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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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This Lancaster station must like the Idols. They are now playing Taylor's single "Just To Feel That Way". Have any of you heard it? IMO, its terrible. His voice sounds awful on it - very strained, almost screaming at times. And the song is very plodding. But his voice sounds awful. I mean, it sounds like it hurts when he's singing and that hurts me.

If this is what his whole album is like, no wonder its not selling well. By the way, anyone know how much it has sold??

According to the USA Today "Idol Chatter" blog from yesterday, Taylor has stayed stead in selling both 12,000 this week and last week, with a total of 612,000.

Ya know, Taylor was one of the few that I DID see his audition last year, and thought he was kinda cool. Didn't follow the show enough through the season to really care all that much, but I was kinda glad he won. Now? Could care less. I don't wish the man any ill will or anything like that, but I just don't care. I'm the same way with Kat actually.

Claygasm, I really hear ya about what seems to be the mucked up way to get a song on AC radio. It truly is frustrating to hear the same song over and over again (Yes, I'm looking at YOU, "Unwritten" -- blech) while there is stuff out there that should and could deserves a chance. And yet, if you're not known, or not hot on a different segment of charts, or so many other factors -- it's almost hopeless. I wish I could do something here in my Podunk town to help that -- I'm hoping that my requesting ATD this week (even if "they didn't have it") helped just a little. I'm thinking that I need to keep requesting songs through them, and not just Clay either, in order to develop that relationship as a loyal listener. (Which is actually true -- I wake up to this station every morning...)

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This Lancaster station must like the Idols. They are now playing Taylor's single "Just To Feel That Way". Have any of you heard it? IMO, its terrible. His voice sounds awful on it - very strained, almost screaming at times. And the song is very plodding. But his voice sounds awful. I mean, it sounds like it hurts when he's singing and that hurts me.

If this is what his whole album is like, no wonder its not selling well. By the way, anyone know how much it has sold??

According to the USA Today "Idol Chatter" blog from yesterday, Taylor has stayed stead in selling both 12,000 this week and last week, with a total of 612,000.

Gee, isn't that about what Clay sold in his first week with MOAM??? Not that its a competition.... :medium-smiley-070:

Ya know, Taylor was one of the few that I DID see his audition last year, and thought he was kinda cool. Didn't follow the show enough through the season to really care all that much, but I was kinda glad he won. Now? Could care less. I don't wish the man any ill will or anything like that, but I just don't care. I'm the same way with Kat actually.

I remember Taylor's audition too and for awhile his bit was amusing. But it quickly became boring to me. Same old, same old every week and his spastic moves were far more annoying than any faces Clay ever made! I never thought his voice was that great and he always seemed to have an attitude. I really didn't want him to win, but I don't wish him any ill will either. I am kind of surprised that with the supposed power of the Soul Patrol his album hasn't sold better - especially since he was the AI winner.

Now I hear Bucky is coming out with a country album in April and his single is climbing the country charts. I really do wish him well. There was something very sweet about him - very unassuming. I hate country music so I suspect I'll never hear him, but I hope he does well.

Wonder what hot little Ace is up to these days???

Amazing how fast so many from last season got recording contracts and got records out. I was bored last year so I guess I am surprised. I think what has bored me with AI the last few seasons is the contestants don't show any versatility. In Clay's day, they had to sing all sorts of genres. They had to do the group numbers. They had to show they were more than a one trick pony. But that doesn't seem to be the case any longer and I think its taken some of the fun out of the show.

Maybe this year will be different.

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A couple of weeks ago I started playing ATDW in my car again. I was playing AIW and MCWL from around Thanksgiving and I had inadvertantly carried my car version of ATDW into the house. My car version is the one that has all 16 songs on it. The CD is a perfect length for me to hear when I travel to a nearby town for my painting classes and shopping. It's one of those cds that I sing along with at the top of my lungs on one trip, and maybe the next, I just choose to listen to Clay sing it. I love this CD. In my opinion, Clay sings these songs perfectly. I know I'm not exactly an unbiased observer, but if I didn't like the way he sang something I'd say so. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I can't for the life of me see why this CD got so universally panned and it did seem like a lot of the critics had an agenda that drove their critique.

