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# 62: I live in Clay World. And I'm not moving!


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Happy Thanksgiving everyone to all my American Clay lovers!!

This year ours will be relatively small and my cousin is doing most of the heavy lifting. But it's at my house so I'm cleaning up a storm right now. My contributions can all be done in the morning.

Hope you are all doing something fun!

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Happy Thanksgiving all..hope you all have a wonderful day! Having the whole family over so I need to get cooking..going to be fun!

10 Days until The True Colors Concert! :yahoo:

15 Days until The Gala!:yahoo:

37 Days until January and The New Single! :yahoo:

80 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!...:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Happy Thanksgiving to all my Clay friends! Today is a quiet day...going to a friend's house for Thanksgiving dinner (where I will try my best to NOT overeat and stay within my WW points!), and then the Muppet movie tonight!

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Happy Thanksgiving to all celebrating! Just a regular day at work here, plus a dentist appt this afternoon. Leftover spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight. :)

I've been watching last season's CA on youtube lately, and it's very interesting and entertaining. I can't believe how much face time all of the contestants get. I can't wait until February....we are going to get such a lot of clack! LOL

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Clack. I haven't said that word in a long time. Ha ha.... it's funny how some of the vernacular is slipping away from me. Speaking of slipping away. Did I miss something. Isn't Clay's birthday in November?

So Lucky what are you learning about the show by watching. Is Trump on much or does he just give the challenge and then come on at the end to fire people? That's my hope anyway.

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Clack. I haven't said that word in a long time. Ha ha.... it's funny how some of the vernacular is slipping away from me. Speaking of slipping away. Did I miss something. Isn't Clay's birthday in November?

So Lucky what are you learning about the show by watching. Is Trump on much or does he just give the challenge and then come on at the end to fire people? That's my hope anyway.

I'm not luckiest, but I'll take a stab at the last bit. Trump usually does start the show with the presentation of the different challenges. Then there's about a half hour of the teams working on the challenges and the challenges themselves. The last 15 minutes or so is the board room, which has Trump. There's really no way to "skip" him at the end though, because that's frequently when much of the drama happens. It's always interesting to see how people react in the Board Room, especially when someone has to say that someone else has to say "they" did a lousy job at the challenge.

Clay's birthday is next Wednesday! Hopefully voting will keep the Project in the money for the Pepsi Challenge -- which would be a great birthday present for Clay!

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Speaking of slipping away. Did I miss something. Isn't Clay's birthday in November?

Yep, November 30th and it was mentioned in the latest People magazine (Dec. 5th issue I think) which hasn't happened in a few years! I hope it's a good sign of things to come!

Spending the day with good friends and mom. Have a wonderful day everyone <3

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3 days of cooking..15 minutes to eat...dog planted himself under Austin's chair and ate everything he dropped; kitchen is a mess; refrigerator is crammed with tupperware..Packers won, yay! I am so tired but I know if I lay down on the couch that is going to be it...but I have the next 3 days off and am so looking forward to it...may get in some Christmas baking though.


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Thanksg1.gif Happy Thanksgiving, FCA!

Hope you and yours are having a wonderful day! :P

DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! We have lots of ideas for recruiting holiday guests/hosts in the Carolina blog. I notice that Jerry Aiken took Scarlett's poll about Thanksgiving voting and even added an option! :)

In addition, the blog features a montage by SueReu and graphics by Fountaindawg and A Beautiful Mind.

:hug: for all needing one.

Happy Turkey and/or Tofurky Day! :twinklewhore:

Caro :listen:

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I went to dinner at a friend's house, and got to spend time with their daughter, my good friend from college. I also managed to eat dinner without gorging myself. I'm not sure how I'll do at Weight Watchers next week....

And then, my husband and I went to see "The Muppets" tonight. It's a fun movie, with a lot of humor that probably goes over the head of kids. Oh, and plenty of cool cameos!

I think that movie would great for Clay to take Parker! Hee.

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9 Days until The True Colors Concert! :yahoo:

14 Days until The Gala!:yahoo:

36 Days until January and The New Single! :yahoo:

79 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!...:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Kitchen is finally cleaned..turkey carcass has been turned into stock and disposed of and my fridge is crammed with tupperware (Clay would be scared, LOL!) and I am going to relax the rest of the day. No shopping for me today, maybe on Sunday, but the weather is supposed to get really crappy this weekend..cold, rain and possible snow showers so we will see if I feel like venturing out.


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8 Days until The True Colors Concert! :yahoo:

13 Days until The Gala!:yahoo:

35 Days until January and The New Single! :yahoo:

78 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!...:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Morning! Hope everyone's having a good holiday weekend.

Went to my aunt's for Thanksgiving and brought home no leftovers, so we made our own! Got a boxed turkey loaf, boxed stuffing, made mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn and rolls. Yum! Now we have a few days worth. :)

Skipped Black Friday too, just like every year. lol There is no way you can put me out in that mess!

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Good idea shortyjill! We also have no leftovers after spending three days in PA. Nice weather but mud and horse manure everywhere. The kids were out playing with the horses and tracking mud all over the house. Everyone just wore blue jeans for Thanksgiving. Although a little messy the kids were fun. I hope I didn't miss too much.

I voted while I was gone but couldn't keep up with the boards. I hope we can give Clay the Pepsi donation for his birthday.

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7 Days until The True Colors Concert! :yahoo:

12 Days until The Gala!:yahoo:

34 Days until January and The New Single! :yahoo:

77 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!...:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Now what?

Anyway, I don't have time today for much Clay related -- today my brother, his wife, and their youngest (24 years old!) are coming to my house for a delayed Thanksgiving dinner. I'm trying my best to make much of the food "healthier" -- green beans almondine instead of green bean casserole; a lighter version of a broccoli salad I like; and even the mashed potatoes are getting a makeover! The turkey comes out of the brine in a half hour or so, and then everything kicks in!

Have a great day everyone!

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