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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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Well, I can pretty much guarantee that I will be all alone at FCA when I admit this, :unsure: but I HATED the "boobgate" picture. Still do. If someone posts it, I can't even look at it- have to scroll ......FAST! I don't consider myself an "angel-winger" by any stretch of the imagination, but I am clearly more prudish than some........ a lot of......... ok, ALMOST ALL of the posters on the boards that I have frequented over the past 4+ years! It makes it difficult to find a home where I feel comfortable. For me, if that had been a picture of, say, Justin Timberlake, I would have thought,"Ugh, gross!", so it was very hard for me to put away that initial reaction just because it was Clay. I wondered at the time if it was just "my generation" , and that in this day and age that picture would be more acceptable to those younger than me. (I'm 46) But, I found that many fans older than me loved the picture and didn't have a problem with it either, so I was left with the fact that it was just....ME. :( Don't hold it against me!!! (Although if Clay wanted to hold it against me.......)

Holding my breath and pushing send........

laljeterfan You are not alone. I didn't care for the pic. And I am not an "angel-winger" either. I am a left-winger though...one of those bleeding heart liberals..and all....HA!

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Ah, yes. Smutting at EAYOR. Fun times, indeed.

I got a huge laugh out of the boobgate picture. I went over to a few of the boards where the picture was being dissected, pixel by pixel, just to see what was going on. I exited out so fast my head was spinning. I still have that picture on photobucket, and was about to post it again here, but thought the better of it.

I had a computer scare just now! I was watching the clip of AYSTAFG from the official site, and the screen suddenly went blank. I then got a message that windows had to restart due to a fatal error. The computer restarted, and I got my desktop back, only to find that I couldn't get on the internet! I had to go in and repair a network driver. Whew, I was starting to go through withdrawal, and it wouldn't have been pretty! But I'm back now.

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Crap. I'm never going to be at the right place in the conversation. I'll see something that I want to respond to, and by the time I can get back to do it, y'all have REALLY moved on.

Well, the hell with it. I still have not tried Honey Crisp apples, and although I was not offended by the boobgate picture, I was sorry it got "out there". The person who found it was fairly young, and the fandom was still pretty young as well. This was right before the IT, if you can remember back that far, so we'd never seen Clay on his own in concert at that point. No one had sat in any cheese nachos at that point, so hating on Clay hadn't become much of an art form yet. She didn't think it would cause a huge furor, or....maybe she just didn't think. But, it wasn't malicious.

He was very, very gorgeous that day. Very gorgeous. Except during the sound check when he kept the hood of his sweatshirt up and looked like a very tall, thin gnome.

So, back to earlier in the day when I was last following the conversation. Re: Roger Friedman

Well, I refuse to let pea-brained Fox News bloggers steal my joy. Clay Aiken produced some of the most gorgeous sounds I have ever heard last Friday night. That first "and Solitaire's the only game in town" was just breathtaking, and the whole song was a complete tour de force. Bravo, Clay!!

So, Mr. I-have-an-agenda could not really review the song OR Clay. Otherwise he would have had to mention what the song was....a song widely considered to be Neil Sedaka's masterpiece....or ANYONE's masterpiece, for that matter. He would have had to mention how appropriate it was for Clay to be there to sing it, since Neil Sedaka ceded the song forever to Clay on national television. He would have had to mention how Clay recorded it, giving Neil his highest selling single in many, many years. And, of course, he would have had to remark on how beautifully Clay sang it and that it earned the first (and one of only two) standing ovations of the night. Including from everyone in Neil Sedaka's box.

He didn't mention the jazz group either. Maybe he was in the bathroom and missed those two acts. Then again, maybe he's just a jerk.

It drives me crazy that Clay can't get the most basic acknowledgement of his talent or for excellent performances in certain circles. I would think he would get disheartened, but he always seems to persevere.

I was at the 2003 Billboard Awards when Clay was there and performed and won his award for Best Selling Single. As we all know, he was not overly impressed with the program as a whole. It could have been sitting in the first row with his Mom as they watched Pink gyrating in the lowest of lowriders while a male dancer nibbled at her crotch. No...I am not kidding. That took some creative editing for TV, let me tell you!!

