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#50: He puts a happy face on my heart

Couch Tomato

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I've heard that models eat tissue. Good fiber but not much nutritional value. :clay:

And I bet it's WHITE tissues... you know how they say it's bad to eat white bread, white rice, white flour... :dancingpickle:

Ah all this food discussion ... I love it! Too many posts to quote so I will comment generally...

Keeping fresh produce fresh: I hate wasting food, and it isn't just about the money, I feel it is fundamentally wrong. So I only buy large quantities if I intend to cook in bulk and freeze meal portions, this also means the fresh produce is cooked and frozen when it is at its freshest. However, with organic fruit and vegetables, if they are not going to be cooked or eaten within 24 hours, I put them in something called "Fresh 'n' Crisp", These bags ABSOLUTELY work and are inexpensive, I paid approx A$0.35 each, bought in a pack of 10. One of my favorite fruits is the Fuji Persimmon, and they are expensive so I only buy 2 or 3 at a time. However, occasionally I see them discounted and so I buy as many as possible and I keep one third out of the fridge for immediate consumption and two-thirds in these green bags, and they last 'forever'. I've rarely met a fruit or vegetable I didn't like so it works well for me.

With meat, I am not keen on red meat or pork, so chicken is the main meat in my house. When I buy whole fresh chickens (preferably organic), I cut it up when i bring it home and remove all the skin and as much fat as possible. Then I cut it up, the wings and neck (fat removed too) are for the dog, and I chop up the rest of the meat and place into small freezer bags or containers for use in stir-fries. (You can make very thin slices of meat by slicing from a frozen block of meat). I then make stock/broth from the bones to freeze. All this sounds like a lot of work but it isn't really, it is therapeutic and can be fun if you have music in the background or even watching a video that doesn't need your undivided attention. For me, anything that concerns food and nutrition is worth the time and effort. The doctor who treated me for Epstein Barr virus practices nutritional medicine and I can tell you that it absolutely works. I have a friend who eats only convenience foods, drinks only soda-pop (usually Coke) and then blames her bad health and loss of all her teeth on bad luck and swallows a fist-full of medication to temporarily resolve issues and denies that Type2 diabetes is due to lifestyle. She's only 40 and I swear I am NOT exaggerating although I wouldn't have believed it myself if didn't know her personally. It upsets me because she is a good friend but I can't count on her friendship when I don't expect her to live for long. Every time I see her I become more careful about what I eat. I'm no foodie-saint... I love dark chocolate, marzipan, croissants, Lamingtons, vanilla slices, Tim Tams, baguettes, anything cooked in coconut milk, creme caramel, anything made with choux pastry**, and a host of other decadent yummies but they represent treats, not meals, and like all treats, they are 'sweetest' when they are infrequent. I don't restrict any fruit though, some of which are way yummier than my list of 'naughty' treats!

choux pastry**...if you are looking for a special occasion cake, try Croquenbouche. It's traditionally a French wedding cake and you cut it with a pair of scissors. Imagine it lit-up with candles or lights for someone's 40th or 50th (keep going... lol) birthday!

Anyway, what I wanted to say was to try those green bags, they truly work. Oh and my dog's food is also cooked in bulk and frozen in meal portions... mince chicken with mixed green vegetables and oatmeal. That is her main meal but it is supplemented with bits of food I eat so that she gets a variety.

I really enjoyed reading everyone's food tips, it's the best OT ever!!

ETA: How could I leave out THIS O/T!!

Published Date: 20 April 2009

By Stephen McGinty

ALASTAIR Campbell has announced that politicians can learn a valuable lesson from Susan Boyle, the middle-aged Scottish spinster whose unruly appearance but sensational singing on Britain's Got Talent has attracted global media attention.

