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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


Thread Title Poll  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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Clay content: If anyone published a book of photos of Clay, it would drive everyone crazy figuring out which one is really him. But that's what makes him so very interesting. :lilredani:

And yet, every single one would be him as well. I love multi-faceted. I also am totally jealous that he can change his looks that quickly.

Congrats RIFan! That's very, very cool!

I knew that about flies, when they take off, that they take off backwards. Therefore, I'm the designated fly killer in my household. I'm pretty darn good, if I do say so myself! LOL But now I see I've probably inflicted bad karma on myself. *sigh*

That picture of Clay and Hannah is definitely thudworthy. Sawoon.

I wonder if Clay realizes how much match-making is going on, on his fanboards!!

I would guess that he does...and it probably cracks him up! Or else it squicks him out. *g*

Hope Cotton is OK!

:7254: ausdon!

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Trying the quote button for the first time!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


Holy Crap what a picture!!! I don't know what to say about this except that they both appear to be feeling alright, and that Hannah's proud of it. I rather love this photo.

I second your reaction and add...WOW and GAH!!!

:bday2: :bday2:


~~Another interpretation of his expression......... I've seen it many times........ he blinked. ;)

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Ausdon, Happy Birthday to You.



Stealing Borrowing these great graphics and adding some of my own......


:dancingpickle: :04: :balloons: :2164: :fest30: :fest06::ole0:



Rain has started in earnest now, apparently the worst is expected this afternoon.

As long as we don't lose power all will be OK.

I've stacked the deck furniture against the leeward rail (whatever that means... :))

and moved all the soakable things away from the sump pump well area!

mrchach sent me to the store yesterday for canned soup, fruit and fresh batteries.

The hatches are battened!!

According to the reports the storm is in NC right now near Raleigh.

We are about 200 miles, and it's moving quickly or so they say.

It'll be in NJ this afternoon after it leaves here!

Isn't this thing going to run out of steam anytime soon??? :badmood:

Meanwhile.... I think I have some junk mail to shred! :partytime2:

since cotton hasn't checked in, they must have lost their power.

I heard yesterday landfall would be around Oak Island. Hope all is well! {{{cotton}}}

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I went to bed at 8 last night. Felt good

Cotton, well my brother did adopt but they were only 4 and 7 at the time hee.

나는 Clay'를 사랑한다; s 포장!

Muski you'll have to make that a jpg and I'll upload for you.

New picture of Clay and Hannah from Hannah's website...speculation that this was taken on her closing night.


Love the photos. All of them with the cast of Spam. I love that Clay creates family wherever he goes.

KAndre for Dictator!!! Scarlett for Vice-Dictator

Get your buttons here!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I'd LOVE to see them take over Washington!!! :hysterical:

I have a feeling they'd actually get stuff done too!

ok off to do more catching up

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posting on the run before going for yet another dental appointment.

I've been away from the boards these last few days, just checking in briefly and I want to thank you for posting those photos of Clay from Hannah's website. For so long earlier this year I could look forward to almost a steady stream of Clay photos and have these last months really been missing him.

Now that photo of Clay and Hannah...so many interpretations...for me, new Clay information now goes through the "Clay is now a daddy and who knows what his relationship with Jaymes is" filter. I can't help it.

So, after initially feeling "gah" at those sexy bedroom eyes I thought...he's probably just tired.. Darn!

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Hee. I know how fickle this fandom is in its shipping, so I was looking to see if Merle Dandridge (the new Lady of the Lake) is married or not. I couldn't find anything definitive, other than her myspace status of "In a relationship". I expect to see the launch of the SS Clerle by the end of the month. :dance2:

(That assuming we don't know anything new about Jaymes and Clay's relationship at that point... ) B)


Whoa! COUCHIE! Did you just feel that earthquake?


Quick, but strong...

Couchie? :lilredani:

LOL didn't feel a thing. Didn't know about the earthquake until I read this just now. I'm alive hee.

