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#61: Eight years of freakishly fun tours...and yes, he's still the one!


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20 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I'm not a regular drinker, but after every Clay concert I need something hard.
    • So I'm a filty-mouthed degenerate, with the hots for a gay singer. I don't see a problem.
    • I drank the koolaid and it was mighty fine.
    • It is a good cult!
    • I think that caused another kerfuffle.
    • I live in Clay World. And I'm not moving.
    • The Worst Bad Boys For You: The Ones That Only Look Non-Threatening

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The new Carolina On My Mind blog is hosting a whole list of celebrations, including:

Clay's Somalia appeal makes headlines at
The Huffington Post

The National Inclusion Project celebrated its 8th birthday on Thursday, July 28!

Graphic artist/friend/CA fan
is celebrating her birthday today, July 29!

This entry marks
for the
Carolina On My Mind
blog. Since 2007, visitors from 169 countries have dropped by the Carolina corner.

Featured are graphics by claystruck, Fountaindawg, and Sally, as well as a montage by SueReu. :)

One of the five designs by Sally in this blog goes right along with the JB2 requests fans are making. Here is a small version of one of my favorites:


Thank you for your blog visits/comments, tweets, Facebook posts, links, etc. Hope you enjoy the "parties." I have already received a text from Sally, whose Internet "party" was a total surprise! :twinklewhore:

Wow, what a wonderfully written article! Definitely makes me want to donate to the cause. But 'fescue'? I had to look it up.

fes·cue [fes-kyoo]


1. Also called fescue grass . any grass of the genus Festuca, some species of which are cultivated for pasture or lawns.

2. a pointer, as a straw or slender stick, used to point out the letters in teaching children to read.

LOL, I knew about fescue grass, luckiest1; but neither Blogspot and most CA boards don't recognize it and leave little wavy red lines. :cryingwlaughter:

I'm reaaaallly liking the sound of this! :)

from CC:

David Foster is the new chief at Verve Records, Jaymes to join his creative team.


And this quote: "Verve is expected to shift its focus to adult contemporary pop."

:yahoo: Awesome news, shortyjill!

Have a great weekend, all! :BlowKiss:

Caro :listen:

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They changed Clay's picture on his Huff Post article to one from the photoshoot..it is the picture above the article..kind of small..there is a blown up version at CV..very yummy! Something's coming, I can feel it!


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2 Days until The Video Chat!Yahoo.gif

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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THis has been the craziest most hectic work week ever. I was dragging home every day at 8. Today I slept a LOT.

I'm not a huge fan of David Foster but to hear Clay sing he can work for the devil LOL. I think those pictures are for something specific so looking forward to waiting and seeing!

Hope you had a great time in Vegas KAndre.

Fear...I'm so jealous of you that you are retiring. I know you will keep yourself busy doing wonderful things!

I love the photo from the last page.

Nice to hear from you JustClay!

Treenuts....I'll be in touch this week for our Giants game next weekend.

I have my weight watchers meetings on Monday night so will miss the chat. But hmmm I'm not even sure I'm a member. Need to fix that.

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Last night we all went out for dinner for Stuart's birthday, after the all star game. Somehow the topic got around to Clay. My ex-SIL very authoritatively said that he was quitting....she heard it on TV....he was quitting in 5 years and becoming a teacher! :cryingwlaughter: I said I'll believe that when I see it. :P

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Today is yet another baseball game. I am so glad that Monday is a civic holiday because I need one day at home to catch up on laundry! I don't think I've done any in over 2 weeks and I have nothing left to wear.

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1 Day until The Video Chat!Yahoo.gif

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I now know why we have kids when we are young...having a 6 month old for last 24 hours has worn me out! He was actually good all day yesterday, but this boy does not like to nap! One half hour nap in a 14 hour period is not going to do it! But even so he is a very happy baby, last night at 8:30 he is in his bouncy chair smiling at Nana...Nana meanwhile was trying to keep her eyes open. Finally at 9:00 he went to sleep. That lasted all of 45 minutes. He woke up screaming..he is teething and nothing was going to satisfy him. So he screamed and I walked for an hour around the house with him (meantime, Papa is snoring away..how do men do that?). About 11:00 he had another bottle and that knocked him out, but he would not sleep in the crib. kept waking up everytime I tried to lay him down..so I gave up and put him in bed with me. I think it was 1:00 a,m. before he actually fell into a deep sleep. Of course, I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and there he is laying next to me all smiley and happy like last night never happened.

He is napping now..think Nana should go take one too!


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Morning! :)

Today I finally get to see the place we'll be moving to! It's been only about 3 weeks since my mom got the papers signed and turned in. I haven't gotten to see anything, so it'll be an adventure.

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I'm fighting what feels to be a cold (achy, sore throat, but no fever). Blech. On the other hand, my husband I did a successful piano duet at church this morning. He's only been playing for about a year, and he did really well.

aikim -- take a nap. Dream of this...Clay's HuffPo profile picture:


Good luck with the house shortyjill!

Still not sure if I'm going to be able to watch the chat tomorrow night. OTOH, I may need to watch live so I can understand the inevitable sturm und drag that will happen after it. cryingwlaughter.gif

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Aint he purdy :wub:

God, I so badly want this man to be made an offer he can't refuse. Something BIG. A professional role that will showcase his assets :whistling-1:, talents and tie him up

( :naughtywag: ) in such a way for a long long time, that he won't be able to stick to any agenda of quitting in 2....5....10 years to go back to teaching! Please god make it so!!!!!

*goes in search of virgin to offer for sacrafice*

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1. Stop all fluids two hours before chat.

2. Make potty stop before chat starts..no leaving in the middle!

3. In case numbers 1 and 2 fail; dig out the Depends!

4. Log into OFC

5. Click on Chat

6. Make sure speakers are on!

7. Arrange thudmats around computer chair

8. disconnect; turn off all phones!

9. Threaten bodily harm to any and all family members if they disturb you in any way.

10. Hit the Play button at the appointed time (arrow in box where it says "offline:)

11. Hit the Play Button

12. Hit the Play Button (just want to make sure you all remember that!)

13. Commence sighing, thudding, drooling; licking screen...............

(oh , good morning and have a great day and a wonderful chat experience!)


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Ha ha ha, cute aikim. :cryingwlaughter:

I just went over and logged into the OFC for the first time in a while, and I don't see anything about the video chat anywhere. I know this is pathetic and has probably been discussed to death elsewhere, but how do I access it?

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Ha ha ha, cute aikim. :cryingwlaughter:

I just went over and logged into the OFC for the first time in a while, and I don't see anything about the video chat anywhere. I know this is pathetic and has probably been discussed to death elsewhere, but how do I access it?

Log in..up at the top you will see a tab that says "Fanclub", click on that and in the drop down menu, click on chat.


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Thanks, I did that but my browser crapped out.

Which one are you using? They advise using either Google Chrome, Safari or Mozilla and make sure your java is updated. If using IE, make sure you have the updated version. I use Google Chrome and never have a problem.


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Yay for chat - and thank everyone for the birthday wishes.

Vegas was a blast - but .... ahem....

If for some reason we have to go to New Orleans, I will personally have to avoid the Palace Cafe (which is really sad because they had great food and wonderful service) which is what probably encouraged my sisters and I to act stone crazy. Yeah, that's the ticket....

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