While Tony Blair's former spokesman did not go so far as to suggest politicians serenade the electorate with a rendition of I Dreamed A Dream, from Les Miserables, as Ms Boyle has done to the delight of millions of viewers on television and via YouTube, he
did advise them to recognise her "authenticity"

In a post on his blog, Mr Campbell said: "If politicians tend to read the Sunday papers with a mix of horror and trepidation, one person who must read them week after week with a sense of his own skills in shaping the popular culture agenda is Simon Cowell.

"The overnight sensation that is Susan Boyle and her 25 million YouTube hits is the latest chapter in Cowell's story.

"If there is a lesson from her success for politicians, it is
authenticity. It is the only communication that works

As of last night her performance had been viewed more than 50 million times on YouTube.

And yesterday
Ms Boyle's singing teacher revealed that she was a serial talent show failure who had previously auditioned without success in the late 1990s for My Kind of People and abandoned the auditions for The X Factor when she realised people were being chosen for their looks. Fred O'Neil said that Ms Boyle's audition for Britain's Got Talent was her final throw of the dice.

He said: "I remember a phone call late last year when she said she was too old and that it was a young person's game."

Mr O'Neil urged her to reconsider and attend the auditions in Glasgow.

This weekend
Elaine Paige sent a message of support to Britain's latest and possibly most unlikely singing sensation.

Ms Boyle, 47, told the talent show she had dreamt of becoming as successful as Paige, who starred as the original Evita in London in 1978.

The veteran singer said there had been a huge reaction to Ms Boyle's performance from listeners to her Radio 2 show.

In a message posted on her website, she wrote: "Ever since Susan's appearance on Britain's Got Talent my Radio 2 inbox has been flooded with e-mails. It seems her performance has really captured the hearts of everyone who saw it, me included ... it looks like I have competition. Perhaps we should record a duet?"

Paige is not the only celebrity backing the unemployed church volunteer from Blackburn in West Lothian. Hollywood actress Demi Moore last week said she was reduced to tears by the performance.

Ms Boyle, complete with her distinctive curly locks, won over a sceptical audience to become a global phenomenon following her appearance on Britain's Got Talent. Her performance was also watched by millions online.

She has been catapulted into the limelight in America, where her story has been featured on US morning television shows and news programmes.

She was interviewed by satellite from Scotland for the talk show Larry King Live. The show which will be broadcast on CNN International today.

Alex Salmond, the First Minister, has also sent a letter of support to the singer, who hails from the same area of West Lothian as the SNP leader.

The First Minister's letter offered his "warmest congratulations" for what he describes as a "stunning performance".


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Hang on Cindi; Tuesday is the Family Equality Council Honor and CV is doing a cellcert...there will be clack!


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Claytonic, can you post links rather than long articles on main for people who aren't Clay.. ok to highlight part of it and talk about it and start a thread for her.

Looking forward to hearing from CV cellcerters..... I don't even know if I'm paid up for CH cellcerts or if they are having one. But I have no doubt there will be clack so I'm happy. Hope someone can bring something over. I jst keep thinking there might be a Parker update photo out of this hee.

OK Twitter is kinda bush league. Too many tweets..try again? Hello..time to upgrade.

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Claytonic, can you post links rather than long articles on main for people who aren't Clay.. ok to highlight part of it and talk about it and start a thread for her.

At first I posted the link with an extract snip. The extract became too long, so I figured it was better to post the whole thing in. I felt the article was more than just about Susan Boyle, this is really what stood out for me

authenticity. It is the only communication that works

Do people really go to threads? I thought I was one of the few who checked for new posts....

ETA: I've edited to reduce the font to the smallest possible (if it can be smaller still, please let me know, I tried but couldn't do it). If anyone wants to read the article, they can use the link OR increase the text size by holding down CTRL and scrolling the mouse wheel....

