getting sick of people's opinions on it" and I thought alrighty then! :cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oooh, look at me postwhoring so early in the day. It's pouring rain out here, not much else to do except housework.

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playbiller, please continue to bring over those overseas numbers. I thought I had mentioned my appreciation of that info in a previous post but I have alot of posts that I compose in my mind that never seem to make it to print.

Does this include Canada?

I have revisted the Clannah pic alot. It gave me a rush to look at it. It is not that I think there is a relationship between him and Hannah, it is just that I love the way he looks. The eyes look just a bit sad to me though, I must admit.

In my last revisit, I noticed the hair that just flips at the nape of his neck. *g*

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I only have one computer; the file is just the start of a an inventory of my hubby's 45's...I typed it on the computer; than saved to floppy disc. When I then went to "My Computer"; clicked on "floppy A Disc..it opened it and showed that the file was there, but then when I clicked on the file to open it, it said "cannot read file, make sure you have disc in the drive you selected". I only have one A drive on my computer.

It won't take me long to start over; just frustrating. Thanks for all the suggestions. I have a very old computer and I am not very tech savvy. I may take it to work and try it in my computer there and see if it will work.

Yes, the only two things I'd try are: (a) clean the disk drive and then try to read it again and (b) like you said, take it to another computer and see if it can be read. If it were something really valuable, there are places where you could send it or any type of media including the old 5.25" or 8" ones but those would cost a lot more than the couple of hours you've put into this file.

I love reading the diversity of opinion over one picture. I think it's a hot picture and I don't see sad -- I see expensive champagne.

Yes, it's a cute Rorschach test for people. Just like Clay, I suppose.

I like the way it captures a look that we usually don't see but the presence of the camera and the fact that it surfaced now instead of in late June or July when walls everywhere were getting head-banged, have my brain working overtime.

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I didn't see keepingfaith referring to excessive drinking at all. One glass of champagne and my eyes would show it.

But he is almost 30. And he has made reference on occasion to having a drink. I don't think there's anything there that says excess.


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I love reading the diversity of opinion over one picture. I think it's a hot picture and I don't see sad -- I see expensive champagne.

So Clay has taken up drinking, and to excess?

I hope not!!!

Ha, ha, Clay is a big boy and, in his life, will go through things, I can't worry about him, he looks happy and that is nice to see. Maybe someone talked him into a cosmo - he said one drink and he goes loopy. But I think it was something other than alcohol, maybe emotional camaraderie and seeing a good period end as they all do. i.e. maybe he was "schmooopey".

About the international numbers - the reason I asked if you were interested is because these are not "factual" numbers - they are someone's estimate based on things they have read. I cannot say they are valid but other idol fans on other boards do count on these numbers as real. I don't want to be leading anyone one on, they are someone's best estimate and they do have more international sources than we do. The numbers could be higher or lower. What I found interesting was the the estimated weekly changes increased after the olympics, so I thought they must be getting feed back from somewhere.

I do wish we could find the counts from a lot more countries individually.

Yay, a sunny day while I throw wet sttuff from my basement and truck my neighbors mulch to where it would be useful on my own gardens - even if I wish I could dump it in the middle of their front lawn.

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Heh, let me rephrase that. I am not privy to the details of his relationships with Jaymes and Hannah, but I'm sure that he has them both well in hand *g* and is able to keep them separate.

Unless of course he's into menage-a-trois.......... :whistling-1:

I love reading the diversity of opinion over one picture. I think it's a hot picture and I don't see sad -- I see expensive champagne.

Hee!!! Expensive champagne, a hot man and a hot woman..... Sounds like a fun night to me!

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Back from shopping; bought two pairs of earrings and two different lipsticks...more decisions for the wedding! I think this week I will have to experiment with my make-up to see how it will all come together. I normally don't wear anything but moisturizer, powder and lipstick, so this will be interesting for me.

I really am glad that everyone is getting so much fun out of the picture; I think Hannah and Clay are very good friends.


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I think some people are getting more than "fun" out of the picture - if you know what I mean. insert evil laugh

OK, I will be going out to get the paper in a bit, anyone who wants me to get and hold one for them until they get to spam... you have about 1/2 an hour.

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This is interesting!

