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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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I just read that Clay probably got a measly $500,000 for the interview. Times are tough in the magazine biz. I guess Parker's college fund is secure.

bwah. I saw that too. Oh how I wish I had that measly half mil. But I'm glad Clay did this on his own time even though he missed out apparantly on millions to come out before Parker was a glint in his eye. Well I think People will get a huge return on its "investment"

Hugs to lajeterfan and Jaycee and Play and others struggling for different reasons - we are family. I understand we may all be in different places.

Annabear, girl. you cracked me the hell up today.

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G'night, All!

I'm going to help DS with some of his move tomorrow after GMA so I will miss out on all the EEEEEing and SQUEEEing.

Save a few EEEEEE's for me, wilya?!


Just had to go look at the cover one more time. That l'il Parker is one CUTE baby! Daddy ain't bad either, but he is CUTE!

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Yeah..that $500,000 is pretty pitiful, ain't it? Me? I just turned down a cool $1 million for an interview about my newest story about a middle-aged woman who decides she's going to become a nun when her hawt fantasy singer boyfriend declares that he's gay and will never have sex with her.

I haven't really started writing it yet, but the outline is there in my head.

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I just watched Showbiz Tonight--big report about Clay--but nicely done and supportive. Even though Pond Scum PH was on--even he was pretty toned down and not overly gag-inducing.

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heeee hilarious Muski. Girl I wish I had a story to tell for that a tenth of that. I'm feeling really good lately with my finances. I'm tackling one problem thing at a time. Another huge obligation bit the dust today... next IRS. hee.

So will clay be on GMA Thursday AND Friday or just Thursday. I don't have to be at work until 1 PM but I'm sure I'll be up by 6 to watch the clack. heh.

Didn't see ET but caught glimpses of Extra and Insider. Thankfully he was FIRST and I could turn back to Jeopardy.

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It’s interesting how these things go. Literally late last week I had someone inform me that he was gay. My response? Does that affect his voice? No, of course not. My next question was: “why do you CARE?” Unfortunately, this person is a CHRISTIAN and believes that Clay will be going to hell and had no problem telling me so. When that revelation comes out I walk away before I get into a fist fight.

I'm Christian and the first time I heard this argument from another Christian was in regards to a mutual friend who is Jewish, and was also present at the time of this conversation. I was absolutely, flat-out astounded that someone could think that way. Still am. I evidently missed the addendum to the Bible where God gave handed judgment over to us.

When I was in 6th grade one of my classmates told me I was going straight to hell because I hadn't been baptized. I ran home and begged my mother to have me baptized. She just laughed.

Then about 20 years ago or so, a "friend" who was a born again told me my dear sweet recently deceased grandmother would go to hell because she was Jewish.

These are the reasons I detest the words "born again Christian" and seeing those words in front of Clay's name upsets me more than his being gay ever could! But I choose to believe he is not one those "Christians", born again or not.

For me, one of the most gratifying things about this is that I'll bet that certain scumbags (i.e., PH) were eager to watch the fandom explode over this. And I'll bet that the outpouring of support has not been what they expected. Poking the "gay" stick at the fans won't be as fun anymore.

From your lips, Jenna! And may I just say again how wonderful it is to see you posting here again!

I actually worry, no, maybe a better word is wonder, why I am so ok with this! But it does seem so surreal to me still. I haven't read the scan. I have barely had a chance to read this board! I think I will just watch GMA and then read the magazine when I see it.

It really is hard to change how you have always seen someone - even when you're ok with it. I just have to keep reminding myself that his sexuality wasn't who he was - or is. He is so much more than that. He is still a really good person. He still sings like an angel and is funnier than the devil. He still cares about this world and strives to do his part to make it a better one. He still loves children and strives to do his part to make the lives of children all over the world better. He is still a giving caring person. And he still has integrity and character. None of that has changed.

So really, not much has changed. At least nothing important.

He has had a hell of a life when you think about. Yes, he has had great blessings and I think we, his fans, would be counted among them (at least some of the time!). But it seems for all his blessings he has had more than his fair share of pain.

I hope that balance can begin to change now. I hope. I hope.


Yeah..that $500,000 is pretty pitiful, ain't it? Me? I just turned down a cool $1 million for an interview about my newest story about a middle-aged woman who decides she's going to become a nun when her hawt fantasy singer boyfriend declares that he's gay and will never have sex with her.

