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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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The sad part is I love my current dentist - just love him with a sick and utter love. The man (all five foot zero of him) can make me laugh hysterically through my tears (his one-sided and completely in his mind relationship with Beyonce almost makes it worth the terror). I am always much better after I see him. I just never want to see him ever again. And I am pretending the cost will be a figment of my imagination. And since I'm a little bit of a hypochondriac, I have starting working on a migraine in anticipation of the root canal. Yay me.

Parenting? My child spent much of his teenage years grounded (not so much lack of a social life as no TV, no video games, no junk food) - which meant he spent a lot of time reading and doing athletic stuff and no cavities until he was 17. Which I think turned out really well.

ldyj, I feel ya - except I guess in my family I never really expected adults to have time for me and what I wanted to do - they were adults - they got in the way and would stop us from doing really fun things (like "borrowing" my grandfather's axes and chopping down trees and chasing each other with it). I hung out a little more with mine as he was an "only" child (not counting his three 1st cousins that he hung with seemingly 24/7 or the 17 children of my first cousins that he hung out with on the weekends). I had the things that were important to me (and Scarlett, darlin', not setting fire to the couch was one of them.) but clothes didn't matter a lot to him or me (my only thing was that if he did go anywhere with me, the waist of his pants had to be over his ass. No exceptions. None.) I didn't even object when he went through that stage of attempting to attract girls by pouring on a half bottle of AXE body spray - I just drove with my head hanging out the window to dry my streaming eyes. Picky eater? Not my child. The only thing I though would kill me (or him) was the lack of willingness to finish his school work. Just a lack of motivation. But he did eventually finish and I didn't kill him. Which makes me a good parent. Ask him! And tell him I'm watching. Ask Scarlett about the time he called me - at 3 in the morning - while I was on a Clay trip - to tell me that a cop was at the door but he magically disappeared. And my child was still in his bed - asleep. Which is what I would call a dream. Which I don't really feel he need to share with me. At 3 in the morning. When he's eighteen. And (this is the part I'm proudest of) I didn't ask him exactly what he expected me to do about it. Scarlett did ask me, to which I responded I did not have a clue. All three of us went back to sleep.

Lord all those pictures look good. Except for the unidentified hairy skin. Is that a darkened version of the RS cover?

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Anyone seen Claygasm around these yhere parts? :unsure: Are you lurking out there, babe? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Heading to San Francisco later today on business...nice day for it. I still have too much crap to accomplish in too little time here, but I do like my job.

Yeah, KAndre...that close up is darker AND from another pose during that photo shoot. The shirt is creased differently...I loved that video clip of the RS photo shoot, although I'll be danged if I remember where I saw it---it might be vaulted somewhere...he does look so very young there, but I remember being so shocked to see that pic on the cover of RS...I mean---chest and TRUMMY hair, for God's sake! In 2003! And a sheer shirt where (upon more scrutiny :whistling-1: ) one could detect nipples! and the hair UNDER the shirt!

And it just all seemed to PROVE at that time that he WAS indeed all man! Not the skinny, virginal, innocent angelic boy that so many wanted/thought him to be! And I was just soooooooo excited and happy to see that! (Since my thoughts about him had been far from virginal...heh)....

Now, of course, that pic next to this one:

av-14763thrust.gif or this one:


I mean, lookie here:



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On other lighter topics: Honeycrisp Apples. From what I know of them, they are a fairly new "breed," and they are fantastic.

Thanks ldyj, they appear to grow in areas where it's cold so now I'm on a mission to find them.

Gibby, just heard the Rockies sold out all 3 of their home games in just 2 1/2 hours. WooHoo :clap:

According to this mornings news it appears that the Santa Ana's have died down somewhat so hopefully they can fight the fire.

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Loving all the parenting stories....I am in the same boat as Muski...with 2 teen age girls...although I do have my little angel Caitlin who is 7 but has an entirely different set of problems.

At this point my emphasis is trust issues as well...and I want them to know there are limits, and consequences. As I told my daughter...I don't want to control them...I want them to know how to control their own situation...to learn when to back away from certain situations.

They are wonderful girls...but they are differentiating themselves from me...just as it should be...and that can be difficult at times. The one blessing...they are natural at school. Great students and have an easy time understanding their lessons. The scary thing for me...this is not a very good community. A lot of alcohol and drug abuse among teens and adults. This area has a brain drain with English families. There is a high rate of welfare families and seasonal workers...so there is not much emphasis on education. So the only thing we can do...is try our best and trust that our girls are learning and to hope they choose good friends and if not...that they can be god influences to others and not have others bring them down.