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I have a theory that our favorite movies turn out to be the ones we see without expectations, and without a massive hype-massage. The ones that surprise us are always best, aren't they? I'm resistent to huge ad campaigns. I saw Forrest Gump when I got upset on a Friday night and decided to sit in a movie theater by myself to cool off. It was opening day for Gump -- I'd never heard of it, but it just happened to be starting about the time I arrived at the theater .... and as it turned out, I adored it and it completely altered my state of mind that night. I laughed, I cried, it won my heart. However, I'm willing to concede that it's one of those movies I'd probably never have seen under any other circumstances. Even today, I can be turning channels and see Forrest standing under that tree saying, "He's so smart, Jenny" and I'm a blubbering mass. Ordinarily, my favorites are Robert Altman, Coen Brothers, Tarantino kind of films. Probably my all-time favorite movie, in the epic category, is Warren Beatty's Reds. At least on Sundays. On Saturdays it's probably Lawrence of Arabia, because I'm still in love with Peter O'Toole's blue eyes and wry smile.

Can't comment in MamaMia. Didn't see it. Won't see it. No way in hell.

Gone With the Wind? I first saw that movie when it was in a reissue run, in the backseat of my parent's car at the drive-in when I was about 5. I was scarred as a child from the burning of Atlanta scene, and the injured soldier crying out to the doctor about to amputate, "Don't cut me," That stayed a long time, which is why I'm very sensitive to people taking children to movies inappropriate for their age. Even GWTW messed with my head in the 50's. Somehow my younger sister missed it entirely, and about 10 years ago there was another moviehouse run for the 60th anniversary with the Overture and Intermission and even ushers! I made her go with me since I hadn't seen it since my early bad experience, and she'd never seen it. She was resistent. Boy was she! But she owed me and I pulled in my marker, so we went. And she fell in love with the movie. Her first comments to me were, "Why doesn't anyone ever mention the humor in this movie? It was so funny." Well, that's what won an Academy Award for Hattie McDaniel .. and it's worth seeing the movie just for her, if nothing else. Of course, my sister and I can't agree on much for too long -- we went to a restaurant after the movie, drank margaritas, and argued over whether Scarlett and Rhett ever got back together. My sister believes so. I say, NO WAY! He despised her at the end of the movie. (I'm dug in on this viewpoint!) I'd have rather seen Rhett find everlasting happiness with Belle Starr.

Worst movie I ever saw ...... The English Patient. I know it got a lot of acclaim, but did anyone ever watch that movie twice?

I'm sanguine about Susan Boyle. I'm happy for her in spite of the fact that her fame is being manipulated and promoted beyond all reason. Sometimes people need the help. Clay always said that he needed the help. So, good for her. Her biggest threat will be public burn-out. I read that Britain's Got Talent is still in regional competitions, and that her next appearance, the semifinals, won't be until nearly the end of May. Who knows, the world may have moved on by then, but I think she'll have a following as long as she keeps that twinkle in her eye.

I'm happy the eHP had a positive Cajun experience! I love Floyd's. We tend to go when my 8-year old granddaughter is not in the group. She is an animal rights activist ... our own little combination Jane Goodall/Margaret Meade right here in our family. She would go ape-shit, literally, if she saw the fried alligator on the menu at Floyd's. There's a wonderful BBQ restaurant just down the road from us, but we can't go in there because they have mounted heads of elk and deer and such hanging on the walls. The first time we went in there she was about 5, and she turned around, looked me seriously in the eye and asked, "How did they die?" Well, we had to leave because it made her physically ill and she's refused to set foot in there since. She gets on her computer and makes powerpoint slides about cruelty to alligators, how we should not buy alligator shoes and purses, etc., much less eat alligator. Kids today just blow my mind in the best way.

Thank God I'm finallly feeling better from my confluence of ailments this past week. I won't bore you with the details, but I'm feeling okay today. Had I been 100% yesterday, I still couldn't have driven out of the driveway because our street, and entire area, was completely flooded from 11-12 inches of rain in a 3-hour period. I saw our street flood for the first time ever -- including Allison, Rita and Ike. Big water! And then today it's a sunny, hot 80+ degrees. What's going on???