I haven't really started writing it yet, but the outline is there in my head.

Now that's a story I want to read!! :cryingwlaughter:

Do we know when on GMA his segment will be? I assume it will be in the second half, but want to be sure.

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CG I'm sorry for your experiences but there are jerks in all walks of life. I can't and won't lump born again Christians into a bad group and sorry that you feel that way. I hope you have come to that realization by now. Everybody I know and love is a born again christian. I grew up in church - and just like anywhere there are people I would cross the street to avoid but I've learned long ago that grouping people like that is just not right. Clay will now have to deal with people who will group him because of his sexuality as I've had to deal with people who had pre conceived notions because I'm a woman or black.

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I was married in Washington Cathedral and was told by a priest that I was going to hell because I had not married my catholic husband in a catholic church. I told him that if I was living in sin then I was sure having a good time! Needless to say my MIL was horrified I would speak to a priest that way.

What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.

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Annabear, girl. you cracked me the hell up today.

I aim to please. ;)

Now I'm off to :offtobed: still undecided as to whether my *cough*cold*cough* will be acting up in the morning. I have a feeling I'll end up :cry4: and will look like crap going in to work. Ah, but I guess that could reinforce the 'not feeling well' call-in. Hmmm...

ETA: I read the same post, merrieeee. Some people just leave me speechless. And wishing they actually were.

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I was married in Washington Cathedral and was told by a priest that I was going to hell because I had not married my catholic husband in a catholic church. I told him that if I was living in sin then I was sure having a good time! Needless to say my MIL was horrified I would speak to a priest that way.

What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.

Sick bitches.

(I hope that's sufficiently judgemental.)

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CG I'm sorry for your experiences but there are jerks in all walks of life. I can't and won't lump born again Christians into a bad group and sorry that you feel that way. I hope you have come to that realization by now. Everybody I know and love is a born again christian. I grew up in church - and just like anywhere there are people I would cross the street to avoid but I've learned long ago that grouping people like that is just not right. Clay will now have to deal with people who will group him because of his sexuality as I've had to deal with people who had pre conceived notions because I'm a woman or black.

Couchie, I really don't lump all Christians together. Far from it. That term just makes me think of the ones who seem to hate so easily and yet somehow think of themselves as morally superior. I know they are the minority - but they tend to be a very loud minority.

I was married in Washington Cathedral and was told by a priest that I was going to hell because I had not married my catholic husband in a catholic church. I told him that if I was living in sin then I was sure having a good time! Needless to say my MIL was horrified I would speak to a priest that way.

What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.

And this is what I am talking about. It seems so, well, so un-Christian like. Thankfully, they seem to be in the minority.

And I refuse to believe any God would be on their side.

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I was married in Washington Cathedral and was told by a priest that I was going to hell because I had not married my catholic husband in a catholic church. I told him that if I was living in sin then I was sure having a good time! Needless to say my MIL was horrified I would speak to a priest that way.

What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.

I read that post over at the OFC and it sickened me. For me, to call oneself a Christian yet spout such hatred is truly hypocritical. Even though I no longer consider myself a Christian or a member of any religion, I do believe in the message that Jesus taught and it certainly wasn't that.

I love Clay and I hate that he has to deal with people who hate him for who he is. I know he has put up with so much in his life already but you never get immune to hate and even though my faith in a higher being is sometimes shaky, I am so glad Clay has his God along with his family, friends, and most of us supporting him.

Now I have to get to bed so I'm not dragging again tomorrow.

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I just read that Clay probably got a measly $500,000 for the interview. Times are tough in the magazine biz. I guess Parker's college fund is secure.

And/Or a lot more camps get funded for next summer. Where did you read this?

Kim... Thanks for your post.


What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.

Please tell me here or by PM where you have been reading this kind of crap and I'll be sure not to go there!

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Why do I never happen upon these things???

Posted by oldmoviegal at the CH:

The Showbiz Tonight segment was extensive (about the first 10 minutes of the show) and pretty respectful. I was on the phone during the first few minutes of it, so I couldn't hear everything -- and be warned, PH weighs in on the issue, so you have to look at him, but the parts I heard from him were pretty positive. The more interesting part was the panel featuring a publicist who has specialized in helping celebrities come out, and an entertainment reporter. They couldn't have been more complimentary -- and, near the end of the discussion, the publicist was very enthusiastic in saying that this would attract "millions" of new fans, would put him on the cover of every magazine, would lead to awards and accolades and new opportunities beyond his wildest dreams, and would generally benefit his career in countless untold ways. He even says that it will end up being such a positive move that he'll wonder why he didn't do this years ago.

