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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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The last couple of seconds of that video, with his arm straight up in the air and him convulsing, is hysterical. Thank you YSRN.


6-7 good lemons

1 good orange

1 cup of sugar (or to taste)

2 quarts of water

How ironic that I bought a bag of lemons yesterday to make lemonade too. HaHaHa

Unlike some other places I've read, I don't read posts here that make me wonder why the poster is still in the fandom, because their writings seem so full of disapproval and in some cases, active dislike. I'm probably overgeneralizing, but I've always felt like the regular posters at this board have a pretty high level of affection for Clay, in all his goofy glory and sometimes cheesy goodness. An occasional less-than-stellar review or difference of opinion won't change that vibe for me. As always, YMMV and whatnot.

I agree with this. That is the one thing I love about this board. People CAN have a difference of opinion and not feel like they have to love everything Clay says or does, and respect is given to each other, in spite of differences of opinions. That's my take anyway..............

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Unlike some other places I've read, I don't read posts here that make me wonder why the poster is still in the fandom, because their writings seem so full of disapproval and in some cases, active dislike. I'm probably overgeneralizing, but I've always felt like the regular posters at this board have a pretty high level of affection for Clay, in all his goofy glory and sometimes cheesy goodness. An occasional less-than-stellar review or difference of opinion won't change that vibe for me. As always, YMMV and whatnot.

Who fooled around and made you mod. Oh yeah. :cryingwlaughter: I hope nobody's opinion varies on that.

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Wheeee! The return of the rivet! Now can we hope that he will recreate that entire SH ensemble at some venue down the road? :Thud:

Oh man, I wish I had seen that dark blue shirt up close and personal. That color looked fine on the man. And we really don't NEED to discuss the jeans again, do we? (There's a difference between NEED and WANT, BTW....*g*)

Thanks for this. I think that someone at the venue always has the upper hand on looking at the performances as a whole, because of things you mention - feelings, atmosphere, nuances, and not taking one song out of the context of a whole concert. Clack is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but sometimes things just do not translate the same through the lens of a camera. So it can be quite disconcerting to come back from a concert on a total high, because you just witnessed what was a spectacular performance, or something totally unique that will probably never be repeated, and be hit in the face with "well I don't really think so" or "meh". Or, OTOH (as you point out) it must be equally hard to hear people raving about something that just didn't seem wonderful to you. Because of the clack that maybe offers up a closer or different perspective on the performance that you just witnessed with your own eyes. Or any other variety of reasons.

This really just shows the individuality of these concerts -- both in the differences in the actual concerts, but also for each individual attending them. As much as a concert is a group activity, a shared experience...everyone is going to experience it different. And you're right, clack doesn't always catch that idea. (I can think of one instance for me where it did, though, and that was W-B MOAM -- saw that clack and cried my eyes out for a week....)

Great post -- both by you lickiest1 and you muski!

Which is why I need to win the freaking lottery QUITE SOON and become a Clay groupie who can travel from the first to the last concert on every tour. What? It could happen. My kids are old enough to fend for themselves...... [/delusional]

I keep telling my husband that if we do win the lottery, this is my dream job. He doesn't understand that, for some reason.

Heee, licky, I've been bad at work, too, with clack. I was cleaning out files on my work computer a couple of days ago, and was shocked to find a video from JNT'05. Oooops! I'm sure it was something I absolutely COULDN'T live without back then, but I sure should have gotten rid of the evidence much sooner! Oh, well, I guess no one caught me. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, if they ever search my network drive here, I'm in deep, deep doo-doo. There are clips I cannot BEAR to delete from this computer, even though I've also got them at home. Need them for pick-me-ups, you know? (OTOH, thank God they don't block YouTube here...that's saved me recently from downloading a bunch of stuff...)

I took some pictures, but not many; the lighting there sucks... and I only took a couple snippet of video, but I don't know how much there is out there.

That's OK, what you brought over was great -- I simply love it when Clay's "got the spirit." Makes me :cryingwlaughter: every single time, no matter the venue.

