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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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Since KAndre invited those of us who are new(and also new to messege boards), to ask "anything we like", I'm going to take a chance, and ask a question that I've been curious about, and have never been clear on exactly what happened. What exactly happened between Clay and Jacob Lattrel? This is not a :whistling-1: type question. Just heard many stories, like, Clay fired him, or Jacob didn't show up for some shows, and had to be let go, etc. I always thought Jacob was really talented. If this is not an approprate question to ask, I'm ok with that - was just curious, and figured I'd give it a try.

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whatavoice - that's a great question - the problem is, nobody really knows, unless there's some serious backchannel I missed. The facts are these: (and the dates are not mentioned because lord knows I can't remember) Clay was doing a Joyful Noise tour with Angela, Quiana and Jacob as usual - Jacob's solo was Emannuel (here comes some heresy: I don't like the song, and even worse, I liked Jacob's version a titch better than Clay's. Sue me.) which came about the middle of the show (for certain clack takers, a good time to change tapes). During one show, Jacob was singing backup as usual but after intermission was nowhere to be seen. Clay did Emannuel just fine and never said jack shit to the audience about what happened to Jacob - and neither Clay, Jacob, Quiana, Angela, Jerome, Faye, Jaymes or anyone has ever discussed it one way or another. Rumors abound - Clay fired Jacob, Jacob quit in a huff - I personally go with "abducted by aliens who like skinny guys and Clay out ran him". He's still working as a professional musician, mostly out of Utah I think.

Anybody know any more facts or better yet, wild and crazy rumors?

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Whata... I'm sure not to have something right, but I'll share what I understand. Of course, we don't know for sure, since Clay never said, but Clay has a rule about being back from a break between shows the day before the next show. Rumor is that Jacob broke that rule more than once and was let go because he couldn't/wouldn't abide by that rule. There may be more to it, but who knows. Jacob's voice blended well with Clay's but it takes more than that to make a team member.
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I don't know what happened either. Heard a lot of rumors which I can't remember but never really believed any of them. It was unprofessional to walk out mid show but nobody died is how I looked at it. I did hate some of the talk that came regarding his having fun with the fans..like who cares what two consenting adults did and I certainly wasn't going to feel sorry for people trying to get close to Clay by any means necessary. Oh, but that wasn't the question was it :lilredani: Last I hear he was married, settled and still pursuing a music career. But it's been a couple of years.

KANDRE! Sacrilege. heee. But totally agree. I could take or leave Jacob, mostly leave but I totally loved his Emanuel and I don't even like the song (nowhere near Mandy territory though LOL). None of his other solos are memorable YET his harmonies with Quiana, Ang, and Clay created that wonderful "wall of sound" that carried us through many a tour.

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Didn't Clay also blog that Jacob left to pursue his own career and he wished him luck with his new endeavours? Other than that I concur with everybody's take on the situation, that he wasn't willing to play by Clay's rules.

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hey whatavoice..we're neighbors!

ETA: Took a break from work to listen to my favorite JNT song - Good News..I can listen to that all day long but it sends me into some kinda zone and I have things to do hee. Is there something wrong with finding clay most sexy singing that song? He's singing about Jesus for goodness sakes.

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Didn't Clay also blog that Jacob left to pursue his own career and he wished him luck with his new endeavours? Other than that I concur with everybody's take on the situation, that he wasn't willing to play by Clay's rules.

Didn't Jacob post a snippy remark about never working for Clay again somewhere immediately after the event? It disappeared as soon as the Clay blog hit. It seemed as if Jacob was starting to defend himself from some sort of Team Clay attack that was not going to be forthcoming and he backed off. That tour was when Jacob was dating his now wife back in Utah and zipping back and forth to see her. He is now based in Utah.

It was after this that Clay mentioned that it was hard to be the boss especially when he had to enforce rules equally on everyone, even friends.

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hey whatavoice..we're neighbors!

ETA: Took a break from work to listen to my favorite JNT song - Good News..I can listen to that all day long but it sends me into some kinda zone and I have things to do hee. Is there something wrong with finding clay most sexy singing that song? He's singing about Jesus for goodness sakes.