However, there were a few classy moments. My very favorite was a Lifetime Achievement Award for Sting. He sang, and then he gave a short speech. I'm paraphrasing here, but he said that he could sum up everything he'd learned in the music business in just 5 words. He said that it didn't matter if you sang to thousands in arenas or an audience of just one. The five word summary was:


Clay was the first person on his feet applauding at those words, and I hope he remembers them and repeats them to himself every time some smug jerk takes a completely undeserved shot at him. That's what I did today.

It's going to take me forever to finish editing all my summer pictures, so I hope it's OK if I keep posting "old" pictures from way back during the summer.


Hopefully, a pretty picture of Clay is OK anytime. Right?

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My opinion is that if you don't want a picture, or anything else, copied and spread around then don't put it on the internet. There's no assurance of security and never has been on the world wide web.

It wasn't really on the net. It wasn't part of the website. It just happen to be in the same directory as the other pictures that was uploaded on their server. It was careless of the webmaster...but I think a very common thing to happen. Sometimes in developing a site you upload several pictures for easy access by the webmaster but are not really published..specially if there are several pictures that are being considered. In my view it was all serendipity. It didn't really harm Clay...a few places in the media got hold of the picture but it never really became a big deal in the general public. so in the end I see it as just one colorful incident in this fandom's history.

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I guess I take a broad view of this, because it would never have crossed my mind that it could be of significance whatsoever. When I saw the picture the first thing I thought, and actually the only thing I thought, was Damn! What a fantastic picture of Clay! He had this elated look on his face that was infectious.

That it could be controversial would have flown right over my head. Of course, by the time I saw the picture it was an old subject.

Regarding the comments at Fox News, which I haven't seen and probably won't see because I don't do business with Fox News, screw Fox News. I'm not sure I even know anybody who pays attention to Fixed Fox News.

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I was born pissy.

I f$%king love pissy.


And man oh man...about the angel wingers in the beginning...Waldo? You kiddin' me? Not our well-mannered, Southern mama's boy! Clay didn't HAVE a penis, for God's sake, how could you even SUGGEST that?

And if he did, bless his innocent heart and body, he certainly had NO idea what it was for other than pis....er, urinating.

Uh...I don't think so....As many pics, videos and live..uh....appearances suggest, the man has one and most likely knows how to use it...

very well...use it very well...


:cryingwlaughter: Damn betcha!

Remember Boobgate!? :cryingwlaughter:

I was on another board then and there were people there who were CONVINCED that the picture of Clay with his hands on that hairdresser woman's boobs was a photoshop. They even submitted REAL pics of Clay's hands that they were SURE supplied the hands in the boob picture. They reFUSED to think that Clay would dare do something so vulgar and disrespectful as to actually place his hands on a woman's breasts---even fully clothed breasts! :naughtywag: And of course that devilishly satisfied smile on his face and the twinkle in his eyes proved their point even further that it was a photoshopped pic. I mean, even if the woman HAD forced him to do such a dreadful thing, he sure as hell wouldn't be ENJOYING it!

:lmaosmiley-1: Ah yes....that was before he went on tour with Kelly and did his grindage all up on Angela's butt...

heh. I love that man.


Like one of the great claims proving Roger was in on the plot to destroy Clay for something he said - it read one way when you only heard part of the conversation - which was the most cited one for the RCA out to destroy Clay - and read in a a benign quiet way when I heard from someone who heard both sides of the entire conversation.

play I never heard either side of this story. Care to fill me in?

OMG, the boodgate picture!!! The board I was on at the time came UNGLUED! The pictures, the diagrams, the "shadows", the jagged edges. It was INSANE.

That is still my all time favorite picture of Clay. Love that little shit smile and twinkle!

I loved Boobgate and LMAO even still whenever I see the picture. On the board I was on at the time (I think it was RHT) I made it my avi, with the caption "Is it real, or is it mammorex?". HoCrap! Talk about cause a stink. Well, it took me so long to get this typed I'm sure y'all have added three more pages by now and are on a whole nuther topic. <snip>

Oh yeah! That was some crazy time. The thread proving it was a photoshop went on for freakin ever... :whatutterclaptrap:

It's going to take me forever to finish editing all my summer pictures, so I hope it's OK if I keep posting "old" pictures from way back during the summer.


