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# 63: Clay Aiken for President!


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Hey Lucky and Fear I feel your pain on the learner-driver thing. My ds1 has his learners permit but I am leaving the actual driving for "father-son time". :rolleyes:

I am a nervous driver at the best of times and really dislike even being in the back seat during a driving lesson! :o

Come to think of it, my ds2 is needing some teeth extracted before his braces go on in a week or two and he is a super nervous patient (think throwing up and actually fainting) - I think this too would be excellent father-son bonding............hey worth a try!!

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Hee, I can't wait for the day that Stuart decides to 'leave the nest'. :P Somehow, I don't think it will be any time soon. But I figure getting him past his fear of driving is one step in the right direction. He turns 21 next month. Ian (the older one) has been out on his own a few years already. His dream is to become a police officer so I am really crossing my fingers for him that this all works out. He has put his heart and soul into getting himself ready for this day.

Woo hoo! Love the article and the tweets! You go Clay! Look what happens when I go to bed early...I miss all the good stuff. I still haven't given up hope on the Xmas tour, so the article makes me v.v. happy. :):)

wandacleo, so happy to see you over here again! I really can't stomach the angst out there. I have better things to do with my life than get worked up over stupid shit that doesn't matter.

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My friend and I have already been saving for the Christmas tour! We've been dieting and exercising and this will be our reward!

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I'm back! For real this time! Memphis was wonderful (and cooler than us in Illinois!), and I strongly encourage anyone with a love of music to visit there. The Stax/Soulsville Museum; Beale Street; Graceland; and Sun Studios were all just fascinating to both my husband and I. On Saturday, we went to Clarksdale, MS -- otherwise known as the "crossroads" for the blues. We added one final stop on our last day, and that was to fully tour the National Civil Rights Museum. It is a sobering look at this movement, and it's located at the Lorraine Hotel, where Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated. I'm very glad we went there as well. And of course, the food! I took a week off of Weight Watchers, and ate fried chicken, ribs, bread pudding, and fried green tomatoes. Today -- back on WW!

My husband had been doing some landscaping work before we left, so our driveway has bricks and stuff in it, preventing my husband from using his side of the garage. When we left last week, we pulled out my car and then put his into my normal space in the garage. We got home yesterday at about 2:00. I let my husband out to get his keys so he can pull his car out and I can move in. But then I notice him looking upward, toward the ceiling of the garage. He finally pulls his car out -- and the windshield is smashed! The drywall ceiling had partially collapsed, probably due to building materials that were stored there. So, tomorrow, I have to take his car to get the windshield fixed ($100 deductible), plus we need to repair the ceiling.

And THEN? No internet. For 24 hours. Cable finally came today and repaired the line.

Finally -- my husband now has a cold. Which means I'll have one before the weekend is out. Boo.

Anyway -- I've missed you all, and it's good to see so many of you here in the oasis. I received the texts on Monday from Clay, and I just KNEW it wasn't going to be pretty out there. So, I think I'll focus on the good instead -- I just watched "Even Now" and FLOVED it. His voice sounded so good, and he looked oustanding. I also saw the SSB from the basketball game. What a goof, in his shorts! But again, he killed the song.

I've still got three days of vacation yet, but have many projects/errands to do.

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Found this at CV....


I just heard from Jerry Aiken. He asked me to post the following information on the various Clay message boards. Please feel free to carry the message to any boards you may frequent.

Due to the mix up by Telecharge they have agreed to process ticket changes for individuals that would like to change seats. This is a swap if there are seats available that you would prefer to have versus the ones you have. It is a no cost exchange.Some individuals may want to consider this? I am not sure if many will be able to improve their current holdings but we are trying to provide best options.

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Welcome back ldyj. I don't envy you the mess you have to deal with. Never went to Memphis but spent a few days in Nashville with a son on his way to live in Birmingham AL.

No problem with my ticket. I've had a much worse seat than the one I have. It is a lot easier to buy just one ticket. If you talk to someone when you are buying yours , you can always ask for something better and they will check again if someone has tossed a seat in the meantime. That's what I did and I moved up 4 or 5 rows but on the right aisle. While messing with the tickets I missed talking to the tile installer who came over to give an estimate at exactly noon. :angry: The tile should be in tomorrow and I'd like to have the bathroom functional in a few weeks as we are having relatives stay over on their way North.

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Couchie... Time flies with kids... I remember that lion picture. I have 3 granddaughters. One is in dance and has a recital this weekend. The other two are in a play, singing and dancing, so Gramma gets to have lots of fun going to shows this summer. Some of the costumes in the dance companies are pretty risque for 7 yr olds, but that's the way it is now. I don't approve, but she loves the dancing so I support her and grimace at the costumes.

Luckiest... I taught all 3 kids and my oldest grandson how to drive. I took all of them to the industrial park near me on the weekends and evenings when very few are there. It worked very well, as they could practice all kinds of parking/unparking situations, right turns, left turns, stops, etc. wtih no one around. Good luck!

ladyj... what a problematic ending to your vacation. Bummer! Start taking Vit C and Zinc immediately and maybe you can stave off the cold. Crossing my fingers for you.

