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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Beautiful Baby!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And I love the name Jack. Congrats again, Caro.

Kelly - mehhhh. I like some of her songs well enough, though I've yet to hear anything from her new cd. However, I have heard the 'duet' of Because of You w/Reba more times than I ever want to hear anything. Ever. I shit you not, last week I heard it seven times in one work day (8-5). Seven!(and not in the good way). Yeah, I find it hard to work up any sympathy for the girl - she's golden. I'd sure love the opportunity to get sick of hearing Clay on the radio.

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I exchanged PM's with cindilu2 about the early sound of Tulsa songs and since I'm taking down a server at midnight tonight (and so have a bit of bandwidth until then), this is a link to all the unposted audio from Tulsa, Knoxville and Tampa. The link will be active until midnight and I will try to add audio from The Greek too. (Hope no one thinks this is unfair -- it's just that if we wait for the normal video process, it could take weeks to cover all these) BTW, the coughing guy in Knoxville was really trying v. hard not to do so; it was frustrating but unfortunate. I'll get on Goldwave sometime to try to tone him down.

Link to audio files, today only!!! (9/23/2007)

Ohhhhhhhhh, Scarlett, the eHP lunch sounds so wonderful and I would love to join if it can work out. Most likely I'd have to travel in for it. I'm now in Midland, out in West Texas, back home for the past year. Prior to that I was in Dallas for 20 years, but originally, I'm from out here in West Texas. There are actually two other CV members who live here in Midland. We have yet to get together, but it's so nice to know there are at least two other fans here! Country music sorta kinda rules here, just not for me. Do y'all usually do your lunch gathering in Houston? Even if it doesn't work out sometime, thank you so much for the offer. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Awwww, unfortunately we usually meet in Houston so this will probably have to wait until you take a trip east. Or if you go to Dallas sometime, I can drive there to meet you. *keeps fingers crossed*

memory was telling me that Scarlett was late getting to the Pala because of traffic and was worried she would miss the start. Do I at least have that part right, Scarlett??? Now, I have a feeling we never met! Poop!
*raises hand* Guilty. Yes, we were late to Pala, sorry. I'll watch for you on the representing lists -- must.meet.soon! BTW, if you were there in the afternoon, you must have seen Jesse? Any descriptions/recaps?

Congratulations, Carolina Clay!!! What a handsome grandson. (And a Texan too!)

I'm Scarlett everywhere except for OFC and CB where I'm Scarlett12O.

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I exchanged PM's with cindilu2 about the early sound of Tulsa songs and since I'm taking down a server at midnight tonight (and so have a bit of bandwidth until then), this is a link to all the unposted audio from Tulsa, Knoxville and Tampa. The link will be active until midnight and I will try to add audio from The Greek too. (Hope no one thinks this is unfair -- it's just that if we wait for the normal video process, it could take weeks to cover all these) BTW, the coughing guy in Knoxville was really trying v. hard not to do so; it was frustrating but unfortunate. I'll get on Goldwave sometime to try to tone him down.

Link to audio files, today only!!! (9/23/2007)

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Anyone not finished should probably grab anything that relates to your assigned song, cuz this will probably make many a "best of" list!

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Scarlett WooHoo! I'm sure we'll meet at Waukegan and/or Kalamazoo!


eta: My morning project has been dling and watching your GMA vids! :hubbahubba: Love them!!! :Thud:

etta: Yes!!! We ogled Jesse for most of the afternoon. He is a cutie - very tiny guy - he spent at least an hour at the pool with Jamie and we enjoyed the view very much! They had their own cabana all set up with goodies and they were in and out of there as was gorgeous Angela. It was a happenin good time! :)

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It's been a while since I've posted, but I am now because I'm quite sure there are some who miss my avatar - not me, mind you, just my avatar. (Hey I know what's important in life!) Needless to say, life has been so ridiculously busy for me. I've changed grade levels and am learning the differences between second and fourth grade curriculums as well as those between second and fourth grade kiddies! I'm loving my new little ones, but they're keeping me busy and exhausted, yo! So, hello to all - give my avatar a kiss, and hopefully it will make an appearance again before too long. <waves to y'all!>

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Mea culpas are in order:

Gibby I really should hit the "quote" button rather than rely on my memory - Sorry! :)

No problem at all, Canooky. I just enjoy giving people a hard time. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm in the minority here but I love Kelly Clarkson's voice as long as she isn't screaming at me.

I agree, Toots! Kelly has a beautiful voice. But like you, I don't like the screaming, and unfortunately a lot her songs are the screaming type.

Caro this is the most touching photo. Such tenderness and love!!! Congrats Grandma...


Yes, that's a gorgeous photo! Jack is darling. Do you have video of him, too?