Nope. I'm 100% with you there - the way he gets into that song is sexy and sends shivers through my spine. It is a gorgeous rendition of a gorgeous song.

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Thank you all for trying to answer my Jacob question.

KAndre - "abducted by aliens who like skinny guys" That's got to be it! Sounds the most plausible to me. :funny:

Couch Tomato - I think we are neighbors - you're from S.F., or the Bay Area, right? My daughter lives in the city(was a dancer, now at the Ca. Culinary Institute to be a pastry chef, yummy!).

liney23, Claymatron - Thank you for all the additional facts, and interesting details that are "floating around" out there.

I've always wondered what happened, but this is the only board that I figured I could ask, and get an honest, straight forward answer.

Thanks all! Gotta run, have an accupuncture appt. Be back later, in case more information "floats" in.

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There was a possible reference to Jacob's leaving in a December '05 article in the News & Observer.

Grace under pressure

What Aiken wants appears everywhere in the "Joyful Noise" show. It's more musical production, with actors and a plotline, than standard pop concert. Aiken came up with the idea and the story and wrote a script to tie the songs together. His core fans have responded to the show's blend of sweetness and sentiment.

He also makes the rules for the cast and crew. They're allowed to leave the tour on an off day, but they have to be back in town the night before the next show. He recently fired someone for failing to do so. He won't risk having someone stranded at an airport at the wrong time, letting down the rest of the company as well as the fans.

It was tough to let someone go, especially someone he cared about.

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Couch Tomato - I think we are neighbors - you're from S.F., or the Bay Area, right? My daughter lives in the city(was a dancer, now at the Ca. Culinary Institute to be a pastry chef, yummy!).

hey I know a bunch of the crew at CA Culinary Institute..almost went to work there myself after another post secondary school we all worked at shut down. They have yummy yummy food.

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Hi all,

Made to my meeting without a problem; didn't get lost or anything...was actually there a half hour early...but I would much rather be early than late.

Interesting about Jacob, I was thinking about him and no matter what happened between him and Clay, he has not bad-mouthed him...I never thought much of Jacob one way or the other...I thought he was an okay singer, but he did compliment Clay's voice well and I there has definitely been a void without him. I really do think Clay needs a male back up singer.

Starting to snow now, yuck!


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*sneaking in to post in between an all-day seminar and a boring overpriced dinner afterwards, thank goodness it's free*

Will have to argue the merits of various Emmanuel versions later...

How strange that my all-day seminar was about logistics -- getting people on and off camps & offshore sites, safety, making sure everyone is accounted for and fed and housed, etc. Wouldn't blame anyone for enforcing rules -- it would be a nightmare to keep track of people who couldn't follow a few simple things. If it were up to me, I'd air-drop them somewhere in Papua New Guinea for a month or so.

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drmchaser - Your article seems to shed more light on what happened. Thanks for the information.

Couch Tomato - I made a little mistake, my daughter actually attends the Ca. Culinary Academy - it's probably the same place - but they do have yummy food at a reasonable price.

On a different note, a read awhile back that someone was into quilting(I'm not - no talent), but I just got this link from a friend of mine regarding Bra Quilters of South Carolina(for Breast Cancer Awareness). The pictures are amazing and funny. here's the link, Bra Quilters of South Carolina

Quilter or not, you can at least enjoy the humor ofthissite.Don't miss thecaptions.

Members of Quilters of South Carolina have created one-of-a-kind brasfor Breast CancerAwareness. The exhibitconsists of 49 original worksof art which areunique, entertaining, humorous, and beautiful to makethe public aware ofbreast cancer, tomemorialize those lost to thedisease, and to honorsurvivors.

OH MY GOODNESS. What these quilters from South Carolina have donewithbras!! It is amazing creativity and hilarious,too.


ETA: Ok, I don't know how to post a link. :(

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someone was into quilting

Oh Scarlett someone is calling!

Scarlett was late coming over to my house on Saturday because she had to stop and buy this adorable fabric (hee) from a little shop. Can you tell I miss Spam.

Spamalot is coming to Austin but only Merle is from the B/W cast. I don't know if I could stand seeing another Sir Robin.