I am reading a biography of Angela Lansbury; I am on section that deals with her playing the role of Mame on Broadway...it is fascinating to read about how a play comes together, the rehearsals, etc....but this quote really struck me

especially with all the discussion of the "picture":

"In the theater," Angela says, "There are times when you are really thrown to people by the proximity of your work, by the camaraderie and the feeling of family. So backstage romances are the most natural thing in the world. I really don't know anybody it didn't happen to"


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Hi guys!!! Thanks for the welcome :F_05BL17blowkiss: Yes, I am the Lynnie from the CB and the Shed and now FCA. I didn't see Spamalot last time around but am going this time....maybe twice...and am really excited. And I can't wait for all the Stage Door pictures...need new Clay pics BADLY. :5:

I know a lot of people won't get to go this time around but am so happy that to read that people who didn't go last time get to go this time around. I'm so happy for you and everyone else who will get to experience it for the first time.

I love reading the diversity of opinion over one picture. I think it's a hot picture and I don't see sad -- I see expensive champagne.


Drinking to excess? Don't equate what KF to that.

So have we CSI type Clay fans used the hair color to figure out the time period for this picture. Cuz he was blonde during Spam run so this may have been Hannah's party saying farewell not only to Clay and all of the cast but to the old U S of A. Anyway, I agree that it's like a Rorschach test for us.

Anyway, it's been a month eh? As much as I want to see the baby, I think what we've seen so far (which is absolutely nothing) just goes to show that some sort of normalcy can be controlled and maintained. I'm happy for them.

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I love reading the diversity of opinion over one picture. I think it's a hot picture and I don't see sad -- I see expensive champagne.

I confess, this crossed my mind as well. <g>

I didn't see keepingfaith referring to excessive drinking at all. One glass of champagne and my eyes would show it.

But he is almost 30. And he has made reference on occasion to having a drink. I don't think there's anything there that says excess.


Word. My eyes get glassy after one glass of champagne – it just has that effect. This is all harmless speculation, remember?

Clay also never used to say hell – and he clearly did on Jimmy Kimmel last time as in “What the hell am I gonna do with a bust of myself.”

Things change, ya’ll. Baby is growing up and has a baby of his own. <g>

I happened across a review of the Equus first preview and it was very, very good. But what was interesting to me was the commentary about the stage door. They said it was “insane” and that there were 300 – 500 people waiting. Daniel Radcliffe did sign autographs every night in London, so I imagine it will continue to be crazy. Add Clay to that mix at the theater (I think) next door and that stretch of road will be a mad house, especially on weekends. I would refrain from trying restaurants nearby, if I was going. Which I may still be – I can’t decide. <g>

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Hee. A new outlet for Fan Wars?

Are the Claymates crazier than the Potterites? :wizard:

Somewhere on the web, is there a Finding Daniel Radcliffe board with the equivalent of this emotie? :013085001176249046:

Of course, DR's fans have actually had the opportunity to see his... B)

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Imagine the crowds that Clay would draw if he was nude in Spamalot........they'd have to rename it "Thudalot". One way to definetely ensure a massive stage door crowd.......I would think.

Sorry..... :whistling-1: ...just a thought that passed through the vacant space in my head.....

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Anyway, it's been a month eh? As much as I want to see the baby, I think what we've seen so far (which is absolutely nothing) just goes to show that some sort of normalcy can be controlled and maintained. I'm happy for them.

Thanks for reminding me! I keep meaning to ask about this! I have now had three different people tell me they have seen a pic of Clay's baby. I at first thought they meant the one coming out of the hospital door, and have had all three say "no, not that~a profile pic of a beautiful baby".

Have I completely missed something in all the traveling, in which case GIVE please....:lol:....or are they confusing Brangelina's baby maybe with Clay's, do you think?

Well, Hanna and I have both arrived in Sydney, NS. Both of us in one piece. The driving was not pretty for the last hour or so, but fortunately it was just 20 km or so (15 mi-ish). It's raining HARD and blowing harder and harder, but I think the car and the hotel will remain on the ground by the look of things.

For the Canadians~I drove through Port Hawkesbury of course, on the way here. I had forgotten that is Mitch's (McDonald is it?) home town. The VOTE MITCH signs are absolutely everywhere! I may be the only person on Cape Breton NOT voting Mitch on Monday night! :hysterical:

It was kind of cool to see the support, though. Even if he can't sing. :lol:

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BWAH, FromClaygary. Any chance you could tamper with the phone lines while you are there? ;) I'm kidding, of course! But I can't imagine who is voting for him.