How interesting to see so many news reporters and other celebrities making such positive comments, and being so kind and supportive. Just as I never would have thought that the fandom as a whole would be so effusive in its collective support, I never would have guessed that the media response would be so positive. As I said earlier, in this case I'm glad to be proven wrong. Clay deserves happiness, and he deserves respect, and he deserves to be heard. I hope this does open up new vistas, gain new respect for Clay, and most of all, provide opportunities for his singularly gorgeous voice to be heard widely. . .just as it always should have been.

Damn! I have to get up early tomorrow so I can be ready for work before his segment comes on GMA! I better get to bed.

Isn't it ironic so many in this fandom are excited to see him on GMA when they know he is talking about being gay? Somehow that fact kind of surprises me. Happily surprises me, but surprises me all the same.

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I want to sleep but I can't...couldn't last night, either. I feel like I need to....cry or something. I'm honestly okay with 'the news that isn't news'...I want him to be happy and find real love. And there's no doubt at all that I still love the man and his voice and his heart...and him. (And kidding aside, I really am NOT one of the delusional who thought she'd have a chance with him!)

THen why can't I sleep? And why am I on the verge of tears? Why can't I stop thinking about it?

Rhetorical questions, for the most part, by the way.

But not all the way.

G'nite, all! (I hope :rolleyes:)


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I just read that Clay probably got a measly $500,000 for the interview. Times are tough in the magazine biz. I guess Parker's college fund is secure.

And/Or a lot more camps get funded for next summer. Where did you read this?

Kim... Thanks for your post.


What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.

Please tell me here or by PM where you have been reading this kind of crap and I'll be sure not to go there!

The figure came from MSNBC and the un-christian post was at the OFC but the one particular poster is going to all the boards she belongs to and asking to delete her membership. It is just sick.

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I just read that Clay probably got a measly $500,000 for the interview. Times are tough in the magazine biz. I guess Parker's college fund is secure.

And/Or a lot more camps get funded for next summer. Where did you read this?

Kim... Thanks for your post.


What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.

Please tell me here or by PM where you have been reading this kind of crap and I'll be sure not to go there!

The figure came from MSNBC and the un-christian post was at the OFC but the one particular poster is going to all the boards she belongs to and asking to delete her membership. It is just sick.

Good riddance!!! She can't leave too soon!! I just wish she'd leave without spewing all this disgusting filth.

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It's sad that there are fans who can no longer accept him. I suspect that it was precisely that type of rejection that Clay feared, the type of reaction that many expected most fans to have. However, it seems to me that it is more the exception than the rule.

Clay does seem to have much more positive support, not just from fans, but from the media. I would not be surprised if this revelation will bring him far more fans than it loses him.

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Well if she's asking her memberships be deleted..that's a good thing. Maybe once she's done venting she will move on with her life.

My sister in law was funny. Some of you met her. She said something like..oh I guess I can stop looking for my invte to the wedding. Bwah. Yeah I guess so. hee.

Jenna..Exactly. I expected MUCH MUCH WORSE..believe me. So I am pleasantly and happily surprised and I can admit when I am dead wrong. And in this case..happy to be so. Not saying that everyone is ok but I expected the boards to be full of people spewing words like abomination.

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Kimmel had another skit tonight, it was Larry King interviewing some guy from Iran (or Iraq - it is only one letter) and at one point nhe askedthe guy if he really believedthere were no Homosexuals in his country, and then the guy went off on not having any Clay Aikens in his country, no pop music, what ever. I forgot already, it was pretty forgettable.

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Yeah..that $500,000 is pretty pitiful, ain't it? Me? I just turned down a cool $1 million for an interview about my newest story about a middle-aged woman who decides she's going to become a nun when her hawt fantasy singer boyfriend declares that he's gay and will never have sex with her.

I haven't really started writing it yet, but the outline is there in my head.

BWAH Muski!

Actually, IIRC, didn't we talk about starting our polygamous lesbian sect at one stage? Hell , I'd confess all on the cover of People for my cut of $500,000 :cryingwlaughter: Now where's their number...........