Hopefully, a pretty picture of Clay is OK anytime. Right?

Absolutely :hubbahubba: :F_05BL17blowkiss: Perma

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(Gorgeous photo, Permaswooned. Okay? Uhh, yeah. It's okay. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I guess I missed the conversation (thankfully) because I don't know who/what Roger Friedman is, but by the sounds of it, he can bite me. :imgtongue:

Ansa, Canadian 5th Grader is on Global, and US 5th Grader is on Fox and whatever they are calling the E!Channel in your area.

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(Gorgeous photo, Permaswooned. Okay? Uhh, yeah. It's okay. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I guess I missed the conversation (thankfully) because I don't know who/what Roger Friedman is, but by the sounds of it, he can bite me. :imgtongue:

Ansa, Canadian 5th Grader is on Global, and US 5th Grader is on Fox and whatever they are calling the E!Channel in your area.

thanks...that got me all worried...

I think the Fox news writer was Walter Friedman and he just gave the usual blech review that was more about the fans and rumors than what Clay did...so same old routine...just something to ignore.

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Ew, glad I missed the WhatzHisName Freidman conversation, too. Besides there is no way I can ever catch up here if I miss a day or two.

This summer when my husband entered to win a M&G (yes he's a fan club member) I asked what he would have Clay sign if he won. Yep, you guessed it, the Boobgate picture. :cryingwlaughter:

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Ew, glad I missed the WhatzHisName Freidman conversation, too. Besides there is no way I can ever catch up here if I miss a day or two.

This summer when my husband entered to win a M&G (yes he's a fan club member) I asked what he would have Clay sign if he won. Yep, you guessed it, the Boobgate picture. :cryingwlaughter:

:clap: OMG Saltie, that would have been soooo funny! I wish he'd have won - what a great story that would be. :cryingwlaughter:

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re boobgate pic...

I wasn’t going to weigh in on this, but ..... as usual, sticking my foot in.......

lajeterfan, you are not alone. I don’t like the pic either.. but maybe for different reasons.

The first thing I thought of when I saw it ....... they are looking at themselves in a mirror.

second...... damn, Clay, are you really dumb enough to let someone take a picture of you doing that???? Did he know???

3rd......... if you want to do that, fine........ but no pics on the internet!!!

I had no doubt it was him, but must say I was disappointed that he would let a picture be taken of him in that situation.

I felt like she was saying..... hey, looky here at mr. goody-two-shoes......... see what he is doing!!!

I am not a prude, but there is a time and place for everything. .... yeah, I’m old.

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Ew, glad I missed the WhatzHisName Freidman conversation, too. Besides there is no way I can ever catch up here if I miss a day or two.

This summer when my husband entered to win a M&G (yes he's a fan club member) I asked what he would have Clay sign if he won. Yep, you guessed it, the Boobgate picture. :cryingwlaughter:

:clap: OMG Saltie, that would have been soooo funny! I wish he'd have won - what a great story that would be. :cryingwlaughter:

You've met my DH, so I'm sure you can picture it. He has such a dry sense of humor. He even looked up the picture again.


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so do fan club memberships run out soon....and how do we re-enroll....can we enroll for more than one year... just don't want to miss a blog LOL. I think all my fan club stuff goes to an address I rarely check. I need to change that.

Just a few days to Fifth Grader. Can't wait to see this...and I pray my dorky butt isn't on TV.

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so do fan club memberships run out soon....and how do we re-enroll....can we enroll for more than one year... just don't want to miss a blog LOL. I think all my fan club stuff goes to an address I rarely check. I need to change that.

Just a few days to Fifth Grader. Can't wait to see this...and I pray my dorky butt isn't on TV.

AWWW I pray the opposite.

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AWWW I pray the opposite.

yeah you just want to see me waving my I LOVE YOU CLAY sign.

Muski! Where ya at. Are you too busy to :bier: . We should do that this week.... and ahem..this isn't the one where I pay cuz I don't get paid until next month from my new job...heee

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Ah, yes. Smutting at EAYOR. Fun times, indeed.