Glad you got there safely. Our sun has come back this afternoon, YAY! Heading out to see Bangkok Dangerous shortly. It's the first decent movie that I've seen playing in quite some time! I don't really know anything about it, other than it's starring Nicholas Cage, and that is good enough for me. :whistling-1:

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BWAH, FromClaygary. Any chance you could tamper with the phone lines while you are there? ;) I'm kidding, of course! But I can't imagine who is voting for him.

Glad you got there safely. Our sun has come back this afternoon, YAY! Heading out to see Bangkok Dangerous shortly. It's the first decent movie that I've seen playing in quite some time! I don't really know anything about it, other than it's starring Nicholas Cage, and that is good enough for me. :whistling-1:

Luckiest1, I got out of the car to take some pics of them for you and just about drowned! :lmaosmiley-1: So I decided not to risk ruining my non-waterproof camera. Now if only my son worked for the PHONE company instead of the ELECTRIC company! :hysterical:

Seriously, if he wins, there's gonna be some yelling in THIS hotel room! There is absolutely no way he should even be in the running.

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Anyway, it's been a month eh? As much as I want to see the baby, I think what we've seen so far (which is absolutely nothing) just goes to show that some sort of normalcy can be controlled and maintained. I'm happy for them.

Thanks for reminding me! I keep meaning to ask about this! I have now had three different people tell me they have seen a pic of Clay's baby. I at first thought they meant the one coming out of the hospital door, and have had all three say "no, not that~a profile pic of a beautiful baby".

Have I completely missed something in all the traveling, in which case GIVE please....:lol:....or are they confusing Brangelina's baby maybe with Clay's, do you think?

Well, Hanna and I have both arrived in Sydney, NS. Both of us in one piece. The driving was not pretty for the last hour or so, but fortunately it was just 20 km or so (15 mi-ish). It's raining HARD and blowing harder and harder, but I think the car and the hotel will remain on the ground by the look of things.

For the Canadians~I drove through Port Hawkesbury of course, on the way here. I had forgotten that is Mitch's (McDonald is it?) home town. The VOTE MITCH signs are absolutely everywhere! I may be the only person on Cape Breton NOT voting Mitch on Monday night! :hysterical:

It was kind of cool to see the support, though. Even if he can't sing. :lol:

Glad to hear that you got to Sydney, NS in one piece. It would be nice to see a pic of the baby. I really wonder if he'll ever show us one. Maybe he's waiting for the Gala for those lucky ones attending. At least I have to look forward to seeing in Jan at Spamalot. Have a safe trip, when are you going back home?

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Glad to hear that you got to Sydney, NS in one piece. It would be nice to see a pic of the baby. I really wonder if he'll ever show us one. Maybe he's waiting for the Gala for those lucky ones attending. At least I have to look forward to seeing in Jan at Spamalot. Have a safe trip, when are you going back home?

Sure hope you're right about the Gala! Maybe Faye'll have pics in her wallet :lol:

I'm headed home on Tuesday, thank goodness! Ah'm so tired, and I'm dying to sleep in my own comfy bed!

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Glad to hear that you got to Sydney, NS in one piece. It would be nice to see a pic of the baby. I really wonder if he'll ever show us one. Maybe he's waiting for the Gala for those lucky ones attending. At least I have to look forward to seeing in Jan at Spamalot. Have a safe trip, when are you going back home?

Sure hope you're right about the Gala! Maybe Faye'll have pics in her wallet :lol:

I'm headed home on Tuesday, thank goodness! Ah'm so tired, and I'm dying to sleep in my own comfy bed!

You must surely miss your own bed. Didn't it seem like Faye had those hospital pics that we can get when we have a baby?

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Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Welcome to lynnie171 -- glad to have you here! :hello:

playbiller, please continue to bring over those overseas numbers. I thought I had mentioned my appreciation of that info in a previous post but I have alot of posts that I compose in my mind that never seem to make it to print.

Ditto, Play! I quoted you and included the Worldwide link in my new blog at Carolina On My Mind. The main focus is "Something About Us" and includes several montages featuring this OMWH song. Featured graphics are by AmazingCA, cindilu2, and Ambassador of Love. Hope you enjoy! :clay:

Have a super week, all! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

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