I think the bottom line here is that we will always have differences of opinion about performances, and should feel absolutely free to express them without reservation. Sure, seeing something live with a view of the whole stage can be very different from experiencing it via a scratchy cellcert or even tightly-focused Clack after the fact. That doesn't mean I'm afraid to post my thoughts - even if they aren't as informed as others. And that doesn't mean my thoughts aren't subject to change. I didn't get the TV medley after the first few cellcerts, and only came to appreciate the level of energy it lends to the set a few shows into the tour, when I had a better feel for the bit in context. I feel very confident that nobody at this board is trying to shove their opinions down the throats of every other poster as the gospel truth. On the other hand, this is a fan board, and it's only natural, I think, to get a little defensive at times about criticisms of Clay's performances.

Unlike some other places I've read, I don't read posts here that make me wonder why the poster is still in the fandom, because their writings seem so full of disapproval and in some cases, active dislike. I'm probably overgeneralizing, but I've always felt like the regular posters at this board have a pretty high level of affection for Clay, in all his goofy glory and sometimes cheesy goodness. An occasional less-than-stellar review or difference of opinion won't change that vibe for me. As always, YMMV and whatnot.



Man, I'm sitting here trying to think a way to comment about these paragraphs, and I'm just stymied...because I really believe that bottlecap summed my thoughts up so well. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

This place rawks.

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This forum is not only the best ... it is quickly becoming the "only-est" for me. I still check around at OFC and post occasionally if the spirit moves, but this has become home. As far as the other "major" boards are concerned, I check them out occasionally and can find some very good things in these other places ... to a point ... but it never fails that eventually I get to stuff that qualifies for the Dead Horse Society and when the pounding starts I say, "Time to get back to FCA!" I now find I'm venturing out less and less. Anything of interest that I find anywhere else is either already here or on its way here, and then there's all the stuff that originates here ... so I'm all comfy cozy here in my Clay love with all the rest of you lovers!


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UPDATE on those wacky bear trackers in Ecuador: Still having a good time, still no luggage! Phone calls cost 25¢ a minute! And the computer is still a half-hour bus ride away, and sometimes they have to either stand or sit on top of the bus!! Their camera was stolen along with a lot of pix already taken on the memory card. :( Fortunately it was a cheap camera, but it's the photos I mourn most! About 3 more weeks till they are home!

Cha Cha - thanks for the update. What a thrill. Too bad about the camera.

And technically, I didn't actually see the grand slam thingie, just the people cheering which got them from between me and the bar tender, I just know before my drink it was 3-3, and when I looked again it was 3-7. Since Carrie wasn't pitchin', I wasn't that interested.

You crack me up KAndre. And loved your interpretation of the differences between the Listens. I can't wait to here Angela sing this live but am so happy for the Quiana/Clay version. This will be one of the highlights of the tour because it will only happen once. And god, was it great.

I don't even think we need to agree to disagree on what's sexy about Clay. It goes without saying that everybody will latch on to something different. Concert Clay is sexy to me because I think he takes on a different ultra confident persona. I've found him sexy in other settings but not generally. Usually he's cute or funny or dorky or charismatic or some other adjective. And those are pretty neato things to be as well. And Clayzor....eek I love pissy Clay too!!

The idea that Clay is a secret songwriter comes primarily from that single Diane Bubel statement, which Clay has said was wrong. Countering that are many, many interviews in which he has claimed he is not a songwriter, and that LAA is his first real attempt. Personally, I gotta go with Clay. I know there is a popular belief that he won't admit to writing for fear that 19E/RCA would have a share in the royalties, but that always struck me as so petty as to be unlikely, especially now that he has LAA and Lonely No More to his credit.

Yep, I agree.

songwriter - is he trying to disavow the Peanut the hamster song now? sniff, sniff poor little thing buried and now forgotten.