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There's definitely no right and wrong way to raise kids. I was an indulger. I spoiled my kids unmercifully and kissed and hugged them so much as children that I'm surprised their little faces weren't chapped all the time. When my daughter started school I had my oldest son, and when he started school I had my youngest son -- so each of them got to be an "only" child for the first 5-6 years of their lives. They were all independent, smart-mouthed, smart-assed, and wonderful. I taught them to question authority, even mine. I only remember one time when things got rough -- when my daughter at 15 decided she was leaving the house at 11:30 to go to Numbers and I literally sat on her to keep her from going. I could write a book about her. (Yeah, she's the one that sang "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" at my mom's church.) My oldest son was untrustworthy and manipulative during his adolescent years -- he'd do whatever it took to get his way and I was sure he'd end up in prison. Well, he's been the biggest success so far -- his tenacity and unwillingness to ever give up have served him well. And ... he has a daughter EXACTLY like him (YAY!!!). Smart-assed, smart-mouth, manipulative, self-centered -- it's all coming back on him.

This is political -- but case in point to describe his daughter. At a DOD school, her history teacher asked the kids to bring white t-shirts to class and the project turned out to be writing a quote from a US president on the t-shirt. My 13-year old granddaughter wrote:

"If this was a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

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Numbers? NUMBERS? at 15? I waited 'til I was 17 to do Numbers - and very carefully didn't let my mother know anything about it...saved lots and LOTS of, ahem, trouble...

Oh yes, I can deal with that delightfully almost 30 dude as opposed to the jailbait on the RS cover...

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"If this was a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

Keepingfaith... BWAH!!! She's funny!

As far as the fires go... the wind has died down a bit, which means the air fight can get to work. However, the fires create dangerous winds of their own and the fire in SD, at least, is still spreading. The difference is that if the Santa Ana winds stay off, then with air support, they can get them under control in a day or so.

As of 7am this morning Pacific time, the town of Julian was in danger. It is a quaint little town with lots of antique shops and home of the best apple pie in the world from their own apple trees, so send prayers. There are still fires in and around the Indian reservations. Pendleton has two fires, but the marines seem to have those handled on their own.

The mother in me REALLY wants a sit down with Clay on how to take care of himself and not get sick. He can't afford to for the next several months and he'll be under a lot of physical strain in that play. 8 performances a week!

As far as the Christmas tour, I thought that advertising was up to the theatres. Was I wrong?

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Numbers? NUMBERS? at 15? I waited 'til I was 17 to do Numbers - and very carefully didn't let my mother know anything about it...saved lots and LOTS of, ahem, trouble...

Oh yes, I can deal with that delightfully almost 30 dude as opposed to the jailbait on the RS cover...

It gets worse than Numbers. At 19 she was in London partying with Robert Downey, Jr.

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As far as the fires go... the wind has died down a bit, which means the air fight can get to work. However, the fires create dangerous winds of their own and the fire in SD, at least, is still spreading. The difference is that if the Santa Ana winds stay off, then with air support, they can get them under control in a day or so.

As of 7am this morning Pacific time, the town of Julian was in danger. It is a quaint little town with lots of antique shops and home of the best apple pie in the world from their own apple trees, so send prayers. There are still fires in and around the Indian reservations. Pendleton has two fires, but the marines seem to have those handled on their own.

Liney, didn't Julian get some damage in the last fire? My neighbor has been there several times and remarks on the quaintness of the town and the good apple pies.

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He's sick? Oh crap! Is it time for me to start holding my breath now??? It's unreasonable how much I fret for him when he does a live appearance (just ask luckiest1, lol), but I do just the same. Heheh, maybe it's because I don't have any kids? :imgtongue:

Hee, maybe you wanna rethink the opening night on Broadway thing? Are you taking your pillow with you? *ducks flying objects*

As far as the Christmas tour, I thought that advertising was up to the theatres. Was I wrong?

I have no idea who advertises them (doesn't really matter to me) but can I just vent a bit about all the whining and complaining that goes on before every tour starts, by people who are disappointed with ticket sales, but who also continue to spout their theories all over the place - you know, about how tired the set list is (when we don't even know it yet) or how boring the show will be, or how unentertaining the stories will be (like they can know in advance?) *sigh* And yet once the first show hits and he WOWs and surprises us again (as I know he will) there will be a mad dash for tickets in the front orchestra sections. And much whining about how no good seats are available and how the brokers & scalpers are making a bundle, etc etc etc. Rinse, lather, repeat.

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Congrats Jumping Jack. Do we think the thickness of the enamel might factor in? Anyway, my grandmother had no cavities her entire life. She died at 92. Aw, that was not my case. The dentists love me.

Love the pretty pictures.

I'm getting excited about the Christmas Tour. It does add some extra excitement to my holidays. Can't wait for Sedaka.

The fires are just devastating. I can't even imagine. I hope all are safe.