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couchie, I've read that the CH has to check with Eva about the possibility of a cellcert from them. They were talking about suspending cellcerts until Clay decides to tour.

Now I have to dig out my CV cellcert information...

Thanks treenuts! I think I'll add a few too...





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I'm a bit curious about the reasons we like/hate/are indifferent to movies, broadway shows, etc. Not questioning anyone's right to detest, adore or ignore anything but I'm just wondering what was it about a particular show that triggered people's opinions about it and I hope some of those who've posted preferences would say what they liked or didn't like about something, even if it's as simple as "the people next to me in the theater were incredibly loud and rude and talked through the show".

I guess I'll start by saying that I detest POTO but my daughter adored it so I had to sit through it twice to accompany her -- and hated it even more afterwards. POTO came at a time when "redeeming social value" was a big thing with me and POTO didn't give me much hope for humanity. The duet between Barbra Streisand and Don Johnson of "All I Ask of You" was the final nail on that coffin.

I watched the big Leo DiCaprio movies more because I'd enjoyed other films by the same director (Jim Cameron for Titanic and Baz Luhrman for Romeo+Juliet). I thought DiCaprio's acting was much better in his earlier films, "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" (with Johnny Depp) and "This Boy's Life".

I'd watched the Mama Mia musical when the performers were still quite good so I enjoyed all 3 times I've seen it. I've heard that the quality has dipped in recent months. The Mama Mia movie today only holds 2 good items for me, Colin Firth as Harry Headbanger and the stunning cliffside setting for "The Winner Takes It All."

Overall, I tend to be affected most by shows that I "discover" on my own -- shows I bought tickets to on a whim because I liked the title or because I was just curious about them. One memorable show that I saw this way was the "Kiss of the Spiderwoman" musical (yes, a musical and it was wonderful!)

Anna, I totally adore Les Mis and if you, 00lsee and merrieeee are interested, we can continue discussions and exchange "clack" of it on a separate thread. Anyone else like that show? Merrieeee is just about to buy the TAC DVD so that would be a great starting point for comments. -- Oh and BTW, if Clay suddenly announces a tour schedule, I hope it's understood that we're going to abandon this deal faster than anyone can spell "cellcert".

ETA: Or like keepingfaith said & did!

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Family Equality Council

This may have been posted already but here's the website to the organization recognizing Clay.

Our Mission

Family Equality Council works to ensure equality for LGBT families by building community, changing hearts and minds, and advancing social justice for all families.

Night at the Tavern - Clay's event

KeepingFaith, you might be right about movies that surprise you. Many of my favorites aren't blockbuster. SO agree about the English Patient and GUMP.

Claytonic but of course, everyone views new posts. Right people? :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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I don't think there's any real moral value in preferences--that is, cowboy songs are probably as enjoyable and worthy as opera and hokey movies are probably as enjoyable and worthy as arthouse movies. Tastes are so subjective and based on each person's personal experience and exposure. I generally hate unhappy endings and hate slapstick. There's probably some deep hidden meaning there, but I just tend to go with what I like.

Other than fringe stuff--porn, snuff-films, etc.--I can pretty much accept that most of the world likes what I don't (and vice versa).

I draw the line at people not liking Clay.

Batshit assholes.

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Scarlett I think I'm a bit pigheaded in some cases. I have neither read or seen any Harry Potter. I haven't seen any Lord of the Rings. I saw Star Wars right before the release of Return of the Jedi. But I don't have a particular type of movie I love more than the other and I never know what will make me go WTH, that is 2 hours of my life I will never get back.

I tend to like romantic comedies but won't go to the movies to see them. Will wait for DVD. I used to go to see a sequel of movies I liked automatically but it's too hit or miss. Die Hard..ya'll know how much I love that. Hated every single sequel. Lethal Weapon series was all good IMO. So are the Bourne Movies -- all fantasic.