Yes I've been around since the beginning but there are some things I never understood or cared about. One was Tsathy or whatever that was. I don't mean to offend anyone..just never knew what it was about until like a year ago when I finally asked. heee. and the other is the peanut song. So I'm asking. What is this all about.?

busy following the real-life exploits of another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand


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I post in a lot of places for a lot of different reasons - you really don't want to read one of my political rants that I post on political boards - did I ever tell you I was banned from posting at CNN after a disagreement with Sam Donaldson in chat where I called him a fake newsman for ignoring real stories, like terrorists to concentrate on the impeachment of Clinton? I saw it then, but the news people didn't I hate when I know something is going to happen or is a lie and the news people ignore it.

But I digress - sometimes I post because I have friends there, I hve looked around a lot of boards for people I know when they disappear, hoping they used the same names, and sometimes I fall into a discussion I want to be a part. This place just has a higher ration of joy and even some fun with suspected trolls - not people we disagree with, not people who declare themsleves pods, but I think one or two people have posted some stuff I can only describe as odd, can't even call it angst, just odd off topic things.


If you work for a large corporation, large enough to have a network staff, they know what you are doing on-line - all major companies track the usage of the computer at work and send periodic reports to managers. I was a manager, I received them, I had to talk to staff about it. A certain amount is allowed, after a point the site that is a distraction with may be blocked. No one has to look at your computer to see what is donwloaded, it shows in the report because it comes in through the internet portal. No company appreciates you using too much of thier bandwidth for personal things when they are supposed to be transmitting work stuff with this same bandwidth. Few people care what you do if you do not interfer with work or if you do it on your own time.

ETA - I admit to having become absolutely reckless in my last job when I could get no one to fix my computer because the company had merged and separated so many times, I needed connections through companies that were no longer associated wtih ours but I was left maintaining old systems (something that was only supposed to take a little of my time, not interfer with my management responsibilities, yea, right) anyway, when I asked, I was told that my computers internet connection was not traceable because they had no idea where the internet connection was coming from and they gave me a second computer for normal work..

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songwriter - is he trying to disavow the Peanut the hamster song now? sniff, sniff poor little thing buried and now forgotten.

Yes I've been around since the beginning but there are some things I never understood or cared about. One was Tsathy or whatever that was. I don't mean to offend anyone..just never knew what it was about until like a year ago when I finally asked. heee. and the other is the peanut song. So I'm asking. What is this all about.?

couchie, I used the search function on the CH to see if I could find the history of this song. It was a song he wrote about his beloved hamster Peanut. This was extremely early in the fandom, at least before I got involved. Here's a post about it, from the lovely brandilyne:

Guys, Clay writes songs, okay? Very beautiful, meaningful ones. Well, just the one I know of, ofcourse. The Peanut Song. How could anyone forget that gem?

Cuckoo, thanks for bringing this up. I had almost forgotten to send it off for the FAQ. I found some of it saved from one of the ca.com chats that I think maybe Firefly Fan sent me long ago?? Here it is:

I've got a big prostate and you cannot lie,

you other hamsters can't deny,

when a hamster walks in with a huge prostate

you get... JEALOUS

After this lovely piece, I believe it was sweet Cuckoo who deemed it horn. Or hamster porn.

And now I'm :lmaosmiley-1: because it seems the classics medley is a tribute to his beloved Peanut.

playbiller -- I know that. I'm surprised no one has talked to me yet, honestly. I suppose I'm pushing my luck, eh? OTOH, they're looking at me as a replacement for my boss, so who knows?

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I'm fortunate that in my actual job I have to do a lot of odd internet surfing - I don't do a lot of downloading at the office because it's a pain in the ass to get it home - and I've been well trained to avoid the evils of double-dipping...

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Regarding Playbiller's PSA

Not to mention the loss of actual work time. There is an article on the Yahoo home page about employers feeling that employees are using about 2 hours a day using the computer for personal things. I really only read the head line, but it looks like the overall feeling is that it is out of boredom. I do agree Playbiller that larger corporations do monitor this type of thing more. The internet was just getting into "full bloom" before I retired, but I remember getting those memos too.

Speaking of the information age, I just became aware last week that I am a victim of identity theft and believe me this has been very frustrating. I want to caution everyone, but I am honestly not sure what to caution you from. So far, I've been advised of 10 credit cards that have been applied for in my name. I guess I would say guard your personal information as closely as you can. I certainly didn't think I had been careless with mine, so this can happen to anyone. End of my PSA.