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Numbers is a nightclub that's been around forever and a day - live music, hot guys and gals of every orientation, shape, size, and color...tons of fun when they weren't being raided (and even if they were). When I was a teenager, where the freaks/geeks/avant garde would hang out. Very easy to get into a whole lot of trouble...BTW, what is the statute of limitations around here?

OK, I'm on my fourth Advil...Clay needs to distract me...

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but can I just vent a bit about all the whining and complaining that goes on before every tour starts, by people who are disappointed with ticket sales, but who also continue to spout their theories all over the place - you know, about how tired the set list is (when we don't even know it yet) or how boring the show will be, or how unentertaining the stories will be (like they can know in advance?) *sigh* And yet once the first show hits and he WOWs and surprises us again (as I know he will) there will be a mad dash for tickets in the front orchestra sections. And much whining about how no good seats are available and how the brokers & scalpers are making a bundle, etc etc etc. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Oh thank you. Save me the trouble. Same old same old. I am interested in knowing where some seem to have gotten the notion that Clay is tired of doing the Christmas shows? Supposedly stuff he said this summer? I musta missed that.

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Well I don't know why anyone would assume the stories would be boring. Sure they might not work in whatever context he's using them...but boring? This fandom? The ones that were shared here were funny or touching and I would expect the same from every other board. And from all that creativity I expect that Clay will have more than enough input to pick things that entertain or fit whatever he is doing. Clay Nation has its issues but being boring is not one of them.

Clay is TIRED of doing Xmas shows? BWAH? Then why do them. I'm damn sure this is one thing no one is forcing him to do. I'd be willing to bet this is the one thing he isn't tired of. My dollar is on the table.

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Oh thank you. Save me the trouble. Same old same old. I am interested in knowing where some seem to have gotten the notion that Clay is tired of doing the Christmas shows? Supposedly stuff he said this summer? I musta missed that.

Perhaps they saw it in his eyes. Or read it in between the lines of his blogs. :whistling-1:

lilyshine, too bad it's not good for Clay's run! But maybe they'll issue another one?

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Totally OT, but my brother-in-law has decided to clean out the attic at my mother's house (even though I think he should be cleaning her bathroom instead, but that's another story, and he found that the roof is leaking a bit, so it's good news that he found that out early before there was any damage).

Now my family moved into this house in 1968, in the middle of the school year. It was my parents' dream house, close enough for my father to walk to work, lots of room, huge lot, and so forth. We moved in some haste because we needed to sell the old house, and there'd been some issues with our old church that had come to a head (KKK deacons not happy with me or my parents for not raising me "right"). Somehow, my brother's prized Lionel train set was left behind and he's always been upset about it. It's never been forgotten, and is a frequent topic of family conversation to this day. Well, my brother-in-law just found the train set in the attic. I just wish my daddy were still alive to hear this, because he always felt bad about leaving it behind. :cryingwlaughter:

Re: Christmas shows, yeah, I noticed that the unusually long period of euphoria in the fandom is over. Whatever. I'm sure his career is over. :cry4: Not. :cryingwlaughter:

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What I'm tired of is that my city gets Christmas concerts by the same people year after year: Lorie Line, Trans Siberian Orchestra (2 shows!), and Jim Brickman for New Year's Eve. The symphony does a Christmas show with a national act, but unfortunately no Clay yet.

The ClayNation - always gots to be angsting about sumpin'.... :rolleyes:

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Just to add my 2 cents to the parenting discussion.

I went to a workshop once by a guy named Richard Carlson who wrote a book called "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, (It's all small stuff").....

I don't remember a lot of it but it was helpful at the time!! Just the title was helpful to me! I kind of summed up my feeling about child-rearing. Of course there are larger issues which are important. Mostly things that effect their future and other people.

The only time my younger daughters once got totally grounded for a month was for ditching our NYE party and going downtown to a bad part of town to see a group in a questionable venue. They were only 15. After missing the last Metro, we had to drive downtown to search for them, and didn't get back home until 4:30 am. We had no cell phones then so all the detective work was done from pay telephones!

After that, a lot of small stuff went by the wayside..........

OK - enough rambling - how about that hot guy up there???? /\ (and his tummy???) :hubbahubba:

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He's sick? Oh crap! Is it time for me to start holding my breath now??? It's unreasonable how much I fret for him when he does a live appearance (just ask luckiest1, lol), but I do just the same. Heheh, maybe it's because I don't have any kids? :imgtongue:

Hee, maybe you wanna rethink the opening night on Broadway thing? Are you taking your pillow with you? *ducks flying objects*

Hee - maybe if Clay doesn't need his meds anymore, he could toss a few my way? BWAH!

As far as the Christmas tour, I thought that advertising was up to the theatres. Was I wrong?