I got a huge laugh out of the boobgate picture. I went over to a few of the boards where the picture was being dissected, pixel by pixel, just to see what was going on.

One of the photos put together proving they weren't his hands was animated and someone at RHT used that for an avatar, too, it was quite :naughtywag:. Kind of mean to make fun of all their hard work, but it was funny!!

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Speaking of funny - has everyone here read Jemock's last few blogs? The most recent blog is a funny set of templates for those who are having problems writing up a Christmas memory. But the really hilarious on is right before that. It's a 'Guide to Putting on Spamalot Tights,' and if it doesn't make you laugh, you need to stop sucking lemons!

Jemock's Blog

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Perma... everytime you post a new picture, I know how you got your name... S.W.O.O.N! :cryingwlaughter: You can do your kind of catching up anytime, thank you very much!!!

Boobgate, I knew he'd done it, it was so staged. And, IMO, she wasn't pointing to his hands, but to the word her t-shirt was showing with his hands holding her boobs that way. A$$, wasn't it? Something funny. I always figured the picture was all about that partial word on the t-shirt.

This is, afterall, the same guy who wrote, "Even my hands reject me." on a condom hat in college. Bawdy sense of humor... absolutely! And, I love him for it!!!

Yes, Jemock's blog is soooo funny! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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I know it's late, but is anyone else having trouble getting on at the ofc? I was going to watch the AYSTAFG clip. It takes my email and password, but when I try to go anywhere else on the site it takes me to a fan club renewal page, which is the page for year 2. This happened to me a couple of days ago, then earlier this am, I was able to get on to read Clay's blog, now it's not letting me in again.

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So, back to earlier in the day when I was last following the conversation. Re: Roger Friedman

Well, I refuse to let pea-brained Fox News bloggers steal my joy. Clay Aiken produced some of the most gorgeous sounds I have ever heard last Friday night. That first "and Solitaire's the only game in town" was just breathtaking, and the whole song was a complete tour de force. Bravo, Clay!!

So, Mr. I-have-an-agenda could not really review the song OR Clay. Otherwise he would have had to mention what the song was....a song widely considered to be Neil Sedaka's masterpiece....or ANYONE's masterpiece, for that matter. He would have had to mention how appropriate it was for Clay to be there to sing it, since Neil Sedaka ceded the song forever to Clay on national television. He would have had to mention how Clay recorded it, giving Neil his highest selling single in many, many years. And, of course, he would have had to remark on how beautifully Clay sang it and that it earned the first (and one of only two) standing ovations of the night. Including from everyone in Neil Sedaka's box.

But he wouldn't have gotten hits if he wrote something nice! *g* I think Friedman's perverse "notice" of Clay shows that he was the star of the show. He was notable enough to be ridiculed. Weird, isn't it? The saying is that you have to worry when no one is talking about you. I've also heard that there is no surer sign that you have arrived than to others trying to destroy you. I prefer to look at the blog mention as a very, very, very back-handed compliment. Spamalot got some pub, didn't it? *g*

re boobgate pic...

I wasn’t going to weigh in on this, but ..... as usual, sticking my foot in.......<snip>

second...... damn, Clay, are you really dumb enough to let someone take a picture of you doing that???? Did he know???

3rd......... if you want to do that, fine........ but no pics on the internet!!!

I had no doubt it was him, but must say I was disappointed that he would let a picture be taken of him in that situation.

I don't consider myself old (and I probably never will!), but I agree with those two points. I had no problem with Clay doing this, just not for a posed picture for which he no longer controlled the distribution. I thought it was a mistake for a public figure to let someone else "own" something like that unless they gave consent as to how it would be used. Hopefully, learning what could happen to things in the public domain was instructive.

In retrospect, though, boobgate was an age of innocence compared to what came later.

This is, afterall, the same guy who wrote, "Even my hands reject me." on a condom hat in college. <snip>

I've also heard the story that the hats were pre-written. It's difficult to know what is truth and what is fiction in some of the Clay lore. In any case, he had no problem wearing a hat with a bawdy message. I found the photo funny.

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