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# 65: "Clay Aiken's Not Just Any Joe"


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Closing Clack Unlimited

It's with great regret that the Clack House must shut down Clack Unlimited. We don't have the funds to continue offering an open vault. The server is scheduled to close on 9/17/2013.

Thanks to those who supported the open vault all these years, and thanks to everyone who provides the clack to keep our vaults going!

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Thanks for letting us know kimiye! I'm sure it's truly a monumental thing to keep the vaults going, so it is much appreciated. But, as merrieeee says, you do what you gotta do.

Thank you to ALL the clack people. Just...thank you.

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That's weird. I can see his tweet from Kelly's show the other night, but the next oldest is from July 31. Must not have wanted his Joseph tweets to get out there again?

Better check to see if he's still following me. *snerk*

And he is!

I'm reading that all of his Celebrity Apprentice tweets are gone too....

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I'm excited that Clay is taking more risks. But if it costs us I may have to get a job. :oh: Honestly I am excited for him. Im' pretty sure he would keep a place in NC, if a long distance move is in his plans. It's great that he is always rethinking his life. As I said before, Joseph was absolute magic and I could see how that would affect him.

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Wow, I finally managed to get into the OFC on my iPhone and read the blog. I'm happy because he sounds like he's made some big life and career decisions and he sounds happy. But I'm scared because I have literally broken the bank to do Joseph and Gala this year and I doubt I can do any more. Also a bit scared that singing might not be part of his plans. Not sure how well I could survive without his voice. But I want him to be happy.

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I'm happy because he sounds like he's made some big life and career decisions and he sounds happy. But I'm scared because I have literally broken the bank to do Joseph and Gala this year and I doubt I can do any more. Also a bit scared that singing might not be part of his plans. Not sure how well I could survive without his voice. But I want him to be happy.

Not much time to chime in here, as hubby and I are celebrating my birthday early this weekend. However, what you have said here luckiest sums it up for me too. I've always said I wanted him happy; this is the test of that theory. I will chime in more later when I've thought about this blog more thoroughly. There are lots of thoughts swirling through my head at the moment...

I'm a bit scared to go out into the rest of the boards though...

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I pretty much feel the same way although I'll be sad if I have to miss yet another thing. Other than the gala last year I haven't done much Clay related travel in a few years and definitely won't be able to do anything this year at all. Hopefully whatever he is doing is singing related even if I can't attend. If it's not and he's happy I'm fine with it (and I'll be less sad because I'm not missing anything ha ha). Because it is all about me of course.

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I've been digesting this blog all day today, even as I've also been digesting breakfast out and looking at kitties at a cat show. So, here are some thoughts:

1) For some reason, it's struck me as odd that he released this video on a Saturday night. Not sure why, exactly, but it just did. Having said that, I think he slaved over this blog for a few days. This was not something tossed off in a few hours.

2) I take his mentioning Simon (as in his manager) as a good sign regarding his career. If he wasn't going to be in show business anymore, I would think he'd be firing Simon!

3) My very first thought was that I might get to see him before year's end after all!

4) As much as I find Clay totally fascinating, and could watch him forever and ever...I find this fandom fascinating as well. So many reactions to this blog!

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Sigh. I threw this post together in 5 minutes and wasn't thinking straight. I meant "blog." Sorry...

I've been working on a DVD of the clack that shall not be named, version 2.0 (version 1 came out in 2008 *g*). I must have had videos on my mind.

Speaking of which...can anyone recommend what they think is the best stage door video from August?

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