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Yes, yes, yes! Can you feel and see how the electricity and intensity built as that song flowed along? I'm sorry to keep harping on this one performance, but I really think it was transcendent. I'm also afraid that the feeling is going to start slipping away from me as time goes by and my memories dim a bit and get smudged by Clack from other concerts.

I know how you feel. Exactly how I feel about Sacramento IT which has very little clack. And yep after a time you're left only with vague impressions. :abuser:

Hey Tag,

Welcome to FCA... It's weird - I kinda know you but I don't. I know that makes no sense. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

You guys are being good while I'm gone, right?


Squeee from New Hampshire!

YEAH...and I'm way late cuz the concert is over and she's winging her way home! Hope it was good for ya.

Sneaking in from work and DAMN!! This working is really a pain!! So much I would love to comment on but can't! When I get home it takes me so long to catch up I don't have time for much else. And I am soooooooooooooo far behind on my clack downloading its ridiculous.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: CG...know how you feel.

You have got to earn mockery, chick! Post a criticism of the right half of the iris of his left eye during the second set of low notes in Sterling Heights "Listen" and I'll be all over your butt like a duck on a June bug!

bwah KANDRE..might have to add that to the FAQ

Hmmmph. He wouldn't be making that face if *I* were playing with his baton.



Shocked and mortified...

that I didn't get to say this first. :cryingwlaughter:

Ask me if I'd rather listen to a Clay Aiken cellcert or take my mom to pick up her glasses at Pearle Vision.

Go ahead. Ask me.

Muski, tthis cracked me up yesterday. Probably the last thing I read before heading off to class. That was some first class smut from Cindilu.

And with all due respect to Play's PSA... caught up, heh.

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um, you're kidding, right? Surely that is not REALLY the infamous Peanut The Hamster song? :cryingwlaughter:

At this point....who really knows. It could just be Clurban legend at this point....but it sure gave me a laugh.

Any RHW clack available yet?

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{{{atinal}}} - I'm semi-paranoid for good reason....

As for the computer usage - some of it is from boredom - a lot of it is that work also cuts into our personal time so in my case, it's a little tit for tat as well....

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Speaking of the information age, I just became aware last week that I am a victim of identity theft and believe me this has been very frustrating. I want to caution everyone, but I am honestly not sure what to caution you from. So far, I've been advised of 10 credit cards that have been applied for in my name. I guess I would say guard your personal information as closely as you can. I certainly didn't think I had been careless with mine, so this can happen to anyone. End of my PSA.

How frightening! How did you find out your identity had been stolen? I keep thinking I should get a credit report, but haven't. I do watch my own cards carefully, and shred all those invites for new cards, but I'm sure there are many things that make me, and everyone, vulnerable. At my last job, they were still using SS#s as IDs! I see lots of items on the news of stolen laptops with ID/banking databases and so forth. Please keep us updated so we can hug and learn. {{{atinal}}}

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MY PSA was more a cautionalry tale for those who have bosses that want to get rid of them, if they love you, they forgive you. It could not track people who brought in games on CD to play, so some people did that. My surfing never had to do with boardom as much as overload and escape - there are times when I get overwhelmed - I even have medication for that right now - medication to be able to organize and get things done,otherwise I fly in a million directions. So the more impossible amounts of work I had to do, the more likely I would surf, especially when it was preparing presentations for the board of directors - not my best skill and somehow I managed to get out of it at the last minute every single time. I concentrated on work when I knew what I had to do and how to do it and could actually get it done, oh and thought it was worth the time (not most of the spreadsheets tracking project usage where you physically retype the information from one spread sheet into another. My one presentation about hiring summer interns to do all that non-security clearance busy work at low pay with no benefits was rejected because they felt the paperwork to establish it would be too much work. Idiots.