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I am stuggling a little (or maybe confused is the right word) but not for the reasons many others are. I keep thinking about those videos of Clay and Angela grinding, and Angela rubbing his arm. Do gay men get an erection when dancing with a woman or when she rubs his arm?

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Fans Adapt to a New Clay Aiken

A gay person's coming out can be emotionally arduous for everyone involved, as the person acknowledging his or her sexual orientation struggles to make it known, and friends and relatives digest the news.In the case of Raleigh's own pop star, Clay Aiken, that process is multiplied thousands of times. He's one of the Triangle's most famous residents, one many are proud to call their own. Although sales for his concert tickets and albums have diminished in recent years, Aiken's fans are still fervent, and they are treating the news of his orientation as an extended family might: Some are fine with it. Some believe he's a sinner.

And much as it happens in families, some knew all along. Ada Barlow of Durham summed up the feelings of many pop-culture watchers when she treated the news with a shrug.

"It's like, 'C'mon Clay,' " said Barlow, 52, who acknowledged that she is not a fan of Aiken's music. "Some things you can't play."

It wasn't easy for Aiken, 29, to come out of the closet. He cried when he told his mom four years ago.

Born and raised in Raleigh, he graduated from Leesville Road High School and UNC-Charlotte with intentions of becoming a teacher of special-needs children. But in 2003, "American Idol" launched him toward fame, a multi-platinum album and a role in a Broadway musical.

In the issue of People magazine that begins hitting newsstands today, Aiken described how he came out to his mother, Faye Parker. The pair had dropped off Aiken's half-brother, Brett Parker, at Camp Lejeune before his deployment to Iraq.

Aiken broke the news to her in the car.

"It was dark. I was sitting there, thinking to myself. I don't know why I started thinking about it...I just started bawling. She made me pull over the car and it just came out."

His mother started crying.

"She was obviously somewhat stunned. But she was very supportive and very comforting," Aiken told the magazine. He said his mom is still working through her feelings. "She still struggles with things quite a bit, but she's come a long way."

Efforts to reach Aiken failed. Parker declined to comment.

"I haven't even seen the People story," she said.

'It took courage'

Some fans are struggling with the disclosure as well, although most seem to be accepting of the news.

"If that's your sexual orientation, you need to be able to live free and not have to hide," said Barbara Dewees of Raleigh. Dewees, 60, has traveled to New York to see Aiken perform in "Monty Python's Spamalot," and to Iowa and Missouri for concerts.

"I think it took courage for him to do it," Dewees said. Speaking like the new grandmother that she is, she also expressed happiness about Aiken's latest family addition. "I think his baby is adorable."

In August, Aiken announced on his Web site that he had fathered a son with music-industry veteran Jaymes Foster, who worked with him on his latest album, "On My Way Here." Foster, who is reported to be in her 50s, became pregnant through artificial insemination.

The cover of People magazine features a photo of father and son. Despite the months-old news that he fathered a child with a platonic friend -- an arrangement some gay men have made to start a family -- some fans on a popular Internet forum, theclayboard.yuku.com, seemed shocked at Aiken's announcement of his homosexuality.

Wrote one fan: "I just feel rather silly now having spent the last 5 years drooling over and being fan girly for a singer I thought was straight."

In recent years, Aiken has deflected questions about his sexuality. When he first became famous, he treated the questions differently: He told people he wasn't gay.

Ted Mayer of Raleigh said that when he first approached his then high-school aged son, Andrew didn't tell the truth about his sexuality, either.

The elder Mayer, who serves as president of PFLAG Triangle, a local support group for parents, family and friends of lesbians and gays, has come to understand his son's reasons. Andrew, now 22, was nervous about what his friends and family might think. He needn't have worried.

"To me it wasn't a big issue, because he's my son no matter what," Mayer said.

But Mayer knows many friends and family members experience a variety of emotions after they find out, with shock and bewilderment often kicking in before acceptance.

Aiken's experience was similar, although his is being played out on a much larger stage. He is scheduled to appear today on "Good Morning America" to talk more about it.

"I give him a lot of credit, because he is a national figure," Mayer said. "I'm proud of him."

So are many of his fans. Although Aiken took a risk in coming out, it seems like most are sticking with him.

"We still have a ways to go in this country, but I'm OK with him being gay," said Dewees, the Raleigh grandma. "It makes no difference in my fandom."

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