Yesterday I heard "Invisible" in TJ Maxx. YAY. It's been a long time since I've heard that in a public place.

On another CD topic. A few weeks ago there were a few post floating around about how Wal-Mart was pulling ATDW and only keeping 1 or 2 in the racks. Here in my little town they almost always have 2-3 and the slightly bigger town about 20 miles away had 5. Everytime I look for CDs under Aiken, I can't help but notice there are always a few CDs by Alice In Chains, so would their still be a demand for those CDs? They always seem to be there.

georgiaclay, glad to hear your test went well yesterday.

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Saw this over at EAYOR and instantly felt it would make the perfect avatar for Muski!

Wonder why????


ETA: Looks like ATD is now #28 on the R&R AC chart. Maybe it will climb up enough for my local station to start considering it!

Or not.

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I think what has bored me with AI the last few seasons is the contestants don't show any versatility. In Clay's day, they had to sing all sorts of genres. They had to do the group numbers. They had to show they were more than a one trick pony. But that doesn't seem to be the case any longer and I think its taken some of the fun out of the show.

I really agree with this. I remember how surprised I was when the finalists could choose a song they'd already done as their final song (along with some shitty made-for-final drivel). I mean, how many times do we need to hear Fantasia wail Summertime while wiping up the stage floor? And how long will Kat try to get Over the Rainbow? :huh:

There's such hypcrosy inherent in the show's programming. Think of all the times Simon's applauded a singer for staying 'true to himself'...yet in those first couple of seasons the contestants had to adapt to whatever genre or dog-and-pony group number was forced on them. The later finalists got to choose their song, their style, their accompaniment, while the pioneer season contestants sang to tracks and were told to sing in other styles. Actually, the show was PUSHING karaoke, wasn't it, by having everyone try out various established songs and styles? Then, of course, they were criticized for delivering a karaoke performance.

Whatever. Clay IS versatile (see reptilian tongue of yesterday's picture and lovely gif. that CG so generously shared with us)--wait, I was talking about his singing. heh. His voice is truly unique and his talent is uniquely true so that whatever he chooses to sing or IS MANDATED to sing, he kills on it.

I love him.

GAWD! And people say that I'M smutty? Take a good look at this licker and let's talk about who's smutty... :hubbahubba:


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Woo hoo for ATD climbing 2 spots! :medium-smiley-070:

I'll see your :medium-smiley-070: and raise you a bunch of dancing bananas!


Whatever. Clay IS versatile (see reptilian tongue of yesterday's picture and lovely gif. that CG so generously shared with us)--wait, I was talking about his singing. heh. His voice is truly unique and his talent is uniquely true so that whatever he chooses to sing or IS MANDATED to sing, he kills on it.

I love him.

Amen, sister muski! I've almost always said that Clay's middle name is "versatility," and that the talent shows no matter what he's singing. I am truly one that if he sang the phone book, a Chinese take-out menu, or a technical manual for my digital camera -- I'd be there, because of that voice.

GAWD! And people say that I'M smutty? Take a good look at this licker and let's talk about who's smutty... :hubbahubba:




It's one of those cds that I sing along with at the top of my lungs on one trip, and maybe the next, I just choose to listen to Clay sing it. I love this CD.

atinal, I do the same thing, in both instances. I do know, however, that several people think this album is the antithesis of "singing at the top of your lungs" album. But you know what? I don't really care. This summer, I'll be blasting this album, with the windows rolled down, and belting it out as if there's no tomorrow. Watch for me!

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Ooooo! That Lancaster station just listed who was coming up and among Nickelback and someone else they said Clay! They're going to play him again so soon????? Wow, at this rate, ATD could become one of those ubiquitous songs on the radio!!!

If you want to listen, they stream. WROZ

ETA: Saw this in an article about Katharine McPhee's first week sales:

If you wanted to be positive, you'd say that McPhee beat the snot out of season one loser Justin Guarini (57,000 in first-week sales) and season three loser Diana DeGarmo (47,000 in first week sales). However, the most recent "Idol" runner-up, Bo Bice, sold 225,000 copies of "The Real Thing" when it debuted in December 2005. That's not even getting into the 613,000 in first week sales for Clay Aiken's 2003 debut "Measure of a Man."