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Speaking of the information age, I just became aware last week that I am a victim of identity theft and believe me this has been very frustrating. I want to caution everyone, but I am honestly not sure what to caution you from. So far, I've been advised of 10 credit cards that have been applied for in my name. I guess I would say guard your personal information as closely as you can. I certainly didn't think I had been careless with mine, so this can happen to anyone. End of my PSA.

How frightening! How did you find out your identity had been stolen? I keep thinking I should get a credit report, but haven't. I do watch my own cards carefully, and shred all those invites for new cards, but I'm sure there are many things that make me, and everyone, vulnerable. At my last job, they were still using SS#s as IDs! I see lots of items on the news of stolen laptops with ID/banking databases and so forth. Please keep us updated so we can hug and learn. {{{atinal}}}

I discovered it by being called by a credit card company asking me if I had applied for an account for blah, blah blah. I was half asleep when I got the first call, but when I figured it out. I told them no, I had not applied for a card with them. They cancelled the application and told me that it was possible that I was being targeted for idenity theft. About 2 minutes later I got another call so then I got concerned and called one of the credit reporting agencies. They will put a flag on your personal information. They do suggest that you periodically request a copy of your credit report. As far as the applications go, I believe they have all been on line applications. I have been getting some help from one of the major bank card companies, I believe they all have identy theft departments that can help you. Yesterday I still got a call asking about another account. Like I said, it has been very frustrating and time consuming, not to mention a little scarry.

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{{{{{{{{Atinal}}}}}}} I hope everything works out well for you. This also re-ignites a worry for me, as I rather stupidly gave a CC number to a phone solicitor just recently. I'm going to be getting my credit reports here very soon!

On happier notes....

OK, still no RHW clack from last night, but I've just watched the LAA from Gilford shot by Tsunamimommy. Amazing clip. This brings me to point number one: I'd like to thank the audiences who've attended shows so far for not being screamers during this song. I'm incredibly grateful that this hasn't turned into ICMYLM version 2.0 as far as the crowds go.

Also, I just rewatched some of the Sterling Heights clack, specifically the removal of the jacket. Good Lord, that man was on fire that evening. Point number two: Clay seems to give 5000% to shows where he knows something is "off." From this tour alone, I can name this show (where Angela wasn't feeling well), and the Tulsa show (what was that? Oh yeah, something about an airplane). Other instances: the Atlanta JNT 2005 where Gregory was sick; the Iowa JNT 2005 where Jacob pulled out mid-show. I'm sure I can come up with other examples from other tours if I think about it hard enough. Now, I don't think this means that when everything seems to be working pretty well, he doesn't give his all, because I think he does. It just means that he really digs deep inside during key moments to provide the best entertainment he can.

I sometimes think that I think about Clay Aiken too much. I'm rambling. Go on without me. I'll be sitting in the corner, watching clack and eating Cheez Doodles.

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Yes I've been around since the beginning but there are some things I never understood or cared about. One was Tsathy or whatever that was. I don't mean to offend anyone..just never knew what it was about until like a year ago when I finally asked. heee. and the other is the peanut song. So I'm asking. What is this all about.?

I've got a big prostate and you cannot lie,

you other hamsters can't deny,

when a hamster walks in with a huge prostate

you get... JEALOUS

And now I'm :lmaosmiley-1: because it seems the classics medley is a tribute to his beloved Peanut.

How sad is it that somehow I know that peanut was not his hamster, but his roommate's...Amy?

Do you think he's revisited those lyrics during rehearsals? I could picture it. LOL (yep, provided the story is gospel) ...and why is it that I don't know what the Tsathy thing is about? How'd I miss that one?

I now have two co-workers who are dealing with identity theft. They are both extremely careful people. Neither knows how it happened. It's a nightmare and my sympathies go to you atinal.

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A friend from the Clayboard just sent me this in an email. It's a review of the Columbus show that someone typed up.

There was a review of Clay’s performance with the Columbus symphony orchestra Saturday night in The Other paper today which was simply awesome. What makes it even better is that the entertainment critic (a male) usually doesn’t have a nice thing to say about anyone. The Other paper is a free publication distributed throughout the Columbus Metropolitan area on Thursdays. Lots of people read it because it’s free. Just wish I had a scanner and could scan the whole article, but since I can’t I decided to do the next best thing and type out the best parts:


Clay Aiken is an utterly convincing singer. Deal With it.