I exchanged PM's with cindilu2 about the early sound of Tulsa songs and since I'm taking down a server at midnight tonight (and so have a bit of bandwidth until then), this is a link to all the unposted audio from Tulsa, Knoxville and Tampa. The link will be active until midnight and I will try to add audio from The Greek too. (Hope no one thinks this is unfair -- it's just that if we wait for the normal video process, it could take weeks to cover all these) BTW, the coughing guy in Knoxville was really trying v. hard not to do so; it was frustrating but unfortunate. I'll get on Goldwave sometime to try to tone him down.

Link to audio files, today only!!! (9/23/2007)

Thank you so much, Scarlett!! You're a doll. Now I can get going on my recommendations. I was waiting to see if any more really good clack showed up, and here it is!!

Well, that makes a good story, anyway. :cryingwlaughter:

Happy Birthday Manderly


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Happy birthday manderly! :laola0: :partygirl:

Caro, your grandson is adorable!

Other than that....uh, nuthin'. This is a lazy, lazy day for me, although I did manage a workout at the gym. It helps when you've got Clay to listen to....


ETA: :F_05BL17blowkiss: Woo lovereyes!

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Congrats Caro!! I love that pic you posted! :clap:

I am way behind, as usual so I am not sure what topics we are on......

I wanted to share two vids with you - one is sort of on topic and the other isn't!!

This one is a Nickelback Spoof. I never heard the original song...... but I think you'll like it!!

This one.......... I was talking about "The Wedding Date" earlier and it was on TV last night. Of Course I had to watch it!!

This is the hottest scene in the movie. :hubbahubba: (Next to the sex scene) Unfortunately, the sound is bad, you have to turn it way up.

This one has better sound but has a sucky picture.

But could you picture clay doing a scene like this?? It's straight out of one of muski's stories! :hubbahubba:

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I'm in the minority here but I love Kelly Clarkson's voice as long as she isn't screaming at me.

I love her voice, too, Toots, screaming and all. It's her songs that I'm not crazy about most of the time, but I really like Be Still and Maybe from her recent CD.

Congratulations, Caro! :25:

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Hi Honeys, I'm home! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thank you so much for all the wonderful Birthday wishes; they are very much appreciated!

Had a wonderful week-end just relaxing and spending time with hubby. We went up to Wisconsin to a little town call Cedarburg; lots of little shops to browse and since hubby and I love noodling around in antique stores we were in heaven. Bought some more books to add to my collection...I collect Wizard of Oz and Little Golden Books and there is some home-made fudge in the fridge calling my name.

The only downside to the week-end was the traffic on Friday night...needless to say, I am not a fan of the Illinois Tollway...took us 1 hour to go 2 miles. Made much better time coming home as we avoided the Tollway and went through Chicago...not too much trafffic on a Sunday.

I see lots of interesting conversations while I was gone...I do think lyrics are very important to Clay and that is a consideration when he chooses songs...Quiana's version of WTLGD is a favorite of mine and while I am not a huge fan of Angela...I thought she did well on Listen. I loved her version of Black Velvet, wish it could have been the whole song.

Caro "Jack" is a beautiful baby, I hope you can cuddle him real soon!

My Cubbieswon again today! 3 game lead over the Milwaukee...it is going to be a fun last week of baseball! :roundel:


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I wanted to share two vids with you - one is sort of on topic and the other isn't!!

This one is a Nickelback Spoof. I never heard the original song...... but I think you'll like it!!

This one.......... I was talking about "The Wedding Date" earlier and it was on TV last night. Of Course I had to watch it!!

This is the hottest scene in the movie. :hubbahubba: (Next to the sex scene) Unfortunately, the sound is bad, you have to turn it way up.

This one has better sound but has a sucky picture.

But could you picture clay doing a scene like this?? It's straight out of one of muski's stories! :hubbahubba:

The popstar spoof was hilarious!! Sadly, it's too true.

And the scene from ''Wedding Date" was hawt!! If Clay did a scene like that, I don't know if he would have any fans left. We would all spontaneously combust. Poof!!

Glad you had such a nice weekend, Aikim!

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This is one of my favorite chick flicks... I'm a sucker for love stories and happy endings and really yummy leading men... and that scene on the boat... kills me dead every time... and really, it kills me dead before they even get inside the boat... boxer briefs and that's all I'm gonna say about that!

Caro - beautiful pics! I love the one with with mom and son...

Did my Susan G. Komen walk this a.m. - thousands of people - it was literally a sea of people - I'll be interested to hear how many came out... really inspiring and heartbreaking at the same time... while we waited to start, I had to keep wiping my eyes... it was very emotional to see all those people coming out for such a good cause... and there were tons of men including at least one we saw with a survivor pink shirt which was an excellent reminder that breast cancer has no sexual preference... and it's a beautiful day - a little cool at first but the sky is blue and the sun is shining brightly! We do this every year (this was our 5th time) and we're already talking about next year! rcknrllmom - thanks for the good wishes!