Why do I get such a kick out of seeing that? I truly think that is one Idol record that will never be broken.

ETAA: Its 2:45 and they're playing ATD again! This station alone could be responsible for its move up the charts!

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I truly feel so sorry and sad for her daughter. Even as my mother and I have a love/love-hate/hate relationship, mostly love but there are days, I hope that she loved in her life by someone that will take care of her and love her for herself. Am I making sense in my drug induced haze. I really feel sorry for that family and the sadness that has surrounded itself in the picture.

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From the public side of the OFC:


02/08/07 : Breaking News: Clay Aiken to Host Morning Show

By Team Clay

Word is out that Clay will co-host The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet in the near future.

EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! so he sure is taking a break...heh

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From the public side of the OFC:


02/08/07 : Breaking News: Clay Aiken to Host Morning Show

By Team Clay

Word is out that Clay will co-host The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet in the near future.

EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! so he sure is taking a break...heh

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! That's cool, even if I won't get to see him in my area live. (The clack will be quicker anyway...) Clay on my TV is always good, and this looks to be kinda fun (even if it is connected somehow to Fox News Network. *sigh*)

Wonder if the hair will still be long? *g*


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I'm so glad Clay is still on the chart and actually moved up two spots. I think just having those few dedicated fans calling and requesting helped him stay on the chart one more week. That's a good thing. Yay for Claygasm getting.

Eh, Clack is clack and I'm looking forward to it. Boy is getting some more practice. I like.

Yeah that 600k first week sales was some sort of record. Records do get broken but some are elusive. With the turn in the industry it will take a special idol to grab that mantle from Clay.

Between the astronaut and Anna Nicole, the war just got sent to the back pages of the newspaper.

Muski...loved your chapter...didn't get a chance to comment but wanted to let you know. Hmmm I need a pedicure. heh.

Thanks for the hugs. Begging for hugs...I'm pathetic..heeee.

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And :elephanthugs: to couchie!

Not to rain on the parade - the other day Ace was the co-host, before that it was constantine and before him Anthony. It is an Idol thing.

Yeah, I noticed that. I'm thinking it could go either way -- he could simply do what these guys did previously, and I'm actually OK with that. (I'm sure not all the fandom feels that way though) OTOH, while I don't think Clay Aiken is the biggest star since sliced bread, I DO think he garners a bit more attention that those mentioned here, and I'd like to think that he will get MORE than just talking about Idol. We'll just have to see, won't we?

Now what day do you think I should request tickets?

Take out a calendar. Make a dartboard out of all the dates between now and what should be the end of AI. Throw a dart onto said dartboard. Request tickets for that day.


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:hugs-1: to couchie!!!! I hope all will be well. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I don't care if CLay is on the Mike and Juliet show because he came from Idol. Its Clay on my TV and that makes me happy! Besides, Clay himself has never tried to run away from his Idol roots. I am sure he doesn't want to be DEFINED by Idol, but he knows its a part of him and is the reason he's on any of these TV shows and singing and being a UNICEF ambassador etc., etc., etc..

As for Ace and Constantine also co-hosting, so what? Clay is in a different league from them, both in stature and talent (although Ace can wear PANTS! well too....).

I just can't wait to see THE HAIR again! Oooo! And maybe if we're really lucky, he'll have stubble too!! :allgood:

Actually, I like Mike Jerrick. He was the host of our local Fox "Good Day Philadelphia" a couple of years ago and he was a riot. I think he and Clay would be cool together.

I just hope they don't do the hand-over-the-mouth thing.......

Wasn't Clay supposed to be co-hosting "The View" too???

You know, I don't know how anyone, even the pods, can complain about gigs like this. Its publicity, folks! Its his face and name out there so no one forgets about him during his "down" time. He doesn't have radio constantly playing his music like Kelly does, so he uses TV to stay in the public eye. So what if its connected to Idol - even vaguely? He IS connected to Idol and always will be.

Its Clay. On TV. With the Hair. How can there be anything wrong with that??