I think you have to reign in your imaginations just a bit. there was someone else there, someone who took the photo.

Now playbiller, let's not be realistic. :hysterical:


Aikim I can understand a bit where you're coming from but really even though I call things shipping I've never in the past 5 years thought Clay was really involved with Kim, Angela, Tyra, Hannah. Heee..those are my ships. I think as long as Clay's relationship remains unclear the fun and fantasy will continue cuz just plain parenthood doesn't make him taken. But really, I don't even think this is about shipping but the picture just lends itself to comment and expressions of GAH.

Congrats RIFan

and Happy Birthday Ausdon. Hope you have a very special day.

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Jmh I remember when I was growing up on a farm in Idaho and there were flies in the house, my father would always say that was a sign rain was coming--and I've found that to be true. Pretty much how the seagulls come to land and hunker down before a storm.

I think that's a cute picture of Hannah and Clay--probably taken in the middle of a room full of people all having a great time and wishing Hannah well! I love that he has good friends.

(I sure wish I could see that baby!--just thought I'd mention that in passing.)

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So, after initially feeling "gah" at those sexy bedroom eyes I thought...he's probably just tired.. Darn!

This is my very first post here!! So first of all, Hi. :handshake:

And now......my very first disagreement..he's not tired. He's "content". Very "content".


Please let me think he's "content". :whistling-1:

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I haven't been online much today. Watching a movie with DH after a night of periodic sleep!

I thought I had posted here and CV. Sorry!

Hanna report . . .

That hussy was fast!

We lost power during the night but we're back!

We learned a few things so now we'll be ready for Ike! LOL!

We really did see some pretty good winds but no damage I can see so far. Lots of little limbs and debris, but nothing big.

25000 people without power in Brunswick County according to the tv. So we were lucky that it came back even before time to get up!

So now

•I'm enjoying my coffee.

(Meaning we have water!)

•I can flush the potty without having to pour water in it.

(Hey! You big city folks wouldn't understand . . .)

•We have lights.

•We have tv.

•We have internet!!!

Life is good.

Now that Hanna has gone North to bother some other folks, I'll be getting ready for my Date with Ike!

On a serious note, there is concern about root systems weakened by Hanna's rains giving way when we get Ike's winds. Although right now there are indications he may make a turn towards the Gulf. They just do not need that!


Last I heard Brunswick County was down to 10000 without power, so we were in the lucky first-fix group!

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:bday2: :bday2:


cotton... glad you came thru this one ok. Crossing fingers for coming thru Ike without carrying water!!!

shipping... until he shows in some way that he is taken by Jaymes, I think it is fair game (and that's all it is, IMO... hehe)

The picture... double GAH! They really did click and my guesstimate is that he's thrilled he's getting hugged like that and sad to see her go back to England. Still... that is some picture!!!

I have a new iPod and am trying to get some stuff on it before going on vacation. Everyone says it's easy, but they don't know me and gadgets. I handle computers better than little gadgets for some reason. I loaded songs on a Nano and can't figure out how to get from one folder to another... I am pathetic. :cryingwlaughter:

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liney - from one folder to another to listen?

Just hit the menu button and run your thumb around the little wheel.

When you find what you want, depress the center. Twice.

To change, hit the menu button again. Does that help?

Treansferring music from one folder to another is another whole set of details! :D

All's quiet here, we must be in the eye now.

So far we have power still, and nothing's blown over or away.


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Yeh Akim are we ready to party with the young girls tonight. I do not know when it became a thing to have bachlorette party but they all seem to now day. That last part of the statement made me sound old, like my mother. I will enjoy myself if I can stay awake to 3am.

That picture of Clay and Hannah was great. Those eyes get me everytime. Can not wait to see pictures in two weeks. Love the ad in the paper. I am so glad that Broadway gets him, I wish the music industry did.

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Yeh Akim are we ready to party with the young girls tonight. I do not know when it became a thing to have bachlorette party but they all seem to now day. That last part of the statement made me sound old, like my mother. I will enjoy myself if I can stay awake to 3am.