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ETA: Ok, I don't know how to post a link. :(

When you've got a reply box open... :)

1.) Just hit the 'insert link' button: insert_link.jpg

2.) Then paste your url into the box and hit 'OK': link_url.jpg

3.) Then type a title into the box and hit 'OK': link_title.jpg

Voila! Artfull Bras Project

Thanks, whatavoice - cool project!

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About Jacob, wasn't he using the band members and doing solo shows on off days along the route of the tour? I think we even had some clack. Doubt that helped keep him on schedule.

A few months after he departed Clay's tour, he and Angela showed up as backups for K Clarkson. That is all they were....hardly even visible in the background.

I remember Quiana being quoted as being proud of Jacob for his marriage and baby and being able to turn his life around.

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Home at last! I thought that dinner would never end! Well, the food wasn't bad and the architecture was very interesting since the place was a renovated church -- we'd reserved the entire choir loft for the seminar group -- but it was loooooong!!! Glad to be back and ready to defend the December 2, 2005 Beacon Emmanuel!!!

drmchaser - Your article seems to shed more light on what happened. Thanks for the information.

Couch Tomato - I made a little mistake, my daughter actually attends the Ca. Culinary Academy - it's probably the same place - but they do have yummy food at a reasonable price.

On a different note, a read awhile back that someone was into quilting(I'm not - no talent), but I just got this link from a friend of mine regarding Bra Quilters of South Carolina(for Breast Cancer Awareness). The pictures are amazing and funny. here's the link, Bra Quilters of South Carolina

Quilter or not, you can at least enjoy the humor ofthissite.Don't miss thecaptions.

Members of Quilters of South Carolina have created one-of-a-kind brasfor Breast CancerAwareness. The exhibitconsists of 49 original worksof art which areunique, entertaining, humorous, and beautiful to makethe public aware ofbreast cancer, tomemorialize those lost to thedisease, and to honorsurvivors.

OH MY GOODNESS. What these quilters from South Carolina have donewithbras!! It is amazing creativity and hilarious,too.


ETA: Ok, I don't know how to post a link. :(

:cryingwlaughter: Awwww, so cute!!! And here I was thinking that a quilt made from these (loot from a fabric warehouse close to playbiller's house) would be the best way to support "Quilt for a Cure!" (woven mat not included in loot)


someone was into quilting

Oh Scarlett someone is calling!

Scarlett was late coming over to my house on Saturday because she had to stop and buy this adorable fabric (hee) from a little shop. Can you tell I miss Spam.

Spamalot is coming to Austin but only Merle is from the B/W cast. I don't know if I could stand seeing another Sir Robin.

Here's a picture of the adorable fabrics! Help, FromClaygary, Bella and annabear!!! I think I have the beginnings of a stash! Aaaaarghhhh!!!


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..... from many perspectives, many if not all of "gates" are freaking hilarious. .... everyone else should be exactly like moi .......- and I find much about him, his career and his fandom as funny as hell.

[Solo, don't look at the following sentence. I don't want you to be shocked.] And I like bitching about stuff. I like it a LOT. And a little whining too... I try to be funny with it, but it's still bitching. I honestly believe if you eliminate complaints, especially about other people, 40% of all communication would disappear. And we would be boring as hell. Of course, I will put the smackdown on if necessary when bitching becomes OTT - so aren't y'all lucky I like bitching?

You CMSU KAndre! :hysterical:

Complaints about other people? I think you can add gossip in here- not bad/nasty stuff but the kind thats ridiculous, harmless and about someone you don't know. Like your friends workmates or their clients sisters or something. Even though I consider myself not a gossip.....

Anybody know any more facts or better yet, wild and crazy rumors?

Yeah! Do share! In the absence of any actual news or clack.........

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OK - oh wonderful Wiz of K (andre)

(I just watched Life on Mars which had a lot of WOO references :) )

I have a question which has been bugging me for awhile.

Now that it's out that Clay is gay and all...

What do you think about all those people who insisted on making a couple out of Clay and John D?

Do you think there was a possibility of it being true?

NOTE on the link posting instructions. Am I the only one who gets a message saying something about allowing scripted windows when you click the link button?

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