Clay is such an interesting, multi-layered man and such fun to be a fan of, that I have a hard time understanding how people can get so upset with him. That makes it all about them and not so much about him, in my opinion. Whatever... LOL

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ldyj sounds like you had a good vacation! :) Except for the mess you had when you got home...yikes. Hope you don't get sick.

luckiest good luck to both your boys!

I'm still waiting I guess till I get really excited for a tour.... one thing I've recently discovered about myself is that I dislike trying to figure out what Clay is or isn't going to do and when. I'll just wait for the official annoucement.

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Clay Tweet:

Clay Aiken ‏@clayaiken

If these kids were mine... Holy shit! I'd get myself in trouble if I told u what I'd do 2 them! Contribute if u can.http://igg.me/p/124322?i=twtr


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Clay's tweets are just so funny. I can't believe he's already made over 1700 tweets. He's a tweeting fool today.

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I've only seen a few comments about the whole Arsenio get s a show. The one thing that pisses me off is the belief that Clay's twitter is somehow OUR property. That he should think about his die hard fans before he tweets and that he can't use twitter like every other person - to say stupid shit, to have conversations with their own friends, or like someone his fans don't like.Clay and I aren't joined at the hip. He's free to be himself and I'll do the same. And really why do a few try to speak for all STILL. In other words, some things never change. If Clay wants to be happy for Arsenio what in hell is wrong with that. I won't watch the show because of Clay. I watched Arsenios's first talk show and I'll give this one a shot. But I haven't regularly watched a talk show since George Lopez went off the air. I do expect to see a lot of guests that don't get play on the other talk shows.

Wandacleo. I have the same idea for the gala...trying to lose weight. Giving it my best shot. I have 4 months.

Welcome home LdyJ. Sounds like you had a blast. We missed you around here.

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Just when I thought I would have a day that I could work on the paperwork piling up in my box I get a 20K order that I have to deliver tomorrow and a cruise ship sending quote requests. This has been the busiest 3 weeks since I started at this company. I need a day off.

It's weird not to have aikim post in the morning . Guess she has a life too heee.

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I was running around today and had nothing new to post. I guess Clay hurt his tweeting fingers last night. I am posting and emailing this information to everyone I can think of. Today the NC Senate passed a budget bill but left out funds promised to some women in NC who were sterilized without being told the consequences of the action. The senators claimed that the didn't have enough money and a bunch of other excuses. I am livid about this. The bill can't be vetoed by the governor who fully supports these payments.


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I am here, always reading if I don't post. Seems like not much was going on yesterday, even Clay was quiet, but I did see that Twitter was not working for a while.

So yay for Friday..looking forward to the week-end, no plans but working in the garden and just relaxing.

The heat has finally broken and it is absolutely beautiful out..was able to turn the AC off..love having the windows open!

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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The state agreed to pay them and the house included it in the budget, the senate took it out saying we couldn't afford the $10 million. Many of the senate said they were sorry but money won't help the women anyway. Most of these were poor women who were young when this travesty occurred and had family members sign the approval. Tell me they don't need the money. The Republican speaker of the house said he would continue to work on it but there is no hope for this year and if they wait long enough many more will die before collecting the funds.

Perhaps Clay missed it yesterday when the Senate refused to include it or maybe he reads it differently than I do. I read it as reneging on a promise. Many of the legislators were irate about it. I can't believe Clay would get upset about a woman being cursed at on a bus yet ignore these women not getting something that was promised to them in exchange for sterilization. This went on from WWII until 1974.

I'm still ticked off about it. I don't care what other states do. It's all about taking responsibility. Grr!

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shortyjill, I'm not quite sure...I'm still very selectively reading at a few places. I figured after vacation, I didn't need the stress! And being a Clay fan is supposed to be fun, dammit!

Fear, I'm wondering if Clay is just catching up on his news. He just tweeted this:

Now, it's starting to seem legit. :-(newsobserver.com/2012/06/22/215… via@newsobserver

This is in response to someone who tweeted a version of this story a few days ago. It sounds as if that bar has some 'splainin' to do! (And maybe Fear, you should tweet him with your version of the other story...

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Yeah, looks like were in the eye of the storm now, but another tweet or whatever and I think it will kick up again. All I am saying is that I am very embarrassed by the behavior of some fans...some seem to have a really self-inflated sense of their own importance in Clay's life.

Fear. I applaud you for using your voice and trying to get this rectified.


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This may be the first time I wish I didn't have Clay's tweets delivered to my phone. Not because I disagree with him. Because I am so embarrassed that fans are causing him to have to defend his friend. Seriously, get a life, people.

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Yeah, it's turning pretty ugly out there again. So much so Clay has threatened in one of his tweets to STOP USING TWITTER.

And now, I KNOW I have a pretty good idea why Clay thought Twitter was the devil...

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