Happy Birthday to manderly and to those I've missed (I'm not very good at that - must work on being better...)!

aikim - glad to hear you liked Cedarburg!

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Scarlett, thanks!

Caro...awwww!!! :RedGuy:

Happy Birthday Manderly

...and (((hugs))) to anyone I may have missed.

I have been busy cleaning drawers, listening to Clay, watching my Indians cinch their spot in the playoffs, playing with grandkids and I buying a new pair of shoes...A perfect day!!!

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My EAGLES kicked butt today!! Woo hoo!

Scarlett, thanks!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: You are so good to us! I downloaded every, single one!

I know Clay has good people around him, but I sometimes wonder if he takes his voice for granted, just a bit. I just get this sense that vocally, he's always been able to do easily what others have had to work hard for, and so perhaps, he doesn't pamper his voice as much as he should. In all likelihood, he probably shouldn't talk too much before concerts, but I have a feeling, he always does.

It is interesting that Kelly seemed to warm up more, but has had more vocal problems, despite shows that are often considerably shorter than his. It may be that she's toured longer, but her throat may just not be as strong as Clay's.

I think he's been able to get away with what he does, because he is young and talented. However, can he continue to do that forever? I don't know.

I have thought this for a long time, Jenna. Singing has always come easy for him and sometimes I think he just assumes it always will. And if not talking much before singing makes a difference, I suspect he is DOOMED!

Boyfriend sure does love to talk!

I was driving home from church and heard "INVISIBLE" on my Top 40 radio. Yes, yes I did...I about ran into a bus!!! I can count on one hand how many times I've heard Clay on my radio, let alone at midday!!!

I had that thing turned up so loud I'm sure I looked like a loon!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

Wow! You must have done some serious praying in church for a miracle like that to happen! :RedGuy:

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I enjoyed Quiana and Angie's solos so much this tour - more than any other tour. Plus, I just have to "word" Bookwhore who I believe posted earlier about never hearing the lyrics of "My Grown Up Christmas List" until Clay sang it. He blew me away and it became my favourite Christmas song. I love Q but I had never heard the words until Clay sang it on (I think) GMA! GAH!!! I was toast!

Hmmppphhhh!!!! I say something interesting, and it gets attributed to BW!! See - here's what I said:

:cryingwlaughter: OMiGosh! This CMSU!! I haven't caught up Gibby, but I'll explain how this happened. i don't know if anyone else has yet.

You see, your loverly avi :hubbahubba: of The Thrust is my avi on another board, the board at which Canooky first met me. And since we know she identifies people by their avi's and not their names, it's logical to see how she saw your avi, read your post and thought that I'd made the post. After all, this is the woman who knew she'd met ducky's 'avi' in California, but couldn't remember the real name, or board name on either board, just the avi. I don't know who I stole the avi from. Was it you? Do you use it at CV? No one uses it on my other board, so I knew it was 'safe'.


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HEY, you Bookwhore you!!! I resemble that remark!!!

I did so recognize that avi and I know her name from another board and I know her name in real life. I just couldn't remember ducky's name here - but now I'll never forget it!!

Where's the "sticking the tongue out" emoticon when I need it!!!????


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:cryingwlaughter: OMiGosh! This CMSU!! I haven't caught up Gibby, but I'll explain how this happened. i don't know if anyone else has yet.

You see, your loverly avi :hubbahubba: of The Thrust is my avi on another board, the board at which Canooky first met me. And since we know she identifies people by their avi's and not their names, it's logical to see how she saw your avi, read your post and thought that I'd made the post.

BWAH! How funny! I wasn't really mad, I was just poking fun at Canooky. Yes, I use the same avi at CV, but I don't post over there much, so you or Canooky probably wouldn't associate me with my avi over there. In fact, my screenname most places is GibbGal. Anyway, it's really funny now that you explained the whole situation.

Hey! We need some pictures in this thread. I remember the thudding and excitement on the boards when all of these wonderful pics came out. They're all still thudworthy:





This one isn't recent, but it is one of my all-time favorites:


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My new old favorite..



Hee! I just threw away a printer that hasn't worked for two years and when I moved the printer table, I discovered that picture taped on a ruler with the words 'Mr. Sex on a stick' taped on. Memories of the first Musikfest.

Beautiful grandbaby, Caro

*waves to stpteach*.

The Eagles racked up 56 points today against the undefeated Lions. I don't know, Claygasm, I think it was a fluke.

We need some picures:

Lucky bitch lady


The very first Tonight Show appearance


The very first Kimmel


The very first platinum record. Just ignore the corpse on the left.


The very first picture of the Treasure Trail


EEEEEEEEE!!! I'm now a body guard. Does that mean I get to ravish protect Clay's body?

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