By John Petric

If you haven’t suspected it by now, this ought to confirm it. Yours truly is over the hill.

I liked Clay Aiken.

* * *

So yes, Clay Aiken. He’s a piece of work isn’t he? A cross between John Edwards and Paul McCartney, he mines the emotional veins dug by Streisand, Manilow and Celine, yet without the soul, severe schmaltz or extreme hysteria of those three.

* * *

And yet, let me tell you …..he can sing like a son of a gun. When he isn’t sounding like God’s most precious choirboy, he approaches Luther Vandrossian levels of soul pop.

So the first half of the first half was just that. Even the songs that weren’t about self-affirmation sounded like they were. And then everything suddenly coalesced a few tunes later for what would turn out to be the master stroke. “These Open Arms.”

“What if everything you ever took for granted was gone?” … “And everything you thought was right was wrong?”

Those very questions might be on Michael Vick’s mind right now. But our boy Clay was singing from the fist-sized organ in his chest. He’s no dummy. In fact, I figure him to be quite shrewd. The placing and pacing of “Arms” woke me up and won me over.

Aiken sang those soul-numbing lyrics with every ounce of focused emotional force he could conjure. Every hurt, every slight, every deep yearning to be loved when he wasn’t came out in that song. And let me tell you, we’re talking utterly convincing. I would’ve dabbed his eyes myself if he’d been teary.

* * *

With violins and cellos and violas caressing the melody, Aiken had the force of Oprah’s entire universe behind him. It was pure pop beauty, and I was awestruck by the moment.

Having achieved that level, Aiken returned to it frequently in the second half, but not before he had some fun with golden oldies and whatnot. He had a fine sense of humor, often self-deprecating and a little bit wicked, like when he mentioned the “Chemical Contaminated” grass.

His goofy, well-executed medley (with awesome symphonic accompaniment – mustn’t forget that) included dead-on snippets of Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince and even “Achy Breaky Heart.”

After “These Open Arms” my favorite song was “Without You” a not-so-minor pop masterpiece. Aiken didn’t quite nail it as perfectly as Harry Nilsson, who was nowhere near the technically accomplished singer Aiken is. But he nailed it nonetheless, in his own patented I-die-for-your-sins-every-night way of performing.

And I found myself trying to figure out how I was going to tell the world I didn’t hate the guy—that, indeed, I was somewhat touched by him.

Isn’t it great. The article was accompanied by a gorgeous picture of him taken at the concert. Feel free to post this at the OFC or any other board you might belong to. It’s too good not to share.

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To truly understand Tsathy, you haveto read Shack's recaps of AI2 at TWOP.

He started it, and it became a legend as Clay became the love of his life and he was determined to take Clay as his bride - I believe that if you did not know the original story, you, as a fan, might take offense at that. But the fan stories there after about Tsathy hiding underClay's bed in the mansion and in the closet and feeding Carmen babies just seem to show how far the fandom, for TWOP posterss, has changed.

There was some debate after the creation of the name CLak for Clay if the name Rack for Ruben video might have something to do with dinner for Tsathy.

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Someone tried to access our online banking account, two different times. Of course the bank caught it and we changed our account numbers etc, but this last time? I told hubby he better put our freaking money into a real bank down the street. OR ELSE....We banked and paid our bills online with ETRADE......I'm just not comfortable with the internet as far as giving out personal info like that. I've done the paypal and ordered things on line etc but I don't feel comfortable doing it. We were also phished? using PayPal once. Duped into giving our credit card or bank acct number out. No money had a chance to be taken or anything charged to our cards, but it still required having to change all acct information and numbers. So please be careful.

I've never heard of the peanut story or the Tsathy story before. Those are two things that escaped me in the fandom and I've been here since day one too. So thanks for explaining them.

My strawberry banana pie is finished and chilling in the refrigerator. No thanks to you guys for sharing a recipe with me. :medium-smiley-070:

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