That picture of Clay and Hannah was great. Those eyes get me everytime. Can not wait to see pictures in two weeks. Love the ad in the paper. I am so glad that Broadway gets him, I wish the music industry did.

I won't be doing any partyng; the mom's were not invited...so I will be anxiously waiting to talk to my youngest daughter to see how it all went.

I love the Ad!


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Wheeeeeeeee! Love the newspaper ad! I wonder if I can grab one two at Chapters......is it in the Saturday paper?

Its in the Arts Section of the Sunday NY Times.

But...but.. it's Saturday! *scratches head*

Okay this was probably answered way back when, however... does anybody know if the Playbill Yearbook is available to buy in stores? Like maybe the Broadway Store? Amazon.ca is backordering it now and I would like to know if I can buy one when I'm there before we cancel?

ETA: I lurrrrrrrves the Clannah pic. LURVES! But I'd bet dollars to donuts that 'look' is the camera catching him mid-blink. But then I say... who CARES? It's hot!!!

*waves down at couchie* Then why don't they just call it the Saturday paper????

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who CARES? He's hot!!!

a minor change and thread title

in most major cities the sunday paper comes out on saturdays. The Sunday paper is all about the inserts not the news.

GREAT ad!! I love it! Luckiest1 and Cindilu2 I know our Barrie Chapters carries the NY Times so I bet yours does.....but I bet you won't find it there until tomorrow, regardless of what day it's published. They go fast. Better call and get them to hold you one (2) :lol:

Well, Hanna is now off to Halifax I guess~glad you were spared, cotton, and I hope that bodes well for us. I'm actually hoping it gets here overnight so I know whether to set out on my 5-hr drive or not tomorrow morning when I get up.

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If anyone picks up an extra of that NYT, please PM me, I'd love to have one.

Well, harumph. KAndre threatens sporking, and people get their song selections done. I threaten sporking, and people ignore me (except for cha cha, MUAH!). What is it? Do I need to get better bling? Huh?

Anyway...here is the list of the songs for the CITH that need recommendations yet, plus the people who were SUPPOSED to do them.

ococe - atinal

mdyk - ansa

cw - liney23

wwiak - ialreadyam

wtow - jmh123

wayc - PuddinsJoy

dsiafcd - couchie

aiw - kandre

liney has spoken to me, and she gets a pass until the beginning of next month, when she returns to her real computer. I'm also giving KAndre a bit of a pass, since she was a world traveler, and besides, she kinda scares me. *g* Would the rest of the names on the list contact me please to let me know if you still are planning, or if you want to give up the project and let another nice FCA person volunteer!

Put it this way -- in just a few weeks, we'll be more interested in Spamalot. It would be good to have CITH songs done before then!

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Hmmm if you haven't left 3? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oops, missed this. I reserved two, but they said they were expecting three. So if they still have the extra when I get there tomorrow, I will grab it for you.

I don't think PuddinsJoy is around anymore, so someone needs to volunteer for WAYC. I'd do it except I think goldarngirl might kill me, since I'm supposed to be working on Merrillville CITH video.

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Hmmm if you haven't left 3? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oops, missed this. I reserved two, but they said they were expecting three. So if they still have the extra when I get there tomorrow, I will grab it for you.

I don't think PuddinsJoy is around anymore, so someone needs to volunteer for WAYC. I'd do it except I think goldarngirl might kill me, since I'm supposed to be working on Merrillville CITH video.

Thank you re: NY Times.


Well I hate to say it but Lotus and I tripped through youtube last night for the better part of the night well at least from 11pm to 4am. So I wasn't really being diligent myself.

I do want to share another little youtube that we found last night though. This has a Clay connection so I will share here. This gentleman sang on the William Joseph album. He sang 'Dust In The Wind'. Lotus and I danced up a storm in our chairs last night over this one.

Garou-You Can Leave Your Hat On

Just one of the many. Dance on dudettes.

And that ladies is how you kill a thread ;)

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