Usually it's an actor that will make me pick something up or watch something on TV. I'll normally go see or rent anything that has Denzel, Russell Crowe, Sean Penn..for example. Other people seem to make movies and don't care about quality so I will wait to hear from others. Then there are some popular actors that I just don't want to see anything they've done like Ben Stiller and Adam Sandler although I did like Water Boy. I watched Castle the first time because I'm a big fan of Nathan Fillion. I gave Better off Ted a chance because the star was on Private Practice for a few weeks and I liked him. Was disappointed to find out he had his own show so wouldn't be sticking around. That show is hilarious IMO if you just wanna laugh.

I was absolutely enthralled the first time I sat down to watch LA Confidential. I really didn't know what it was about. But I love "smart" writing and strong acting and a good story and that movie just has everything. So does Shark Tales heee.

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I know I view new posts!!!! :cryingwlaughter:


Okay...I think I didn't like Phantom of the Opera because ...

a. I really don't like opera. An operatic voice bothers me.

b. I did not like the story. Hated the weak opera within an opera part.

c. I don't like weak female characters. I really really did not LIKE Christine. Really. She comes off as weak because they don't do a good job of telling the story of her being bewitched.

But I agree that things affect us different ways at different times. I know I'm that way with books. I know I wouldn't always like the same books if I read them at the different times.

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View new posts? Why of course we do! Because we are good mods/admins/minions....

Well, I know I tend to go into detail as to why I like or dislike various pop things (see Shrek the Incredibly Lame Musical - but I am totally indifferent to where I hear it from or how popular it is or if the "masses" love it...pop music is a prime example. As kf has discovered to her well hidden horror, I love old school top 40 hits...if it didn't make the charts, I probably couldn't name it, except for Clay's stuff. I am totally indifferent to most Broadway thingies - mainly because I don't think I would go anyway because most of the stuff sounds like chick flicks...and I hate chick flicks. I know y'all will find the hard to believe but I am neither particularly romantic or semtimental. Go figure. GTWT annoyed me because to this day I can't figure out why Scarlett is the heroine - she annoys the hell out of me and I think Rhett could frankly do better. Forrest Gump was interesting to watch once, sort of like Billy Joel's We Didn't Start The Fire, I like the historical stuff more than the "love story" and the fact that Sally Fields played Tom Hanks' mother was hilarious. I don't read the non trashy NYT bestsellers because I find most of them to be too pretentious for words (but of course the trashy, bodice-ripping bestsellers occupy places of honor in my library). I don't like subtle and multple layers of meaning, which is why I don't read Shakespeare, but love Branaugh's stuff. I watch Denzel for the eye-candy factor. Can't stand House but love Scrubs because Scrubs is truer to reality to me. Science fiction is the pinnacle of literature for moi. I can watch sports if I am appropriately bribed, and now prefer football to basketball since football has retained the skin tight pants and basketball has switched to big-ass baggy shorts. Meat should always be cooked totally and completely dead unless it's sushi. I hate dark chocolate, but will eat it if it's the only thing available. Love Hershey's. With Almonds.


I forced myself to read the first Harry Potter book, because my child was eating it up like candy. Man, I hated it. With a passion. Can't stand Harry. The Twilight books, same thing.

Eh, weak women, weak men in the movies...as long as bad things happen to them, and the moral is "don't be freakin' WEAK", I'm fine.

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I gave Better off Ted a chance because the star was on Private Practice for a few weeks and I liked him. Was disappointed to find out he had his own show so wouldn't be sticking around. That show is hilarious IMO if you just wanna laugh.

When I started this post I was going to endorse "Better Off Ted" too because I think it's pretty funny, but than I remembered all the other posts this weekend about how too many recommendations turn people off of shows - so just watch whatever the heck you want, y'all!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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Thanks for the responses. Yes, I was mainly looking for a bit more behind the "I like A, don't like B", not RSV (redeeming social value) each and every single time.

jamar, yes, Christine was annoying!

KAndre, you know we sell paraffin to Hershey's for a reason.

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