ETA: I just saw this posted at the CH by Notacanuck:

From HDD's Weakend Planner, 10 questions with RCA VP Top 40 Promo Peter Gray

3. Who's sexier: Aiken or Hicks?


Well, duh!

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You know, I don't know how anyone, even the pods, can complain about gigs like this. Its publicity, folks! Its his face and name out there so no one forgets about him during his "down" time. He doesn't have radio constantly playing his music like Kelly does, so he uses TV to stay in the public eye. So what if its connected to Idol - even vaguely? He IS connected to Idol and always will be.

Its Clay. On TV. With the Hair. How can there be anything wrong with that??

Unfortunately, Clay could have a whole hour on Oprah that ends with Oprah and Gayle alternatively drying humping him and licking his feet in ecstasy because he's the best thing ever and some posters would still find it inadequate. And it would probably be the same posters that complain endlessly that Clay needs to get publicity to stay in the public consciousness and that he can't possible support another tour because everyone's forgotten him.

Yeah, I wanted to :mallet: and :biteme: a couple of whiners elsewhere last night...


Squishies to (((( Couchie))) and whoever else needs them, unless earlicks are the new hugs... :P

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ETA: I just saw this posted at the CH by Notacanuck:

From HDD's Weakend Planner, 10 questions with RCA VP Top 40 Promo Peter Gray

3. Who's sexier: Aiken or Hicks?


Well, duh!

Well, Duh indeed - And - he is younger, cuter and has a voice that kills.

Try this, Taylor! pianodance.gif

OK, watching the Keith what ever show and he has all these people from Idol. let;'s see if I can summarize

1 Lindsay Cardinale who says her career is going well (I missed most of her), Kevin Covais who really wants to be a TV sportscaster, but will sing in the mean while (You don't really have to do it for me, Kevin) They love Idol

2 Diana DeGarmo who is the happiest person I have ever seen - everything is wonderful, wonderful - Well she has worked hard to make sure it was, you really have to give it to her for that. She did admit that there was a little stigma she had to overcome, letting people know it was not just a reality show (runner up gave them an excuse to show a picture of Clay and comment on his success - great picture of him singing invisible at the AMA's sex019.gif)

3. Ryan Starr (won't give up her 15 minutes, can't pry it out of her hand) - she talked about how it is so Pop Idol that it has kept her from success and she finally is on the road to success with her new rock band (rock comment allowedthem to show a picture of Kelly)

4. Then Frenchie came out and talked about her 4th anniversary in Rent, which she owes to idol. Claims her year was the first year you did not have to look perfect (Honey, you were the second year, just say the first year were pretty kids).

5. LaToya London came out and tallked about thejudges not being mean, she was told about how Simon said she had the best voice andmentioned her appearance in Chicago

Then some auditioners, I could careless about. Amazingly bad idol show. They did talk about Jennifer some, Dr Keith mentioned how Kelly has 5 grammies (she wishes)

WHo was your best friend

LaToya - no one

Frenchie - Friends with Ruben (quick picture of Ruben) and Rickey.... and Diana (because on Broadway together)

LaToya (a long list, riiiiiight)

Ryan - no one, friendly when sees then, has no one's numbers

Diana - Amy Adams, Matt Rogers , Jasmine, George, even knows Clay now

Lindsay - Ace, Justin Guarini, Anthony Federoff - (Is there a circle of people still trying?)

Kevin - Lisa, Paris a lot of people from his year

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:allgood: Hugging the couchina just because she's beautiful inside and out!

Tongue: he looks so feral in that picture. whew.

The Fab Five would call him a "cub". wonder how far the hair goes ? Does he have a fuzzy peach, too? Random thoughts just before I head over to the chiropractor.

Its 23 degrees in the Commonwealth of ol' Virginny today. Hey, couch, I'm considering coming out to the Bay Area in March - that means you, too , muskifestivus! Since I'm gonna be seeing "Love" (the Beatles/Cirque du Soleil show) in Vegas, I might as well hop over and see my bros and wonderful SILs.

Whaddaya think?


Can't get over the tongue

So supple, so pink, so long

If it ever licked me

I think I would squee

Good gracious, the lad's "double hung"!

:medium-smiley-070: :medium-smiley-070:

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