I have no idea who advertises them (doesn't really matter to me) but can I just vent a bit about all the whining and complaining that goes on before every tour starts, by people who are disappointed with ticket sales, but who also continue to spout their theories all over the place - you know, about how tired the set list is (when we don't even know it yet) or how boring the show will be, or how unentertaining the stories will be (like they can know in advance?) *sigh* And yet once the first show hits and he WOWs and surprises us again (as I know he will) there will be a mad dash for tickets in the front orchestra sections. And much whining about how no good seats are available and how the brokers & scalpers are making a bundle, etc etc etc. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Amen. Sooooo predictable. It's still more than a month 'til the first shows and already it begins. I swear some of the posts I've read were just copied from last year - only the name of the tour has changed. Pretty sure those same folks have their reviews of Spamalot all ready to go - only need to fill in the date. *g* <<< only, not.

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but can I just vent a bit about all the whining and complaining that goes on before every tour starts, by people who are disappointed with ticket sales, but who also continue to spout their theories all over the place - you know, about how tired the set list is (when we don't even know it yet) or how boring the show will be, or how unentertaining the stories will be (like they can know in advance?) *sigh* And yet once the first show hits and he WOWs and surprises us again (as I know he will) there will be a mad dash for tickets in the front orchestra sections. And much whining about how no good seats are available and how the brokers & scalpers are making a bundle, etc etc etc. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Oh thank you. Save me the trouble. Same old same old. I am interested in knowing where some seem to have gotten the notion that Clay is tired of doing the Christmas shows? Supposedly stuff he said this summer? I musta missed that.

Well I don't know why anyone would assume the stories would be boring. Sure they might not work in whatever context he's using them...but boring? This fandom? The ones that were shared here were funny or touching and I would expect the same from every other board. And from all that creativity I expect that Clay will have more than enough input to pick things that entertain or fit whatever he is doing. Clay Nation has its issues but being boring is not one of them.

Clay is TIRED of doing Xmas shows? BWAH? Then why do them. I'm damn sure this is one thing no one is forcing him to do. I'd be willing to bet this is the one thing he isn't tired of. My dollar is on the table.

Luckily I haven't had time to wander off to other places to check the mood. The few boards I do post at don't fret about these things. Not much if they do. State your thoughts, move on.

All the not liking to tour talk may be coming from the convo in chat at the OFC. Someone asked if he planned on touring next summer and his response was something like, 'well, we have been touring every year, more than one time a year mostly. I expect we will be touring again...' and then he was cut off by posting limitations. I thought his tone at the time was a little off, like maybe he was a leetle tired of being asked about touring next year...especially, when he was all amped about getting the Spamalot gig at the time.

I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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As far as the Christmas tour, I thought that advertising was up to the theatres. Was I wrong?

I have no idea who advertises them (doesn't really matter to me) but can I just vent a bit about all the whining and complaining that goes on before every tour starts, by people who are disappointed with ticket sales, but who also continue to spout their theories all over the place - you know, about how tired the set list is (when we don't even know it yet) or how boring the show will be, or how unentertaining the stories will be (like they can know in advance?) *sigh* And yet once the first show hits and he WOWs and surprises us again (as I know he will) there will be a mad dash for tickets in the front orchestra sections. And much whining about how no good seats are available and how the brokers & scalpers are making a bundle, etc etc etc. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Oh, please DO vent! I'm there too. Good Lord. <_<

Thanks for the "Numbers" answer, kandre; that's what I figured, but thought I'd missed something in the translation perhaps.

Not sure about anyone else, but as I am unable to go to Las Vegas or Sedaka, I'm really looking forward to my Christmas romp in the snow with our BF! Can hardly wait!

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Well, honestly (and this is just MO obviously) I think that after 15 weeks of 8 shows a week on Spamalot, the guy will maybe want to take a bit of a vacation. Like a few months. And then there will be album promo. And hopefully (again, just MO) another Christmas tour. So I sure don't expect another pop tour before spring 2009. But hey, whenever he's ready to do one, I'll be there with deelyboppers bells on! Even of I have to eat Kraft Dinner for a month. *g*

Oh yeah....and this. :xmas07a:

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The mother in me REALLY wants a sit down with Clay on how to take care of himself and not get sick. He can't afford to for the next several months and he'll be under a lot of physical strain in that play. 8 performances a week!

I want to tell him to get a flu shot, hand sanitizer, and Clorox wipes and I'm not even a mom. Spamalot should be both a good workout and a test of his stamina (awatiing response to this opening with interest *g*).

Well, honestly (and this is just MO obviously) I think that after 15 weeks of 8 shows a week on Spamalot, the guy will maybe want to take a bit of a vacation. Like a few months. And then there will be album promo. And hopefully (again, just MO) another Christmas tour. So I sure don't expect another pop tour before spring 2009.

My thoughts too.

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